Touched by a Rose

My hand resting in her soft hair as she rests perfectly and properly at My side. A place earned and cherished by B/both in the journey that is shared. The soft glow of the torches on the walls flickering across her tender flesh and illuminating her green eyes as I gaze down into them.

My fingers grip the softness of her auburn hair and tug her head back, My eyes scouring the beauty that is My kajira and her Gifts to Me, knowing her gift is far more than merely the pleasures of her tender body, though those pleasures are numerous themselves, her mind, the depth of her beautiful spirit, given fully and deeply in her devotion to her Master. Me, those gifts completing the girl perfectly for My tastes and wishes.

“Master is very pleased with how you have absorbed your lessons and duties My beautiful kajira.” My voice rings down to her attentional ears.

“Tonight, will be a night you won’t soon forget.” that mischievous smile crossing My lips as her eyes glint curiously buthappy back to Mine.

My hand pulling her up as the command rings out quickly “Stand kajira” and her body instantly springs from her knees into the perfect moment, one hip turned slightly forward as her palms turn to face Me, her left foot poised gently.

I rise from My chair and turn to the chest beside it, retrieving the key from My pocket and unlocking the antiquated box, wound with age and yet strong as the day it was forgotten. The lid lifted as it has been so many times before as her eyes remain downcast and proper and yet her mind wishes to know more of what is kept in Masters chest.

My hand reaching to the underside of the raised lid, mounted by clips I lift a sheathed blade. The handle dark and hurt from handling and yet some how shiny and crispiant. The leather sheath encompassing the blade as it is lifted from the lid and the lid closed again. A click of the lock and the key tucked away before I turn and face her again.

“Master has a penchant for Roses asyou well know My beauty. Tonight you will experience a rose of a different color. Tonight your trust WILL deepen all the more in Me and tonight your body will ache for even more of Masters gifts.”

One hand grazing the leathery sheath as the other hand grazs the hilt of the large blade, holding them before her glinting green eyes as the momentary fear flashes through them, as the 8-inch blade is slowly unsheathed before her eyes. Her eyes scanning quickly, wanting to see and yet not wanting to see as she blinks once and then again only to focus upon an etching in the blade. Her eyes close a bit more as they focus closer at the etching and then a smile crosses her face in understanding. The etching that of a partially blossomed rose and stem carved into the blades cold steel.

Moving closer as I toss the sheath to My chair, I draw the blades tip to her cheek and slowly back along her cheek bone and then back again only to let it flatten and rest softly for a moment. LettingThe tingle of the cold steel course into her flesh more then drawn over her lips gently and rested against them.

“You may kiss Rose My beauty. Yes, the blade is known as Rose.” My voice rings firmly to her ears again as My eyes roam her tremblingly happy body.

Her lips purse and lovingly press her upon the blade. Her mouth parted slightly by the kiss her tongue flicks lightly across the cool metal of this Rose. Though the danger of the blade apparent she kisses the blades width as if it were My flesh she was kissing as her smile broadens in delight.

“Master recalls how fixed you were when W/we saw the blades last week at the shop and knew it was time to introduce you to Rose. Your reaction pleases Me very much and I am certain you wish to continue.”

Her head nodding quickly affordable as her green eyes glimmer and glow all the more, her tender flesh glowing with the blush that spreads as she realizes she is going to finally get to experience knife play at her Masters hands. A fantasy she has all but keep to herself, but more so simply because He never brought it up.

My hand drawing the blades tip back along her jaw and then slowly down her neck so the tip lightly scratches at her tender flesh before passing over the collar she wears ever so proudly. The blade slowly circled behind her, under her hair along the edge of the collar and then back around before slipping across the nape of her neck, a shiver of pleasure and anticipation rushing through her body as she remains poised. The blades tingle spreading over the curve of her shoulder as it slides down her upper arm, caressing slightly from side to side as it glides down and then flattens against her arm and is drawn all the way back up to the shoulder.

