Training of a New Master

To begin this story a little bit of background is in order;

When Sheryl and I got together, she was leaving a failed marriage, and understoodably had some insecurity issues that she needed to deal with. She did have a magnetic, and gregory personality, seemingly never met a stranger. That said, she had a feeling of being physically unattractive, as well as unsure of her sexual preferences.

I will begin with her awakening, then at a later time, will describe the road to get there.

These stories are based on most true events, even though the names of the participants have been changed to protect the guilty parties.

I was at work when I received a call from Sheryl. Her voice sounded shaky, and that bothered me.

“What’s wrong?” I asked . “Is their something I need to know, or has something happened to you?”

In a still shaky voice she said, “Well, nothing is really wrong, yes, I think there is something’s you need to know, and no, nothing has happened to me that wasn’t already going on.”

“Can you clarify that last part?”

“Not now, but I want you to sit and talk to me. Is tonight all right, I have to get this off my chest, it’s tearing me up inside, and it is something that I believe will effect our future. I feel it’s very important!” Then I heard her sobbing.

“Tell me what it is, You know you can tell me anything.”

“I can’t now, all I can tell you is I haven’t been completely honest with you, I’ll tell you when you get home, I promise.” Still crying, she hung up the phone.

I sat there dazed for a few minutes, then picked the phone up and tried to call her back. The ring was turned over to the answering machine. I knew she wanted wait till I was home, and did not want to talk about whatever it was till then. I left a message that we would discuss it when I got home, and I was sure that whatever it was we could deal with it.

I stuck around work for about another hour, but couldn’t get my mindstraight. Finally I told my assistant, Joyce, that I was leaving for the day after giving her a list of things to do in my absence.

The drive home seemed to take forever, thoughts kept popping into my head, and I couldn’t concentrate on my driving. It seemed to take forever, but in reality was only a fifteen minute drive. I pulled into the drive, and was relieved to see the house still standing. I entered the front door, and Sheryl was holding her head bent over still sobbing.

She looked up at me with puffy red eyes, and said “What are you doing home so early?”

I told her I was upset with her state of mind and concerned about her well being.

That opened the flood gates again and she jumped up saying “Oh God, stay right there, I need to pull myself together.” Then she headed back to our room.

I sat down and tried to be patient. It was awhile, and I decided I might need a drink so I went in the kitchen and poured me a good stiff one. As an after thought, I got another tumbler and poured her a drink as well, then placed them on the dining room table and had a seat. I could hear her stirring around in the bedroom and the bathroom, and I heard the water running. Still perplexed, I picked up my drink, and confirmed that I had made it very strong, having trouble swallowing it but when the tequila hit my stomach I felt the warmth begin. I lit a cigarette, and took my second sip, remembering how strong it was. I hadn’t swallowed it yet when she appeared, and I almost launched it in spray form. There she was, completely nude, she had tried to clean and make up her face and hair.

“What do I owe this pleasant surprise to?”

She tried to smile, only succeeding half way. ” Thought if I wasn’t wearing clothes, you wouldn’t throw me out of the house.”

“Baby, no way! You have to know I love you, but I do like your outfit.”

Her smile was a little more at ease.

“I poured you a drink”, pointing to it, Let’s relax and tell me what it is that has you so upset.”

She took her drink, and holding it with both hands, took a healthy sample swallow, and apparently having the same reaction I had from my first sip. Then she kneeled beside me on the floor, still holding her drink. “Thanks for the drink, I think I will need it shortly.” She was either staring at her drink, or the floor, but she wasn’t looking up at me. I put my hand under her chin, and tilted her head up so she was looking at me. She took a deep breath, and looking at me with puppy dog ​​eyes she began.

“As I told you on the phone, I don’t think I have been completely honest with you, and it’s been tearing me up. So please honey, listen to everything I need to tell you, and let me get it out before you make your decision. O.K?”

Her nipples where erect, and her face and chest rosy indicating excitement. I know whatever she had to say, it took her a lot of courage to get to this point, so I just nodded my answer to her.

Another big brEath, then she began.

“Remember last week when we were out to dinner with Steve and Mickey?”

I nodded yes.

