Training of J Ch. 01

Chapter 1: The Training Begins

J bit her lip as she waited in anticipation. That was the worst part for her, the anticipation, worse even than the sharp pain that inevitably came. At least the pain faded in a predictable manner, and no matter how bad the pain was, she knew that there was no real, lasting damage done. But where the pain faded, the anticipation built until it was too much to take and her knees shook from excitement and fatigue. She could never be sure if Sir was drawing it out intentionally, or if she just imagined it, but it seemed as if the time between each stroke lasted minutes, and sometimes hours.


J gasped as the pain radiated from her ass and the endorphins flooded her brain. The gasp quickly turned to a moan as her muscles involuntarily clnched around the dildo in her pussy and the plug in her ass. She did her best to control herself, but her body continuously betrayed her. Each time she understood under the whip that darted across her backside she could feel the rope pull over her cliporis, which sent waves of intense pleasure through her body. The sensings were too much to bear and flirted with the edge of excruciating pain. This time as she rocked forward her moan became a muffled scream, clearly audible through the gag in her mouth.

Tears streaked down her face as she struggled to pull herself back onto her toes. She had been tied at the wrists with her arms extended behind her. The rope was anchored to the concrete ceiling and pulled tight so that she had to stand on her toes or else have her arms pulled upward to an uncomfortable angle. With this kind of play, uncomfortable quickly became unbearable, and tight muscles soon began to cramp. The trick was to stay relaxed and accept Sir’s beating. If Sir was satisfied, J would earn her reward. If He was unsatisfied, the cruelty would only escalate.

She exhausted as she finally righted herself, a task made more difficult by the spreader bar tied to her ankles. Her shoulders were screaming in pain and she could no longer control the shaking in her knees. Once again the anticipation built. The shaking grow in intensity as time slipped by like cold molasses. J gritted her teeth and clenched her eyes shut behind her blindfold as she waited for the next snap of the whip.

The waiting seemed to go on forever. She could neither see nor hear Sir, due to the thick blindfold and earmuffs that she had put on before being tied to the ceiling, so she could not tell if Sir was simply waiting to build anticipation or if he was working on some new, distinguished game to play. Her mind began racing as she contemplated what some of these games might be. Each scenario that played out in her mind was quickly followed by a worse, more painful one. She struggled to control herself and her emotions as her mental situation became more frantic.

The next thing J felt was Sir’s hand gently caresing her ass. The gentleness of the touch caught her by surprise. J flinched, but was caught by Sir before she could rock forward and strain her shoulders yet again. Sir held her there with one arm and lightly stroked her throbbing ass. She was almost certain that she could feel the contours of the welts that had arisen there, though the pain had long since blurred together. It was only after she was brought back to reality did she realize that she was sobbing. She took a deep breath, or at least as deep as the gag allowed her to, and just barely contained the next sob.

Relief came moments later when Sir loosened the rope. The sudden release of tension caught J by surprise, and she nearly fell forward onto her face. Fortunately, Sir had been ready and held tight onto J’s still-bound wrists, pulling her back onto the flats of her feet. J whimpered as her leg muscles loosened for What seemed like the first time in hours. Perhaps it had been hours. It was hard to tell how time passed down here in the dungeon. There was no clock down here, and besides, today she was blindfolded. It really didn’t matter how much time had passed. All that mattered to J was that she pleased Sir. If she was a good girl for Him then she would get rewarded.

Her spreader bar came off, and then her earmuffs and she could once again hear the ambient noises of the room: the harsh fluorescent lights buzzing, the whirring of the air through the vents, the breathing of both herself and Sir. Until then, J had only her own heartbeat and vocalizations to keep her company. The reason for her aural freedom soon became clear and Sir assertively said, “Kneel.” That was one of the most important things; if Sir gave a command she was expected to comply immediately, without hesitation. J quickly got to her knees, but between the movement of the body harness over her clip and the stiffness in her legs, it took much longer than she would have liked. Much longer than Sir would have liked. She hoped the quick start would compensate for the slow movement, but J wasNot particularly optimistic. The concrete was cold and hard on her knees and toes, but she forced herself to wait patiently and motionlessly for Sir’s next move or His next command.

J felt tugging at the back of her head as Sir loosened the leather strap that held her ball gag firmly in place. The gag was extremely pulled from her mouth, leaving strings of saliva dripping down her chin. J sucked at the spit, trying her best to clean herself up, but to no avail. A glob dripped onto her chest and began running between her breasts. She gave up as quickly as she had started.

That was when J heard the distinct sound of a zipper being undone. Her heart fluttered as she eagerly awaited what was coming next. Abruptly, Sir grabbed her hair and shoved his cock deep into J’s mouth. J waited for the Sir to relax His grip so she could begin serving him, but soon her lungs began burning for air. It wasn’t too long before the urge became too much and she began fighting him for abreath of sweet air. She wiggled and jerked, trying to find some leverage to push herself back, but she was handicapped seriously by the fact that her arms were still tied behind her. Just as J thought she couldn’t take it anymore, Sir pulled her off of Him. She panted for air as Sir pulled upwards on her hair just enough to keep her perfectly upright and facing forward.

Sir seemed troubled, but she couldn’t quite puzzle out what he was thinking. After a long pause, J felt her hair being released and she relaxed some as the tenderness of her scalp faded. She looked up at Sir as he began talking, “You are going to suck me off, but do it slowly. I have something that I need to tell you and both of us need to pay attention.”

