The next morning you wake to find me missing from the tent, with a note of some sort folded up lying on the top of my sleeping bag. You unfold the note – it’s a hand drawn map, with a short message scribbled on the bottom: “Meet me here at 10am.” Your penis hardens, as if in anticipation. You lie back down and begin slowly stroking it, thinking of how you enjoyed seeing me tied up the day before, blindfolded and helpless while others touched and teased me. The pace of your strokes increase as your penis stiffens further, and your free hand wanders up to pinch your left nipple. You tweak and twist it, a soft moan escaping your lips, and soon you feel the release of an orgasm. Your come spurts out of your cock up on your belly. Your hand drifts up from your cock to rub the white milky liquid up across your chest…
Eventually you crawl out of your sleeping bag, throw on some briefs and khaki shorts and step out of the tent, making sure to grab your headscarf and goggles on the wayout. You step into your sandals and turn around to zip up the tent behind you. You put on the goggles and wrap the scarf about your head to keep out the dust in the air. Your stomach grumbles with hunger as you walk over to the car. You open the trunk and rumble in the supplies, grabbing a juice box and a couple granola bars for breakfast, which you eat on the way to the destination I had drawn for you. The morning is half over, and others begin to emerge from their tents after a long night of playing and dancing at the various ceremonies on the Playa last night.
You check the map and the “street” signs straight throughout the camp often as you make your way to your destination. You nibble at your granola bars absentmindedly while you look at the people, the camps, and the artwork around you. A gritty feel is in the air, letting you know it will be another scorcher. Eventually you arrive at a walled-in camp with a gaudy sign that reads “Goddesses R Us” with two gates. One has an overhead sign reading “Goddesses Only.” The other is not so much a gate as a small 2-foot square hole in the fence, with a sign above it reading “Supplicants.” “When in Rome…” you think to yourself as you knee down and crawl through the smaller entrance.
As you emerge through to the other side, you see that you are in a small area that is fenced in, with a tarp overhead for protection from the sun. You stand there, not knowing what to do next, as the fence is also covered in the same thick tarp, which prevents you from seeing what awaits you next. You check your watch, which shows only 10 minutes left until our designed rendezvous. You sit down and lean up against a fence post, sipping the last of your juice box and wondering what to expect…
As your 10 minutes eclipse, you hear footsteps moving closer from beyond the tarp. A leather collar and blindfold drop down over the top of the fence. “Put them on!” a stern, unfamiliar female voice orders from the other side. You putThe collar around your neck, buckling it up snugly but not too tight, then slipping the blindfold over your eyes. A couple minutes go by, and you hear some clicks and rattles as the fence is opened. You feel a rough tug at your neck as a leash is fastened to the loop in the collar, then another tug as you are led out of the gated area out into the warm sunshine. You struggle to keep pace with the female in Your blind state.
Suddenly, the female stops, and give a rough tug at the leash, to let you know you should stop also. She steps behind you, and you hear someone else walk up behind you and quickly fasten leather restraints around your wrists which somehow hook together, binding them at the base of your spine. The female in control of your leash then leads you further into what you can tell is a shaded area. Another pair of hands (male?) takes hold of each of your feet in turn and take off your sandals. You are left standing on what feels like astro-turf. The female reaches in and holds the lean tightly at the point where it attaches to the collar as you feel the anonymous hands begin to tug at the button of your shorts. A few seconds later you are left standing naked, while the hands lift each of your feet out through the leg-holes of your shorts and briefs.
Again, a tug at the leash, and you are pulled down toward the ground onto all fours. The hands that were at Your feet move up towards your buttocks, fondling them, stroking them. Your penis jerks and stiffens in surprise. The hands hold your butt cheats open. You guess from the size of the spread of the hands, and the rough, called feel that they belong to a man, but there are no other clues than what you feel on your ass. No sounds, and no other body parts in contact with yours. Suddenly you feel something small and slimy wet pushing at the opening of your anus, which turns out to be something slim and long that slides easily into your anus. Your anus muscles contract at the shock of being invaded, but the object is so tiny and lubricated that it snakes further up your anal canal no matter how much your body contracts. It finally stops after a small globe-like shape at the end of the object slides in past your rectum, plugging your ass, with only a small slim continuation of the object sticking out of your ass. You feel an odd pressure from within, and then realize that your ass is being quickly filled with an enema. It’s a rush, a flood that feels like it is filling you completely, throwing off your balance as your elbows buckle and your body tries to fall to the floor. The female holds you up tightly by the leash, almost choking you until you stiffen your arms and continue your composition.
