Now, dear Reader, I need to pause for a minute and offer the perspective of hindsight before the adventure continues. I am writing this from the safety and comfort of my home, surrounded by my husband and children. My exploration with the Saddle Tramp is long behind me at this stage in my life. I mention this to ease any worries or fears you might have for me, given the intensity of our story so far.
My life now seems another planet and my being now seems a completely different person than the one who emerged in that room. Truth be told, she emerges periodically during clandestine phone conversations with Steve even now. It is a strange thing to live with such a secret, strange still to reveal in its deliciousness and praise it, and positively shocking to harbor a tiny pinprick of fear that it will one day be truly over and done.
Someone wrote once that a woman’s heart is a deep river of secrets. I didn’t understand that in my 20’s when I first read it. I am beginning to embrace its meaning now and I know that when I am an old woman, I will still hold to the vivid memory of this other Alexis, the one who only reveals herself completely to him. However, I am digressing.
As I said, dear Reader, I want to share these things so that you can experience the rest of my story without fear for me. Please understand that no matter how painful or seemingly difficult or shameful the journey has been and will be as it progresses, I wouldn’t change a thing, not one. Perhaps there is one possible exception, that being my mistake that first day which I have already told you about. But even that blunder led to incredible revelations which I would not part with for anything.
Additionally, I want to make absolutely certain that you do not judge the Saddle Tramp harshly. He does the world a great service; and no, I am not in the least facetious here. He is akin to Johnny Appleseed, planning seeds to be harvested and enjoyed for years and years to come. LaughIf you will, but I will continue to savor the “apples” that ripen in me forever. And so, to that end, I’d like to share some thoughts with you about him now that I have the distance and perspective to understand them and related them to you.
First, he is a retired military man with all the honor and dignity and strength that that implies. He has a gift of peering into a woman’s soul and understanding precisely What she needs and wants. Not a man to tie down for too long, but one to be cherished for what he offers and for what he inspires you to want to offer him in return.
I’ve thought for a long time about why he might have selected me. I am a tall woman and I carry myself with strength and confidence. I am not someone who male criminals typically target for crime as I’m told they tend to prefer potential victims who appears weak and unsure. I have some very nice features to be sure, but I am not beautiful, at least not in the classic sense or the media-driven definition ofbeauty, and have never considered myself to be. Childbirth left me softer around the middle and rounder in the ass and thighs than I was in my youth.
So why select me for an erotic journey of discovery? I came to the conclusion that it was those very facts that drew him to me. The truth was that he saw beauty in me and sensed that I did not see it myself. That he saw my strength as a protective cloak I wore around my inhibitions and fears rather than an imposing trait. And I believe he saw in my eyes a glimmer of need for something lacking in my life. A life that was, on paper, quite perfect.
But he saw me – ME! Moreover, he responded to what he saw and went into action to meticulously and patiently draw me out of myself. It is a remarkable thing, both thrilling and frightening, to be singled out in such a way. But there it is.
This last thought may be pure vanity on my part, but I think I brought out something in him as well. He will take some small part of me withhim on his wanderings; I am sure of it. But now I’m getting ahead of myself. And so allow me to escort you back to the upstairs room once again so that you can witness our exploration for yourself. Scoff if you will. Judge if you must. But this is my story. Thank you for listening. And now, back to the room and our story.
He was standing beside the large chair. “Come here, Alexis”
Still in my negligee, I walked barefoot across the wood floor toward him. I could feel his eyes on me, as though he saw right through the fabric. For that matter, he saw right through me. He gestured toward the chair and I sat down softly. The old leather was softened by years of use and it was a sensitive experience just to run my hand over it as I took my seat and looked up at him expectedly.
He set to work immediately. Each leg of the chair now had a short chain hooked to it with a soft cuff at the end. Within seconds, my wrists and ankles were bound. As he stood up from cuffing my ankles, he slip his hand up my leg, over the silky fabric, brushing over my pussy lightly then to each nipple before tilting my chin up to look into my eyes. He smiled and then took his hand from my skin, leaving it feeling many degrees cooler without his touch.
He moved to the bed and removed his clothes before sitting down, facing me. He took his already hard cock in his hand and began gently struggling it. “Do you want my cock, Alexis?”
I nodded. “Yes, Steve.”
He chuckled, “Yes, I know you do. And I do believe that my cock wants some tight pussy too.”
I told, my juices flowing in anticipation of his touch, of his cock inside me. That’s when I heard the door open behind me and saw Steve look up with a wicked smile. The door closed again and the lock clicked. Soft footsteps approached and the Asian woman from days ago walked past my chair and to the other side of the bed. Steve turned at me, licked his lips and took her hand to pull her to the bed.
