I awoke with a start and tried to stretch my limbs. I was only mildly surprised to find that Steve had strapped me to the next contraction while I was sleeping. I opened my eyes and it seemed I was looking through a gauze-like fabric. I turned my head, looking at the room, unable to spot Steve. I began examining my new platform as best I could. I was lying on my back on what seemed to be a gently curving semi-sphere, my back arched and my body in a backbend position. My legs were spread and my arms were pulled tightly above my head. My ankles and wrists were clamped to the sphere with soft padded cuffs. The scarf that he had removed from my throat earlier was once again snugly tied around my throat; a long trailing end of the scarf was pulled down towards my hands and held tight. I lifted my head to try to look at the other side of the room and feel the scarf tighten instantly, restricting my airway. I feel a jolt of panic rise in my chest. I laid my head back down, feeling immediateRelief when the scarf loosened slightly again.
The silence was deafening and the wait was interminable. A swirling soup of emotions filled me: appreciation of what was to come, arousal at the thought of another orgasm at Steve’s hand, frustration at the disappoint of being held in this arched position, shame over becoming for him to allow me to cum, and threat over my desperate need for him.
Lost in my thoughts, I didn’t hear him in the room outside my range of vision. I was immediately dragged from my reverie when he struck a match and lit a cigarette. At least I THOUGHT it was him. I ventured a whispered question, “Steve?” And the seconds between my question and the answer were the longest of my life. My mind whirling, the thought filling my head: What if it isn’t him? What will I do? What CAN I do?
His voice answered (thank God), “Yes, Alexis?” He sounded different. Not angry exactly, cold and impassive perhaps. It truly sent chills down my spine. I listened as hisfootsteps approached and he was looking down at my face. His intense gaze fell onto my face as he watched my eyes through the gauzy fabric.
“Did you enjoy the first leg of our exploration together?” Again, there was a distinct chill in his voice.
I nodded, “yes, Steve.”
He cleared his throat, clearly annoyed, “And after I released you from your binds, what did you do?”
I looked up at him, confused at what he was asking me, “I …I fell asleep?” I said, stating the obvious.
He nodded curtly, “That’s right, Alexis.” His face clouded, his eyes burned into mine.
Again, there was only deafening silence. He tugged the length of scarf, tightening it slightly on my throat causing me to gasp and he leaned in so that his lips were touching my ear, “You forget something, beautiful.”
I struggled to speak with the scarf tied so tightly around my throat. I swallowed hard and asked in a whisper, “What? What did I forget?”
He tugged the scarf even tighter, momentarily cutting off my air completely then releasing it, kissed my cheek and grew coldly, “Me.”
He stood up and began walking in slow circles around me as he spoke, “I thought you wanted to please me, Alexis.” His steps echoed through the enormous room. STEP. STEP. STEP. STEP. STEP. STEP. STEP. STEP. STEP. STEP. STEP. STEP. STEP. STEP. STEP. STEP. STEP. STEP. STEP. you forgot to do just that.”
“In fact, if memory serves, you forget to even thank me for arranging for what I can only imagine is the most powerful orgasm of your small, buttoned-up existence so far”
“I, um, I am so sorry. I was overwhelmed and wasn’t thinking. The experience was unlike any I’ve ever had before…ever.” I ended in a mournful whisper, “EVER”
Silence filled the room again for just a beat. STEP. STEP. STEP.
“I can understand that, Alexis; however, it does not excuse your neglect of courtesy. As you will find out, I am extremely into the rudeness and breach of etiquette.” He laughed; it was a low and gravelly chuckle. STEP. STEP. STEP. STEP.
“And so I feel compelled to teach you a lesson. Because you denied me the gravity that I so generally arranged for you, you will now experience self-denial. My hope, Alexis, is that you will learn from this. I expect that you will grow from this and remember your breach of etiquette from now on as a result. Do you understand?”
The steps stopped abruptly.
“Yes, Steve. I am so very…”
He cut me off abruptly, “Your apology is meaningless and unnecessary at this point, Alexis. In fact, I am tempted to fetch some clothes for you and escort you to your car and be on my way. Perhaps…perhaps I was wrong about you.”
He moved to unfasten one of my wrist cuffs and I surprised both of us with my scream “NO! Please no! I’ll do anything! Don’t leave me! Please!”
I ended with a whimper and saw the surprise in his eyes and what I thought (what I hoped) was a glimmerof pleasure glinting through his otherwise very cold expression. He stood back and thought for a long moment. “Alright then, let’s begin the lesson. “
He quietly moved around the semi-sphere, adjusting things I could not see, finally returning to me. I could see a remote controller console in his hand. “Now Alexis, I am going to teach you what it is to be denied.”
