Their First Time Together

I pulled up to George’s house and parked my car in his driveway. I glanced around the neighborhood trying to get a feeling for the area and the type of people that might live here. Honestly his house itself looked about as far from a bachelor’s pad as a house could without pink tulips in the front yard. Every house on the canopided street looked as if a young family lived there. The quaint one or two bedroom houses all lined up along the curvy road were not at all what I was expecting.

I checked my phone. 8:59am. Perfect timing. I took a deep breath as my heart started to race and stood up out of my car. I had decided that high heels were perhaps a little overreaching for a 9am date at George’s and instead wore sandals… and I started to regret it. I should have put more effort into looking sexy. God knows I had time to this morning.

I had hurt up at 5am my mind racing with what today would bring. I tried desperately to go back to sleep for afew more hours but I just couldn’t get myself to relax. Instead I got up and started preparing myself for today. Every inch of my skin had been exfoliated and lengthed, every nail painted, every unwanted hair removed, and every aspect of my outfit deliberately chosen, discarded then re-chosen. I had decided on a cute summer dress and sandals with matching blue lacy bra and underwear.

I walked up the porch, my heart racing and my breath becoming shallow. At the door I forced myself to take two deep breaths and remember how amazing our first date had been. When I had calmed myself down a little I knocked on the door.

After a moment the door swung open and there he stood. His dark hair was tousled in the most sexy bed head I think I’ve ever seen, his morning stubble unshaven, wearing black framed glasses, a white tee-shirt, and flannel pajama pants. My heart all but stopped at his sexiness.

He looked a little surprised and smiled. “Adeline, you look beautiful. Come in.”

I flushed, lowered my head and stepped inside.

Inside his home was more like the bachelor pad that I had expected. The décor was lots of steel and grey but with interesting pops of color. This looked far more put together than my home which was a modge podge of random furniture and decorations that I liked at the time of purchase.

George kissed my forehead and said, “Good morning” as he grabbed my hand. The rough scratch of his bear stubble was oddly reassuring.

I muttered, “Good morning” as he pulled me through the living room into the modern kitchen.

“Sit” he instructed gesturing to the stools along the kitchen island. I took a seat and glanced around the impressive kitchen. George had the nicest appliances and cleanest kitchen that I had ever seen. He leaned on the opposite side of the island from me and asked, “What would you like for breakfast?”

I tore my gaze away from the six-top range stove which admittedly was causing pangs of jealousy to run through me and answered, “Oh, I already had breakfast.”

He looked at me skeptically, “What did you have?”

“Coffee. I don’t really eat breakfast.”

“You will if you become mine,” he said simply. “How many cups of coffee did you have?”

I flushed a little and looked down at the counter, “Four.” This was actually how many I had during the week as well, but I got the feeling George would not approve.

“Four?” his voice was as surprised as I thought it would be, though he was surprised for a different reason than I’d thought. “What time did you get up?” he asked.

Oh, I really didn’t want to admit to him that I’d been so excited that I woke up at five. I tried to evade a specific answer, “I’ve been up for a while I guess.”

When he didn’t respond I peeked up at his face. His eyesbrows were raised, waiting for me to answer him properly. I took a deep breath then simply said, “Since five.”

An amused smile crept across his lips. “Were you excited ornervous?”

I grinned a little, “Both I think.”

He rounded the island back to me and stood right in front of me. He grabbed my face gently, “There is nothing to be nervous about. I am not going to push your boundaries today. We need to get a feel for each other before we start doing things that should make you nervous, okay?” God he was intense.

My lips parted wanting so badly for him to kiss me as I stared deep into his eyes. “Okay,” I managed to whisper.

“Good” he said before he lowered his face to mine and kissed me hard. His lips sequered flamenning hot against mine, so smooth and yet so firm. The rough scratch of his bear against my face made me question its sexuality but it still sent butterflies flying in my stomach and made my lower abdomen twist deliciously. My fingers, unable to hold still, pulled his hips gently as we kissed. He softened the kiss and pulled back, kissing me gently a few times all the while still holding my face. Finally he stopped kissing and asked, “What would you like to eat?”

I replied breathily, “Nothing.”

He looked very serious as he tightened his grip on my face. I corrected my answer, “Nothing Sir.”

He raised my face upward toward his, “You will eat,” he said simply.

My god I was in trouble, already I felt like I had been his for a lifetime. “Toast?” I asked.

“And eggs.”

It was only after I nodded that he smiled, kissed my forehead and said, “Good girl.”

That small term of endearment, that tiny pray brought a ridiculous smile across my face. Luckily he had turned away to make our breakfast so he didn’t see the stupid ear-to-ear grin.

I had relaxed my face a bit by the time he turned to look at me again. He asked me about my work as he set about making our breakfast.

During breakfast he asked me question after question, probing into my work and home life. The more I talked the more I forget how nervous I had been. By the time we finished eating breakfast I felt like I was at a trusted friend’s house not a potential Dominant’s.

After my last bite I set my fork down and said, “Thank you, that was really delicious.”