The pressure in your ass is amazing. The flooding feeling seems to stop, and you Feel yourself being pulled to an upright position by the leash, as the hands leave your ass. You can feel some sort of contraction being held up behind you as you stumble carefully to your feet, tryinghard to clamp your ass tight. You feel another tug at the leash as you are forced to walk forward, trying so hard to not lose control, taking small steps. You are guided to stop by a few pairs of hands, which turn you slowly around and sit you down on a “chair” with a high back and two plans set in a sort of V but with almost no support underneath your scrotum and ass. The various sets of hands bind Your wrists and feet to the chair, and another set of hands puts something across your forehead and pulls it tight, binding your head back against a padded headrest. You hear something placed underneath the chair, and immediately your focus is brought back to your ass as you feel the object slowly being pulled out. The globe-like shape is the only thing holding in the flood of liquid in your anal canal, and it is slowly being worked out of your ass…. Suddenly like a flood the plug is gone and liquid spews out of your anus into what you guess is a bucket below you. The relief is intense, and you groan in surprise at how good it feels to let go. When the flood is over, a pair of hands washings your ass with a soapy washcloth, then moving forward to wash your balls and the shake of your semi-stiff penis. You hear the bucket being removed, and wonder what will be next.
Several minutes go by; with you tied in this very prone position. You hear no noises directly near you, but can hear the din of life on the Playa beyond the gates of this encampment and music from neary camps. With your eyes blindfolded, your other senses strain to pick up any hints of what is happening around you. Time passes – 10 minutes…? 15 minutes…? A half hour… an hour??? A fear, warm breeze cares your naked body, lulling you into a light slumber as you tire of trying to understand your environment. Your head is supported by its’ bindings to the headrest, and you easily drift off to sleep.
………………………………………….”I love the taste of your cock in my mouth,” I say, as I unzip your fly, getting down on my knees to suck you off. My mouth is so warm, so wet… It feels so good to feel the head of your cock pushed all the way into the back of my throat that it takes you a few minutes to realize that something is wrong. I could never deep-throat you because of the childhood injury to my jaw. Just remembering this snaps you out of your reverie, and you understand that you must have been dreaming, but the feel of your cock pushed deep in someone’s throat is NOT a dream. You inhale deeply with pleasure as you fully awaken to the sensing of being fucked by someone’s mouth. You know it’s not me, but it feels SO good you don’t care. Your cock stiffens
A soft voice in your ear breaks your concentration. “You do not have permission to come, Slave.” You recognize my voice Immediately, and another rush of blood surges into your cock as if on cue. “Release him,” you hear me order. The mouth pulls away from your greedy cock, and several sets of hands work at your restraints. First yourfeet, then your hands, and finally your head are released. I grab you by the loop of your collar. “Stand up,” I command as I pull you quickly to your feet. Once you are standing, I grab your hard cock with my free hand.
I squeeze your cock firmly to get your attention. “You were very mean to your Mistress yesterday, humiliating her like that in public. Today you will get a taste of your own medicine!” With that, I let go of your cock, and lead you out into an unshaded area. You hear female conversation, laughter. “What a slut!” one woman says. “He’ll learn his lesson,” another answers. A round of female laughter fills the air.
”Get on your hands and knees, Slave!” My hands push on your shoulders, forcing you down onto the ground. My voice is cold and impersonal, making you wonder if you had gone too far yesterday….
You jerk as the flat of my hand makes contact with your ass cheek. Again, laughter.
You sense me walk away, and then re-approach. You hear some things being placed on the ground in front of you, and then my hand grabbing you by the collar, leading your head towards whatever it is on the ground. “You need water. And while you’re at it, there’s food in this bowl,” I tell you as I force your head lower towards the objects in front of you. Your hand wanders forward to guide yourself and take a drink of the cool water…
(SMACK) “I didn’t say you could use your hands, bitch!!!” I cry at you.