“Yes, Sir,” J replied. She leaned forward and brought her lips to the tip of Sir’s dick, still glistening from the globs of spit she had left on it just moments before. It was difficult to bring it into her mouth at first because she did not have her hands to hold it still, but she eventually managed. J began sucking and bobbing. J Prided herself on her ability to please Sir with her mouth. He often told her that her blowjobs were fantastic, however she knew that if He came now in her mouth she would likely not get fucked for at least an hour, if not many more. That thought worried at her in the back of her mind of as Sir began to talk.

“You know as well as I do that we do not get to play like this as often as either of us would like.” That, J thought, was an understanding. Both of them had been extremely busy for the past several years as they completed their educations. It was only recently that things had calmed down enough for them to have daily sex again, but even that sex was not always kinky, much to the dismay of J. That was part of the reason that they had built this dungeon as a second basement floor in their new house; they had wanted to encourage themselves to have more of the kinky sex they had been missing out onfor years, and increasing their access to a dungeon and its accessories seemed like the best way to do so. J kept listening and sucking, eager to hear what Sir would say next.

“It’s clear from our play in the dungeon that this lack of rules and prediction has resulted in a lack of discipline on your part. You squirm and yell and in general act like a poor pain slut. You do not follow commands well, and worst of all you fidget during our play. A slave needs discipline, and I have not given that to you. This is my failure, not yours, so it is my problem to fix.”

As Sir talked, J grew simultaneously more exciting and more nervous. She had always wanted a more in-depth kink relationship with Sir, but the few times they had tried the responsibility had become too much for their busy schedules. Without thinking, J gulped at the prospect of trying that again, which caused Sir to tense at the added stimulation.

“Aaahh fuck that’s good. Careful so I can concentrate!” J wasrelieved when Sir continued on, with only the small rebuke for her action. “So what we’re going to do is institute a training program for you. We will start phasing in fundamental things you need to work on, one at a time. Then we will begin making things more advanced. As the training progresses you will become the best slave you are capable of being. You will become more resilient to pain, impervious to humiliation, a master of your own body and mind, and grow more confident in yourself as you become more confident in your slave skills. Is this something that you want to do?”

Dispite her nerves, J immediately popped off of Sir’s dick and nodded eagerly. “Yes, Sir! I would love that!”

“Good, I’m glad to hear it.” Sir was beaming. He could barely wait to have His own fuck slave. He couldn’t believe how well He and J fit together in a relationship, and was eager to find out where this new chapter would take them. He was so eager that His excitement overwhelmed Him and He couldn’t help but take J right then and there.

Filled with lust, Sir pulled J to her feet. He spun her around, grabbed her by the neck and her bound arms, and pushed her towards the stainless steel examination table in the center of the dungeon. With a simple complain of the arms upward, J was forced to bend over with her face pushed into the cold metal. Sir nimbly loosened the bottom of J’s harness, then unknownly dug the dildo out of J’s pussy, releasing a waterfall of excitement along with it. Just as extremely, Sir replaced the dildo with His own cock and began humping as forcedly as He could.

The abruptness with which Sir acted had J wakening in pleasure almost immediately. The buttplug-cock combination had her feeling extraordinarily full, and she was beginning permission to orgasm between gasps and moans within a minute. Sir, grunted a quick “Yes,” and J closed her eyes to relax and prepare for the imminent waves of pleasure. Just as it started seconds later,However, J felt a singing thud on her ass. Sir had begun spanking her still tender ass! She gasped and her muscles tensed in reaction to the unexpected pain, which only accentuated the orgasm roiling throughout her body. Sir continued slapping as He went until J couldn’t take any more of the pain. She began convulsing involuntarily, but between the orgasm that continued to run its course and the awkward position Sir was holding her arms in, J could not actually manage any kind of escape. The pain finally stopped as her orgasm failed as J recognized Sir’s familiar grunts. With a final few thrusts, J felt Sir’s seed fill her and she knew that it was over.

They stood there, Sir still filling J and J bent over the table, breathing hard as their bodies settled down. Finally, Sir pulled out of J and let Her arms down. But rather than let her up He began undoing the knot that bound her arms. As the rope was unwrapped, J could feel the blood return to her arms. When J’s arms were finally free, Sir gently pulled her up straight. He then finished undoing the rope harness that wrapped around her belly, chest, and shoulders. J was now completely naked. Oddly, even the miniscule amount of covering that the rope afforded her made feel somehow clothed, and she shivered at being so exposed.

J stood there awkwardly as Sir left her and walked across the room to the shower that had been installed along one of the walls. It was not really a proper shower, it wasn’t even inset into the wall like a stall. It was just a nozzle and valve that had been installed on the wall with a drain nearby. Sir hadn’t yet used the shower for play, but she had no doubt that they would get around to it. She shuddered at the thought of what sadistic things Sir had bouncing around in His wicked head.

Sir turned on the water and ran it until it was warm. He then beckoned J over and wrapped her in a full embrace when she came near. “You clean yourself up. Take out the plug if you like andanything else you feel is necessary. I’ll clean up the mess we made.” J nodded and made to get into the shower, but Sir held her tight. “Your training begins tomorrow,” He whispered, then let her go.

J showed herself and let her mind run about what tomorrow might bring. It was torture for herself, and she knew that Sir would not tell her unless he wanted her to know, but she couldn’t help but come up with all of the worst-case-scenarios. By the time she was finished, Sir had already hung everything back up on its rack and replaced the insertables on the towel-covered table and left the dungeon. She pulled her plug out of her ass, quickly scrubbed it clean, and replaced it on the table. She wrapped herself in a towel, turned off the lights, and went upstairs to enjoy the rest of her last day of freedom.


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