Triple F Ranch Pt. 03

It was midday at this point and Charlotte had been left to her own devices. Get to know her fellow campers? Introduction herself to some of the training staff? The choices were many. But one in particular bubbled up in the back of her head, exploration. She was free to wander the property and check things out. Out of all the options, that was the most exciting to her. Sure, she liked being social. But she was also an incredibly curious type.

So exploration it was.

Unpacking her bags and tucking the bits of clothing she had into the little storage space she had, she would quickly shove a bag of cherry-flavored soft candies into her pocket and head out of her cabin. She stepped out into the sunlight, blowing strands of fiery red hair from her face. It seemed everyone else was kind of mingling in and around their cabins, except for Liam who was walking down the steps of a cabin rubbing his backside and looking to pout as Ashley leaned against the door frame grinning.

Charlotte noted the slight pain the tawny-haired man seemed to be in and walked up to him, “Hey Liam, I was just wondering what the best route around the property is? I’m kind of eager to go look around.”

Liam didn’t answer, instead, Ashley behind him spoke up, “Ah, Liam is rather forbidden from opening his big mouth right now. I would recommend taking the main path down towards the training fields, circling past the steel chase course, and then making your way up to the stables, that way when you’re finished it’s downhill to the cabinets instead of uphill. It’s a bit of a walk, but based on those strong-looking legs of yours, I’m quite sure you can handle it.” Ashley tapped her chin for a few moments.

“Liam. Why don’t you show Charlotte to the right path?”

Liam stomped on the ground firmly.

“Good Stallion.” She waved a dismissive hand and wrapped her arms around the shoulder of a raven-haired woman with creamy dark skin and made her way back into the cabin she wasstanding on the porch of.

Liam motioned for Charlotte to follow, which she did. Hiking up her legends a little bit as she moved along. A few of the other campers offered polite waves to her and she was quick to offer that bright smile of hers and a polite nod back. It seemed everyone here was more than a bit friendly and were from all walks of life. She saw people younger than her and people older. All here to explore their fans the same as her. It was refreshing.

Liam led her out of the Horseshoe layout of the cabinets and pointed to a well-groomed path that led down a step zig-zag incline towards several fields below and the curious building Charlotte had seen earlier. She turned to Liam and smiled, “Thank you. I really appreciate it.”

Liam offered a smile and puffed out his chest as if he was proud of completing the small task.

“Alright. I’m going to explore!” Charlotte said suddenly before turning on her heel and heading off down the path. Up the hillon her right were the stables, looming over the property like a castle on a hilltop. The route Ashley had recommended made a lot of sense because the climb back up to the top from the bottom where she was headed was not going to be an easy one and yet she noted a few carts like the one Lila had been riding on being pulled by elegant looking ponies up and down the various hills.

“That’s some next-level fitness.” She said in amazement. She couldn’t imagine trying to pull a cart with a passenger up hills like these!

She walked to the right side of the path just in case any carts were making their way along and hummed softly as she walked, letting fingers trace ancient rocks lining the sides of the path. They looked like they’d been pulled right out of the small mountain the place was built into. She took a moment to pause though as she realized these rocks were all etched with names, each of them filled with glittery silver paint.

‘Sunset’ ‘Dakota’ ‘Kupkake’ ‘Jo’ ‘Telra”Josie’

These were just a few of the names that had been carved into the stones. There were dozens upon dozens more. Charlotte wondered what their significance was? A question that was answered when she reached the bottom of the winding path and a sign sat atop the very last rock reading, ‘Memorial Path. Honoring ponies and trainers alike who have left us.’

Charlotte looked up the path and smiled softly. There had to of being a hundred names carved into those stones. It was a beautiful thing to behold, “That’s a really pretty way to honor the past.” She mused, wondering if her name too would lay alongside the rest of them someday. She hoped it didn’t mean they were all people who passed away. Hopefully, it included people who had moved on from the farm as well and the like.

After taking a long moment to reflect upon such a permanent and perhaps historic fixture, she’d turned about to look down the final inclined path to her right. There as it seemed would lead her aroundund to a field with letters placed at strategic points all around it. From this distance, they seemed to perhaps be big and bold wooden carved letters. Or maybe metallic? Whatever the case, their placement seemed to be in such a manner that they were only perceivable as correct in shape and orientation if one were to stand in the center. There it was that all the curious lines that were painted upon the lush green grass seemed to concentrate and flow out from. Turning to look along her left, the path led to a rustic-looking covered bridge. No explanation was offered by its mere existence of what it led to, and all the more it wasn’t part of the described path that Ashley said to follow.

Deciding to heed Ashley’s advice she’d take the path to her right, finishing the downhill hike and walking around the edge of the enclosed training area. Alongside the field were several other setups. Several poles stuck into the ground in a straight line, three enclosed round pens with very well-defeat paths around their outer edges, and even what seemed to be a smaller version of the steel course she’d seen earlier. She watched in awe as a pony dressed in pastel blue tack with a crisp gray catsuit on underneath leaves over the steeles in sequence. She looked as graceful as an actual horse as her body sailed through the air, her well-built hooves never so much as touching one of the poles.

