Upstairs Encounter Ch. 06

When he returned to the room, he was wearing a clean shirt, a dark brown leather vest and a clean pair of jeans, along with his boots and hat of course. He smiled at me, “You are doing fine, Alexis. I’m very pleased.”

I returned his smile, though I knew he could read the questions and lingering frustration in my expression. His boots echoed on the floor as he approached me. He smelled of strong soap and leather. It was, once again, an intoxicating scent. He kissed the top of my head before kneeing down to release my wrists and ankles.

Once my ankles were free from the metal cuffs, I curled my legs up underneath me and looked down at him, waiting. He held out his hand for me and I took it and let him help me to my feet. Then with delicate care, he slipped the negligee up and off of me, tossing it in the corner. He led me into the bathroom where there were literally dozens of cented candles flickering. There was a single rose in a vase at the foot of the enormous bathtubwhich was filled with hot water and bubbles. Without a word, he helped me step into the tub.

Silently, he gestured towards the makeup and dresses in the dressing table and armoire in the corner, tipped his hat with a grin, and made a slight bow as he backed out through the door, closing it.

I leaned back in the old-fashioned tub and surprised. My hands roamed my body and naturally sought out my aching clip. I heard a crackle over an intercom and then his voice echoed in the spatial bathroom, “No, Alexis. You know the rules; you will only climax with my permission. Understand?”

I looked all around. For the life of me, I could not see a camera anywhere. I nodded.

The sound system crackled again and I heard his voice once more, “Good girl.”

And so I soaked for a while, cleaned myself and took my time making myself presentable. I selected a lovely off-the-shoulder black long sleeped dress which cinched in at the wait, showing off my womanly curves nicely. My hair was in long ringlets as it always is when it is damp; I knew it would dry into lovely curls over the next hour, but that in the meantime, it would have a sensitive impact on any average man. I carefully applied makeup so that it was subtle, accentuating my eyes and lips, in my opinion, my best features. I showed and stepped back to evaluate my reflection. Not bad. I smiled.

I spotted several pairs of Shoes under the dressing table and selected a lovely pair of high-heeled sandals. Perfect. I took a deep breath and stepped back out into the main room. He was standing beside a table set for two holding out my chair. I beamed at him, I couldn’t help myself.

I don’t remember much about that dinner or the hours of conversation that we shared that evening. I do remember that he told me how beautiful I looked in the candlelight. I remember the way his green eyes glinted and danced as we talked. He asked me about my life and I found myself sharing every detail with him. I told him everything about my childhood, my ambitions, my passages and interests, my husband and my children. All the while, he listened intently, smiling and nodding, seeming to drink it in.

I finally was bold enough to ask him about himself; his answers were a bit guarded but perfectly honest. It was during this conversation that I realized what a truly fine man he was. His views on the world showed without question that he was honorable, honest, brave and compassionate. It is all a blur to me now, but I remember being more “present” during that conversation than during any other in my life.

As with our previous dinner, he helped me into another nightgown and laid me in the bed, telling me to get some rest. I slept deeply while a whirlwind of dreams filled my head.

I laugh thinking about this now, Because I realize that he enjoyed having me awaken in unusual circumstances and watching me acclimate and react. I think he learns something about the women he “trains” by theway they handle those situations. From personal experience, I can tell you that it is virtually impossible to hide anything when you are naked and strapped to some piece of wood or machinery!

And so, once again, I awoke in a rather interesting situation. I was completely naked and lying on a large examining table, the kind you’d find in a doctor’s office. My legs were in the stirrups and tied securely. My arms were stretched above my head and tied with rough rope. There was a loose strap around my throat which seemed to go through the table and fasten underneath it. The middle section of the table underneath my ass felt like it was on a spring, feeling kind of “bounce” compared to the relative rigidity of the rest of the table.

I could see lots of silver implements through my peripheral vision but could not lift my head high enough to make out exactly what they were. I laid my head back and decided to relax and wait for his inevitable arrival.

His voice broke the silence, “Well done, Alexis. You assessed your situation and reached calm acceptance very quickly. Good girl.”

His pray sent chills through me and I was wet instantly. I moaned softly and strained to try to see him, but he was outside my range of vision. I saw his hand reach from behind me; he was standing at the head of the examination table. He stroked my cheek and chuckled as I saw and nuzzled my face close to try to prolong his touch.

“Poor little Alexis; she needs something, doesn’t she?” He chuckled again. “She needs cock, doesn’t she?” I whimpered. “What is it baby?” He asked in the same tone one would use with a toddler in distress, “What do you need?” He continued to stroke my cheek and hair, as though he were petting me.

