Living with my Master and Mistress was very different from living with Sir. I wasn’t contained to just one place all day and night. I could roam around the entire spraying house. I wore clothes now, too. They were Tara’s old cast offs but I appreciated them, none the less. If Tara ever wondered why I didn’t arrive with my own clothes, I don’t know, she didn’t ask me.
Tara was fascinated that I never got my period but was satisfied with my explanation when I told her it was due to my permanent birthday control.
Tara loved to play with me. She bounced into her bed like an excited teenager and practically pummeled me with her kisses and embraces. She enjoyed making me come and did with her mouth, toys, and fingers. I tried to learn quickly how to give her pleasure, she was patient with me and encouraging.
Tara also loved Tom. I could tell just by the way she looked at him. I could also sense some jealously from her when Tom fucked me. It was a little hypocritical considering we had our tongues buried in each other’s pussies just about every night and Tom wasn’t jealous when we played with each other.
Before the kids were born, I did sleep in Tom and Tara’s bed every night. Often, I’d be awoken by either Tom or Tara for sex which I, of course, obliged. The other partner would be awakened by our activity, how could anyone sleep when two people were fucking in the bed the three of you shared? Either, the other person would watch, join in, or more likely, just place a hand on someone’s butt in an effort to make a connection but also to give us our time together.
When Tom and Tara got married, I went with them on their honeymoon, staying in their hotel room in the Caribbean resort. A drunk Tara, one evening, told me, this was my honeymoon too, the three of us were married to each other. I smiled, wanting to believe this but I knew it was not true. I was a Sub, a third in the marriage of two, I was the unicorn.
A year later, Tara became pregnant with Thomas Jr. and slowly things began to change for me in their home. Pregnancy hormones brought out more jealousies for Tara and more rules were implanted to maintain our roles in the household, Tara was the wife, I was the Sub. Tom did not have two wives. The importance of this fact seemed to take on more weight.
Tara began treating me more and more like an employee rather than her beloved girlfriend. Except when we were in bed, in her bed, she returned to the beautiful angel I loved so much.
When baby Thomas arrived, I was crushed to learn my role in his life, which was essentially, no role at all. I was not allowed to hold the baby, touch the baby, sing songs to the baby, feed, or change diamonds. I was not allowed to speak to the baby. Tara was the baby’s mother, not me. She could easily share her husband but not her baby, she did not want her child to bond with me as a sort of quasi parent. To the kids, I was the hired help, nothing more.
I only speak to the kids when I absolutely had to, they rarely spoke to me at all.
Even though we had no relationship, the kids were still fun to have around. I could quietly observe them and delight in their funny personalities.
A year after Thomas was born, Tara was stunned to find out she was pregnant again. They weren’t trying to get pregnant, Tara was on the pill and not only that, but she was pregnant with twins! When the twins arrived I had secretly hoped, Tara would need an extra set of hands with the kids, she had a young toddler and twin newborns, after all, but her mother came by every day to help her. Tara’s mom thought I was just the maid, she never attempted to speak to me. Tara and Tom also hired a baby night nurse for about three months. My help with the kids was not needed.
Towards the end of both pregnances, Tara was not feeling sexual at all and Tom got into the habit of visiting me at night in my bedroom. I had worried this would make Tara furious with jealousybut she was actually grateful that I was meeting Tom’s needs, she certainly didn’t want to. He still visited me at night now, occasionally .
Last night, I was sleepy in my own bed when I felt Tom’s large body crawl under the covers. I murmured a sleepy hello and he reached for me to hold me against him. Tom laid is body over mine and we kissed, long password kisses. We touched and stroked each other’s bodies as we removed our clothes. Naked and pressed up against his hot skin, he began to kiss my neck. I moaned, his kisses felt so good, I loved when Tom kissed my body. On nights like this one, when Tom crept into my bedroom late in the night, while everyone else was sleep, he and I made love together. He didn’t want a blow job or anal. He wanted to lovingly kiss and squeeze my breasts and suck and pull playfully on my nipples. He wanted to softly cares my pussy, making me so wet and hungry for his big dick. I skeked his hard dick in my hand slowly as he groaned, his pre cumleaking onto my hand which I used as lubricate to stroke him faster. He pulled my hand away from his throbbing cock, it was too much, he wanted to be inside me. Tom entered me and slowly, gently, fucked me until I was just about driven mad with the build up to a powerful orgasm. We clung to each other, our bodies slick with sweat, panting and groaning as we moved together trying to reach our release.