George smiled, “I’m glad you liked it,” and stood up from his stool reaching out both hands for both of mine. “Now it’s time for a shower.”

My mouth popped open at his words. He pulled gently on my hands, “Come on little girl, time to wash off half of that make-up at least.”

I flushed embarrassed. I knew I shouldn’t have hurt so much make-up! I thought cursing myself, but glad that my mascara at least was waterproof so I would have something on still after a shower.

I hoped down off the stool and followed him silently through the living room and bedroom into his master bath. This room definitely caused pangs of jealousy to run through me. He had both a two-person soaker tub and a giant tiled-in shower with a fancy looking shower-head.

The second we entered the bathroom George pulled offhis tee-shirt and ordered, “Out of that pretty little dress.”

I stared at his chest for a moment, the overwhelming desire to snuggle my body against it distracting me until he came over to me and lifted the bottom hem of my dress over my head himself. My body naturally became concave, self consciousness at my nakedness. His hands pushed my shoulders back as he examined my body.

“Your body is beautiful Adeline. I don’t want you ever to be embarrassed by it.”

I flushed at his words and turned my cheek against my shoulder. His fingers probed under my chin, forcing my face up to his and he asked, “Do you understand me?”

His overwhelming sincerity and the warmth in his eyes made me pause. I couldn’t form words.

The fingers under my chin moved down and gripped my neck gently, “I do not like to repeat myself.”

My mouth opened gently and my eyesilids became heavy as a rush of lust overcame me at the feeling of his fingers around my neck. “Yes Sir.”

“Yes what? Say it.”

I corrected my answer, “Yes Sir, I will not be ashamed of my body in any way when I am around you.”

He narrowed his eyes at me, “Do not be ashamed of your body at any time, even when you are not around me.”

“Yes Sir,” was all I could squeak out as my stomach was twisting deliciously again.

“Good girl,” he said simply before pulling my neck to him and lowering his face to kiss me hard. My arms immediately wrapped around his hard body and my fingers traced the muscles in his back. He kept his fingers wrapped around my neck as his other hand ventured downward and squeezed my bottom before spanking it once.

He broke away from the kiss and quickly turned my shoulders forcing me to face away from him. With one hand still wrapped around my neck he pulled my body against his and his free hand began to explore. His fingers trailed down first my left boob light as a feather, tickling my nipple underneath my bra before grabbing it hard and squeeze it. Then his hand moved to my right boob pinching my nipple gently through the fabric causing my knees to bend and my head to lean back against him… Then he flicked it once as it was standing out through the lace which made my body jump. He chuckled at me when I jumped and moved his hand down across my flat stomach.

My jump also made his erection twitch which brought it to my attention. I could feel it Now, pressing firmly into my back. I reached behind me with both hands grabbing first his hips then searching for his hard cock. His right hand around my neck gripped higher and tighter, actually cutting off my air supply as he said, “Not yet my naughty slut.”

As I pull my hands away from him he relaxed his grip around my throat and I took a deep breath. “Use those eager hands to play with your breasts little slut,” he said. Mmmm don’t have to tell me twice, I thought as I reached my hands up my sides and started caressing my boobs.

His hands continued with theirjourney across my stomach and down skimming the top of my panties. Excruciatingly slowly he dipped one finger under the hem and released my neck long enough to slide my panties down my thighs, dropping them to the floor.

With his face right by my ass he bit my cheek on his way back up and said, “Did I tell you to stop?” Only then did I realize that my hands had come to a halt just resting on my boobs.

“Sorry Sir,” I said as I went back to pinching my nipples gently.

Suddenly his fingers found my throat again and he squeezed it tight forcing my head to tilt to one side. His other hand pressed back on my hips forcing my ass against his now bare cock. He started to kiss and suck on my neck, occasionally coming up to bite and kiss my ear.

I started panting and really pulling on my nipples. Feeling his hard cock pressing against my back made my pussy even more we than it already was and I knew it was only a matter of time before I wouldn’t be able to resist touchingit.

Luckily I didn’t have to wait long. His hand across my hips reached down gently caresing my pussy lips, ever so slowly pulling them apart… but never touching my cliporis nor finger fucking me.

“Spread you legs slut. I want to see how wet I’ve made you.”

I was breathing too hard to answer him properly so I just spread my legs in response.

He was kissing my neck hard as he slipped one finger into my soaking wet pussy, swirled it around once, and then pulled it back out again.

I nearly came as his finger swirled inside me, and George knew it. Faster than I knew was possible his finger was out of me, my body turned around and pressed back against the cold uncomfortable tile on the wall.

“Open your mouth,” he commanded looking deep into my eyes.

I opened my mouth never breaking eye contact with him. He slowly inserted the finger that had been inside me into my open mouth. Quite deliberately I closed my mouth and sucked my sweet juice off of him. I watched his eyes as I did and saw the lust I caused, secretly pleased with myself.

“You will ask for permission before you cum when you are mine, understanding?” he asked.

“Yes Sir,” I replied hearing the lust in my own voice.

