Sir trained me to be his perfect slave girl. For the most part, I stayed in the basement playroom all day and night. At a certain time each day, I would here a ding of a computerized bell. This was my signal that I was allowed to go upstairs and into the kitchen, but only the kitchen, all other parts of the house were off limits to me. I would make myself a sandwich and pour a glass of milk and eat as I stared out the window to the spatial grounds of Sir’s estate. I was able to determine the season and the month by what I saw outside, the leaves on the trees turning gold and red meant it was Autumn, snow falling and swirling all around meant it was winter, and so on.
All too soon, another ding would sound which alerted me I only had two minutes to return to the playroom. I placed my dirty dishes in the kitchen sink and returned downstairs.
When the basement door shut behind me, I heard the sound of the bolts locking automatically. I wore a special computerized collar around my neck at all times unless I was showing. My collar collected data such as my movements in the house and even my heart rate. Sir could look at an app on his phone to check on me through the collar information. Sir also had cameras set up and he was able to watch me in real time, also on his phone.
I knew Sir went somewhere everyday, his job, perhaps? I would hear voices coming from upstairs but it didn’t sound like the words were English. I could hear a vacuum running above me, the maid, I guessed.
I didn’t have a TV or a radio or a phone. There were no books or magazines in the playroom, either. I spent much of my time during the day sleeping on the concrete floor but after I had completed my training, Sir generally gifted me with a soft, warm blanket.
Sir visited me every day, bringing me my evening meal and allowing me to use the toilet and shower. Sometimes, we did a scene together and other times Sir simply returned back upstairs, leaving me alone again.
A scene, as Sir called them, was when he tied me or strapped me down to a beam or a chair or a structure pole. He might blindfold me or put a gag in my mouth, or not. He would do what ticked his fancy in the moment, maybe put clamps on my nipples or labia. Or use toys to stimulate and tease me into a fury of need for sexual release but then leave me wanting. He hit me with a flogger, the leather strips singing my soft skin. He also used a paddle and his bare hand. He often told me that he enjoyed watching my butt turn from peach to pink to red. Sir had a medical fetish. He had a chair in the playroom that had feet stirrups, like something you would see in a gynecological office. Sir would direct me to sit in this chair and stick my arms and legs down tightly. With my feet in the Stirrups, my legs were stretched wide apart with my feet held high above my body. The “Doctor” scene basically consistent of Sir performing a gynecological exam. Sir had acquired actual medical tools like speculums and would examine me very thoroughly. During these scenes, more often than not, Sir would administrator an enema. The first time he did this, I had never even heard of an enema before and I had no idea what was happening as he inserted the hard, plastic tube into my rectum and then proceeded to fill me with fluid. It felt so strange and then as I began to fill up, the waves of cramps hit me. Sir took the plastic tube out and pushed in a butt plug as I sweated and whimpered at the uncomfortable full feeling and cramping. Next, Sir massed by distended belly with his hands, digging his fingers into me, telling me he was helping me with the cramping but this only amplified my distress. Finally, Sir, unbound me and I was allowed to evacuate my bowls on the toilet.
Other times, during our Doctor scenes, after giving me my exam, he would fuck me, still bound in the straws to the exam chair. He loved this especially. Standing at the edge of the chair next to my pussy, me completeely immobilized and spread open for him to do just what he pleased.
During our very first Doctor scene, Sir inserted a metal device through my cervix and into my uteterus. The device served two purposes, one, it was birthday control and two, it made it so I did not have my monthly menstrual period. Ever. The insertion of the device was excruciating.
I learned after, Sir was not actually a doctor and looked up online how to insert it into me. After a lot of painful tries and missteps, he finally got it into me, but by that time I had passed out.
As time went by, Sir spent less and less time with me, all too often, giving me my evening meal and returning upstairs without saying so much as a word to me. This was very distressing for me. Sir was the only person I interacted with for months, and it had seemed he had lost interest in me. I knew I had not displeased him, in fact if I had, he would have punished me with the excited glint in his eyes that he had whenever I needed to be taught a lesson.
Perhaps now that I was trained and very docile, he was bored with me.
I was to learn some time later this was not the case at all. The truth was Sir was seventy two years old and running a large multimillion dollar company along with his younger brother and his nephew, Tom. Sir worked twelve hours a day at his office and by the time he came home, he was exhausted. Most evenings all he could manage was to eat his dinner, watch some TV and go to bed, engaging in a scene with me or even going downstairs for a simple blowjob, seemed like too much effort for his tired body. Sir knew he was neglecting his slave and felt guilty about it. He knew he needed to figure out a different arrangement, but what? He wasn’t sure.
And then a possible solution came to him. His nephew Tom! Tom was a lot like Sir had been at his age, brash, determined, overly confident but smart and most of all very controlling. Although Tom’s good looks and intelligence, he had stupidly set his sights on seducing a good looking dyke from the sales department. Yeah, the girl was smart and had a killer hot body but again, she liked to eat pussy so it was a lost cause for Tom. Sir could see Tom’s frustration building over this girl and decided to let Tom in on a little secret of his: me.