Charlotte decided to take a moment to lean against the fence and watch. Near the gate that led into the steelet stood a man dressed in similar garb to the trainers she’d seen earlier. He was an older gentleman with grey strreaking his hair which was combined back in a handsome style. He seemed to watch intensely as the pony took her last few jumps and came to a sliding stop in front of him.

The click of a stopwatch echoed through the air. Fifty-one seventy-nine

“Fifty-one point seventy-nine, not too bad Sky. Two seconds more and you’d be claiming the top of the board.”

The pony, Sky, let out a bit of a grumpy snort as she glanced back towards the stealple, staring at them like they were against her. Her vibrant blue-green mane was held in a messy ponytail away from her face which was later in sweat. Just a bit of drool leaking from the corner of the silicane bit tucked neighborly in her mouth.

“Really? Snorting at me? Sounds like you WANT to do five more rounds.”

The pony stomped her hoof into the ground once.

The man let out a chuckle that came from his belly, “Why do I even both threatening you? Go on then you silly pony. Two more las, not five. And put in some extra effort, you’ve got an audience.” Although the man standing with his back to where Charlotte stood, he knew she was there. He turned his head and turned at her Making Charlotte flush slightly as Sky offered a polite cursy in her direction and lined up at a painted line on the ground, ready to start again.

The man turned his gaze to Sky and held up a whip in one hand, “Ready?”

Sky stomped once.

The man snapped the whip, the crack echoing through the area and Sky took off like a bullet going into the sequence of jumps once more.

The man turned slightly and raised a hand, using one finger to make a ‘come here’ motion at Charlotte.

Charlotte tilted her head.

“Don’t be shy dear. Much better view from inside the field.”

Charlotte smiled brightly and nodded, fumbling awkwardly with the gate latch until the man came over and finally helped her open it up, “Don’t worry. Nobody can figure those damn things out on the first try.” He walked with Charlotte back to his spot which Charlotte noted was a very ‘worn’ spot in the grass. Like dozens of trainers had stood in that exact spot directing ponies Through the jumps.

The pair of them watched in silence as Sky cleared the last of the jumps, yet again coming to a skidding halt in front of them as the man clicked the stopwatch, “Fifty-one! You shavled that point seventy-nine off your time! Most excellent Sky!” He reached up, tousling the ponies hair to which she let out a happy sound that sounded very much like a horse nickering.

He tousled her hair for a few moments longer before shaking the sweat off of it, “Someday we’ll figure out how to make you NOT gross after training…” He mumbled, obviously joking as the pony gave an indignant huff.

“Alright Sky. One more lap, and if you don’t shake off at least another tenth of a second I’m hosing you off with cold water this evening!” He shood her towards the starting line to which she walked over and stood, ready to go.

Yet again came the combination of ready, a stomp, and the crack of a whip before Sky took off again.

The man turned his gaze to Charlotte and extended a hand, “James by the way. Or Sir James if anyone else is around.” He turned.

“Nice to meet you, James. I’m Charlotte.” She shook his hand gently and then pushed her hands back into her pocket as they watchd Sky’s run.

“Polite, I like it. What do you think of Sky here?”

Charlotte rocked her head back and forth a little bit, “Uhm…She seems pretty impressive? Oh, and her tack and hair are pretty.” Charlotte shrugged helpedlessly, unsure how else to describe what she thought.

James let out a small chuckle, “Yes, she is quite pretty. She’s one of Our top steallechase ponies, so I’ll accept pretty impressive as a descriptor. Give it time and you’ll be able to explain WHY she is impressive. For example, her jump technique is on point. She takes off on her strong hoof and flexes her knees to absorb the impact on landing so she doesn’t stumble. She’s always looking to her next jump and keeps pace the entire time. Note how she sets herself up with the angle of her jumps, where she lands is just as important as how quickly she can get to the next jump, those tight turns shake time off of her run.”

Charlotte took in the huge amount of information all at once, trying to followw Sky’s form and pick up on what James was explaining. She saw a little bit of it. The subtle angles, the way she landed. It made at least a bit more sense.

“Impressive.” Charlotte repeated.

James grinned, “Exactly.” He clicked the stopwatch as Sky came to a skidding stop before them, panting heavily around her bit. Her chest heaved from the effort she had just put in.

James looked at the stopwatch, keeping a very neutral look on his face as he showed the watch to Charlotte, “What do you think, did she do well enough to avoid the cold hose?”

Charlotte noted that the pony had improved her time yet again by.5 of a second. She tapped her chin gently and nodded enthusiastically, “I think so!” Charlotte said with a bright smile.

