Mona is a pale, tiny woman of 5’1″. She has jet-black hair that is cut short, but she’s trying to grow it out wondering if she’ll look more motherly that way. She loves feeling physically small, tucked away up in her husband’s great bear hugs. She isn’t ashamed of her body, but every day that passes it feels like she’s finding more fat on her slim figure, or a new wrinkle on her clean face. Chet assures her it’s in her head, and she likes him enough to try her best to listen. Her waist is tiny, but her figure is impressive with C-cup breasts and wide hips. The baby-crazy couple have joked that she’s built to make a kid and ensure they don’t go hungry. And, as long as that comment stays in dirty-talk, she’ll appreciate it.
Chet is a tan, barrel-chested, muscle man of 6’1″. He has dark brown hair that he leaves unstyled. He’s comfortable in his body, but is a bit ashamed of his big belly while the rest of his body is obviously muscular. Mona says she loves his dad body, but he wishes he could be as fit as he once was for her. He’s hairy, with a full, tidy bear and a jungle on his arms and chest. He’s thankful that his back isn’t hairy, at least–and he misses his youth when he had less of it. His dick is 8″ and thick, and has always been Mona’s pride.
Jane is insane. The 5’8″ tan athlete has trained in Martial arts and has a career in vague illegal activities. She has firey red hair and has burning emerald eyes that blink only when she remembers to make them. She is obsessed with Chet, and has been waiting for the opportunity to ruin his life: She believes she’s found it. She has D-cup breasts and a fat ass, and she has flaunted it from the moment she grow out.
Chet carried his giggling wife through the threshold of their house and into the room. She hung her hands around his neck, snuggling up against his strong neck. She was elated–this was the best day of her life, and tonight would be the best night. She was so excited to finally try with Chet to start a family, and this would be the first of many toe-curling, eye-crossing sessions. She was going to rock his world, and she knew he was going to do the same.
Chet set his bride down onto their large bed, and touched her nose with his index finger. His great big grin felt like home to Mona. She kissed him, and they held for a moment with their foreheads touching. “I love you,” they said quietly in unison.
From outside, half in the shadow of night, Jane glared inches from the window, unhidden. Had either of the two looked, her ghastly vision would have been plainly obvious. She hated what she saw–her man, her beloved stolen from her by this wretched bitch. She watched Chet retire to the bathroom to shower. Mona undressed in the room taking great care to put away the dress into the closet nicely.
Jane moved quickly, silently dashing around the house perimeter. Nobody would see her–the home was remote, its nearest neighbor a mile away, and she knew that the lovebirds had sequestered themselves away for the weekend. Nobody would notice them missing. This was, after all, their honeymoon.
She reached the front door, which she’d already scanned for any cameras. She picked the lock in a moment–that’s actually the easiest part–and she was inside in a moment. She knew the alarm code, their first kiss’ date, and frequently the first time Jane repped 3 plate squat at the gym. Fond memories all around, then, she smiled to herself to see if she still could. She was inside the home, crouched down, singing to the kitchen, behind their island. If she was smart, she’s grab a weapon. But, she wanted to prove something–prove it to herself as a woman. She set on the floor her black duffel bag and withdraw some cord from it, as well as a ring gag.
She skulked through the living room, stopping Just outside the door of their bedroom. The door was left open just a crack. From within, Jane heard bare feet on hardwood. She heard the steps moveg away from the door, but they were still close. Only a few feet away, her prey, Jane could sense her. From within the connected shower, Jane heard running water. Chet loved singing along to his loud music–it was a trait Jane had loved–and he was doing it now, too. Jane wondered if Mona hated it.
Mona laid out a towel onto the bedspread, and stood by the bed. She was about to climb onto it, but had Somehow built up some static charge walking around the room. She was jolted by the tip of her finger, and yelped in pain. She fell to the floor immediately, holding her arms around her. She was filled with terror at it–that dreadful sensing of electricity. It started her heart at 200 beats per minute. She calmed herself, but knew it would take a moment. She’d always had a fear of electricity, shocks, and lightning. Storms too, of course, but those were at least avoidable with noise-canceling headphones and a blindfold. These little jolts throughout the day weren’t so ignored.
Mona didn’t know what had happened. In an instant, she was thrown across the room and rolled to a stop, sliding across the floor of the living room. Mona hadn’t been this close to the floor before, and made a mental note to use some wood filler at a scratch she passed. She stood from a knee, disoriented. Something was on her face, and she muttered, “Hhuhtt hha hewhw?”