One evening, I heard the basement door open and I immediately put myself in position. “In position” was the term used to describe the position I was in to greet Sir with when he first entered the basement. ‘In position’ was me on my knees, ass up facing the stairs, and head and arms on the floor. Every greeting between Sir and I consistent of me in ‘in position’ so that Sir could put his finger or fingers into my asshole. He referred to this as my ongoing docility training. I suppose it was to remind me that with every interaction I had with Sir, I was his stupid whore to be used as however he felt fit.
I was shocked when I heard what sounded like two men having a discussionsion as they came down the stairs. Sir had never brought down a guest before! I felt both frightened but also very excited and curious!
From the position I was in, I could not see the other man standing next to Sir in front of me but I could sense his presence. The man said, “Whoa!!!” when he first entered the playroom but I didn’t know if he was reacting to me, the young woman on her knees with her ass high in the air in front of him, or the playroom itself. I tried to stay very still but I was dying to get a look at the new visitor, from just the sound of his voice he sounded young! Like maybe thirty, perhaps! Much younger than Sir, that’s for sure!
“Slave bitch, position two!” Sir barked loudly at me. I quickly stood up and placed myself in position two with my arms behind my back, tits pushed up and out, my eyes staring straight ahead.
I could see my new visitor now. He was very good looking! He was tall and well built like maybe he played football in high schooland maybe in college too. His shoulders were broad and his chest looked strong and unyielding. I felt my mouth get wet as I observed him from my position.
“Slave bitch, meet Tom. You call him Master. You are his slave bitch now as well as mine.” Sir explained, sounding angle, but that was the tone he always used whenever he spoke to me.
Master Tom’s eyes starred widely at my nude body from head to toe and back again. He took in my dark brown long hair, my thin body, my young twenty year old’s firm breasts with light brown pointy nipples, down to my flat stomach, full hips, my pussy covered in dark pubic hair and then my shaped legs.
“That’s quite a full snatch!” Master Tom commented, staring straight at my pussy.
“I prefer them natural.” Sir answered.
I could tell Master Tom did not and I felt ashamed of my hairy cunt, I did not please him.
“You should punish slave bitch for not keeping her cunt clean for you!” Sir instructed handing Master Tom the wood paddle.
I could tell this surprised Master Tom, how was I supposed to know to shake my cunt for him if I didn’t know he was coming to see me and he liked a shaken pussy? But questions like that didn’t matter in the playroom. The fact is, Tom was here, he didn’t like my pubic hair and now I should be punished for displeasing him. Tom accepted the paddle from his uncle. He walked behind me and struck my ass, hard, three times before handing the paddle back to Sir. I was curious how Master Tom felt about doing this. I got my answer when he was in front of me again. I could see his large dick pushing out from under his pants and he had a wild and thrilled look in his eyes. Paddling me turned him on, just like his uncle.
Sir instructed Master Tom how to treat me, like a master treats his slave. Sir also introduced Master to the exam chair, demonstrating how to straw down my arms and legs and how to use each cold, steel, medical tool, opening parts of my body so that he couldpoke and ticke deep into my body. Even I got the sense that Master Tom did not have this particular kink and my first time being examined in the chair by Master Tom was also the last.
Master Tom liked blow jobs. A lot. He also liked anal and he fucked my pussy, too. I enjoyed having sex with Master. He was so much younger and stronger than Sir. He smelled so good, just his natural smell as he did not wear cologne. He also seemed to really enjoy fucking me, unlike Sir who seemed to prefer the lead up scene to sex rather than the sex itself.
Doing things like attaching clamps onto my nipples, did not so much thrill Sir sexually but instead, just seemed like it was a needed addition, as part of the scene.
Sir had the three of us go through scenes in which Sir would whisper to me ways in which I was so supposed to behave badly, like standing up without Master’s permission to do so first and the game was Master had to notice my failing and then punish me. Sometimes, likeSir, Master would use the flogger or his hand to redden my ass with for no other reason than they enjoyed doing it.
One day, Master came downstairs. I heard his footsteps but I was still partly asleep and confused, believing I must be just dreaming and I was hearing dream footsteps. I awoke fully with a jolt seeing Sir standing in front of me. Panicked and disoriented, I stood quickly.
“Rebecca, it is time for us to say goodbye. You have been a loyal slave but now it is time for you to go elsewhere.” Sir spoke, not in his usual barking, angry voice, but calmly and gently. He used my given name. Rebecca. No one has called me my name since the day Andy drive me to Sir’s mansion. It feels so strange hearing my name coming out of Sir’s mouth.
Going? I thought, where? Home? Where was that now? Not with Andy, my idiot drug dealing boyfriend. Not my mother who I fought with constantly until I moved out of her dumpy apartment to live with Andy in his.
