For those who haven’t, to follow the story you will need to read chapter 1 first. Enjoy! 🙂
He looked at me intently, for what seemed like an eternity. I fretted about the window- who was looking in right now? I didn’t dare look. Instead, I looked up at my ceiling, tracing the patterns with my eyes. Suddenly, the vibrator started, and I jumped. It was focused directly on my clip, aching from last night’s teasing- I never usually go without orgasm. It didn’t take long before I was panting, I could feel climax approaching.
But then he stopped. I looked at him, clearly distressed, and he chuckled, before flicking the switch on his remote again.
This time, the dildo started slowly moving in and out of my pussy, and I moaned in delight. He started the vibrator up again, but on a low setting.
The two together, as they were both on low settings was enough to drive me crazy but not enough to make me orgasm. After half an hour of this, I was bathed in a coat of my own sweat, and panting crazyly. I needed release, if he just turned it up one little bit…
But then everything shut down. I cried out in frustration. What the hell was he doing? He walked over to me, and said ‘Look at you, you whore. You’re practically becoming for release from a machine.’ He laughed, and I felt shade wash over me.
He walked over to me and dismantled the dildo machine, and unstrapped the vibrator. He unhooked me from the table and smiled.
“Sit up, whore.”
I sat up, and looked at him, rubbing my sore wrists. I’d been thrashing about a little bit, so they were feeling quite tender.
“I’m going to leave now” he said. “And I can’t always see you everyday. So, here are your rules. I assume you remember the rules I set yesterday?”
“Yes. No masturbating without permission, no wearing anything below my knee. No underwear. No looking at other men, and always follow your orders.”
He grinned. “Good girl! But there are a fewMore. I would like you to insert a pair of panties into your pussy on a daily basis, and keep them there for the rest of the day. I would also like you to masturbate three times daily, but do not allow yourself to orgasm. Also, I have taken pictures of all of your clothes, so I will be choosing what you are to wear everyday. If you disobey me, there will be hell to pay, and believe me, I’ll Know.”
He stopped, and looked up at me. “I knew you were special, when I first saw you. I knew you were secretly into this kind of thing. ” He said those words with such tender emotion, I lean forward to kiss him, but he stepped away and laughed.
“Whore. I’ll text you. For now, get dressed again, and tidy up your office.” He turned round and left. I remained on my desk until I heard my front door slam. Then I sat up slowly, and looked at the window. Nobody was staring up at my house, thank God. I got up, cleaned my juices off the desk, and set about putting the room back to normal. Afterr I was done, I realized I still had no clothes on. I really was a whore! I rushed downstairs and found my discarded skirt and shirt, and put them back on. By then, it was 6pm and I realized I was ravenous, so went to cook myself some pasta.
Halfway through cooking, my phone beeped with a text.
“What r u doing, slut?”
Charming. I told him I was cooking dinner, and resumed Stirring my pasta sauce.
“Call me when ur done eating.”
A little while later, my dinner was ready, and I sat down to eat. I ate quickly, half because I was starving, and half because I was desperate to talk to him. I put the dishes in the washer, and dialled his number.
“Hi, slut.” He answered on the first ring.
“Hello Sir”
“Go get a pair of panties.”
“Okay.” I crossed the room to my dryer, where a load of laundry had been put the previous day. I pulled out a pair of panties- red and lacy. Freshly dried, they were a little stiff. “Got them” I confirmed.
“PutThey inside your pussy. I’ll call you in five minutes, and it better be done.”
He hung up. I sat down at my kitchen table, and tried pushing the panties into my pussy, and as it was lubed up from my excitement earlier, they slide in easily. With a bit of encouragement, they were finally all the way in. I wriggled in my seat. I felt so full.
Exactly five minutes later, my phone rang.
“Are they in?”
“Okay. Keep them in for the rest of the day and night. You will always have a pair of panties in your pussy, but you may take them out for showing. Tonight I would like you to masturbate with the panties inside of you, but do not orgasm. Goodnight my slut. I will text you in the morning.”
And he hung up again. I stood up, and walked to my living room. It felt like I had a cock inside of me constantly. I slumped on the sofa, and flicked through the channels for something to watch on TV. I settled for a movie, which I watched until it was time to go to bed. I stripped down naked, and rubbed my sensitive clip vigourously until I felt an orgasm approaching. It feel so good with the panties inside of me. Regretfully, I stopped. Exhausted from the day’s events, I fell straight to sleep.
I was awoken the next morning by my alarm at 6am. I rose out of my bed, stretched, and opened my curtains, blinking in the sudden light. I grabbed my shower towel, and walked into my bathroom. I put my leg up on the toilet seat, and slowly pulled the panties out of my pussy. Oh my GOD, it felt so good. When they were finally out, I was a quivering mess, so shadow with need. The panties were wet with my arousal. I tossed them in the laundry basket, and stepped into the shower. The warm water caressed by body, and I washed my hair and later myself with soap. When I was clean, I got out of the shower and towelled myself dry.