The tip slipping into the neck line of her shirt, the cold steels care pressing gently underneath against the bare flesh of her breasts just before it turns, My voice strongly echoing into her ears as she trembles in anticipation all the more..” you wont be needing this any more tonight little one…” and a quick pull of the blades edge across the shirts fabric as it cuts through and her shirt falls open full severed down to the bottom of it. Her gasp of surprise and suddenness enhancing the beauty of her breasts as they rise and fall faster in the bonds of her bra. Her blush spreads down into her ample cleavage as the remnants of the shirt are pushed back behind her and down until they fall to her feet , letting her feel the sudden openness and the sudden wetness growing in her smooth heat hidden below.

My hand slowly struggling the blades sharp tip along the soft underside of each breast through the fabric of her black bra, the little flower in the middle of it pressing outward with each trembling breath she takes. The blade travels upward between the beauty of her breasts to the flower and Then twists quickly severing the flower from her bra, leaving her breasts jumping with shock and delight as they are untouched but started.

Quietly the blades coolness presses to the delicate curve of her left breast, slipping under the fabric of the bra until the back of the blade presses to her hard nipple, tugging at it slightly with the blades pressure before slipping over it, letting it feel the edge of the blade slide over and past it and then slip out and repeat to her right nipple. The blade slips up higher, slipping under the straw on the right should until its drawn snug and then with a jerk cut free with a snap. The bra clinging barely to her ample breast as the blade slips under the left strap and severals it from her body leaving her breasts barely covered, heaving with excitement and anticipation.

My hand skillfully draws the blade down into the ample cleavage, the bountiful breasts heaving with anticipation as the tingle of the blade slips between deeper and Under the center of the bra where the heart once lay, pulling outward slowly so the tension grows as the fabric slowly begins to sever, letting her feel the slow deliciousness as it tears and separates and then a quick full jerk away and her breasts fall free, fully exposed in their hard, pert glory. The blade drawing under the soft curve of each breast deliciously, sending the sweet tingle of its cool touch course into her softness.

My hand guiding the blade with tantalizing delicacy down her tummy, circled her belly button a time or two before slipping to the edge of her jeans and slipping just under then, slowly slipping to the left hip and slipping under more before cutting them out and away in My sudden shearing. Quietly drawing the blades coolness across the small of her back, watching the goose bumps race up and down her body as the width of the blade strokes up her spine once and back down to the top of her pants and slides under again, slipping quietly to the right hip and cutting the fabric away so the jeans slip down her thighs easily.

“Step out of them My kajira” Myvoice calls to her numb ears and she quickly leaps out of them to one side. Reaching down I toss them away with the remnants of her other clothes, leaving her standing before Me proudly in only her black panties.

The blade strokes down her inner thigh slowly, tantalizing the flesh until it reaches her knee and then slips to the other leg, just beside her knee and starts is delicious journey back up this legs inner tigh until it reaches the cream of her thigh and heat, slipping under the fabric and sending its cool cares to the bare flesh under her panties. Slipping back out and drawing out and around her hip, up over the edge of the panties and then under them, the tip slipping between the black fabric and her tender hip, more of the blades shaft slipping in and then suddenly twisting and shearing the whole side of the panties free from her trembling body, her gasp as suddenly as the pull and her moan as sweet as her flesh as she realizes the event. Her panties struggling to remain on her as the one side now supports them alone.

Again the blade travels along her tummy, just above her tattered panties as they draw down barely covering her, revealing a hint of her shaken heat beneath them, the blades shake slipping under the drawing fabric as it slips towards the other hip and quickly frees her completely of the fabric. The sudden shearing snapping away from her tender hip as the sheared panties fall to her feet, her sheved slave heat proudly swollen in its beauty and display for Me.

My grap taking the blades tip slowly down and circulation her now fully bare clip and teasing it for a moment, savoring her quiver as she struggles to remain in display as she knows she should and yet craving to be fully taken as only her true Master can.

The blades tip slipping cautiously down into the cream of one thigh and then up the other, temptingly teasing her swollen heat again and again until I let the flat of the blade cover her heat, pressing fully downover her with its coolness contrasting her molten heat. Her soft moan slipping from her lips as the blade lifts away and returns with a firm pat to her heat, striking again and again, her wetness glistening on her thighs and swollen lips more and more with each swat of Rose to her heat.

