Part 3
“On the third day of Christmas, my lover gave to me,
Three college boys, and an orgasm with her tongue.
OK, this can be dealt with. Don’t leave the house, Mandy. Don’t open the door, Mandy. Don’t trust anyone, Mandy. That little different cunt of a lover has been way too crafty in tying you up and screwing with your head. You just need to hide out here behind your deadbolt and wait it out. Right? But she has keys! Stay here and be trapped. Nope, not gonna happen to this girl.
Mandy’s fingers were driving her along to orgasm, her ass up in the air, still red two days after the paddling.
Yep, go somewhere. Gotta hide out. Another orgasm rippled through her body. Mandy finally got out of bed around noon. Wraparound skirt, check. Thong so nothing was on her ass. Bra, blouse, overcoat, shoes. Out the door and off to the mall. Heh, try and find my butt here. I am so going to take this out of her hide when I catch her. She is so fucked.
Mandy stopped in front of the Victoria’s Secret in the Galleria. Something pink and frilly should do the trick. Yep, that is a start on the revenge – dress sexy and say no. In the store we go. Mandy picked out a teddy, four thongs, a lacy bra, and a dress that would get her arrested in several states. She flirted with the clerk, just a bit, and went out into the mall. She saw it, stopped, and let out a whoop.
“It” was a brand new convertible. People were standing in line to fill out entries in the raffle. Mandy pushed into the crowd and bought a half dozen chances at $10 each. In her favorite color, a metallic red the color of cherries. Her tongue touched the center of her lips; she was glad she had new panties, ’cause the ones she had on were a lost cause. She finished with the card, the crowd all around her. It eased to the right; she went that way. Right past the “under construction/coming soon” sign. Too late she saw William in front of her. He was facing her, not three steps away. She stopped dead in her tracks. Just like he wanted. Damn. Two sets of hands reached out from the doorway to her left and pulled her inside. Mandy was kicking and trying to bite, scream, whatever. A gag covered her mouth and cuffs still her legs and arms. And there she was. Sandra.
“I was worried you wouldn’t get here quickly enough, love.” She kissed Mandy softly on the cheeses and forehead. “We almost had to come get you, didn’t we boys?” Mandy looked at the three young men around her lover. “I hope you enjoy your present, doll.” A mattress on the floor in the center of the room, chains on each corner. The boys carried her struggle form to the bed, clipping her wrists and ankles to separate corners. She was crying; she was also completely soaked. Sandra stripped her down while the boys took off their own clothes. Mandy’s eyes followed each boy. None were small, nor small in the other way. All about 6′; probably 170-190. Someone screened for size; they were all at least 8″. A whisper in her ear, “I picked them out just for you, firebutt. Seventeen applicants. All those blowjobs, swallowing all that come just for you, firebutt. I’m taking out your gag – you’ll need your mouth.” She unstrapped the gag, then kissed Mandy passwordately. “I love you, firebutt. I’ll be right there, watching.”
With that, Sandra moved to a chair next to the bed. The three boys closed in on her. “Kiss her all over, boys. She likes it.” The boys did as instructed; they lingered on her pussy and breasts but the whole of her front had been covered by lips. These three were no slouches; she’d had at least one orgasm and two near misses from their attention. Then the serious stuff started. Two lifted her body and unchained her legs, allowing the third to slide under her. She knew what came next; lots of lube. She started coming when he got all the way inside her bottom. The second boy wasted no time climbing on; once he was in the two moved in unison. She was stuffed full. Boythree straddled her chest and fed her cock. She sucked it, savoring the taste. The boys were pumping and she was giving back as best she could. First to pop was the boy on the bottom. Her ass was that good.
She smiled around the cock in her mouth; one down. Wrong. Butt boy slide out and began to stroke himself hard again. A brief pause while the three moved about. The one who had been in her mouth moved to her pussy; pussy boy slide under and into her ass while butt boy lubed her breasts and began struggling. She brought her head up so she could lick the tip of his cock at the top of his movement. Then she heard Sandra’s voice quietly calling, “One, two, three, four. One, two, three, four.” The boys matched her rhythm, in and out at the same moment. The struggling brought her off; the taste and feel of three cocks in her three holes started her coming like fireworks. The time was a blur. Each of the three wild boys shot off within moments. They took a moment to recover, rotated, and started again. And again after that. She was covered in come and sweat when the boys were finally exhausted. Her pussy felt bruised, her ass cheats were raw from rubbing on the mattress, and her jaw was sore from sucking. The boys had worked over her breasts so she could barely touch them. It felt like heaven. .
Sandra dismissed the boys, thanking them for their help. Not surprisingly they said they would be glad to help anytime. Sandra laughed; Mandy filed it away. “Are you going to untie me, you conniving bitch?”
“No.” Sandra started licking softly on Mandy’s breasts. “I have to clean you up first.” Her tongue circled, darting along, picking up spatters of come left along her chest. “All the way clean.” Mandy started shaking with desire and need. Slowly Sandra worked up and down Mandy’s body, avoiding the obvious, dealing with small details. Mandy was nearly out of her mind as Sandra licked her face and deep kissed her. Then came the slow, torturous kisses down her breastbone, to her belly button. A stop to lick and tease the little patch of red fur above her pussy. Mandy moaned and struggled.
“Please, please, lover.” Mandy was whimpering; Sandra was nearly coming from the helpless sounds being made by her lover. Sandra bent her tongue to the task. Mandy was leaking come from the boys all over. Sandra cleaned her deftly; working through the thrashing orgasm that erupted. Her tongue dove in, taking all traces of the boys from her lover. Then she raised Mandy’s butt up; she’d not done this before. A deep breath, cross a threshold. She attacked Mandy’s third hole with her tongue and lips, questing for what the boys had left behind. Mandy started thrashing even harder; she’d had to coerce Sandra to even touch her ass or put a finger in! Now her tongue was diving in and swirling around. Mandy came again and again, then her lover finally gave her a short respite.
Sandra dragged the tips of her breasts up Mandy’s torso, kissing along her breastbone. She gave Mandy another password kiss, “I love you.” She rose, pulling on clothes pushed next to the chair. “See you tomorrow.” She walked to the service entrance, stopped, talked to someone, and left.
“Hiya, firebutt.” Beth. Good, she couldn’t handle William, not now. Beth bent and untied her wrists. “Put this on.” A satin lined coat slid over her shoulders. Beth picked up her packages and supported her wobbly-legged friend. “Let’s get some dinner doll.” Mandy looked at her like she was insane, but nodded agreement. Beth took her to a small Italian place, picking out a table and moving both to the bathroom. She slide the new dress on Mandy’s body, “Wow, you are edible.” A finger teased her nipple ring. “And this shows very nicely.” Mandy couldn’t describe the meal, though she was sure it was good. She was beat out.
Beth took her home, stripped her down, and put her in bed with a glass of water. She even put some ointment on her still crime paddle marks. A quick kiss, then off Beth went. Mandy’s last thoughts as she fell asleep were of her lover’s tongue caressing her whole body. She shuddered without fingering herself and drifted off to sleep.
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