“Well, you remember you whispered to me to go to the ladies room, remove my panties and bring them to you.” She didn’t wait for me to acknowledge. “When I returned and handed them to you, you took them and placed them under your napkin, sticking out, so anyone could see them on the table. Then I got mad and started an argument, stormed out and went to the car!” Again no pause for acknowledgment. “Well, I was terribly wrong. I’m sorry for the way I acted, and the embarrassment I caused you.”

At this point, her gaze returned to her drink, avoiding eye contact with me. Again I reached down and placed my hand under her chin. This time she shook her head “no”, and pulled away. We both took a drink, and then she inhaled deeply, held it for a few seconds, then returned to looking at me. She leaned forward, then raised on her knees, and rested her arms on my tights, still both hands holding her drink. I could feel her shaking, and could see it was such a deep shaking, her breast was quivering, hanging free in gravity. She started again, “What I wanted, well, I needed”, she stopped and then tried again, in a quieter voice with her eyes half looking away yet looking at me as though she was focused on something behind me, “What I needed was for you to ….. for you to stop me right there from leaving, and you should have grabbed my wrist or hair, or something. Then I wished you would have,” here she paused again and refocused her eyes so she was staring right in the eye. “You should have stood me up and ripped my clothes off me in front of everyone, then tell me I now had a reason to be embarrassed.”

Now it was my turn, I reacted with a jerk back in my seat as though being struck between the eyes with a baseball bat. “Whhh,,,,wha,,,,,huh, WHAT? I don’t understand.”

She got up, set her drink on the table, then asked if she couldhave a seat. She sat on my lap, put her left arm around my neck, took two fingers on her right hand and held them to my mouth signaling me to not ask yet.

“I’ll try to explain it to you. You have always tried to show a little, or lot, of me, but I have resisted you. I know you get turned on when you think I look sexy, or slutty, and I also know part of why you ask me to do Things are to help me deal with my self esteem. What I don’t think you know is what you want, and sooo much more, is what I want deep down, and I need. Can I make a demand of you, then I will answer any questions you have? Then I’ll shut up, never demand anything from you again. Then if you think I’m disgusting , I will understand.

I nodded my head, then held my hand out as if asking for hers in a dance.

She got up off my lap, stood in front of me, then with her right hand, she messaged her right title, and with her left hand ran her fingers through her pussy, with very sloppy sounds, then twirled herclip till she shuddered with a mini orgasm. “Sorry ’bout that, I needed a bit more courage than the bourbon.”

“No problem, not necessary to apologize for that” I said wide eyed.

She again dropped to her knees, this time when she put her arms on my legs she clapped her hands as though she was in church, looked up into my eyes purposefully and stated;

“I don’t ever want you to ask me to do any of those things, ever again.” A slight pause, then she continued, “Tell me what I am to do, don’t ask, tell me and do not give me the chance to refuse you. If you do this, I will do anything you tell me to do, anywhere, anytime, for the rest of our lives.” Another pause, then “Oh yeah, I’m done, do you hate me?”

It took me a few minutes to reset my jaw, as it must have dropped a good foot. I stammered out “Deal”.

At this she jumped up on her feet and into my lap again, only this time instead of her legs off to one side of me, she wrapped them around me and the back ofthe chair. Arms entwined in each other, she gave my face a good tongue bath, and stated “God I love you.” “What’s my first order?”

“First order is, never, ever again wait to tell me your feelings so you make yourself sick!”

She smiled with little tears rolling down her cheeks. “Deal.”

“Next order, I want you to make amends for dinner last week.”

She looked at me with a sparkle in her eye, a wicked sly smile and said; “I think I can do that, I have had this apology idea floating around in my head, wanna hear it and see if you think it’s worthy?”

“This sounds to be a little evil. Tell me what you planned.”

“Well, since I ruined Steve and Mickey’s evening also, I thought I could invite them over and apologize to them over a pizza dinner. ( Sorry, I was so nervous today I forgot to take out something for dinner.)”

“Sounds appropriate so far. Anything else?”

Her face reddened and then, “After I call and invite them, and they accept, I tell them I want to apologize for my behavior, and warn them they will see a completely new me.”

“I like the idea so far.”

