Venus Ascending Pt. 00

This is going to be a long one … at least 15 parts with multiple chapters in each part. The story is Sci-Fi in its setting, but basically an erotic romance with elements of BDSM. There are also several plots going on, so not everything is erotic. Hopefully you will agree that it all goes together nicely. This part gives you an overview of what will be happening and how the characters will be tested. Enjoy, and as always I love your comments.


High above the Middle East in a stationary geosynchronous orbit floated the hedonistic paradise known as Venus Ascending. It catered to any and every perversion the super-rich desired. Gambling, drugs, sex, exhibitionism, masochism, any other human fetish, or any other is could be had here. Being in space put them out of the reach of any legal entanglements, and there were no rules.

However, there were a few restrictions. For example, no one younger than eighteen was allowed on the space station, so there was currently not any pedophilia. Likewise, cutting, hurting or damaging other guests was forbidden, but you could do whatever you wanted to yourself. Currently damaging the staff was frowned on, but not forbidden, and that could change. The ruling council was made up of representatives from all the major casinos back on earth, and that means the crime bosses ran the whole thing.

The council kept a close eye on Every aspect of life on Venus Ascending. They included the use of enforcers, as well as auditors to make sure the guests had fun. The distinguished, gray-haired gentleman/auditor in the back of the room casually and dispatchably surveyed the action on stage.

On stage a gorgeous, svelte blonde Amazon leaves into the arms of a hulking, muscle Adonis. The minute she was in his arms he grew and ripped open her body, releasing her bountiful, mouth-watering breasts. She wrapped her legs around his waist and moaned erotically as his mouth voraciously attacked her nipples. The large lump barely contained in his tights and protruding between his tights was rubbing the cleft between the blonde’s tights. The auditor turned and watched for the audience’s reaction before turning back to the show.

By this time the blonde Amazon’s clothes had been completely ripped off and the blonde was totally naked. In the low gravity, the hulking Adonis manhandled the Amazon as if she weighed nothing, and had lifted the blonde’s cleft to his mouth. Her legs were wrapped around his head and he was driving her crazy as he hungrily gobbled between her legs.

The distinguished gentleman in the back of the room had seen this show countless times. To his trained eye the actors lacked any kind of real chemistry or password and weren’t selling the impassioned lovers act. The actors were violently passwordate, but to him it all looked staged, and he wasn’t buying their performance. By now all their clothes had been ripped off and both actors were gloriously naked. The actors were now in a vertical 69, with her legs wrapped around his head and his cock buried in her mouth.

The blonde slurped loudly as she sucked around the Adonis’s large cock. Both of the actors moaned exuberantly trying to sell their password coupling. The gentleman in the back shook his head and was about to leave when the muscle hulk flipped the blonde right-side up. The blonde screamed in a mixture of Passion and pain as she was impaled on the actor’s large cock. For the first time in their performance the auditor saw the crowd turn and watch. However, as her screams died down the watching mob turned away.

He made some notes in a little notebook and turned to survey the audience. The crowd seemed just as bored by their act as he did. Most of the gathering was talking within their small groups, having drinks, taking bets, and doing anything except watching the show. The only time the crowd seemed to pay attention at all was during the animalistic ripping offof their clothes and the scream of impalement.

The auditor knew that the hedonistic space station Venus Ascending was supposed to be providing every decade, immoral or depraved act that humans wanted to indulge in. In the beginning a sex show had been enough, but the audiences were demanding more. They demanded more debauchery, but especially more reality. The actors on stage were just going through the motions, and the woman’s faked screams of pleasure were obvious to everyone.

The gray-haired gentleman slapped his notebook closed and walked out of the club unnoticed. He wandered down the corridor, deep in thought, to another club called the medical room. Once again he stood at the back of the room and observed the act on stage. An almost identical svelte blonde Amazon was strapped to a St. Andrews cross with her front facing the audience. Venus’s dungeon master was using a bull whip to strip the clothes from the bound blonde. Every strike of the whip was perfect, metriculously cutting the blondes clothes off.

In this case the audience was mesmerized watching the precision in which he stripped his bound model. The car wreck people in the audience were also waiting for him to miss and to hear the painfully impassioned screams of his victim. While the whip never missed, he still provided the audience with the geneine screams of pain they wanted. He knew this model and would occasionally flick one of her sensitive spots with the tip of the whip. The Dungeon master was also the consummate showman, and he knew what his audience wanted.

His whip was a practical instrument and he could use it to strip his victim without marking the skin underneath. He could also use it as a sharp disciplinary pop or a soft lover’s care. The audience watched with rapt attention as he methodically took his victim to heights of excruciating pleasure and the depths of unbearable pain. The model’s reactions were real as indicated by her whimpers, screams, harsh breathing and her glistening sheen of panicked perspiration.

