Venus and Her Mummy

Venus swept a layer of lip plumper on her cherry pink lips and tightened her ponytail. The next John she was working with was actually a Jane. Her “agent” Cassandra, who was basically an anonymous pimp who sent Venus requests and arranged meetings, said that this Jane was particularly generous with her tips.

“She’s known for having… interesting proclivities.” Cassandra’s smokey voice had crackled in Venus’s ear as she completed her daily yoga routine, two days before now.

“I’m not interested in being submerged in a bathtub full of ice water to please some necrophilia,” Venus had tersely replied. She had last done so for an interesting fellow who paid $7,000 for 3 hours, and he had been ecstatic to fuck her cold, clammy pussy while she played dead. His pink cock was still rod stiff during the icy experience, while he moaned and called her his big sister.

“Oh please, Father Winter and this Jane are hardly the same. We call her… well, it doesn’t matter what we call her. She’s more likely to be focused on pleasure her girls and is a very popular request. She likes a little bit of mystery and wants to ask you to engage in her desires, herself.” Venus had rolled up her yoga mat and looked across the room. It was supposely decorated, with a crushed velvet chain locke in the center of the room. This line of work paid well, if you know how to spend it and avoided the requests that included drugs. Venus’s requests had started becoming more and more high priced as Cassandra grew more confident in her abilities. Ergo, she had been able to afford to own the most recent Toyota Highlander with all the bells and whistles, right off the lot last month.

“What’s my cut?” She heard Cassandra chuckle on the other end. Which was typically the sign that the payment was higher than usual.

“She’s paying me $100,000. You get 40% of it. However, you have the chance to earn more by agreeing to more acts during the visit. Think of it as a… well paidroom and board situation, with an allowance.” Her mouth had gone dry upon hearing about the possibility of increasing her earnings. “Wow, this must be some heiress.” Venus mused.

“Something like that. What do you say?”


Venus was wearing a high ponytail, shiny lips, a soft pink dress that fell to her knees, but gave ample view of her breasts, and light mascara. She had have been instructed to wear something “soft and innocent” to the meeting. She hoped this Jane would settle for innocent college girl vibes, because her body was nothing like a teenager’s with her double D breasts. Venus had always been gorgeous, and she decided to fine tune it to her benefit when she first started working with Cassandra. She tapped her fingers impatiently on the tabletop in front of her and took another sip of her milkshake. This had been given to her upon her arrival at the quaint soda shop. The staff had immediately taken her to a reserved table in the corner and informed her that it had been pre-ordered by her friend, Melissa. Which was the alias that the Jane had wanted to use upon meeting. The bell on the door rang with a loud clang behind Venus, and heels clicked across the tile floor.

“I am so sorry I am late, honey.” Venus bit her lower lip to bring more color to it and twisted the top half of her body so her right arm rested on the back of her chair, and her perky breasts were aimed directly at the woman behind her. Code name Melissa had long, blonde hair that gleamed and was perfectly straightened. Her cornflower blue eyes were large, framed by thick lashes, and her mouth was in a perpetual pout due to Botox. She was somewhere in her late 30’s to early 40’s, and she looked like a stay-at-home trophy wife.

“That’s okay, Mam.” Venus let her southern drawl slip into her response and feel a zing of satisfaction when Melissa’s eyes widened and then returned to their normal size. Bingo, she was warm or salivating to the idea of ​​a sweet, southern belle. Melissa slide into the chair across from her, wearing a white dress with blue lilacs blooming throughout.

“I hope you are enjoying your milkshake. I picked strawberry for a girl as sweet as you.” Her voice lowered so only Venus and herself could discern what she was saying. Venus took a slow drag of her milkshake, making sure to lick her lips surprisingly while fluttering her eyesashes. In truth, she hated strawberry ice cream. But for $40,000? It was her new favorite dessert. She let out a soft moan, that made Melissa’s mouth purse, and she could see her shifting in her seat across the table.