“And, I’m so proud of this, I figured after I called and invited them, before I had time to call and cancel, you would TELL me that I needed to freshen up my make-up, but I was to leave on my current outfit!”

“Make the call!” I was also proud of her idea, but figured the right time to tell her would be later.

Sheryl made the call, talked to Mickey for a few minutes. She said she wasn’t sure Steve would want to come over tonight, as Monday night football was about an hour away. Disappointed, Sheryl looked at me, as if asking what to do.

“Do what you have to do, but make it happen!”

Sheryl told Mickey she needed her help, then let her in on a bit of her plan. Mickey questioned her further and Sheryl told her, “Steve won’t be disappointed, as I have been instructed to wear something a little more revealing than just removing my panties under my skirt.”

I guess Mickey repeated “Instructed”?

“Yes, instructed, I told you there is a new me.”

The “New Sheryl” told her that Her Steve (my name also), would appreciate it.

Sheryl came over to me and said “They will be here by kick-off, was that O.K. with me?”

“Sure, I’m sure this will be a game, (pun intended), Steve will not forget.”

At this point, Sheryl told me how nervous she was, and wanted to know if she should order the pizza.

“Let’s wait on the pizza, I know your watching the ticks on the clock, but we’ll order after Steve and Mickey get here. In the meantime, get a beach towel and put it in front of my recliner on the floor.”

As she was doing what I told her to do, I adjusted the set for the upcoming MNF NFLgame. This was a rather important game, as it was between the Raiders, Steve’s team, and the Chargers, My team. We are not normally permitted within arms reach of each other when this match-up happens twice each year. (Steve is a poor looser, I’ll let you decide which Steve.)

Sheryl returned, and spread the towel as instructed in front of me.

As though a light came on (AKA Ford has a better Idea), Sheryl cocked her head slightly to the side, and stated “As you instructed sir”.

“Let’s see if we can take your mind off your ‘stage fright’.” Her eyes widened. Go get me your largest stocking stuffer you received last Christmas.”

She turned a little red, but turned and headed for the bedroom without question. I had to laugh under my breath, when she turned the corner, it seemed her knees were a bit wobbly, but she continued and returned with the little box I had given her.

I told her to open the box, and show me.

She did as instructed, held them out whenI asked her what they where.

She said “Remote control vibrating eggs SIR” as though she was a military recruit.

I ignored her humor and asked “have you used them yet?”

her face turned criminal. She bit her lower lip, dropped her head, and shook her head yes.

“What was that you didn’t say.”

“Yes, I have used them, how did you know?

“I Know what you smell like!”

“Why” I asked.

Again, head down, “You asked, you didn’t tell me.”

“Fair enough.”

I reached forward and took the “eggs” from the box, and asked her if she had the remote.

“Yes”, as she produced it open palm to me.

“Step forward”.

She compiled, spreading her legs without my request depriving me of Another “Command”. (This control stuff was going to take more from me than I ever thought.)

“Did you clean these after the last time you used them?”

“Well, um yes, I believe I did, can you still detect my reply cent on them?”

I raised themto my nose, smelled, then tasted. “Repugnant? Did I ever say that? But yes, I could identify that sweet smell from a thousand different pussies. These have been in the sweetest tasting one I know!”

She smiled and thrust her pelvis forward, still trying to “Stay in her position”. God, she was good. I knew, she was going to be an excellent teacher, instructing me how to control her.

I took the eggs, and said, “Never can be too careful about sanitation, a 80 proof bath should do the trick. Holding them by the little antenna wire I dunked them up and down in her bourbon. Then I reached forward, spread and lubricated my fingers from her secretions and inserted the eggs. “How does that feel?”

“mmmmmm, well, I can think of something I’d rather have there, but still kinda delicious.”

Half chuckling, “That’s a way off in the future, you still have appologies to get through!”

“Yes sir, sorry to be so presumptious.”

“Accepted. Now present the remote again.”

She did as instructed, trying to hand it to me.

“Show me and describe how each control works. Remember, Steve and Mickey will be here shortly, you don’t want me screwing up the remote while the “Game” is on.”

She shot me a glance but recovered quickly.

