
“Touch me, please. You know so well just how I like to be touched,” my baby begged.

Baby was no baby, but she liked it when I called her that. She was five feet nothing of sheer blonde hotness – twenty years past being a perfect miniature Barbie, but even more attractive due to the ampleness that time had given her bosom, the gentle curve of her hips, even the pillowiness of her belly. She kept in great shape – athletic calves, sculpted thighs, pumped biceps, defined shoulders. She made a tank top and shorts as sexy as anything most women ordered from Victoria’s Secret.

Yes, I knew just how she liked to be touched. Though she was married to another, we had spent decades giving in to the fatal attention between us. Inevitably, guilt would crush down on her soul, and she would swear off sex with me, sometimes avoiding temptation by not even seeing me. Just as inevitably, she would return, like a moth drawn to a flame.

Because I knew how she liked to be touched, andno other man did. Certainly not her hapless husband.

“Plain vanilla man, not even sprinkles on top,” that was how she described her sex life at home.

She said it that way because it made her chuckle. Otherwise sex with hubby was something she preferred not to discuss, or think about, a duty, a chore, a bore. Sex with me was her treatment. We had discovered early on that we shared many of the same Kiks. Sure, I was more perverse than she would ever dare to be, but that was part of what made our strange non-relationship work. I had enough other lovers to play out my more extreme passages; she had just enough of me to add a swirl of colour to her beige reality.

Today, she was sprayed across my favourite chair, drinking wine at lunch, venting about the world. Her knees were played far apart, the soles of her feet touching, demonstrating great flexibility. This tilted her pelvis upward, her tight white jeans caresing the cream of her quim. I wondered which lacy lingerie she wore today.

The spandex in her T shirt held the cotton tight to her chest. Her breasts were lifted towards my eyes. When we had met she had popular sports bras, which mashed her mounds against her ribs. Working in public service, she thought this would help her chest not be a distraction. After I pointed out that her sensitive nipples almost constantly poked out unrestrained by the Lycra slings, she had switched to underwire padded bras. No more “is it cold or are you just glad to see me?”

I grinned at her from my perch on the couch a foot away. She wanted me to put down my wine glass and lean over, lift the loose bottom edge of her shirt, and run my expert fingers up to explore whatever bra she wore today, my wrists twisting to allow fingers to slide inside lace, cup flesh in palms, teasing erect nipples. She was picturing my head moving in unison with my hands, my lips meeting hers, our teeth parting, our tongues twining.

Instead, I lifted my wine to my lips andtook a purposeful sip, allowing my red painted tongue to linger outside my lip, caresing the edge of the glass. If I had spoken at that moment, I would have said, “This is how I lick your clip.”

But it was more effective to allow the silence to speak.

Her delicate little fingers were balancing her wine glass on her knee, her nervous desire causing them to tap out a tune, the only sound in the room. Then I became aware of hearing her breathe. This made me look directly at my lover. I loved how her chest heaved in excitement.

So I slowly shook my head from side to side, telling her that no, I wasn’t going to touch her. At least not then. Not because she demanded it. Not just because I knew just how she liked it.

She tossed her hair wildly, framing a gigantic mock pout. I grinned. I knew that my baby would not seek release elsewhere, or at least not without my permission. She would not even touch herself without permission as long as I was around – she had opened license to self-pleasure in my absence.

“Drink some more wine,” I instructed.

She compiled, slowly raising the glass to her lips. Just the tip of her tongue stalled out to taste a drop of bright ruby ​​liquor off the rim. She lowered the glass, rolling that red stained organ along her lower lip. Then she licked all around the rim, her lower jaw slack, her eyes hooded, her brain obviously advanced beyond simulating oral sex on glass. Finally, she tossed her head back, her swan like neck exposed, vulnerable, as the rest of her wine poured into her gullet.

Her arm relaxed, hand with glass dropping beside her on the couch. Carefully, she brought her face forward, mouth open, showing me that her tongue was painted red, specked with great huge remnant drops of her treatment. Neither of us needed to say out loud the Thought we shared – but for the redness, she looked like she had just swallowed a load of semen. The red however, suggested something far more daring and violent – ​​shelooked every inch the sexy vampire.

I lifted my own glass, drinking deeply, counting slowly to thirty, my eyes never leaving hers.

“I know how you like to be touched, but I still want you to show me,” I said as I finished my drink.

She lowered her glass, placing it on the low table between us. As she leaned back into the comfortable sofa, her hand casually slide up under the loose bottom of her top, exposing a tantalizing flash of pale flesh which increased. My attention, however, followed the motion under the sweater. Her right palm cupped her left bosom gently. She paused, grinning.

“Is this what you want?” she breathed.

“What do you want?” I challenged back.

“Touch makes me so wet, you know.” Her voice seemed lost in a dream. Her eyes no longer met mine, dancing off into the distance.

My nod was both acknowledgement and permission.