“So much, Mam. I am so happy to be here and treated by you. I am ever so anxious to hear what you need from me. I want to give it to you. I can hardly wait.” Venus leaned forward. Pushing her breasts into the table beneath them and stirred her milkshake. No one in the shop could see what Melissa could. She had taken care to sit facing the wall, away from the ice cream bar and candy associations. Melissa kept her eyes on her mouth, but Venus could tell that it was taking everything in her power to not break character. Cassandra had warned her that this Jane really enjoyed her role play and that it went beyond the bedroom. Venus was ensuring that her client could see her dedication to the little information she had and was trying to send signals encouraging her to get her to the second location to show her more. Mysteries and secrets were expected in the business. But not knowing what the john or jane wanted could end poorly. In more ways than one. Melissa’s left hand slipped into her Prada purse that she kept balanced in her lap. She withdraw a pink envelope, with a tiny heart sticker holding it closed. Venus made sure to stroke her fingers as Melissa handed it to her, noticing that she wore a wedding ring, and a golden band that looked suspiciously like a man’s wedding ring. She wondered if this Jane had a dead husband that she tried to be loyal to, somehow.

“If you sign, I will transfer the funds immediately. But it means you agree to carry out everything you agree to. You can’t… you can’t back out. I am paying you to follow through, or I would be seeking something through a fetish site. I trust that Cassandra was clear about that.”

Venus tugged the paper folded inside the envelope and read the contents. “Yes, she was. I agree that if I sign you get what you pay for.” Her blue tipped nails gently scraped the paper as she looked at the list. Her eyes flickered up to tease Melissa, who looked nervous.

“This… is hardly something I would expect you to have to force someone to complete. You want to care for me as a parental figure?”

“As a mother and a father.” Melissa said, hastily. Venus raised an eyebrow, “Oh, so you want me to be your sweet little girl that is shown in luxury affection by both parents? This is just you and I, still, right? I charge extra when friends show up.” Melissa Shook her head, indicatingthat there was no one else, and suddenly muted as Venus returned to reading the paper. She set it down and pulled a pen from in between her breasts. A tactic she still liked to use during contract signing with clientele.

“Okay, Mummy. I agree to be your naïve 19-year-old daughter that is coddled and innocent while you ravage her. I see no problem with allowing anal, vagina, and oral penetration and You are welcome to restrain me.” Venus thought she saw Melissa’s hands start trembling, but they disappeared under the table.

“Thank fuck.” Melissa whispered.

Melissa drove her pink Cadillac like a woman possessed. It probably didn’t help that Venus was doing everything she could to fit into her role and test what got Melissa hot and wet. Her voice bubbled and pitched sweetly as she chattered on about girl nonsense. She created a fake narrative about being a recent high school graduate, suddenly home for more than the summer.

“I just don’t know what I want to be,”she told heavily when they pulled into a long driveway lined by tall pine trees. Her fingers fiddled with the hem of her skirt, and she pouted.

“Don’t worry my sweet. You can stay with us as long as you need. We won’t let you leave unprepared for the world.” Melissa’s contract had included that the daughter was supposed to act as if their father was on a business trip for now. It seemed that the shift in characters would be announced through roleplay. They came to a white brick home that towered over them. Venus broke character for the first time, asking “How many stories is that thing?”

“Oh, 4 if you count the basement. But you know that.” The Cadillac had slipped into the garage, which had been opened before they approached. The door began to lower, and Venus quickly stepped back into her role.

“I am just so grateful to you and Daddy, Mummy.” The musty smell of cement and dust still hung in the air of this garage, despite the apparent wealth of its owner.

“Mmm. I know baby. Let’s go to the living room to unwind.” Melissa’s posture was relaxed but prim as she led Venus into a sparkling white kitchen. It had more gadgets and cabinets than she had ever seen before. It opened to a plus, living room decorated in shades of blue and white. A large sofa was in the center, with a tv in front of it. Curtains hung heavily in the tall, arched windows, and the view to the yard revealed a garden of Flowers and a pool. Melissa gestured to the couch and sat close to Venus when she found the slim remote.

“I think we should watch something educational, my dear.” Venus could smell her perfume and feel her blonde hair tickling her right arm. She tentatively reached out and wrapped her fingers around a soft, porcelain arm, right above the elbow. Melissa stiffened and let out a ragged breath. Her knees came Together, and her legs flexed. Venus had her. She began squeezing and gently massaging the spot with her fingers.

“Sounds sooo good, mummy.”She left her voice lilt breathingly and pushed her right left against Melissa’s left. The tv came to life and Melissa hurriedly selected the DVD player. Which was not uncommon in the business. Clients sometimes liked to prepare very specific material for viewing during the act.

It opened on a scene of two cats wrestling and playing onscreen. Venus continued to play along and cooed in delight as they wriggled on screen. Melissa couldn’t focus on the screen, she was staring at Venus, a haunted look flashed across her face, and then her mouth curled up into a saccharine sweet smile.