“O.K., This top button activates the power, she pressed it, and the eggs vibrated momentarily producing a little shudder. She composed then told me, “the larger button, this one,” showing me, “begins a slow victory.” She pressed it, and returned to the little shudder. Press it again and it increases the victory and intensity and (pausing, red faced), my intensity. Press it the third time, well it goes fucking insane inside of me. At that point I have to pull the antenna to get it out of me it’s so intensity.”

“HHmmmmm, guess we will have to work on that one huh?”

“Whatever you demand Sir.”

“Give me the remote.”

She compiled.

“So this one starts the violations?”

“Uh huh”

“Press it again (I did), and it increases your pleasure”


At that time there was a knock on the door.

Ignoring the knock I hit the button again. I knew she heard the knock, but needed her to release, so I watched her. She started weaving back and forth, then her eyes rolled back in the sockets, she showed wonderful restraint, she clenched her fists next to her hips, then started bucking.

At this point, I regret previously informing you, Sheryl is a rarity in the wonderful world of women. She is blessed as being a “Squirter, a talent she has yet to come to grips with, but I take as the ultimate compliment from a female. Thus the reason for the towel.

Her orgasm was to say incredible. She did “overshoot” the runway a bit, but incredible none the less.

I shut the power off from the eggs as I steadied her, told her “We have company”, and assisted her to the door.

She stood behind the door, tried to freshen up as well as she could, straightened up and put on that infectious smile nobody can resist. She “asked” me to sit, she had it under control, then opened the door.

Steve and Mickey looked like old time vaudevillian actors, wide eyed and understood shocked.

There was an understanding pause in salutations, broken by Mickey, as Sheryl was bent at the wait gesturing for them to enter.

“Oh my god girl, when you said the “New You”, I had no Idea.

She was already in the house and handing her coat to Sheryl to hang, when we all looked at Steve who was still open mouth standing on the porch. Mickey, regaining her composition a bit, yelled at him, “For lords sake, get your butt in here. You act like you’ve never seen a beautiful woman before.

The following lines hit me as comical, and we all were rolling on the ground, but I will try to remember as closely as I can how he put it.

“Well, ummmmm, huh, uh yeah, I think so, uhhhhh, Raiders against the Chargers, game here, big screen, did we take a wrong turn, nobody touch me, I’ve gone to heaven and don’t want no damn reincarnation.

We had about 10 minutes till the game started, which left some time for explanations.

Mickey asked immediately, “What give?”

I nodded to Sheryl so she told her this was the “New and improved Sheryl”, and she hoped they could get used to it because it was here to stay.”

Mickey stated, “No problem it’s about time Steve put you in your place.”

I had to interrupt here; “Actually, she put me in my place, and I think with a little, (O.K. allot) of her expressed feelings she had the courage to present to me today how she really felt, and what she wants from me. We have left over a huge hurtle today, and because we both value your friend, hope you won’t judge us, but support us.

Another slight pause, then Mickey was about to say something, but Steve jumped the gun. “Judge, I’ll accept support if this works for you, but I, and I don’t think we, would ever judge you..We have been married for 5 years, together for 9 years this February, and I am totally jealous right now of how much you 2 have progressed in just two years of being together.”

I don’t think I ever heard Steve put together a thought that long before, and I have known him and Mickey longer than I’ve known Sheryl.

Everyone was quiet, I looked around the room and I thought I saw Mickey’s eyes swelling, Sheryl noticed it to. Sheryl put her arm over Mickey’s shoulder in a female sort of understanding.

The game was about to start and Steve feigned losing his train of thought. We faked watching the game, when Mickey half yelled at Steve asking him if he wanted a beer. Without looking, “Yeah Babe” never taking His eyes from the tube.

Realizing my shortcomings in being a host, I got up and made a drink for Mickey. Handing it to her, Sheryl had her arm over her shoulder, and said they would return in a bit. I returned to the game and as the opening kickoff began, Steve stated (confidentially) that he didn’t know what she really wanted. I thought for awhile, well at least as long as Antonio Gates returned the kick off for a 63 yard return, then after I completed my assistance which resembled Big Bird from Sesame Street, I told him what worked for me was to “Listen” to what she had to tell him. Then I told him, you know, ladies don’t Always talk with their mouths, sometimes they expect you to pick up the clues from their actions.


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