Your hand obediently goes back in place, and you fumble forwards with your nose to discover the exact location of the food and water. The water is in a stainless steel bowl, and is refreshingly cool as you lap it up little by little. A small platter is next to the bowl, holding a large amount of bite-size cuts of fresh fruit. You busy yourself eating and drinking from the bowl. I pat your head for a few minutes, then walk away again for a few minutes.
After about 10 minutes, you finish eating your fill. Youhear a few people walk up around you. One of them, a woman, says, “Stand up.” You get up on your knees, then to your feet. You hear the (splash) of water on several sides, and then are started to feel wet washcloths coming to touch your body. Your penis jerks at the sudden sense of touch. The hands/washcloths move all over your body, soaping you up and giving you a “sponge bath.” One hand wanders down to your genitals, pushing and pulling at your cock and scrotum, while another soaps the crack in your ass, paying particular attention to your rectum. Others wander over your back, legs, arms and chest, leaving no spot unattended. Other hands/washcloths come up to rinse the soap off, and soon you are standing wet, clean, very aroused and alone as the hands pull back and the people walk away.
I walk up again, and lead you over to another area, under a tent cover for shade and with some sort of padded flooring. I make you get down on all fours again, then move back to your ass. “Nowwe’ll see who likes to be teased for an audience,” I say as I bend down behind you, pulling your ass cheats aside. I start nuzzling the crack of your ass with my nose, then you feel my wet, warm tongue start moving up and down along your anus. The lack of visual stimulation from the blindfold seems to heighten the pleasure you are feeling at your ass. I keep licking and probing your rectum with my tongue. The more you relax, the more your rectum clnches and releases, and your balls harden with the load they want to release. Your cock feels full and stiff.
On the periphery of your attention, you hear the murmur of an audience. Male and female voices, but nothing you can really make out. Just sensing their presence watching you make you even harder.
My finger wderers up to your anus, and begins probing at the opening to your rectum. You release your muscles and push yourself back towards my hand, swallowing my finger into your anus. It feels so good to have my finger inside, wiggling against your prostate…
Suddenly you feel the blindfold being yanked off your head. You had gotten so involved in the sensings from my attention to your ass that you had not noticed that another person had walked up to your head. You squint for a long time, as you re-accustom yourself to the daylight after such a long period of blindness. By the time you are able to open your eyes and look around, that person has gone, but you are surprised to see where we are: in a large, open-sided tent, the kind you would find at an out-door wedding. All around are people seated in chairs, all women, with other women and some men kneeing beside some of the chairs. Some of the people are naked, some body-painted, some wearing bondage-ware. Some of the subs kneeing by their Mistresses are wearing masks, Some hoods, and some are masturbating while the watch you.
A few short, quick thrusts of my finger bring your attention back to your ass, and what I am doing to you. Your cock stiffens as I began lightly tugging at the loose skin at the back of your ball-sack.
“It was very unkind of you to leave me blindfolded and alone for so long yesterday, don’t you agree?”
“Y-yes Mistress.”
“Do you want to come?” I let go of your ball-sack and firmly grip the shake of your throbbing cock.
“Yes Mistress!”
“Then you’d better behave yourself. Don’t touch your cock unless I tell you to. And under no circumstances are you allowed to come until I tell you so. Do you understand, slave?”
“Yes Mistress.”
“Good. Now, I have to go get something. I want you to stand up and fondle your balls until I return. Give my friends a good show.” With that, I pull my fingers out of my ass, help you to your feet, and guide your hand down to your balls, giving a good tug on the head of your cock as I kiss you quickly and walk away.
It’s so nice to feel the softness of your balls in your hands. You move them back and forth in your hands as you watch me disappear into a tent about 10 yards away. Your gaze moves to the “audience;” you are excited to see many women wearing some very “Bitch Goddess” looking leather and chain outfits – the kinds of outfits you and I have discussed buying for me several times…
From the corner of your eye, you see me emerging from the tent, and your cock stressens and moves against your belly as you notice that I am also wearing a very “butch” leather & chain bodyce, with a very dyke-looking harness which is holding a realistic looking dildo out from my crotch. I’m holding another such harness in my hand. I walk over toward one of the other Domme’s, and whisper something in her ear. She hands me the leash, which is holding her male slave at her side near her feet. I take his leash and bend down to whisper some orders in his ear. He nods his head, and crawls behind me as I walk towards your side.