In front of her stood a taller woman in all black. The woman had an angular face with intense, haunted eyes that followed her movements like she was a fox caught in a trap. She wore a long-sleeved sweatshirt, beanie, and sweatpants. The clothes were dotted in aesthetic weathering, like dozens of tiny holes. In one hand was black tether cord that shined of synthetic fiber. The woman was hunted down and still taller than her, and the two stood together for a split second before this strange launched forward.
Jane was already successful in quieting the woman, so now Chet wouldn’t hear what came next. She charged towards her target, ready to put her on the ground instantly. She’d played this scenario in her mind hundreds, no, thousands of times. Her right was deadly in all bouts she’d had, whether a right cross or even just her low kicks to the thigh dropping an unprepared opponent. This woman wasn’t ready. Jane launched a deadly leading left jab at Mona’s face and prepared to plant her feet, croouch down, and launch a straight punch to the stomach for a quick finish.
Mona slipped the jab, stepping into her opponent. Jane and Mona’s eyes were inches apart–Jane was stunned by this agility. Her side exploded in pain and she stumbled back a few steps to recover. A gazelle punch directly to her liver would’ve dropped her if she wasn’t bracing at the last instant. “Holy shit,” Jane grunted, “Chet really knows how to pick ’em.” Mona was no professional, no trained warrior, and certainly no criminal. Jane saw in her eyes a calm certainty, completely unlike the wild frenzy Mona saw in Jane’s.Jane was a monster, but Mona was just a talented hobbyist.
Jane ogled the nude woman before her. She drank in the pale skin, almost luminescent in the light. This Mona had big tits, but hers were bigger. Same with the butt, Jane scowled, cocking her head to check out the women’s side profile a bit. She stopped down, unimpressed by the thigh gap. It existed, sure, but Jane’s was a tight, hot triangle. This bitch’s was unshapely and a little too big–not enough meat for her man. Why the fuck did Chet leave her?
Mona reached up to remove the gag, and Jane surged forward. Now that she knew the woman’s skill, she wouldn’t understand her. A flurry of jabs put Mona onto defend football, unprepared for the quick low kick to her forward leg. Mona grunted in pain, like her thigh had been blasted by a baseball bat. She was delayed, her movement a bit sluggish, and Jane used this window. A violent punch was thrust into Mona’s face, and Mona narrowly dodged. This was the plan–she couldn’t dodge what came next: Jane sent a killer right punch into Mona’s exposed left breast. The fist crushed her soft fat against her ribs, knocking the wind out of Mona.
Mona collapsed, gasping for breath. The gag made this process slow, mostly from the disappoint rather than any true observation. She looked up to see Jane upon her, wrapping a tether cord around her hands. Mona wriggled free, and saw her right hand was secured by a masterfully tied knot. She clutched her boob, its pain radiating across her torso in gut-wrenching pulses. Jane had recovered from the similarly painful liver blow dealt prior. Jane tugged the cord, pulling Mona to her, and rocketed out a side kick at Mona’s belly. Mona knew she was weakened and couldn’t dodge, and prepared instead a counterattack. She launched a wild roundhouse. It shouldn’t have worked–but the surprise of it overtook Jane. The two women simply struck.
Jane’s chest took the kick–both her breasts met Mona’s leg. THis bad angle made Jane’s attack off-target, hitting a glancing strike at Mona’s oblique. Still painful. Mona fell to the ground on her last legs in the fight. Jane, furious, grown in agoned hatred. Mona looked up and saw a pair of massive tits–Jane was already upon her, burying her talon-like fingers into her hair. Mona groaned in pain as she was lifted up, and felt her world collapse when a professional-level knee strike made her vagina its target. Mona couldn’t see–her eyes saw flashing white light, and tears poured from her face. Her legs trembled and gave out, and she fell to the ground, sobbing. Jane tied her hands behind her back, snarling into her ear, “Stupid fucking whore, kicking my tits because you’re jealous. Y’know what? Get the fuck up, I’m not done.”
Mona was brought to her feet by a tug on her arms, and she was dragged across the house to the kitchen. Mona was slammed, leaning against the kitchen island, her breasts flopped out onto its surface. Jane retrieved a wooden spoon, knowing where they kept them. Mona Shook her head, wailing with open mouth at what she anticipated. Jane wronged Mona’s arms up, shoving her forward to leave her vulnerable breasts played out for a beating. The cruel wooden spoon struck directly down onto the center of her right breast, bursting off the rippling skin and immediately drumming onto the left. Her breasts danced on the table, shaking like water, reverberating from the violence upon them. Jane laughed while Mona screamed in pain. Her beautiful pale breasts were covered in pink paddle marks.
