Their Little Heifer Ch. 03

Apologies for the long wait folks! My life got incredibly busy. Also, I have taken people’s advice and got myself an editor. A big thanks to Astral_Flame for that.

I hope you guys like this latest chapter.

Monday morning silently came too quick and too late. Chloe had spent the majority of Sunday going through the pros and cons of being a slave, even if it was a temporary arrangement. She found herself getting frustrated. Hadn’t she been dreaming of this for years? Anxiety plagued her as she showed. Two sharp knocks on her apartment door broke her out of her stupor. Who would be knocking at 7am on a Monday?

She rushed out of the shower, a towel wrapped haphazardly around her. Her hair was soaking as she ran to the door, and she opened it to reveal a delivery man. His eyes widened in shock and he silently passed a medium-sized box to her. She took it gently and squealed in excitement. Blushing, she looked up at the man, who seemed to be drooling, before he ablastly turned and left. Chloe was confused by his reaction, then she looked down and groaned. One of her engaged nipples had peeked out from the towel.

She shut her door and shrugged it off. There were more important things to focus on, like this mysterious box. Wasting no time, she placed it on her coffee table, and grabbed her scissors to unveil the contents. Packing peanuts. God, she hated those things! Although that, she scooped them out carefully, peanuts flying in all directions, until she reached her prize. Inside the box, she found a white envelope, and underneath lay a chatity belt. What on earth was that for?

Chloe left the belt in the box and turned her attention to the envelope. It contained a temporary contract but also, to Chloe’s surprise, a letter from Mistress.

Dear Little One,

I hope you are well and that you enjoyed your weekend, Master and I certainly did. You’ll find two things in this box, the contract for the trial period and a chatitybelt.

Please take your time and thoroughly read the contract. I do not expect an immediate answer. If you need more information, please contact me using the number below.

Once you’ve made your decision and, hopefully, decided to continue, put on the belt. No playing with yourself either. Once that contract is signed, your pleasure is for Master and myself. Use the number to tell us of Your decision.

We eagerly await your message,


Master and Mistress.

Chloe’s heart raced. This was exactly what she was hoping for! She went to flick through the contract but the time caught her eye. Damn, I need to get ready for work. She huffed, placed the paperwork back into the box, and went back to her humdrum life.

Eight hours later, Chloe collapsed through her door in pain and exhaustion. In the excitement of the morning, she forget to pump her milk filled tits before her shift. Now, they were so engorged and heavy that it hurt to stand. Chloe crawled to her coffee table, where she had laid out her pumps ready for the missed morning session. Shaking, she pulled off her top and pulled down her bra, which propped her tits ups like a shelf. She whimpered as she attached the two pumps to her leaking teas. She lay against her sofa in a daze until the pain eased, as the pumps saved her of her milk. Too soon, they wereped, needing to be emptied, and still she felt swollen. Quickly, she unlatched them, grabbed and filled some freezer bags, and returned the pumps to her breasts.

Sweet relieve! I thought I was going to pass out there.

More aware of her surroundings, Chloe spotted the box. She decided to take the time to read the contract. She might as well, since she knew she was in for a long session of milking tonight. Halfway through reading, Chloe’s panties were soaking wet. Master and Mistress sounded perfect! She was aching to touch herself, but she remembered the letter and the contract stated that her orgasms were not hers. Her self-control was deplorable. Her eyes flickered to the chatity belt, that would help her, and surely they wanted her to try it on for size?

Eagerly, Chloe lifted the belt out of the box. It was a steel piece with soft leather lining, drainage gate, and a hole at the rear. The latter was presumably to make it comfy and functional for long term wear. Chloe’s breathing accelerated in excitement, and she had to try it on. She removed her pumps, which needed to be emptied for the second time, and shimmied out of her trousers and panties. Carefully, she slide the belt up her legs and adjust the waist band to a snug fit. A little voice in the back of her head said, “stop there, don’t lock it just yet!” In her horny and excited state, she ignored it and clicked the mechanism shut. She smiled to herself. It fit her well, not a chance she could play with her demanding clip or stuff her honey filled pussy. Only her asshole was available, but she wasn’t interested. Her breasts needed more attention so, after decanting her second batch, she re-attached the pumps and went back to reading the contract.

