
The problem of Cheryl was raised at one of the teacher’s meetings at Clendon All Girls School.

“Cheryl is totally unimpressed by any punishments we might hand out,” gripped the English teacher. “She ignores detentions and she’s actually hoping for a suspension, so giving her one would be self-defeating.”

“She’s sitting on the maximum amount of demerit points,” complained the History teacher. “Giving her more would be useless and she ignores punishment assignments.”

“Worst of all,” pointed out the Maths instructor, “She aces all tests. She’ll probably wind up dux of the school, and that’s too terrible to contemplate.”

“I have a suggestion,” offered the Home Economics teacher. “As you know, I’ve been arranging a pupil swap with Lawndale High. Oddly Enough, Cheryl has put up her hand as a volunteer to take part in the swap. I’ve already handed out the school rules to the girls who have volunteered and they have all signed their acceptance of them, including Cheryl and her parents.

I think we should include Cheryl in the group that we send to Lawndale.”

“How,” demanded the Maths teacher, “does rewarding her with this visit teacher her a lesson?”

“Why don’t you read the Lawndale school rules, taking note of the fact that Cheryl is eighteen and has signed her agreement to said rules. As a matter of fact, I have a copy of the rules here.”

Fishing around in her bag, the Home Economics teacher fished out the relevant document.

“Rule 34 is one you might find interesting,” she said.

As a result of that little discussion Cheryl, much to her surprise, found herself included in the swap group. Why, she wondered, were the old biddies letting her out of their clutches? Something was fishy.

Something fishy or Not, Cheryl soon after found herself at Lawndale, getting acquainted with the faculty and students. The first day passed quietly while she acclimatised.

The second day, Cheryl tested the waters, as it were,causing a few minor disruptions. Various reprimands were blithely ignored as Cheryl started to push the staff a little harder, seeing what she could get away with.

The last two periods for that day were physical education, a subject that Cheryl disliked. She deliberately turned up late for it, causing a minor disruption.

“I’m Sam Ogilivie,” the PE teacher told her when she walked in. “You’re one of the swap students, aren’t you. Cheryl, isn’t it? Why are you late?”

“Because I don’t like fucking PE,” said Cheryl airirily.

Sam nodded consistently.

“In that case, I’ll give you a chance to explain why. After the lesson. You can go straight to my office after this and we’ll have a little chat.”

Cheryl smiled. She could sense another Detention about to be assigned. And ignored.

After PE, Cheryl went along to Sam’s office and was told to sit outside and wait while he made a phone call. After five minutes she was called in.

“Now Cheryl, lefting aside your dislike of PE, did you have any other reason for being late?”

When Cheryl Shook her head, Sam continued.

“So we have you being deliberately late for a lesson, swearing and disrespectful towards a teacher. That’s just my class. I’ve just checked with your other teachers for the day and been given a rundown on your activities. They’re leaving it for me to handle.

I believe before you were allowed to come to Lawndale you were given a copy of the school rules, which you and your parents signed?”

Cheryl agreed, cautiously, not sure where this was going.

“I see. And did you actually take time to read the rules?”

Cheryl nodded. “Of course,” she said.

“Then do you think you can remember what rule 34 says?”

“Um, not offhand,” admitted Cheryl. “You’ll have to refresh my memory.”

“I’ll do that shortly. However, first I’d like to point out that your behavior at school today has been atrocious and will not be tolerated. The numberof demerits you’ve earned today easily entitle you to at least two detentions, but I’ve noticed that the demerits you’ve brought with you from Clendon are already maxed out.

Neither have you been willing to reduce the number of demerits by serving detentions given to you or for that matter any other type of punishment.

That brings us to rule 34. You might like to read it.”

Sam passed Cheryl a copy of the rules and she left through them until she reached the relevant rule and read it.

“It just deals with corporate punishment,” she said. “It says that you use it at Lawndale.”

“Full marks. You do know what corporate punishment is, don’t you?”

“Of course. It’s where you smack a child for misbehaviour.”

Sam smiled. “Quite correct, my child,” he said unctually.

Cheryl blinked. He wouldn’t. He couldn’t. Of course he couldn’t, she realized. Her parents would never agree.

“I’m sorry, but I’ll have to decline the corporate punishment,” shesaid, smiling. “My parents would never agree.”

Sam stood up stepped passed her and locked the door while she watched, shocked.

“You’re eighteen, Cheryl, and you’ve already signed the consent form. It’s explicitly stated in the form you signed regarding the rules.