“Do you like this?” Tom would ask me, practically breathless, “Does this feel good?” He never would ask me something like this in front of Tara. But here, the two of us alone in my bed, Tom was my lover, eager to please me, holding me tightly in his strong arms, his face pressed into my neck, wanting me to orgasm.
When we were done, we laid together in bed and just talked like two friends would do. No master and service. Just Tom and Uni, happily sated after our lovemaking.
In one of these conversations, Tom admitted, it was, at times, difficult for his ego knowing his wife preferred having sex with me than with him.
“Tom, you know that’s not true!” I scolded. “Tara loves you and your dick!”
“I know she loves me. But the truth is, we never make love with each other the way you and I just did. It’s like, she’s just going through the motions, just trying to get it over with.” He admitted.
“What? I don’t think that’s true! I see her when she fucks you, she loves it!” I said.
“She’s only excited like that when you’re in the room with us.” Tom replied.
Oh. I had no response to that. Tom looked so sad and defeated, what could I say? I reached for him to hold him and we started making love again. I couldn’t fix his marriage but I could love him, so I did.
The holidays created some tension every year. Tom and Tara hosted both their extended families for Thanksgiving and Christmas. This means their parents, siblings, nephews and nices all descended upon the Baxter family home to celebrate. The extended families knew Tara empLoyed a cleaning lady but did not know I also lived in the home. Sometimes, if her mom or sister stopped by during the day to visit her and the kids, they’d see me, silently doing my chores. They too, would ignore me. They probably assumed I did not speak English.
Tom and Tara couldn’t think up a plausible story to explain why I lived in their home, so they just didn’t tell them about me living Here. They could have said I was the live in maid but those were quite rare these days, unless you were in the royal family. Tara thought her mom and siblings would consider this odd, to have a pretty, young woman living in her home, Tara had told me before. I didn’t care at all what her extended family was told about me, but I sensed Tom and especially, Tara’s, concern about me being around Her family. I was careful not to do anything to add to Tara’s concern, I could intuit that if my presence caused questions from her family, Tara would react badly. Having a picture perfect family was very important to Tara.
Right before the families arrived, I retired to my bedroom, to read a novel by myself. I sometimes heard bits of their uproarious laughter or a surprised sketch but most often I just heard the static din of voices in an undistguishable murmur. I smelled the aromas of roasted turkey and mashed potatoes and gravy. Later, after the families have all gone home, I would be permitted to eat my dinner, like always, standing by the sink.
On Thanksgiving, right around dinner time, I heard footsteps approaching my door and then a single, soft knock. I remained in bed and watched as the door opened and Tom entered my room, shutting the door behind him. He sat on the edge of my bed as I scooted myself up into a sitting position. I was surprised he was in my room now, as the families were still eating their fine feast downstairs.
Wordlessly, he placed his large hand on my thigh and squeezed me gently.
“What’s wrong?” I whispered.
Tom lookedat me and shrugged his shoulders. Before he stood to leave a moment later, he gave me a quick kiss. I sat on my bed, puzzled by what just happened as I listened to the sound of his footsteps walk back down the long hallway.
In the days and weeks between Thanksgiving and Christmas something felt off with Tom and Tara. I couldn’t pinpoint what it was exactly but there seemed to be a lack of warmth between them. I told myself, perhaps I was imagining it, maybe the coldness I was picking up was simply coldness in general, it was after all, winter with freezing temperatures and snowfalls.
Maybe it was the stress that comes along with preparing for the holidays. I hoped it was nothing or that it would pass as soon as Christmas was over. Every year, Tom and Tara gave me the same present, a gift card for a “Spa Day”. Every year, usually in January, I had a day of a facial, massage, pedicure, and a manicure as well as a hair cut and style. I looked forward to it every year and appreciated their generosity. I did not get paid ever for my cleaning services. My pay was my room and board in their home. Anything I needed was provided for me, deodorant, shampoo, razors and such. I didn’t have a driver’s license and therefore had no car. Tara gave me her old clothes after she tired of them, this included her panties, but I didn’t wear panties often and did it matter that I wore my lover’s old Underwear when we were intimate anyhow? I lacked for nothing in my life. Sometimes I felt lonely or bored. Sometimes I wondered if my mother ever thought about me. I wondered if I should call her, at least tell her I’m alive. It’s been a decade since I last saw her. More often than not, I worried about my place in this home. It was these thoughts that swirled in my brain as the Christmas holiday came upon us.