Her arm moved slowly, her hand kneeing her flesh. Her shoulders relaxed, her neck flexed, her head dropping back against the upper edge of the couch. Delicate motions suggested that her fingers had slipped inside the bra. I could tell that she had not pulled the bottom away from her ribcage, so knew that it must be one of her fancy underwire styles, and that her nails had eased the inner edge of the cup away from her cleavage, and that her hand was now curled around that flesh from the upper middle, wrist bending to allow her to reach down to her nipple.

Just as slowly as the hand had travelled that far, it withdraw, but only long enough for her to lift that hand to her lips, her tongue carefully extending to lick them until they were dripping wet. Her fingers retraced the journey up inside the bra, and she began teasing her nipples, moving back and forth between them. The motion lifted her shirt enough to expose just a flash of red satin bra.

“I’m so wet,” she moaned.

I wondered whether she would unbutton her jeans and begin that part of this journey, but instead she lifted her shirt higher, allowing me to watch as she eased the bra away from her tits, exposing them to my hungry eyes. I just had a second to register that she had indeed forgotten one of my favourite bras, lacy with flowers that kissed the inner surfaces of cleavage. Two of her fingers worked on either side of her swollen, excited right nubbin while with her other hand, she had started making slow circles around her left nipple.

“I’m wishing that these were your hands, your lips, on my skin,” she told, as she began rubbing a little bit harder.

I watched, feeling my cock throb in my pants, my balls tight to my groin, every nerve ending in my body engaged, ready.

She continued teasing her tits, but her hips began shifting, doing a little dance of their own on the sofa.

Her eyes again found mine, held them, silently asking.

“You may touch your clip,” I allowed.

The jeans were skin tight. Her fingers fumbled with the button, then when it popped open, she lifted her ass slightly, which tilted her cunt out and up toward me. I felt my shoulders shift slightly, cautioned myself not to take the bait and lunge towards her.

Her hand travelled along that soft successful belly, and then swiftly pushed her very feminine ruffled lace panties aside. Two of her fingers found either side of her swollen, excited clip and she started moving them in slow circles.

“I’m thinking about how much I love you to touch me like this, and then to fuck me like this,” she said as she began rubbing a little bit harder, a third finger thrusting between her labia.

She touched herself a little harder, pulling her nipples roughly as her other hand began fucking her cunt- there was no other word to describe the motion. Three, then four fingers thrusting deep into her gash, the thumb making her clip dance in front of my eyes. Her head was thrown back on the couch, thrashing about.

“Oh, Master,” she moaned. “I wish these were my Master’s hands; his cock.”

As she spoke of my cock, she rubbed herself harder.

“Fuck me Sir, please,” she became even as she continued toying with herself. She tugged the edge of her panties into her slit, fucking herself with the fabric. I could tell that she was getting closer to climax.

I was rigid, still trapped in my pants. She was oblivious to the effect she had on me, her eyes closing as she drove herself closer to the edge. After all these years together, I know the signs – the teeth jutting out, digging into the bottom lip; the tiny preorgasmic ripples building, starting in her shoulders, then making those magnificent tits jiggle, before rippling down her belly towards the center of her excitement. A telltale moan escaped her mouth.

It took restraint not to rise out of my chair, grab my baby by the hair, haul her up off the couch, bend her over and fuck her brutally from behind without pause or warning. Except I knew that she would love that too much. The little voice in my head even wondered whether she would prefer it in the cunt or the ass. If I decided to fuck her, first I should tease her, slide my hands over her body, tug on her nipples as my cock slide along her ass, between her tighs, poking at her wetness, and then moving on. Perhaps even give her a few spanks – hand or belt, she would love either. I pictured her juices flooding down her legs, soaking her to her knees, dripping onto the hardwood. Begging me to fuck her.

“Not yet,” I told myself, except I spoke the words aloud, so baby heard them.

She froze.

Without thinking about what I was doing, I rose up from my chair and moved towards her. She instinctively twisted away but I got to her first, towering over her crouched figure. I stood her up and turned her around so her ass was raised towards my face. I removed my belt swiftly one-handed and stroked the leather along her skin as I slide the other hand between her legs to feel her wetness. She squealed, startedled as my fingers probed her cunt, and my thumb stretched her ass open. Her moaning increased. Her body trembled; the cent of her excitement filled the room. I felt her body shudder, the dam about to burst into a full fledged climax.

“Please, Master,” she began through her tears, “let me come. Fuck me if you wish.”

Her voice dropped to a faint whisper, barely audible. “Fuck my ass if that pleases you, just let me climax.”

“Not yet,” I grew, stepping back from the edge of the couch, releasing my baby. She just lay there whimpering, the nearness of her exploration denied still making her ass quiver. Her back was dappled by goose bumps.

“Soon,” I whispered, answering the question she was too obedient to ask.

I sat her upright and kissed her forehead. She looked up at me with puffy, tear reddened eyes, the trails still drying on her cheeks. I gently stroked her body.

“You’re hands are so big and warm, they comfort me so,” she said.

“You’re such a good girl,” I smileddown at her. “I love you.”

Her breath was still shaky, as she relaxed, comfortable by her master’s discipline. “I love you too. You take such good care of me.”


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