Trip to the Playa Ch. 01

You’d decided by the 2nd full evening of our stay at the festival that I’d had enough time to acclimatize to the openness of the people and event. You could tell by our lovemaking in our tent that night that I was highly charged by the sights and sounds surrounding us, and that I needed some taming. After we’d both climaxed, as you held me in your arms, you whispered quietly but forcedly in my ear that I was to be your slave all day and night tomorrow. You heard (and felt) me gasp with excitement at your statement. I nibbled at your earliest and quietly acquired before we both drifted off to sleep.

At dawn, you woke to find me already stirring in the other end of the tent — setting aside food for breakfast. You called me over and ordered me to take care of your erection. I got the oil, dribbled it liberally over your penis and balls, and then began gently massaging the oil all over your genitals. Your cock quickly became hard in my hands, thinking of what you had in storefor me today…. you ordered me to tweak your nipples with my free hand as you came closer and closer to climax. You ordered me to shift around, facing your cock, so that I was kneeling somewhat bent over with my pussy easily accessible to your fingers. You slide a finger into my pussy, enjoying the wetness and warmness within. Soon you came all over my hands, and ordered me to lick up every drop, slowly and carefully. When I had cleaned you completely, you had me serve you breakfast.

After breakfast, you had me gather our toiletries for our morning shower. You took one large beach towel, and wrapped it around your waste. I, on the other hand, was not given the option of a towel. You opened the tent door and ordered me to follow you, buck naked, to the shower area. Of course you choose the open, common shower area, rather than the private one… It was still some what early, so there were only 5 or 6 other people in the shower area. We both cleaned up quickly, not wanting to waste much water, and both eager to get on with the day. You toweled off first, then let me towel off quickly. Then we both later up liberally in the sun block cream, helping each other get to the places we can’t reach on our own. When we finish, you take the towel back to wrap around your waste. Again leaving me with nothing to hide my nudity as we walked back to our tent.

When we arrived at the tent, you had me stand outside waiting for you. You disappeared inside, putting away our toiletries, hanging up our towel, and then getting about to putting your plan in action. First you picked out your clothes — nothing zany — just practical khaki shorts, your clothes high top tennis-shoes to protect your feet, a t-shirt, topped off with goggles and a large head-scarf to keep the dust out… For me, you picked out my sandals, my collar, the leash, my goggles and a large black headscarf. You also grabbed the wrist and ankle cuffs.

When you came back out, fully dressed, you noticed thatI was somewhat self-conscious at having been left outside, completely naked for quite so long — the morning was getting on, and more and more people were beginning to stir and walk about. Yet there I was, naked as could be standing in front of the tent door….

You slowly began dressing me — ankle cuffs, sandals, wrist cuffs, collar, goggles, lean attached to the collar, and then the head-scarf, which you completely drawn over my head, leaving me unable to see anything but by looking down at my feet to see the ground… You lift up the scarf just enough to speak so that I can hear you clearly: “Follow me.” With that, the scarf drops, and I am forced to look at my feet to keep from tripping as the chain tugs at my collar, leading me away from the tent.

We walk on slowly for about 20 minutes. I have no idea where we are, but I can hear that we are in a more crowded section of the Playa by all the voices around me, as well as the occasional brush of others against me (intenational??).

You lead me into a small encampment you had found yesterday, while I was helping sell ice in our camp. You lead me into an open-tent area that is more like a tent roof with no walls, but a lattice of woodwork within. Many of the sections of the lattice are very strdy, thick pieces of wood with various hooks and bolts attached. You lead me up to one such lattice, and hook my arms up in a V pose to bolts that are a little above shoulder level on either side of my head, and about 1 foot out on either side. Not so much a V pose as a W pose in the end… Then you take my feet, one by one, and spread them about 2 feet wide, bolting them at the base of the lattice. You reach up under the scarf, careful not to let it fall off, and undo the goggles. You take them off me, reading justing the scarf and tying it loosely about the back of my head so that it serves as more of a blindfold at this point than a headdress. You drag the lean loosely up and around the back of my neck, letting it fall back down over the other shoulder towards my nipple.

When you have finished binding me as you like, you begin slowly walking around me, caressing me, touching me, and teasing me. My pussy becomes quickly wet at your attention. You slide a fingerprint deep up into my cunt, wiggling it a bit to loosen me, before taking it out and licking my juice off your finger. You tell me how delicious my pussy is, and that if I behave today, that you might let me come. But first, you tell me, you have some errands to run. I feel your beard brush against my cheese, as you kiss me good-bye, and then I hear you walk away, leaving me helpless, defenseless, and blind to my surroundings.

You know I’ll be safe — you made those arrangements yesterday on your errands — no one is allowed to unbind me, no one is allowed to penetrate my vagina or anus, no one is allowed to touch my labia or vulva. No one is allowed to kiss me or to undo my blindfold. No one is to talk to me directly, althoughThey may talk about me with others such that I can hear them. Most of all, no one is allowed to inflict pain on me — no spankings, floggings or whippings. These are the rules you have set for your slave, although other slaves’ masters are more liberal with the rights they allow for treatment of their pets, who are also tied or bound up in varying poses throughout the open tent.