By the time she finished, she was moaning and squirming in her seat. Her hands found their way to her breasts, squeezing and coaxing the last drops of milk. Her hips gyrated but found no purchase, thanks to the belt. She would definitely sign the contract, but first, she needed a bath. Peering into the box for the key to the belt, she couldn’t see it. She rummaged around the box, as it was still half-full of those horrible packaging peanuts. The panic set in as she couldn’t see or feel anything resembling a key. She jumped up, grabbing the box and tipping it upside down, allowing the peanuts to scatter all over the floor. No thud of metal was heard. Chloe whimpered and collapsed on her knees, desperate to find it on the floor. Nothing, not the slightest glint of metal.

In her flustered state, she phoned the number Mistress had left in the letter, but it went to voicemail.

“Please Mistress, please help me. I tried on the belt and locked it, but I can’t find the key! Please help me, I don’t know what to do!” she cried over the phone.

Chloe hung up and stayed on the floor, bawling her eyes out at her own stupidity, and hoping her Mistress would come soon.

An hour later, Chloe’s tears had dried up but she was still distraught. The ringing of her intercom broke the silence and Chloe raced to the speaker.

“Hello? Is that you, Mistress?”

“Yes, it’s me, Little One.”

Chloe eagerly pressed the buzzer, allowing Mistress into building. She paced by her door until Mistress knocked. Yanking open the door, Chloe saw her soft brown gaze, and broke into tears again. Mistress quickly guided her to her sofa and gathered her into onto her lap, allowing Chloe’s tears to flow.

“That’s it, Little One. Let it all out, you’ll be ok. I’ve got you.”

Chloe cried harder at Mistress’ comforting voice. She had neverexperienced such compassion and unconditional love. It wasn’t long until Chloe’s crying eased and she basked in the warmth of Mistress’ hold.

“Now tell me dear, what’s got you all worked up? I see you are wearing the belt. Did you sign the contract?” Mistress questioned softly.

“Umm. Well, I got so worked up whilst reading the contract and so I thought I would be a good girl and put it on. I wanted to make sure it fit and…I wanted so badly to cum, but I…I remember that my pleasure isn’t my own. I thought if I put it on then I couldn’t orgasm and that you and Master would be pleased with me. But then I couldn’t find the key after reading the contract. It must have gotten lost when being delivered. I got so scared that I would be stuck in this forever!”

Mistress giggled at the flustered Sub, “Oh honey, no need to cry. You did sign the contract, didn’t you?”

Chloe’s eyes widened as she realized her mistake. “Umm. Not yet, but I promise I was going to sign itAfter my bath! I really really want to be with you and Master!”

Mistress’ hold tightened around Chloe and a small, sadistic smile reached her lips. “Oh dear, you’ve just earned your first punishment. First things first, let’s sign that contract.”

Mistress moved Chloe off her lap, grabbed the contract, and produced a pen from her jacket pocket. Chloe was fearful of her punishment but she knew she deserved it, since she had not followed instructions properly. Without pause, she signed on the dotted line.

“There we go, that’s us all set. I’ll make a copy for you tomorrow so you can review it whenever you need. Now, be a good girl and get into position for spanking.”

Mistress’ tone changed, making Chloe instantly wet and obliging. She climbed over Mistress’ lap with her belt covered ass tilted up and ready for punishment.

“Ohh, this belt fits you perfectly, doesn’t it? I can easily see your cute tight asshole. Now hold still, I have a little gift for you first, something you will need to pleasure Master.”

Chloe could hear her rummaging around her large handbag that she had managed to drop onto the sofa whilst comforting Chloe. Suddenly, a cold wet substance dropped onto her asshole, making her jolt. She focused on her breathing as Mistress lubricated her hole with a finger, then easily slipped in. Chloe moaned as she added more fluid and another finger inside, slowly stretching her.