“Don’t worry. Youhave a new Master. I am taking you to him right now.” Sir explained. He handed me the clothes I came with, my jeans, t shirt, bra, panties, socks and sneakers. The clothes had been washed and folded. I began to put my clothes on, noticing how strange it felt to wear clothes after being nude for so long.
Sir led me upstairs and outside and into an expensive looking car. I rode in the back seat While Sir drive. It feel like riding in a Taxi. I stared out the window, at the fast moving scenery. I actually felt my heart pounding in my chest, it had been so long since I’ve ridden in a car, the experience now feel both scary and thrilling, like a carnival ride. We drive for about a half hour or so and then Sir parked in front of a very large house in what looked like a posh, upscale suburban neighborhood. All the houses looked huge and they all kind of looked the same. Sir led me to the front door.
Master Tom opened the door to us. I was at once so relieved! I knew Master and Iliked him. Tom peered around and asked about my things, my luck’s, clothes and other belongings, where were they?
“Just the clothes on her back.” Sir told Master. Tom seemed taken aback by this.
Without saying goodbye to me, Sir left and drove away, leaving Master and I staring dumbly in his front entry hallway. Master Tom collected himself and told me to follow him. Instead of going into a basement, we both climbed the wide spiral staircase and walked down a long hallway, stopping at the very last door.
“This is your bedroom.” Tom told me.
I looked around in amazement. It was a real bedroom! With an actual bed! And windows of my own to look outside whenever I wanted to! The bedroom even had its own bathroom! I was overcome with gratitude but remained silent as I should and have been trained to do.
“Stay in here for now. Later you will meet my girlfriend, she knows you’re here” Master instructed. Girlfriend? That’s interesting. Master left the room andshut the door.
I looked out the window, seeing the leaf buds on the trees as they were just starting to emerge. It was Springtime now. This neighborhood seemed so quiet, abandoned, so unlike the neighborhood I grew up in with people walking up and down the sidewalks all day, moss sitting on apartment stops gossiping with other moss and neighbors while the kids played tag and hopscotch and jump rope. There were no children outside here, no people, for that matter.
I usually slept in the daytime and I started to feel sleepy now, I laid down on the bed and sent as my body relaxed onto the soft mattress. It felt like heaven on earth and I quickly fell asleep.
I was awoken by who I thought at first, was an angel telling me in a soft voice, “Wake up, wake up, little one! I want to play with you!”
My angel was stunningly beautiful with pure blond hair and sea blue eyes. I sat up and stared at this lovely creation in front of me.
“Is she shy?” my angel asked.
“No,” Master Tom explained. “She has been trained to speak only when asked a direct question or when told to speak”.
The blond, young woman sitting next to me raised her eyesbrows over at Master, almost as if to say, are you for real?
She turned back to me and pushed my hair out of my face and tucked it behind my ear.
She gently caressed my cheek and then she Surprised me by kissing me on my mouth. I had never kissed a girl before but I noticed how soft her lips felt on mine. She pushed her tongue into my mouth to deepen our kiss. She held both sides of my face gently with her fingertips. If I wasn’t so surprised that this beautiful young woman was French kissing me, I may have enjoyed it, as it was, I was still feeling unsure about what was happening right now.
She broke off our kiss gently and stared into my eyes. “Do you want to play with me?” She asked seductively.
“Yes, I do” I answered automatically.
“Tara, I told you, that’s not how you talk to her! You don’t ask her for her permission! You give her an order and she does it!” Master scolded.
“That seems kind of rude, Tom!” She quipped back at him.
“It’s how they train them. At the academic. She is our Sub, so we have to treat her like our Sub. We can’t go changing things now, it will mess up her training!” Tom explained, clearly frustrated.
Academy? What is he talking about?
I would come to learn that Tom had it in his head that I enrolled in some kind of secret BDSM academic, like Hogwarts but instead of learning spells and how to play quidditch, I learned how to eat pussy while being fucked from behind. Where he got this notion, I had no idea, maybe from his uncle or maybe he just came up with it on his own.
He believed that I enrolled in the academic to become a professional submissive to a wealthy man or woman like Tom and Tara. Like this was my chosen career path, as if I considered going into nursesing or teaching but felt being a submissive was my true calling in life. I thought it was funny that he thought this and kind of surprised Tara believed it.
The truth was, I knew I controlled my life now. All I had to do was tell Tara I had never attended any kind of academic in my life and certainly not the one she imagined and I would be free. Tara would not hold me against my will. Or, not even speak to Tara, I could Easily just walk out the door. There were no locked doors here, no bolts, no neck collar and as far as I knew, no cameras.
What I did have was a beautiful house to live in, a pool to swim when I had permission to do so, food to eat, TV, a gym membership, and two amazing people who both used me and loved me. I chose to stay.
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