He wasted no time with foreplay but began kissing her hungrily. She moaned and told in the kiss, wrapping her arms around his body, her sharp red fingernails making long red trails up and down his back. He reached down to tweak her tiny little nipples, making them so hard and tight. He grew into their kiss as he lifted his hips and with one plumping motion, he impaled her with His shaft. She cried out and wrapped her legs around him. He fucked her with an almost violent fury. Their bodies were smoking and grinding together.
It was maddening! My body had already been aroused and ready for him and now I was forced to watch them fucking with wild abandon right before me. I could see her juices coating his cock, I could smell the sex in the air, and I could hear her cries of ecstasy and His groans and growls of pleasure. It was too much. I pulled frantically against the binds to no avail. I couldn’t help the practical moans that came frommy lips, urgent and poignant with deep physical longing.
I closed my eyes and tried to escape mentally since I could not do so physically. He must have been anticipating this because I heard his voice, sharp with displeasure, “ALEXIS! Open. Your. Eyes.”
I obeyed immediately. He grewled “Good girl. You will keep your eyes on me, understanding?”
I nodded and he grew again in approval before lowering his mouth to bite and suck on her neck.
I saw him whisper something to her and she smiled softly and nodded. He leaned back on the pillows and she kneeled before him, leaning over to stroke his cock. She slowly and meticulously cleaned her own juices off of his shake with her tongue, looking at me the entire time. She was moaning with pleasure at the deliciousness. My eyes watered with tears of frustration. I couldn’t believe how intensely I wanted his cock; wanted it in MY mouth, in MY cunt. It was agoy to watch him giving it to her instead. She slipped down over hiscock, swallowing it completely and holding there for a moment. He closed his eyes and leaned back, his hands entwined in her hair.
After a seemingly endless passage of time where she did nothing but fuck his cock with her mouth, he sat up and whispered to her again. I had to marvel at his self control. I couldn’t imagine any man lasting that long without reaching orgasm. He whispered the words to her as she repeated them to me in a soft accented voice, “What? You? Want? Alexis?”
I looked first at her and then at him and could only whimper in humiliation. I wanted his cock and he knew it. I looked away. He spoke gruffly, his voice very low, “Alexis, answer her. What do you want?”
I shook my head and a tear slide down my cheek. His voice was more commanding now, “Alexis!” I looked up at him, another tear slip slowly down my cheek. He smiled compassionately and stood. He took her by the hand and helped her to her feet. Together, they walked naked towards me and stood in front of me.
“Well?” He asked.
I looked up at him and whispered, “I want your cock, Steve.”
He smiled broadly “Good girl. That wasn’t so hard now, was it?” I nodded.
He spoke again, “You are surprised at how much you want me, aren’t you? Surprised at how your body and mind are beginning to crave what I am capable of giving?” I nodded and felt the tears leave my chin and hit my breasts, soaking into the lace of the negligee.
He smiled at me and then turned to the naked Asian woman. She was so lovely; with perfect skin and a perfect body. He kissed her on the cheese and whispered into her ear; I could see the goosebumps rise on her flesh the same way they did on mine when he whispered in my ear.
She grinned in response to his whisper and Then she looked at me for a moment. Then she leaned over me so that her face was near mine and her breasts were hanging down. She rested her hands on the arms of the chair and leaned in to kiss me softly on the lips. Shegasped into my mouth and I was able to see him grab her hips and begin to fuck her with the same wild fury as before. She moaned and gasped in my face, occasionally kissing me. He spoke to her inevitably in Japanese, I think, and she answered breathlessly, arching her back and pressing her breasts and tight little nipples onto my face while he counted down.
“Shi!” He said softly. She moaned. I could Only assume that he was counting down for her in the same manner he had done with me that first day.
He continued, “San.” She gasped and kissed me again.
He said with a lingering suspension, “Ni.” She shuddered and her body tensed, I knew he must be getting close to one.
And then he said with firm finality, “Ichi!”
They both screamed simulateneously and reached multiple orgasms together. They waited in Japanese, he screamed out in English as well and they Shook and rocked together, literally inches from me. My pussy was completely drenched and aching with a burning need. She stood unsteadily, kissed him tenderly, donned a deep red kimono and exited the room without another word.
He touched my face gently and looked into my eyes, clearly satisfied with the desperate longer he must have seen in them. I watched as he turned and went into the bathroom without a word.
I was left bound in the chair, trembling and inexplicably craving this mysterious stranger with every fiber of my being.
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