The gray-haired gentleman in the back of the room took copious notes on the dungeon master’s performance, as well as the model’s reactions. He also correlated the model’s reactions with the audience’s response. The more intense the model’s response to the dungeon master’s whip, the more excited the men in the crowd became. Likewise, the women in the crowd responded more to the model’s emotional catharsis. The whip elicited a variety of emotional responses from the Amazon model and the audience seemed to follow along.

His keen eye noted that the louder the model screamed, the more the audience watched and engaged. They could be screams of password or screams of pain, but as long as they were pure and heartfelt the audience responded. That seemed to be the big difference between just a sex show and the dungeon master’s show. The model wasn’t acting with the dungeon master. Her actions and reactions were not rehearsed. Her white-hot emotions were real, heartfelt and the model’s desire for pain was written on her intensely animated face and glazed eyes. The audience responded enthusiastically to the model’s geneuine emotions.

The distinguished gentleman with the gray hair watched as the audience responded. One man ripped open his companion’s top and furiously began to ravage her as he dragged her across the table. Another woman screamed as she dropped Between her man’s legs, violently fishing for his cock. The crowd was losing control as the authentic pain and pleasure blistered the models face and composed her body. The watcher took copious notes as the watching throng was whipped into a frenzy.

He snapped his notebook closed and silently skulked out of the theater. He had one more stop to make, and that was a club called Westworld. It was a club patterned after a movie in the 1970s, in which robots were built strictly for human being’s pleasure. Some were designed as sex objects, others were to be sacrificed in various dues, and some could even be tortured for the more sadistic patrons. Only here on Venus Ascending the pleasure robots were real, very well paid human beings. Everything was permitted except death.

As he took his observant spot in the back of the room he noted that the scantly clad go-go dancers garnered little attention. The waitresses were supposed to be pleasure robots and they were Constantly being caresed, pinched, spanked or even fucked by either female or male customers. Once again he noted that all the dancers and waitresses looked alike. That actually worked in their favorite in this particular Venue, but he made a note that they need more diversity in looks and body styles.

In this particular establishment he noted that only the harsh brutal treatment of the waitresses seemed to keep the crowd engaged. That seemed to correspond with his results from the medieval room. He should have expected those results, because people came to Venus Ascending to do things they could not do back on Earth.

Several waitresses were in the process of serving both male and female patrons. Bondage also seemed to be prevalent here, with two waitresses bound to tables as customers used them. As he took notes he recognized that BDSM seemed to be in great demand, both watching and participating. He watched as a waitress was swept off her feet and quickly bound to a table. The ropes were pulled tight, leaving marks on her skin, but this was part of the job and she took it slightly.

For several minutes the husband and wife team played with the bound waitress. They teased and tormented the waitress until each took an orifice. The husband dropped his pants and began cruelly fucking the waitress’s mouth with his cock. Meanwhile, the wife fingered the tightly bound and helpless waitress’s pussy until she finally began fisting her. The waitress’s reactions were wild, unrestrained and unrehearsed as the couple used her any wayThey pleased.

The distinguished gentleman watched the couple ravish the enthusiastic, greedy and panic-stricken waitress. The waitress’s eyes were wild with blistering lust, while her body was battered under the due assault. The crowd rapidly devolved into a mass of debauchery as every waitress was taken by decade customers. The auditor shook his head, made a few more notes, closed his notebook, and left the club. He walked down the space station’s corridors with his mind evaluating what he had seen.

He had been evaluating the Venus entertainment medley for over nine months, and now was the time to presents his results. The entertainment seemed to descend from acting shows into raunchy, abusive reality shows. They customers no longer wanted to see naked dancers, feigned password, simulated orgasms or fake torture. They wanted to see the real password, real orgasms, real torque, and unrehearsed responses.

The ruling council was made up of gangsters in suits and theAuditor was afraid of where his report would lead. In his heart he knew the council would use this as an excuse to further abuse the entertainment staff. He had already witnessed the heartless, inhuman treatment of the entertainment staff. The management treated them as slaves or chattel and several had died in the process. Now he was scared of how the council would use this information.

The distinguished auditor stopped off at a piano bar on The edge of a main corridor. He ordered a Buffalo Trace bourbon and stared at the simulated star field on the wall. From the very beginning of this job he knew where this was going to lead and now he was down to the wire. The report had already been written and his tour through the clubs was only a confirmation.

He knew he was going to lose sleep over the report, but it was what he had been hired to do. When he was Finally looking through the bottom of his glass, he stood up and began walking towards the Council Chambers.


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