“How much experience have you had with anal, Little One? Your ass is very tight.”

Chloe breathed shakily. “It’s only ever been licked and fingered Mistress, and that was over six months ago too.”

“Oh, how delightful! An anal virgin. Master and I will certainly have fun training you. Don’t worry, we will take it easy, starting now. Relax and focus on your breathing.”

“What…ohhh!” Chloe moaned out.

Her ass was invaded by a small metal plug. It was only a beginner’s size but it stretched Chloe and gave her a bit of pain, whichOnly made her pussy leak more. Mistress put a slow steady pressure on the base as Chloe’s untried butthole swallowed the plug. Chloe sent when she felt it was properly seated within her.

“Perfect, your hole will definitely need more stretching before Master can claim it, but that’s all part of the fun! Punishment time. I will give you thirty slaps, and you must count every one. If you don’t, we start again. Do you understand, Little One?”

“Yes Mistress.”

Chloe was used to this experience, so she dutifully counted every hit, every sting to her rump and thighs. What she didn’t count on was how the plug would enhance her arousal. By the time thirty spanks were counted, she was squirming and moaning. More humiliatingly, she was dripping her cunt juices all over Mistress’ trousers. Not that Mistress cared. It gave her great pleasure and reassurance that she and Master had picked well. She loved seeing her new sub’s ass turn a luscious pink, and making her moan quietly.

“Good girl, you’ve taken your punishment very well. You’ve got me all wet. Now get on the floor and thank me by fucking my pussy with your tongue.”

Chloe squealed in delight. She had wanted to taste Mistress since they met and now was her chance. She positioned herself between Mistress’ legs which were now resting on the edge of the sofa, allowing full access and a view to Mistress’ glistening hole. Chloe tenatively licked her labia and moaned at the taste.

“Do you like that little slut? Your Master filled me just before I came here, a nice little treatment for you I’m sure. Now stop teasing and make me come!”

Chloe eagerly continued her exploration, trying to lick and suck all the salty/sweet liquid spilling out of her Mistress’ pussy. It was a delicious mixture. Chloe paid special attention to the reactions she was getting. Learning from them, she tugged on the inner labia, lightly biting the clip and forcedly jamming her tongue into Mistress’ creaming pussy.

“Oh God, yes! That’s it, fuck me with that filthy tongue! Fuck, I’m going to cum, drink every last drop slave!”

Suddenly, Mistress clenched and shook, her pussy gushing into Chloe’s mouth, coating it with sweetness. Chloe moaned and closed her eyes as her own pussy clenched in want. Her Mistress soothingly stroked her head, making her sight as she came down from her climax.

“You’ve pleased me greatly. Who knew you’d be so talented? Now, I best be off. There will be more deliveries coming in the next few days and I’ll be popping in every evening. In the meantime, I want you to be a good girl and clean your ass everyday. Also, I want to see how you milk yourself, so don’t start until I arrive tomorrow.”

Mistress stood up and fixed Her clothes. She took out an anal douche from her bag, and placed it beside Chloe’s pumps. Just as she was walking to the door, Chloe called out in a panic.

“Wait! What about the belt, Mistress? Aren’t you going to unlock me?”

Mistress turned to face the horny sub with a smile. “Oh, you’re so silly! Did you not see clause 4 in the contract? Only Master has the key. Your cunt belongs to him for the next 30 days. If you are a good girl, he may unlock you on Friday evening when he sees you. Until then, be good. Follow any instructions you get through your phone from either of us. Bye now!”

Mistress chuckled as she exited the door.

*Oh no! What have I done! I’m so wet, I need to come.*

Chloe thought to herself as she sobbed. She dragged herself to bed, exhausted after the roller coaster of emotions. That night, she dreamed of a thick, hard cook ramming her pussy whilst she choked on Mistress’ juices.


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