“My sweet girl loves kitties, doesn’t she?”

“So, so much, Mummy.” Melissa gently removed her hand from her arm, slipping it around her shoulders, and pulling Venus against her. She slipped her right hand in between her thighs, ensuring she touched bare skin under the skirt, and drug her into her lap. Venus’s legs were rearranged to frame Melissa’s and she leaned back into her soft, pillowy breakfaststs. Venus considered herself average high at 5’4″, even so, she was able to look slightly up when she turned her face to look into Melissa’s.

“Mummy loves them too. She loves that Venus and Mummy have special kitty playtime.” So that was the next move. Venus pushed her legs even further open, and squirmed in the older woman’s lap.

“I love when Mummy plays kitty with me.” She squeaked and felt her pussy began to moisten. Melissa hadn’t removed her hand from in between her thighs and it began its slow, tender trek towards her white panties that clung to her lips.

“Mmmy… Mummy is going to pet kitty now. ” Venus leaned her head back and while softly as her fingers pressed, tugged, and slide across the flimsy gusset that was becoming soaked the longer it was rubbed across her slit. “Mummy” she forced the word to come out weakly, as if she was overtaken with the feelings Melissa was bringing her. In truth, this was pretty hot. But she was no where near cumming yet. Melissa was panting. Her fingers delved past her panties and Venus heard her say “fucking perfect” as her slick lips were caressed.

“Such a good, kitty you have. Mummy loves petting it. My good, sweet girl.” Venus had returned her attention to the screen. It was no longer featuring fuzzy kittens tumbling over each other. Instead, there was a mother and daughter laughing in the kitchen. The daughter squealed as her mother sprayed water from the sink at her. Melissa’s fingers had become less sweet and she was slowly pushing her middle finger inside of Venus. Venus started to slowly move her hips and decided to make it even hotter in the living room.

“Mummy, what are you doing? This isn’t petting my kitty.” She chirruped and throw wide, innocent eyes at Melissa, whose mouth was slack and open in response. She smoked her mouth against Venus’s and Venus pretended to recoil, before sucking Melissa’s pulsing tongue into her mouth. It angrily pushed its way past her lips and two fingerswere suddenly struggling Venus’s velvety insides. She ripped her mouth away to growl “I’m doing what good mommies do and making my baby girl feel good. You like it when I pet kitty, let me feed her and teach you how mommies and daughters play too.” Her left hand ripped up Venus’s pink skirt, exposing her flexing knuckles that pressed against the white panties they were inside of. Venus made sure her breathing matched Melissa’s and that she canted her hips in time with the thrusting and struggling digits.

” Mummy Im scared” She slurred against Melissa’s neck. Making sure to leave a wet kiss. “It feels so good, but I don’t think other mommies do this with their daughters.” Melissa’s legs had widened beneath hers, and now Venus’s ass was practically hanging off the edge of the couch, a hot, wet swath of fabric was violently pushed into the skin of her cheeks that weren’t covered by the panties.

“Look at the mummy and baby on screen,” Melissa was panting again. Venus lifted hereyes and looked at the scene that had suddenly hurtled into pornography before she noticed. The daughter was now laid on her back on the kitchen island, covering her mouth, the actress acting as her mother pumped a finger in and out, slurping against her clip. “They’re having such a good time. They love playing. Just like we do, and you will love the playtime we get to have now that my baby is ready.” Venus was Suddenly shoved off the couch, finding herself on her hands and knees. Melissa was on her knees behind her in a flash, lifting her skirt and ripping her panties down. Venus leaned forward, pressing her forehead against the carpet as a tongue started to rub its buds against her labia, slipping between them while Melissa gathered the wetness she built with her fingers, and made grunting noises, like a snuffling pig, while she swallowed the slick she collected. Venus let out a soft wail of surprise when Melissa’s tongue was suddenly stuffed in her asshole.

“Mum-Mummy!” Melissa paid no attention and continued to lathe and drool all over her tight hole. The actors on screen had started screaming in the way porn stars do, as the Mother frantically pounded her daughter’s pussy with a stick on that seemed to have materialized.