Regain and again My hand lifts the cool steel from her heat and returns it with the soft sweet swatting sound as her body trembles and struggles to remain upright. The wave pending in her lust so strong and needful…wanting only to please Me…Knowing that her pleasure will come from My pleasure in her. Continuously the blade swats down onto her heat, patting again and again, then pulling slowly up so the tip of the blade all but enters the sweetness of her swollen lips, parting her just barely with its dangerous edge and yet not cutting, pulling higher and higher Until the edge of the blade rests aside her throbbing clip, My thumb trapping the hard little button between the blade and it for a moment and tugging on it as My other arm wraps around her, supporting her weakening body as the arm snugs under her heaving breasts.

My free hand gripping her left breast from underneath, cupping and tugging its warmth as the thumb strokes over her hard nipple, rolling it playfully back and forth as He puts the blade down and cups her heat with His hand. Two fingers spreading her heat for a moment as His hand strokes her up and down, the palm resting to her pulsing clip as the two fingers penetrate her needy heat, filling her slowly and taking her. The hand holding her up as the other hand moves to the other breast and pulls firmly at the achingly hard nipple. My fingers pumping up into her again and again as the warmth of My breath flows over the nape of her neck from behind…..the words strong and proud as the usher from My lips…

“CUM kajira…CUM on Masters hand and show Me your lust and desire to please Me!”

Feeling her body shudder on command and the heat gripping My fingers as her legs all but buckle, her words whispered soft as she obeys…

“yes, pleaseee Master……pleasseee…”

My fingers tugging her nipples, each in turn as her heat shudders and quivers madly, her lips trembling, pursued and parted as she whimpers and moans under My touches. Her body spasming as My fingers curl into her again and again, cupping and supporting her as her sweet juices flow down My fingers and thighs.

Slowly I lower her to her knees and the furs, letting her trembling body collapses to the floor in a knee, her head rested to furs, her thighs spread wide into usage position as she quivers with My fingers still buried deeply in her heat and coat her orgasm on still.

My fingers slipping from her heat and up across her lips, letting her taste her sweetness…

“Clean Masters fingers kajira…” My voice echoes to her numb ears.

With an unrivaled eager hunger, she licks and suckles My fingers clean as her body trembles still.Her cent permeating the air sweetly as My fingers slip from her lips, garnering a small whimper of loss from her until she realizes My pants have been pushed down and the hardness of Masters cock is pressing to her sweet heat. Her hips pushing back as My hands rest to her hips, preventing her from taking Me in until I am ready. Letting her feel the way the tip of My hardness parts her swollen heat slowly and teasingly up and down.

One quick full push and My hardness is buried into her heat fully and deeply, letting her feel the way she is spread, filled and taken fully by her Master. Slowly I slip back and drive in again and again, taking My time to enjoy the heat and tightness of her gift. Stroking in and out methodically, violently over and over. Every ripple in My hardness struggling into her and back out methodically, savoring her urges to grind back onto Me and ride Me, to bring her Master to pleaserable release if He will let her.

My hand slipping up and returninga resounding smack to her right ass cheek, her squeals and moan delightful to My ears as I take her again and again the hand gripping her reddened ass and soothing the sting in before delivering the same swat to her other ass cheek.

Recent and again her hips buck and understand in pleasure as My body drives into her, the sounds of My warm flesh slapping to hers echoing as her wave builds again. My hard cock throbbing more and more as My other hand reaches to her long auburn locks, tangling in the hair and tugging her head back as I grind into her faster still.

My own senses fully enjoying her body’s delights as she shudders uncontrolled under Me and around Me.

“Again, kajira, CUM again…” My voice rasps to her as My thrusts becomes erratic and I feel the tightening in Me building.

My hard cock slipping from her wetness with a quick stroke and into My hand as the first spurt of My white hot jets onto her back, rubbing into the cream of her supple as My bodyy gives in to the delights of her body, shuddering and spasming as jet after jet splashes onto her back and the small curve of the hollow of her back as her own moans echo with Mine.

The grap in her hair still strong as My wave subsides slowly, My hips still grinding the length of My throbbing cock between her cheeks and along them until I allow her to collapse to the furs, My arms wrapping around her as I pull her to My lap, gripping Rose again as I lift her up and carry her to the bedroom whispering to her still numb ear. The night not over…

“Good girl…”


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