I slap your hand away from your balls when I approach. “Do you like my cock?” I ask loudly for our audience to hear.
“Yes, Mistress.”
“Yes, WHAT, slave?” I ask angrily.
“Yes, I like your cock, Mistress.”
“I know you do, bitch. You’re a little cocksucker, and now you’re going to show everyone else what a little slut you are for my cock. Get on your knees bitch, and suck my cock!”
With that, I push on your shoulder, forcing you down to the ground. You knee in front of me and begin licking my cock, running your tongue up and down the shake. My fingers lace through your hair, and pull your head back and up to look at me.
“I told you to SUCK my cock, not lick it, you little pussy!” With that, I force your face back to the head of my cock. You open your mouth, and take my cock in as far as you can, moving Your self up and down the shake, almost gagging from time to time, in your eagerness to please me.
What you don’t notice is that while you’re busy giving me head, I’ve given the other harness and cock to the slave at my side. He’s slipped it on, somewhat awkwardly. His real cock and balls have been pushed to the side, coming out next to his leg. He’s standing behind you, awaiting my command.
“That’s enough,” I say. “Get back on your hands and knees.”
You pull back from my cock and get down on all fours. I walk behind you and you hear me whisper something to the other slave. He grips each of your ass cheeks, pulls the crack of your ass open, and begins to tongue your anus. A wave of blood surges to your cock at the humiliation of being tongued by another man so publicly, yet secretly it’s as though one of your deepest fans had become reality. You give in to the feeling of the wet tongue probing the opening of your anus…
“He’s closing his eyes!” someone shouts out from the audience. I grab your hair, snapping your head back up to look at me. You are shocked to see such a hard glint to my eyes.
“If you want to even taste my pussy for the rest of the week, you’d better keep your eyes open and watchYour audience,” I nearly shout at you. “Now you’d better behave yourself, cocksucker!” I turn your head back towards the audience before letting go.
“You’re such a little slut for cock that I’ve decided to let you have a good fucking. Do you want to be fucked, bitch?”
“Yes, Mistress.” You struggle to concentrate on my words, with the man’s tongue flicking the opening to Your ass, feeling so good, so wet…
You hear me say, “Now,” and the man pulls his tongue back. One of his hands pulls back also, and then you feel the cold hardness of a dildo pushing at your anus. You flinch in pain as he tries to push the head of the dildo into your ass.
“Looks like you need some lube,” I say. I walk towards back towards the tent, disappearing momentarily, then re-emerging with a bottle in my hand. I walk behind you, and you feel the cool drizzle of a liquid dripping down onto your ass. The man pulls back the dildo, and rubs the lube around and into the opening of your ass, and then some down over your balls and the shake of your cock. He gets you very hard, and then pulls away, to push the dildo back into your ass.
This time, it slides in easily. He starts slowly, pushing the cock in slowly, further and further. When it is all the way inside, he bends down over you, putting the weight of his body on your back. You feel his real cock up against the back of your thigh, as he Begins to move the dildo in small, slow thrusting motions. Your cock stressens and jerks about as he begins moving faster and faster at your ass.
I walk back to the audience and take a seat in the front row, to enjoy seeing you fucked like the slut you are. The man’s breathing quickens, and his movements increase in speed. He reaches down and gropes at your cock. You feel the sweat from his body dripping down onto your ass as he moves behind you, shoving the dildo far up your rectum. It feels so good to have your cock fondled as you’re fucked. You get a charge of excitement when you look at me. I’m struggling my cock, looking at you with such a look of lust in my eyes….
A few more good thrusts, and you feel a warm, wet liquid spurt out from his real cock, dribbling down your leg. He nearly collapses on you. You wish so badly you were allowed to come too, but you don’t want to risk not being able to lick and taste my pussy for the rest of the week.
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