I opened my mouth to protest that I didn’t mean to neglect his needs. I wanted to tell him that I was overwhelmed, exhausted and that I simply passed out. However, one look from him silenced me. “Good girl” he grew.
He pushed a button and the sphere rocked forward, it sounded like it was on a hydroulic support. It tilted so that my abdomen was now facing the wall instead of the ceiling, my limbs still Strapped to the curved surface. He pushed another button and I heard another hydroulic hum. It was coming from directly beneath my body though I couldn’t see it. He reached down with sterile detachment and he spread my cunt lips apart. Another hydroulic was lifting a long thick vibrating dildo which slid easily into my still wet pussy.
I moaned softly. He looked up at me “Yes, you like that, don’t you my slut?”
I nodded, instantly responding to the viruses of this shake. It pushed up a little further and I realized there was an exterior piece on the vibrator which ticked and vibrated my clip. I reacted with a gasp. Without warning, the sphere began to tilt back, pulling my body away from the dildo. I groaned in frustration, helpless to do anything to stop.
He stopped the sphere’s backward movement as soon as the vibrator was just barely remaining in my pussy. He made a few adjustments, including tightening the scarf again, securing it so that it was difficult but not impossible for me to breathe. He sat in the large chair in which I had so recently fallen wait in his arms and took a slow drag from his cigarette.
He pressed a button and the sphere beganto slowly rock forward, impaling me with the vibrating shake, pausing for just a second and then rocking back until the tip was barely inside. The appratus shifted smoothly first forward and then back. It repeated the action again and again, moving forward and back. It settled into a smooth steady rhythm; each forward movement drive the vibrator deeply inside my cunt; each backward movement pulled the vibrator almost completely out of me, letting the tip ticket my labia. The hunger grow like a forest fire inside me, but the motion was increasingly slow. My arousal grow and I could feel that an orgasm was close, so close. I held my breath, praying he wouldn’t notice how much I wanted and needed this release.
And then, suddenly, everything ceased. The sphere stopped mid-stroke. The vibrations stopped and the vibrator went flaccid. My hips compromised and I groaned in frustration. I could see his face, smiling with glee as he spoke, “Perfect.”
He stood up, tipped his hat at me wit’s a wicked grin and walked slowly towards the door. “Goodbye for now, Alexis. I will leave you to your lesson. Don’t disappoint me, my sweet whore. I would hate to have to dispense with our adventure so soon after it has begun.” And with that, he was gone.
My head was filled with confusion. Slowly, my body relaxed and I was almost asleep when I heard the hydroulic start automatically; the slow mechanical fucking began again, building to the same point. I was perspiring and groaning, becoming the air in the room to let me cum. I could feel myself approaching orgasm; so close, SO CLOSE.
Once again, the motion stopped and the vibrator became soft. I screamed in agony and sobbed in frustration. My entire body tensed tightly, understanding to no avail. Finally I calmed down again. And just as my body eventually relaxed, the insidious fucking machine started up again!
The process repeated again, and again, and again, and again!
I was completely dizzy from lack of breath and denied release. I cannot tell you how long this went on, hours certainly. Could it have gone on for days? I suppose it is possible, I honestly cannot say. By the time he returned I was out of my mind with need. He took one look at me and smiled; the coldness gone now.
“I see the lesson is going well, eh Alexis?”
I grunted, sounding more like a wild animal than a well-brought up southern lady.
He laughed that low chuckle again, “Excellent. I think a few more hours ought to do the trick, don’t you?”
Unable to speak or beg, all I could do was sob soundlessly. Tears of frustration were streaming down my cheeks. I was panting; my body was shuddering uncontrollably.
I felt his face near mine and was shocked to feel him touch My cheek with his tongue, tasting my tears. He brushed my wild hair back from my sweat-covered forehead and kissed me, first on my forehead and then softly on the lips. Again, his lips moved to my ear and his flicked my earlobe with his tongue before whispering, “Alexis? Do you understand the lesson?”
I whimpered and nodded.
“Good girl. And will you make the same mistake again?”
I croaked loudly as I could “NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!”
He laughed softly, “Very good girl. You will rest while I contemplate whether you have truly learned your lesson.”
He tilted a small bottle over the gauze still covering my face and it soaked in, infusing every breath. It sort of smells like Clorox, I thought, as I drifted off into a very deep and dreamless slumber.
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