Our eyes met across the room. He was busy making frosting and I was baking the cake. As the timer went off, I took the cake out to cool. He looked very sexy standing there with frosting on his nose. I left the cake. He stood there, eyes glued. It was as though our thoughts linked. She was bewitching. Her short tank top hung loosely enough to see her supplies nipples, the cleavage was hinting at some juicy treatment, exclusively him.
Our thoughts united, as one we moved, like a slow motion movie, time stood still, each sequence moved an inch ahead, one step pursued the other, our face expressing the growing password, desire, and lust for the other.
We found each other in the middle of the room, password inflamed our body, eyes glued to each other, hyponically. He reached out and roughly grabbed my free flowing hair, pulling me to him. I reached out an unsteady hand, and found his body heated from desirer, or from the 95+ weather. I jerked my hands back.
The fire in his eyes spoke. It was a fire that comes quick as lightening, igniting intense tremors. I fell back in awe, unable to hide my own raw lustful desires. He expertly untied my tank top. I worked my fingers through his wet, damp hair. Our impassioned eyes met, exposing the raw naked desire; deep, uncontrolled, insatiable, appealite aroused by the awakened love deep in their hearts.
He stood, password showing in his manhood, gazing at the exposed breasts. He bent down, and gently cupped each lovely breast in his hands; caressing. I waited, breath held, for the command. I reached out and gently, oh so gently, handled the aroused manhood in front of me.
SMACK! My hand throbbed. I pulled my hand away, tears welling in my eyes, and waited, eyes closed. He whispered, ‘Not yet, My love, wait!’ It was a command, Not a request.
I waited.
I sank to my knees, back straight, arms tight behind my back, allowing him access to the curves of my breasts, sitting in the submission position he hadtaught me. I lowered my head, eyes down, legs apart and waited… as he had commanded me. I knew him so well, this Master of mine, for we had been together for years. Somehow, in the heat of the moment, I had crossed the line, and knew that commanding rough tone.
She made him want her even more every time she was in this position. This was why he taught her to sit this way. He could feel every fiber cry out for relief. ‘Not yet’, he thought. He taught her well, for she sat very still. Very quietly, waiting for his touch. He knew this. This is what he wanted. Total control. She was a vision, filled with password, submitting herself, totally, to him and only him. She waited….
The hours seemed to tick by, but in reality it was only minutes. He walked slowly around me, gently touching my free flowing breasts, running his fingers all around the hard nipple and over my flat belly. I could feel my heart pounding, as he touched me, the blood rushing through my ears, the yearning for his touch, his kiss, his words.
He loved the power this gave him. He controlled the impulse to kiss her red lips, and instead gently lifted her head so he could look into her eyes. She still waited, knowing what was to come.
He left my body hungering for more. I sat, still, waiting, wondering why he left. I reviewed my actions and still found no fault. The cold bare floor was causing pain in my knees, but still I sat. My submission position was beginning to false; my shoulders hurt from having my hands behind my back, my knees and legs were falling asleep, and my heat driven body was chilled. I heard him return, but made no movement. “You have learned well, My pet. I have a reward for you. Put this pillow under your knees.” I made a move for the pillow, and fell forward, right into his strong arms. The rippling muscles in his arms gave me comfort; he was back, and pleased with me. I looked up at him, deep into his eyes, and knew the waiting was almost over.
Our eyes met. He falsered, for he had never experienced such an uncontrollable urge to take her this second, for he had always controlled the moment. He was the Master. He decided the time. He decided.
I looked into his big sky blue eyes and the strong firm manually curve to his lips, and traced his outline with a trembling hand. I felt the charge surge through my hot body and ignored the warning that went off in my head.
He grabbed my arm and twisted it behind my back, holding me close and whispered in my ear, “Did I tell you to do that, girl? Well, did I?”
I became very still, my heart pounding as waves of password over took me. “No, Sir, You did not.”
He looked down at the trembling, submissive girl he held in his arms, and took his free hand to follow the curves of her body, right down to the wetness between her legs. I began spilling my wet juices, and feeling the start of my intensity need for fulfillment. I could not help it. He did things to me when he used the whispered commands and held me tight, touching the very depths of my submissive soul and commanding my every response.
It was a calculated move, for he knew all the buttons, nubs, spots and places that excited her. He was as charged as she was by the responses he could get from her, and he knew that he was very close to expelling his own cum. ‘Not yet’, he commanded, as much for his own control, as for her own. I then looked up at him with the eyes that begged for relief. He still was not moved. Outwardly, he was the picture of the Master, in complete control, inwardly, he was reeling on a roller coaster, and was hard pressed to hold back any longer. The tension mounted, the need to relieve himself was so great he felt like he was about to exploit.
I waited, as calmly as my aroused state would allow, as the heat grow between my legs and up into the very soul of my being, my submissive side allowing me to give him command, yet…
“Kneel”, I commanded, placing the pillow infront of Him. My hazel eyes had a green tint to them and the power I felt was like a drug running through me. He grabbed me by the hair and kissed me so hard, my lips swelled. He held me tight as I struggled to get away.
“You are not going anywhere, Missy. You are mine. I say when we finish and I say when YOU knee. You do not control me!”
I ceased struggle, a smile graced my raw lips. It had worked. He was in total control again, just as I liked it. I stayed on my knees, no pillow, and took my much needed punishment. I was the master, I controlled how far this went and I knew it. The submissive within me allowed this Master total control.
He moved his hand from the nap of my neck, down the soft firm excited breasts, and cupped them. He slowly ran his hot fingers over and around the nipple, looking at them one at a time. His hungry mouth suddenly engulfed the tender flesh, making me moan. I wanted him more now than ever, and he knew this, so he let go of one side and worked on the other, gently suckling it like a new born baby. My moans of ecstasy were doubled. His lips feathered their way down my tight belly and he gently pried my legs apart to gain access to that forbidden place. I longed for the climax. It was not coming. He was controlling me now. Every move he made, I could feel the excitement growth, but still he made me wait.
He hisssed, ‘Do you I wanted me, baby? Do you want more?’
She looked deep into his eyes, wanting so much more…
I had a long deep within. I needed him. I needed to feel him within me. My throbbing, yearning body needed to surrender. I humbly whispered to him, I am Yours, Sir, take me when ever You wish. I am here to serve You.
He looked deep into the very essence of my soul and pulled the last fiber of desire out of me, he knew I was totally his, in every sense of the word. He reached down and gently traced the outline of my face, down my mouth, tracing both lips with hot strong fingers, and on down the curves of my breasts, feeling the heavy breathing from my pent up desire.
He reached for me, pulling me close and wanting to have more. We both knew the moment had come. He was ready to explode, I was ready to gush, the power of the union was so strong, we moved with the same rhythm, the same primary desires, coming together as we shot out our cum at the same time. He moaned. The hot liquid of his password, shot into me. I shuddered. Falling limp, I could feel the sticky ooze drift down my hot cunt, leaving rivers of liquid pools. I felt him spread me. My cunt wide open, ready for him. I felt his fingers move up inside me; caressing, fondling. I felt the juices flow for several minutes, unable to move, my body reacting to my intense emotions. I waited for it to end.
The cold hard floor was forgotten as they lay in each others arms and smiled at each other. Total fulfillment had come, Master and slave.
The look in his eyes told me this was just the beginning…
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