“My sweet baby kitty slut. My darling cummy girl,” Melissa’s words were muffled between Venus’s legs, but were loud and uneven as she panted and pulled away from Venus’s spit covered asshole and dripping pussy. “I want to make you feel so good you make cummies and make mommy feel good too.” Venus twisted and watched as the dress Melissa had hurt was pulled over her head and tossed in the direction of the TV. She had thought that the older woman was wearing a push up bra, but two perfect, large breasts with puffy, long nipples, pink in the living room lighting, were revealed. Her panties were a thin blue pair that sported a large wet spot where Melissa had bucked and squirmed against Venus’s ass. Those were next to go, joining the dress. Venus rearranged herself to look up at Melissa’s deliciously trimmed bush and cushy pink labia that also looked like they may be plugged with Botox. She found herself aroused and enjoying this roleplay. It was easy enough; Melissa was a shameless and talented lover.

“I love making cummies for Mummy, please give them to your baby girl.” Venus was on her knees and placed a soft hand on Melissa’s right thigh. Melissa was beginning to lose her composition that she had barely been able to hold onto since they sat on the couch. Her voice came out deep, much deeper than Venus expected. It held a masculine edge that quickly dissipated as the sentence went on. “You’re going to be such a good baby and clean Mommy’s kitty milk. When you do that, I’ll give you cummies baby. Mine and yours.” A well-manicured hand was suddenly tangling itself in Venus’s hair as her face was pulled towards the apex of Melissa’s thighs. Venus wasted no time lapping at the sticky fluids that were starting to collect on Melissa’s swollen sex. She made high pitched squeaks that had Melissa grinding haphazardly against a plague tongue.

“Fuck, my good baby. Yes, lick up that kitty milk. Such a good girl.” Venus peeked up and saw that Melissa’s perfect mouth was slack again, a bit of drool was making a trail towards her chin. Her eyes were no longer a cornflower blue and instead looked Impossibly black. Venus returned to her task, the acrid scent and taste of feminine arousal coating her lips and tongue. They continued for some time, Melissa whispering dirty words and praising her good girl for giving her kitty kisses and making it share its milk with her. Then, Venus suddenly latched her lips around her “Mummy’s” puffy clip and sucked like it was a tea. Her tongue slipped around the puffy pearl as it hardened and seemed to swell against it. Melissa’s hips snapped against her face, trembling as the older woman began to climax.

“Good GIRL, good BABY, Fuck, yes, lick my kitty milk darling!” Her hands were fluttering and twitching against the back of Venus’s head as Venus released her suction on the clip and started licking up and down the slit, collecting the slick bitter juices that were coming faster and faster, making sure that her tongue still rubbed against the throbbing pearl that only seemed bigger. Melissa suddenly ripped Venus’s mouth from her sensitive pussy and hit the carpet with her knees. She looked absolutely lost and dazed as she stared at Venus, whose mouth was shiny with her cum. Her words came out strange and scratchy, like she had a sore throat, when she instructed Venus to go to the first room on the right, past the living room.

“Your daddy is going to be home soon and give you your treatment, my love.” The women on the tv were not in a hurry to wrap up their sordid affairs and now the mom was spitting in her daughter’s mouth as she fucked her in the ass with the straw on. Venus wondered if Melissa’s transformation included anything like the strap on in the porn. It was a large, black dildo with prominent veins and heavy plastic balls that were permanently taught. Her pussy clenched in anticipation as she hurried to follow directions.

When Venus walked into the room, it was clear what Melissa wanted. There were hand cuffs and leg restraints on the top and bottom of the headboard. She fastened the ones for her left hand and legs then waited for Melissa, or Daddy, to come in and secure her right hand. She did not have to wait long. Surprisingly, Melissa entered the room in a lacy bra and panties. She looked like herself, with a heavy bulge pressed against the flimsy fabric between her legs. Venus wondered how expensive this strap on had to be, she could see nothing indicating that it wasn’t a flesh and blood cock. No straws tightly pulled against the woman’s legs, and it even seemed to shift and jiggle while she walked closer to Venus. She swiftly cuffed her right hand and dropped a kiss on her forehead.

“Good girls,” she began in that deep, feminine yet masculine edged voice that Venus had caught earlier, “get to feel good and full when they make cummies. They also, get some magic Daddy milk to make their cummies feel even better.” Venus found herself turned on, but also confused. She was not sure how her character was supposed to react to someone who was still clearly “Mummy” and decided to follow her parental figure’s lead. She nodded and made her eyes look wide, pitching her voice so it would squeak as she begged for “cummies”. Melissa’s hands twitched and started petting and squeezing the bulge that had somehow started producing a wet fluid onto the fabric it strained against.


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