I felt no reluctance this time when I said, “Please, Steve. My pussy is aching to be fucked. Yesterday was torture. Please. Please!!!”

He chuckled yet again, “Mmmmm, Alexis; I do love it when you beg. Alright my dear, you shall be fucked this morning.”

I told and relaxed my body and waited for him to appear, but instead I heard his footsteps moving away and heard him take a seat somewhere at an angle where he could view my body, but I couldn’t see him. “Steve?” I asked. But there was no response.

I heard clicking from his direction and then a whirring sound between my legs. It wasn’t long before I felt a cold steel dildo push toward my pussy lips. I was so wet at this point that it slide easily inside me. The shake was thick and extremely hard. It pushed slowly into me. I heard more clicking and it began pumping in and out of me, slowly at first and then building speed. I tensed my legs and braced my body as this machine began fucking me in earnest.

“Ohhhh!!!” I screamed and moaned as the denial of the previous day came rushing back in a torrent. That feverish aching need to climax filled my body and I began to whimper and wail.

“What’s the matter, baby?” He said with obvious glee. “You need to cum? Don’t you?”

I grunted “Unnnhh Huhhhhhh!!!”

Instantly, the dildo slowed down its rhythmic fucking and began to vibrate and seemed to fill with warmth. It was indescribably erotic. I managed to croak out “m-m-more!” intending to ask for him to speed up the rhythm but unable to artistic myself in the rush of sensing.

He laughed out loud, “Oh trust me, Alexis, there is much, much more.” And with that, the mechanical assault on my body began.

First, the “bounce section” of the table slide away, leaving my ass was suspended somewhat so that it lowered down into the received part of table. This caused several things to happen at once. The strap around my throat tightened brutally as soon as my neck pulled it forward and it pulled back down tightly, like a seatbelt does when you slam on the brakes. I was dizzy instantly and had to struggle to get any air at all.

When my ass lowered, it came in contact with another cold metal dildo, already lubricated. It was not quite at the right angle, but a few clicks from Steve’s remote console changed it expertly so that it found the sweet pumper of my asshole. I felt it move very slowly up until it was deep inside my ass. Meanwhile the hot vibrating dildo was steadily pumping away in my pussy.

Two artisticizing metal arms rose from the sides of the exam table and I looked up and saw pincers hanging down from them by a Retractable rod. Steve guided them down by remote and instructed me to lie very still while he attached them one at a time to my fully erect nipples. The pain seized through my body and I screamed and compromised, which only made everything more exciting and intense.

At the sound of my scream, both dildos began pumping rapidly, altering at first and then cycling to a point where both were pumping inside of me in unison, filling me, stretching me completely. The clamps gave intermittent tugs to my nipples and the strap around my throat tightened and slackened randomly. I was completely dizzy and disoriented and my body was responding to the combined sensings with tremendous arousal. I could feel my juices spinning out and coating both of the vibrators. I moaned and whimpered and grunted, begging without words. I desperately needed to cum.

I was so distracted that I did not hear Steve walk over and place his hand on my abdomen. I flinched at the hot electric sensing of actual human touch in the midst of the mechanical gang fuck. He trailed his finger lazily down my body, stopping just short of my clip. He looked at me as I whimpered again.

“What do you want, Alexis?” His eyes practically glowed; I couldn’t take my eyes off them.

I gasped as I spoke, “I want… I want to cum!”

He grew and moved his finger to my clip and pressed. “You will not cum yet Alexis. You must control it or there will be consequences.”

I groaned and bit down fiercely on my lower lip in an effort to fight the growing sensing. I tastedthe drop of blood that rose as a result, but I didn’t care. I had to please him; I had to resist this climax until he allowed me. Oh god, he has to give me permission soon! My mind raced.

He rubbed slow circles on my clip, occasionally flicking it with his fingerprintnail. This was sublime torture; my mind was completely devoid of anything except his voice, his image, and my need to cum. He asked Calmly, “Are you close, Alexis? Don’t lie.”

I sputtered, “YES! YES!!” And then everything stopped.

I sobbed in maddening frustration, “Please, please, please, PLEASE!”

He just looked at me with bemusement mixed with a bit of goal and stroked my sweat and tear stained face. “What’s the matter baby? I know what it is. Alexis needs a real cock. Don’t you? Don’t you want a REAL cock?”

I groaned something that was meant to be yes but sounded more like a wail.

He leaned down and kissed me deeply. “You have pleased me with your control. Alexis. You will be fucked by a real cock soon, I promise.” I told in relief as he began unhooking my body from the examining table fuck machine.

Finally, I thought. At last he is going to fuck me and I am going to feel it all. It wouldn’t be long now.


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