And because you’re eighteen, we don’t need your parent’s prior approval. Now be a good girl and bend over the desk and we can get started.”

Cheryl blanched. He was serious. She looked around, hoping for inspiration.

“Don’t you have to have a female teacher issue corporate punishment on female students?” she asked hopefully.

“Ah, normally, but it’s not a hard and fast rule. The teachers whose classes you disrupted said they’d leave the whole thing to me. Your teachers at Clendon, however, did Leave you a message for a time like this. Basically it says, have fun.”

Cheryl flushed. The whole transfer thing had been a trap and she’d walked into it. No wonder they let her come. They knew thiswould happen.

Reluctantly she approached the desk and bent over it. She waited, then squealed when a hand came down hard on her bottom. Hell, that hurt. A pause, and then another hard spank and another squeal.

“That’s just a starter, Cheryl,” Sam told her. “Before we continue, will you please remove your shorts and panties. We’re very traditional here and believe a bare bottom is the best for a good spanking.”

“If I don’t?” asked Cheryl.

“Then I will remove them and you’ll have added to your spanking for disobedience.”

Almost choking on her fury, Cheryl unid her shorts fastings and lowered both them and her panties.

“You had better take them right off,” said Sam. “We don’t want you tripping on them, now do we?”

Flinging a dirty look at Sam, Cheryl obeyed, recovering her stance at the desk afterwards.

“You have a hundred demerit points outstanding, Cheryl,” Sam said, “but we’re not going to work off the full hundred today. I thought twenty would be a nice figure to start with. Do try to keep an accurate count, won’t you.”

The third spank came down on a bare bottom this time, accompanied by a third squeal from Cheryl.

After Sam had reached the ten count he took a step backwards for a moment.

“You’re doing well,” he told a seeing Cheryl. “However, it’s time to up the embarrassment stakes. Please take off Your top and we will then finish up while you’re naked.”

Cheryl didn’t even both to argue. She just furiously striped off her top and bra and bent forward again.

“Good girl,” she heard Sam say. “You’re learning.”

Then a big hard hand landed on her rump as the spanking resumed. After a couple of spanks Sam laughed.

“You know,” he said, reaching over and giving a breast a quick squeeze. “These bounce about quite delightfully when I spank.”

Before Cheryl could protest the liberty, Sam’s hand again landed on her bottom.

At count fifteen, Sam took another break.

“You’re bottom is turning an interesting shade of red, Cheryl,” he told her. “I think we might spare it a little while I finish this.”

Cheryl wondered what he mean, right up to the moment that Sam’s hand spanked her pussy, singing her lips.

“Wait, stop, you can’t,” she squealed. “You’re not allowed to touch me there.”

By the time she had finished babbling, two more spanks had landed on her pussy, singing and teasing. “Last two” she heard, and before her protests could start again two swift spanks had assaulted her pussy again.

With the spanking finally over, Cheryl went to stand but was stopped by a hand pressing on her back.

“What?” asked Cheryl. “That’s twenty. You said twenty.”

“I did indeed, but you, you lucky girl, are now going to be allowed to work off a few more demerit points.”

Sam’s hand slide across Cheryl’s bottom and over her pussy, cupping her mound and squeezing it. Cheryl froze for a second, her heart racing and her pussy allof a sudden burning.

“What are you going to do?” she asked.

Sam’s hand rubbed gently over her pussy. How, Cheryl wondered, could she be so aware of being touched when he was doing it so softly.

“I think you know,” Sam said. “Let’s call it rewarding myself for teaching you to behave.”

His hand continued to rub over her pussy, while his second hand was now fondling her breasts. Cheryl swallowed, trying to find her voice.

“Um, I don’t do this sort of thing,” she muttered, feeling odd tingling sensings in her pussy and her breasts. Her nipples, she realized were hard as little stones, and Sam was teasing them. While her pussy…

Cheryl swallowed again as she felt Sam’s fingers easy inside her, her lips moving easily aside to give him entry.

“Oh, I think you’ll find that you do,” said Sam, probing deeper. “You certainly feel as though you’re ready to.

His hand moved away from her for a moment and Cheryl almost screamed when she heard therustle of clothes moving. She just knew that was Sam’s trousers going down.

His hand was back, teasing her, and he was standing so close to her Cheryl could feel his shake brushing lightly against her thigh. She wanted to turn and look at it, but couldn’t bring herself to turn her head. Oh god, he was going to be doing it to her. He was going to put that thing inside her.