Chet stepped out of the shower, nude save for his towel wrapped around his waist. He took a deep breath, then stepped into the bedroom. His eyes shot open wide. It wasn’t Mona on the bed, it was his crazy ex: Jane! She lay seductively posed for him, sat on the edge with legs spread, leaned back onto her elbows. They spoke in unison, though Chet was frightened and Jane was excited, “Oh! My! God!”
“Last chance,” said Jane, “to make the right choice for your woman.”
“What the hell did you do with Mona? Where’s my WIFE!?” Bellowed Chet, rage building but freezing in fear.
Jane frowned, “Wrong choice.”
Chet was a big man, and every time the two had wrestled in the past he’d won, but he knew those had been charity. He’d seen what she could do. He swallowed his fear and charged. It was over instantly, practically. He was rotated, twisted and dropped. He didn’t even understand what she’d done, but he knew he was on the ground. His bum should stop him from standing with her on his back, she knew the angle to stay to hold him down. He felt rope wrap his wrists and secure his arms behind himself. He grunted in frustration, “Damn it Jane, what the hell are you doing!?”
Jane placed a foot onto the small of his back, “What am I doing? Chet–I’m the victim. You abandoned me, and now I’m punishing you.”
Chet was baffled, “What? No! You’re dangerous and insane! Wait–what did you do with Mona if I’m the target?”
Jane grit her teeth, “Oh, you’re the target. But she’s collateral damage. You made sure to involve her.”
It was only a few minutes for Jane to get the setup how she had planned. Two chairs facing each other, Mona tied to one and Chet tied to the other. Mona was gagged with a ring gag. Both of them were outfitted with shock collars. Jane explained as she placed them, “These will shock you if I hit this switch.”
Jane held up a remote, continuing, “It has a bunch of settings, but these aren’t for dogs. These are legit–the highest setting can kill you if it goes too long. So, I’m warning you that if you push me, or don’t obey me, that I will kill you. You’re my hostages.”
Chet anxiously looked at his wife, who was weeping. Mona was trembling in terror wheezing and groaning and shaking her head. He hated this, hated the anguish she was suffering. He’d do anything to make this stop. “We’ll listen to whatever you say. We’recooperating, alright. Just–do whatever you want to us–to me–and let’s get this over with, huh, Jane?”
Jane purred at him, smiling, “I’ve missed you, Chet. You, and your–” she let her gaze lower down his body, falling to his groin, “impressive qualities.”
Her victims were now nude, vulnerable, and staring at each other. Good. Jane said, “I’m exhausted, so I’ll sleep for the night. But, while I do that, I’m going to get you both warmed up for the big plans I have tomorrow.”
Jane withdraw a wooden contraption, holding it in her hands. She smiled, struck a pose, and addressed Chet, “Any guess what this is?”
Chet hesitated, then, responded, “A vice.”
Jane licked her lips, “Good boy. And, do you know where it’s going to go for the night?”
He clenched his jaw. “No idea.”
Jane smiled and laughed lightly, “You’re so funny! Your balls, silly!”
She affixed the assembly to him, and the wooden bars were set to squeeze him. It was uncomfortable, painful even, but only barely. Jane said, “I wish I could really crush them overnight, but there’ll be some blood flow issues if it’s too tight for too long. Lucky man, you are.”
Chet couldn’t help it, having this woman touching him, his body responded unwillingly. He was pent-up for his anticipated night with Mona; his erection grow right in front of Jane. “Oh. My. God,” Jane said, “You’re even bigger than I remember.”
Jane stood, and moved to the bag again, where she withdraw a plastic box with wires. She turned to Mona with icy demeanor and said flatly, “These electrons will shock you, randomly, throughout the night.”
Mona shot up in her chair, pulling tight against the bindings. “Stop it Jane! That’s over the line!” shouted Chet.
Jane continued, “I’m not a monster. I know you’re afraid of that, so I’m going to ask you to speak up if you don’t want me to do it.”
Mona screamed in panic, shaking her head violently. Jane feigned confusion, “I don’t understand. Use your big-girl words.”