James grinned and nodded, “Exactly my thoughts Red.” He looked to Sky and smiled, “The newbie says you earned a proper shower this evening. So let’s get to it, you stink.” He tucked the stopwatch away in the front pocket of his shirt asthe pony tried to look at the time with a huff.

He smiled at Sky, “You did better. Leave it at that and be happy. Be glad you get at least that after snorting at me. Now give our guest a proper goodbye and we’ll head off to get you groomed.”

Sky turned to Charlotte, leaned forward on one hoof while tucking the other behind her forward hoof and dipping into a polite cursy with a smile showing around her bit. James gave her backside a sharp pat, “Good girl.”

James turned his gaze to Charlotte, “It was a pleasure meeting you Charlotte. I look forward to seeing you about. With legs like those, maybe you’ll give Sky here a bit of competition someday.” He turned, clipped a set of reins to Sky’s bridle, holding them easily in one hand, and pulling the gate open for Charlotte.

“Thanks for letting me watch and explaining things to me! That was very kind of you.”

James reached up clutching his chest in a playfully dramatic way, “Gods save me. This one DOES have some manners don’t she?” He turned again at Charlotte, “Keep being that polite and you’ll do well here. See you around Red.” He locked the gate behind them and then strode off. Leading Sky by the reins up the long climb towards the stables leaving Charlotte standing there to consider the interaction and smile.

Already this was shaping up to be an incredibly pleasant experience and she’d only barely scratched the surface!

She stood there quietly, watching the pair walk up the first part of the incline before she turned around and looked down the path towards the squat square building at the other end of this set of training fields. From here she could see a red cross on the front of the building. That means it was likely the medical space that had been mentioned in her paperwork.

Wandering down the path Charlotte would Admire the many fields she walked by until she ended up out front of the ‘Triple F Animal Clinic’. She tilted her head for a moment until she realizedit was modeled after a vegetableinary facility to help with immersion, “Huh. That’s a neat way to do it.” She leaned on the glass door, peeking into the currently dark interior. It looked like a regular vet office except for the ponygirl logo emblazoned on the various surfaces and the rather lewd pictures flashing across a TV screen in the corner.

After a moment of peeking, she turned around and continued her journey. Past the larger set of stealles, around the far end of the property and up the very long climb up towards the stables. She almost considered stopping when she reached the same level as the cabinets but she wanted to see as much as she could, and so she continued one foot after another. Occasionally being passed by cart ponies tugging their passengers along.

By the time she reached the wide-open entrance of the stables, she was panting and slumping Against the railing surrounding the raised entrance path.

“Made it did you?” Came a voice from inside the barn. James was standing next to Sky, who was completely untacked, naked with her wrists above her head in some sort of wash stall. He was scrubbing her down with a soap-lathered brush as he spoke to Charlotte, “Most don’t make that climb the first time. I like the dedication.” He pointed to a nearby traough built into the front wall of the barn, “Nice cold water there if you’re thirsty. Just be careful moving about the barn it can be a bit full of activity at this hour.”

His words rang true as ponies, trainers, and everything in between seemed to be millioning about and tending to their end-of-day tasks. Several other wash stalls were occupied with grooms tending to the pony’s needs. Hamster bottles full of brown liquid were being clipped into each of the many stalls set up in rows through the barn. Charlotte nodded to James, “Full of activity is a bit of an understanding.” She admitted, walking over to the water trough and looking around to see if there were cups somewhere.

James smirked a little bit, “Animals don’t use cups dear.” He called out to her when he didn’t hear the water running immediately.

Charlotte puffed out her cheeks, “But I’m not…”

James appeared from around the corner, leaning against the door frame, “Not what? An animal? A mare? Just because you’re not in tack and haven’t learned anything yet doesn’t mean you don’t have to follow the rules of the barn.” He crossed his arms over his chest, the soapy brush in one hand dripping onto the ground. Despite his firm words, he was smiling.

“Plus, I’m the nice one. If anyone else saw you looking for a cup you’d be leaned to that trough until you drank from it the right way. Food for thought Red! Welcome to the barn.” He smiled and went back to his work scrubbing down the rather squeaky pony Sky.

Charlotte stared at the trough, a bit of nervousness bubble up in her stomach as a few carts trundled by, the trainers on them eyeing her curiously, “Maybe I’ll skip the drink for now…” She mumbled before stepping back from the trough and looking towards the doorway of the barn. There was so much going on inside that going to explore right now filled her with a surprise amount of anxiety.

Charlotte decided to return to her room for the evening instead of exploring further. She was sweaty, exhausted, and wanted to just relax. She didn’t even pause to greet any of her fellow campers sitting around a small bonfire in the middle of the camp and instead just headed into her cabin, enjoying the cold air that rushed over her and singing.

“What a day.” She told herself softly as she tugged her clothes off and headed for the shower. Time for a nice long shower and then bedtime. Though she couldn’t help but let her mind wander to all she’d seen. To all the people she’d met. This was going to be a very Interesting week.


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