Cheryl felt terrified and unbearably excited. She was going to actually be doing it. She’d talked about it with friends, and some of her friends claimed to have done it, but she’d ever been certain that they had. Boys had tried to touch her and show her their precious penises but she’d always fought shy. Now it seemed she’d have no choice.

Fingers danced inside her as well as across her breasts. She felt a slight pressure and knew Sam was testing her hymen, confirming her virginity. Then his fingers wandered elsewhere, and she gave a squeak and shuddered when they brushed something sensitive inside her.

“That was your cliporis reacting,” Sam murmured. “Imagine how it will feel when we really get going.”

“You’re a teacher,” Cheryl said, trying one last gambit. “You’re not allowed to have sex with your students.”

“True,” came the reply. “It’s a good thing that you’re only a visitor to the school, isn’t it. You have a decision to make.”

“I do?”

“Mmm. Do you want me to take you like this or do you want to turn around and see me enter you?”

I want to see, Cheryl decided. I want to watch that thing enter me.

Hesitantly she tried to stand and found that Sam let her. Turning around, she glanced down, and wondered if she had chosen the right option. That thing looked awfully large and Cheryl suddenly felt Very tiny.

She found herself being pressed back against the desk, her hands going behind her to support her. Her legs were being eased further apart and she could see her slit, knowing that it was about to be his to command. Sam was moving closer, and his cock was touching her there. Cheryl swallowed, and licked her lips, her mouth feeling horribly dry.

“Why don’t you steer it into place,” she heard Sam say and she watched in shock as her own hand reached down to ease apart her lips. She could feel Sam easing between her spread fingers, pressing against the inner flesh she was exposing for him. Hastily she jerked her hand away, feeling herself close over him.

Leaning back against her arms, Cheryl watched helpedlessly as Sam started pushing. She bit her lip as she felt him pressing against her hymen, then gave a painful squeal as something tore and Sam sank further in in a quick rush.

“That was my virginity, wasn’t it?’ she muttered.

“Yes indeed, Cheryl. You’ve now joined a long list of girls who have had their cherry popped. Do you feel any different?”

“Do you mean apart from the fact that you’re pushing a fire hydrant into me?” she grumbled. For all her grumbling she was watching with fascinationas Sam’s cock slowly entered her. She could feel it inside her, seeming to fill her, stretch her some more and then fill her again.

She gave a slight shudder as Sam finally gave one last push, grinding his loins firmly against hers, his erection fully sheathed in her sensitive passage.

What now, wondered Cheryl? What was she supposed to do? Sex education classes, she now realized, fell short in a number of areas.

She continued staring at the point where Sam was joined to her. She felt him dragging against her and saw him emerging from within her. He was almost out when he stopped and reversed direction, pushing firmly back. Cheryl shuddered slightly at the sudden assault on her nerves, feeling tremors racing through her.

Sam pulled out again, and returned, and this time Cheryl found herself pushing forward to meet him. Oh, yes. That was even better. Cheryl found herself hastening to meet Sam each time he pushed into her, enjoying the sensings that were starting to move through her.

Sam worked slowly on Cheryl, building her up, encouraging her to respond. Her eyes were closed now, and she seemed to be concentrated on just feeling. He smiled, and started driving in even harder.

Cheryl felt boneless. She was dreaming, pleasant feelings flowing through her, starting where Sam was repeatedly invading her and flowing through her veins like fire. She was burning, but didn’t want it to stop. She couldn’t stop. If her father himself came past right now all she would do would be to smile and carry on moving with Sam, letting the fire spread.

Hands were caresing her breasts, doing their small bit to fan the flames, but the furnace was low down and deep inside, being ruthlessly stoked by Sam.

Cheryl burned hotter, feeling Sam moving faster, her whole body jolting with the force of his thrust as he took her, and took her, and took her. She was burning up and it couldn’t last. She shrieked as she caught fire, feeling Sam hosingher down with gasoline, hot liquid exploiting inside her as she climaxed.

Sam could feel Cheryl relaxing and sagging forward, her head resting on his chest. He held her while she leaned on him, slowly recovering. Eventually she straightened, still looking slightly dazed.

“Well, Cheryl, you’ve certainly put a dint in the number of demerit points you have. I think with a bit of effort you can probably clear them completely by the end of the week. Right now, how about you run along to the girls change room, have a shower and put on your school uniform.”

Cheryl looked dreamily at her PE clothes lying on the floor and reached for them. Shower and dress in school uniform she thought. Right.

Sam watched Cheryl cross the empty gym and vanish into the girls change room. It’s a good thing the gym is empty, he thought. Next time, I’ll have to tell her to get dressed before she leaves the office.


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