I walked back into my room and pulled a pair of black panties out of my drawer. I pushed them upinto my pussy, today it took a bit of encouragement, as I was not as wet as yesterday. To help, I rubbed my clip gently, and started shaking with pleasure. The panties slide in, and I carried on masturbating. I was barrelling towards orgasm, but stopped myself before it was too late. I sat up, shakily. Then my phone rang, and I answered it, knowing it would be Jason.
“Good morning whore. Today for work I would like you to wear your short black skirt, and your light pink shirt, with a pair of heels.”
That shirt was near enough see through, and low cut. With no underwear, it would be a nightmare to wear it around the guys at work. They’re horny enough as it is.
My job isn’t anything exciting- just your average desk job. Although I work with my Two best friends, and we spend most of our time emailing each jokes about that bitch Zoey. She’s an absolute cow- she’s our manager, and never lets us forget it. She’s the ultimate bitch boss from hell, and nobody likes her.In fairness, we are quite jealous of her. She started working at the firm after us, and she just rocketed through to being promoted. She’s also gorgeous, with a skinny frame, long blonde hair and huge breasts. We’re all envious. Especially me. I’m nothing in comparison- I’m quite short, fairly slim, but with reasonably small breasts. My best asset is my hair- long, thick and dark brown.
“I don’t think that’s possible- that shirt is see through, and I’m not allowed to wear underwear.”
“Don’t you dare hesitate when following through on an order, you slut!” He yelled. “You will wear that fucking shirt. Now, you’ve earned yourself a punishment, which will come later in the day. How many times have you masturbated so far?”
“And are the panties in your pussy?”
I blushed. “Yes.”
“Good. Have a good day at work, slut.”
I put my phone down and surprised. I got the outfit out of my closet, and put it on. I brushed my hair and did my makeup. I spritzed on some perfume, brushed my teeth, and put on my shoes. Then the doorbell rang- Michelle, my friend. She always took me to work, as I couldn’t drive.
I rushed downstairs, and opened the door. She smiled, and then blinked at me in surprise. Oh god- what did I look like?!
“Hey babe” I said. “Give me a sec.”
I went into the hall closet, where I stored My shoes, and it had a mirror on the back of its door. I chose my black wedge heels, and then surveyed my appearance in the mirror. Oh God, I looked like a slut. My lack of underwear was pretty obvious. No wonder Michelle looked surprised. I sawed, and then went out to meet her, locking the door behind me. As we walked down the path to her car, I noticed Jason standing on the opposite side of the road, with a busty redhead. They both smiled at me, and seemed deep in conversation. As I slide into Michelle’s car, I saw Jason pull out his phone.
We drive to work, and halfway there, I got Jason’s text.
“U are a good girl. I am very pleased with u. But it is now time for ur punishment. Spread ur legs, and put ur hand on ur pussy. Then, if ur friend asks, say u’re horny, and put ur hand on her leg. Do it, or there will be hell to pay.”
Oh God. I knew I had to do this, or he would make my life even more difficult. And Michelle’s a bit of a tart anyway, so If it was anyone I had to do this in front of, it’s best that it was her.
I spread my legs slowly, and felt Michelle looking at me. I then put my hand on my pussy, which was warm, and wet.
“What the fuck, Zara?”
I blushed. “Sorry babe, I’m just so horny.” I rushed the words, feeling my face getting hotter and hotter. I then placed my hand on her leg, and she giggled.
“You slut!” She laughed.
Phew. We then arrived at work, and I got another text.
“Good girl.” It said- how did he know!?
Another text came through- “I will know everything. Trust me. Go to ur desk like normal but leave yourlegs open.”
This was getting too much- my pussy was getting wet with the thought, and surely people would be able to smell my arousal. As I walked through the office door, it felt like all eyes were on me. I could feel myself getting excited by that thought- that and the panties stuffed in my pussy. I got into the elevator by myself- Michelle worked on the ground floor. People were filing in, and I got yet another text.
“Lean across someone to press the elevator button. Brush past a crotch or two. I will know if you don’t do this.”
Oh my god. I was going to get such a bad reputation. I leaned across Jack, who works on my floor to press our button. On my way back to my place, I brushed my hand on his cock. He jumped, and stared at me. I didn’t dare meet his eyes.
Finally, we got to the third floor, and Jack and I stepped out, and walked to our desks, which were pretty near eachother. We made small talk along the way, as if nothing had happened in the lift. WhenI reached my desk, I sat down, booted up my computer and opened my legs.
My phone remained silent for the rest of the day, and I went about business as usual. But then I got an email from Zoey. This was odd- it was only addressed to me. She usually only sent group emails. What had I done?
I clicked on it to open it, and could not believe my eyes when I was reading it.
I bet you didn’t know that I’m a close friend of Jason’s, did you? He’s told me all about your little situation, and relinquished power over you to me for the hours that you are at work. So get to my office, bitch. Quickly.
Oh my God…
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