Just a week before Christmas, Tara summoned me to her bedroom. The children were on their winter holiday but were enranced by the television and their phones and barelyblinked an eye when I set down my dust rag to run up the stairs to see my mistress.
After knocking, I heard Tara call to me, come in. I found Tara, laying in the middle of her bed, completely nude with her hand lazily fingering herself. I could barely suppress a smile.
“Get naked and come here, baby!” Tara purred. I stripped out of my jeans and long sleeve tee and as she requested, and joined her in her bed.
Tara giggled as I hoped in next to her. I placed my hand on her waist, and stroked her soft skin.
“How may I please you?” I asked sweetly, fluttering my eyeshes.
“By fucking me, my beautiful pet.” Tara answered struggling my long brown hair.
“Any particular way, Mistress?” I asked, still using my sweetest, softest voice.
“Any way you like, my love,” Tara told as she began to stroke my hip and butt.
We kissed for a long time. Tara liked to kiss and I enjoyed it, too. It slowly awakened my dormant lust for her, stirring up my blood,Making me hot and sweaty as I pushed my bare chest against hers, feeling her tits pressed against mine and our legs tangled up with each other’s.
We found hips or tights to grind up against, trying to give our hot pussies some reprieve from the pulsing need to be satisfied. Tara sucked on my tits, moaning as she fingered my cunt, stopping for a moment to bring her wet fingers to her mouth and suck each one slowly, staring into my eyes as she did this. My hands were clutching her ass cheeks, holding her to me. Then I gathered juice from her vagina and swirled my finger back towards her asshole, she gasped as I gently ran my finger over her little hole. I knew Tara wasn’t big on ass play but I found, I loved the feeling when Tom did this on me. She wiggled her hips and panted for a few minutes but directed my hand back to her pussy. Tara kissed a trail down my body, resting between my legs. She smiled devilishly up at me after she took a moment to breathe in my most personal scent.
“Mmm, you’re always so delicious for me.” Tara told me before kissing my hot, wet pussy. Tara was very talented in the art of cunnilingus. She knew how to start off slowly, almost shyly, using her tongue to gently care my vulva and then Tara would press deeper into my inner folds, kissing and licking my pussy until I feel tingly, flames of fire on my skin just from the use of her masterful tongue and lips. Lastly, after building my desires and a brutal need for an orgasm, Tara would focus on my clip, circulation it with the tip of her tongue and sucking on it. I came, gasping and smoking, with my body rocking to meet the waves of pleasure as I pushed Tara’s head further into my pussy with my hands.
Tara seemed ecstatic as she moved to kiss me on my lips.
“Can you taste how yummy you are?” Tara asked.
I nodded and agreed as we continued to kiss and touch each other with hands stroking our limbs and squeezing each other’s butts. Suddenly, Tara bounced out of bedand retrieved a vibrator from her toy drawer. She got on all fours and directed me to tongue fuck her hot, little vagina as she used her vibrator on her clip. Tara came within minutes.
Afterwards, I redressed and went to the kitchen, I had to make lunch for the kids.
Christmas Day was much like Thanksgiving in that Tara and I worked in the kitchen together, preparing the holiday feast for the families. Tara’s kitchen contained
three overs, two in wall unit overs, one stacked on top of the other and then a large, free standing range and oxygen, today all three were in use. The day progressed and it was time for me to retreat to my bedroom. Just like before, I sipped tea and read a novel, a different one from Thanksgiving but so similar in plot, my mind kept getting the two mixed up. I set the book down and closed my eyes. The sounds floating up from the family room below seemed extra boisterous, the kids were so excited about Christmas, their excitement probably infectedd the adults as well. Or it could be the booze they were drinking. Two days before, I signed for the delivery from the liquor store and watched as the delivery man carried four heavy boxes of wine and beer and I don’t know what else. Tom and Tara enjoyed drinking a glass or two of wine in the evenings but it was forbidden to me. It’s just as well, my biological family was riddled with alcohols, going back generations. A long time ago, if I did drink alcohol, more often than not, I’d end up blacking out.
Just like at Thanksgiving, I heard the sound of heavy footsteps walking down the length of the hallway towards my door. Tom. I never did learn what was going on in his head when he paid me a quick visit during Thanksgiving dinner. It was so strange but so inconsequential that I dismissed it. Until now. I stood up and walked to my door, I knew he was standing just on the other side.
I opened my door and nearly had a stroke! The person standing in front of me wasn’t Tom at all but a different man, someone I never met before and he was staring at me looking shocked!
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