Mona froze up in terror. She was silent. She knew what would happen, and shut down. Chet wept, “Please, please Jane. If there’s any compassion in you you’ll stop here.”
Jane placed the electric pads onto Mona’s skin. One on the inside of each of her thighs. One on each of the soles of her feet. One over each nipple. One over her pussy, centered as best she could place it over her clip. There were a few more scattered around, on her stomach, legs, and breasts, but the main targets were her most sensitive places. Jane smiled, “Y’know, Mona, knowledge is power. I think. Maybe you’re so scared of shocks because you don’t understand how tough you are.
“Have you see a show where someone gets tortured with a car battery? It’s not realistic–a 12 volt battery won’t kill you no matter its current. It’ll sting, sure, but that’s just because it might heat your skin. That’s why I’m not using a car battery. But, you have another defense–fat is muchMore resistant than muscle. They say voltage doesn’t hurt you, amps do–but they don’t tell you that you still need enough voltage to overcome your body’s resistance. And, sucks for me, all the parts of you that I want to hurt are made of that juicy, insulating fat, mostly. So, I’ll need to ramp up the amps here.”
Mona’s tears were streaming down her face, falling over her body. She was covered in a thin sweat, terrified of the imminent torture. Jane finished preparing her, then walked over to their television. She’d brought a video file with her, and put it on. The room was filled with filter sounds: wet slapping, gagging, squealing. Jane’s voice was clear: “Oh God yes! Fuck me harder, just like that, oh God!”
Chet’s voice was also clear: “Oh God I’m gonna–“
Jane stepped back, hands on her hips, admiring the sex tape. This was a compilation of her and Chet’s many adventures. She set it to loop, and turned up the volume to deafening. It was an old video, obviously,clearly back from before Chet had gained as much muscle and hair, and Jane was less intense-looking. Still, Chet’a face twisted into a painful grimace and he looked to the ground, ashamed with himself for ever being involved with this monster. Mona was barely able to process this overwhelming torque. Her body was inconsolable, ready to pass out from anything else. She was expecting a jolt at any moment. And, Though this video was a transparent attempt by this bitch to exert any modicum of control over her loving relationship, it was a cruel, vile knife twist. Mona couldn’t help but glance at a scene–they were doing anal at the moment, an act that Chet and Mona had never even discussed.
Jane cached, and set Mona’s shock machine on. It would randomly shock her with a weak current throughout the night. Then, she skipped off to bed to sleep for the night, singing to herself the same song that Chet had shown to. Jane lay in their bed, cuddled up on Chet’s side, breathing his smell. She slept smile.
The other two were doing much worse. Chet was groaning in pain, the disappoint building over the hours. He shifted his bulk, but any movement caused a swinging that made the pain worse. He eventually drifted off to sleep, but for the long while before then he was trying to comfort his wife. He knew how bad this was, and he couldn’t do anything to help.
Mona didn’t sleep at all. Her entire night was spent listening to the sounds of Jane and Chet fucking, while every few minutes her every muscle was violently jerked by that out-of-body force. Her body was sensitive after each shock, and after the first few dozen her muscles began cramping. She felt dehydrated.
In the morning, Jane strode into the room. She released Chet’s balls from his vice, and unstuck the electric pads from Mona. Mona’s expression was blank, her eyes hollow. Jane turned down the television, and squat down in front of Mona, “Hey, I have an offer for you.”
Mona barely flicked her eyes up at Jane. Jane was refreshed and radiant, beaming with a soft smile. Mona’s eyes were puffy and red, rolling around, unfocused from exhaustion. Jane said, “I can either shock you a lot,” Mona’s eyes widened, “or, you can help me out.”
Jane untied Mona, and the pale woman fell to the floor. Jane nudged her with her foot, “Go on, knee in front of him. There’s work to be done.”
Mona crawled, her numb limbs regaining feeling. She was so tired, panting from the exertion. She stopped a few feet from Chet. Jane held up the shock remote, threatening, “Sit up, in front of him, or you get enough juice to wake you up fully.”
Mona pushed herself up, kneeing between her husband’s legs. She looked up at him, feeling pathetic. She was drooling over herself, covered in sweat, with red marks all over her where the pads had shocked her. She felt disgusting, and looking up at him she felt small. Jane commented, “He even trimmed down there for you. That means it was special. Well, onto the fun stuff. Give his nuts a punch.”
Mona paused a moment and looked up to her husband. Chet, his teeth set, nodded to her, “It’s okay, sweetheart, do what she says.”
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