As you walk away, You hear me whimpering in fear, yet you can see by the rise and fall of my chest that I am also very excited. Once out of earshot, you find a comfortable chair in the shade of the tent, next to some other masters and mistresses. You strike up an easy conversation with them, glancing over at me from time to time to see how I am.

Time has no meaning for me — minutes feel like hours. The panic gives way to a wave of excitement at the helplessness of my situation, which I give into completely. Sometimes I hear others come up near me, sometimes a hand reaching out to cares my buttocks, or lips encircle my nipples, sending shockwaves of excitement through me. I hear people discussing my physical attributes, or commenting on how lovely it is to see my juices dripping down along my inner tights. I hear other slaves in the tent around me — some crying out in pain, some in pleasure.

From time to time you come over to silently offer me a sip of water through a straw, or feed me pieces of fruit, being careful not to say or do anything that would reveal your identity. Maybe teasing me with a tweak of a nipple, or running a fingertip slowly up the trail of my spine. But mostly you spend the day relaxing in the shade with the other dominants, keeping an eye on me, watching the experiences of the other slaves in the tent, sometimes even taking a nap one of the many hammocks that are tied up throughout the tent.

By mid-afternoon, you can see me really begin to fidget and pull at my binds. You know I need to urinate badly. You signal to one of the attendants in thetent, who walks over toward me with some sort of a homemade contraction consisting of a small oval-shaped funnel on one end running through a long skinny tube into a large, sealed bucket. He puts bucket on the ground, and places the funnel right up against my pussy, letting me know by its presence that I can save myself. I am very reluctant to do so, so with his other hand he begins to push against my bladder. I am so embarrassed, but after a few minutes of the pressure from his hand and the feel of the foreign object against my pussy, I can’t hold back. The psychological impact of deciding to give in to my urge to urinate is just one more step of submission. The relief of letting go is almost as good as an orgasm itself, after being stimulated all day with no direct release….

After this episode, you can tell I need a rest. You come over and lightly kiss me on the lips, letting me know it is you. My response is very deep, very aching – straining at all my binds for a bit ofYour affection. You undo my wrists and ankles from the bolts. You hug me close, and then tell me to follow. You lead me by the collar into another tent, which is enclosed. We take off our sandals at the door, and you lead me into a tent that is colored with all sorts of silk-looking draws, plus rugs and large throw cushions straight throughout the entire space. You lead me over to a small washbasin — you fill it with water from the pitcher standing near by, taking a dry sponge from the table next to the pitcher. You dunk the sponge in the pitcher, then turning out the excess water. The water is slightly cool — more tepid than warm… You take the sponge and begin slowly sponging up and down the inside of my legs, wiping up the areas where my juices had dribbled down my legs throughout the afternoon.

You lead me over to a bed of pillows, undo my blindfold, take off my leash and collar, and instruct me to lie down and take a nap. You can see by the look in my eyes how grateful I am for the respite. You lay down next to me, and hold me in your arms as I drift off to sleep, exhausted from the intensity of the feelings I’ve experienced all day long. We remain here, napping for a few hours. When we emerge, it is dusk. We put our sandals and our goggles back on. We put our headscarves back on, but now you allow me to just draw it so that I can see where I am going. You put my collar back on, and attach the leash, and begin leading me back to our camp.

By this time in the evening, the playa is packed with people awakening for the evening festivals. Many of them are naked as I. You notice that by the time we reach our camp, I seem rejuvenated. You allow me to put on a large sari to keep out some of the evening chill. We pitch in from our supplies to help our camp-mates prepare supper. After our meal, you excuse us, and we go back to our tent. We turn on the flashlight lantern in the large room of our tent, and you instruct me to open all the window flags. Youlay back luxuriously in the sleeping are of our tent, which is also stressed with a few cushions. You put a CD in the player that has a sort of Indian/Hindu flavor to it, and tell me to begin dancing for you, slowly, strictly. At one point, you tell me to take off my Sari, knowing that others are likely watching this dance from outside our tent windows…

After about 10 minutes of dancing for You naked, you tell me to lie down next to you on top of the cushions and the sleeping bags. You have me hug my thighs up close to my chest, and you enter me from on top, in that position you know drives me wild. After such a long day of arousal, you know I will be unable to hold back moans of pleasure, and you are turned on trying to wonder how big our audience is by now.

When you are Almost ready to come, you pull out, have me lie flat, and straddle my neck, having me suck your balls. You pinch one of your nipples with your free hand as you get closer and closer, soon coming all over my face. You collapse next to me. You tell me to turn out the light, and I do so. We snuggle into our sleeping bags, which we’ve arranged more like quilts so that we can be together under the covers. You whisper in my ear that I’ve been a very good slave, and that I shall be rewarded. You kiss me deeply as one of your hands wanderers down to stroke the lips of my pussy. You are amazed at how wet and warm I am, after a day of arousal and a good fucking session. You tell me in detail about how you were watching me all during my bondage, about how I was safe, about what you felt when you saw others touching me, about the other slaves you watched. The more detailed your descriptions, the closer I get to climax, until finally you feel my pussy clenching around your finger, my thighs tightening and a loud moan escapes my lips, letting you know that you have rewarded me properly for my submission.

As we drift off to sleep in each others’ arms, you hear me whisper that tomorrow **you**will be the slave…


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