“Good, now time for that shower.”

He released me and headed quickly into the shower, turning and adjusting several knobs.

I took a few steadying breaths leaning against the cool bathroom tiles before being able to pull myself away from the wall and follow him into the shower. I walked up behind him and wrapped my arms around his chest feeling his warmth and his hard pecks under my fingers all the while wondering what the numerous gadgets around the shower could do.

Without turning to look at me he instructed, “Stand against the wall and hold onto the bar above.”

I looked around the shower and found the wall he meant, there was what looked to be a towel rack screwed into the wall about 6 feet above the ground. I walkedover, my heart racing with possibilities, and reached my arms above me to hold the pole. It was high enough that my arms had only enough room to bend a little at the elbow and it was attached solidly to the wall, I was pretty sure it would hold my entire weight if I pulled on it. It was made of a porous material, so that even when wet it could not be slippery. I smiled thinking of the past fun this pole had most likely been a part of.

George turned back towards me, the handheld showerhead in his grap. I got positively tingly watching the lust rush through him at the sight of me. “Do not let go of that bar until I told you to.”

I lowered my gaze and rested my weight on one foot, making my hip pop out answering, “Yes Sir,” as coquettishly as I could. I was rewarded with a small, delicious growl from the back of George’s throat.

He walked right up to me, his body almost touching mine, “You’re doing that on purpose aren’t you little slut?”

I looked up at him and teased, “I don’t know what you mean…”

Suddenly a spurt of icy water hit my left side. His showerhead allowed him to release hot and cold water separately at the touch of a button. I felt the cold water drop slowly down my side, over my hip, tigh, and all the way down to my toes.

George only raised his eyesbrows at me. I corrected myself, “Yes Sir, I’m trying to turn you on.”

He smiled and kissed my nose, “You don’t need to try at all my dear… happens naturally.”

I flushed with pleasure and felt nice hot water starting at my toes and making its way up my legs. I felt every drip as it trailed down my oversensitive skin starting from my stomach and making their way down. But George never let the water touch my boobs, I had a feeling he was saving something special…

He grabbed the back of my hair and pulled my face close to his, kissing me deeply. My fingers braided through his tousled hair… just before icy water was sprayed on the top of my head.

“Aaahhh!” I yelled out, jumping away from him. He turned the water off looking stern but slightly amused. “I told you not to let go,” he explained as I felt cold water drip down my face and neck, bending around the curves of my breasts and dripping over my hard nipples.

“I’m sorry Sir,” my voice was shaky with cold. I quickly returned to my instructed position and held the bar tightly… This is going to be harder than I thought.

He took a step back and studied me for a moment before making a decision. He pushed a few buttons on the showerhead and water came squirting out in a very precise jet in a rhythm. It must have been the mass setting on the showerhead. George grinned a little wickedly then suddenly aimed the stream of hot pulsating water right at the base of my tighs.

“Oh!” I yelled out in surprise and brought my tights together. I saw the look of disapproval on George’s face and opened my legs back up gripping the pole tighter. He left the streamThere for only a few seconds before switching the temperature suddenly to cold making me yell out again. He switched the temperature back and forth, icy cold and searing hot for a few minutes making my body absolutely ache with need. I noticed that his cock was rock hard and starting to drip delicious precum.

He saw how close I was to cumming and changed his strategy. He moved his focus to my boobs, the jet felt extra strong against my sensitive nipples. I bit my lip trying to contain myself from moaning, or screaming, or cumming. He switched the temperature back and forth on my boobs for a while before returning his attention to my pussy.

By this point my legs were positively squirming and my breath was very shallow. Geroge stepped closer to me and pulled apart my lips, allowing the water to have more access to my citoris specifically.

“Oh! Oh Sir please may I cum?” I screamed out.

George grinned, “You want to cum?”

My toes were curling, “Yes Sir please!”

Suddenly the water was gone, all pressure against my clip was gone and I almost came from the change of sensing. George pushed a button on the wall which made warm water spray out of two long and narrow openings along the wall, covering us both in nice warm water.

“Hold onto the bar,” George instructed as he dropped the showerhead and lifted my thighs with his hands. I wrapped my legs around just in time for him to thrust his rock hard cock into me. I screamed out and held on tight to the bar above me.

The pain and relieve I felt was incredible. My pussy felt ripped open and also finally satisfied as George roughly thrust himself into me over and over. His face was buried in my neck, kissing and biting me as his hands slide around my body gripping me tightly and holding up my weight.

My hips thrust against him and before I even knew what was happening I was cumming loudly. George’s hand gripped my hair and yanked my head back and I felt his thrusts get deeperand more deliberate. He groaned and came filling me up with his sticky cum.

His body rested against me for a moment before he lifted my bottom and pulled his cock out of me. Setting me down gently he said, “You can let go now.”

I slowly peeled my fingers off the bar; I hadn’t realized the death grip I had on it. I grinned sheepishly up at George.

“Cumming without permission?” he looked stern as he tisked, but there was a slight smile hidden around his eyes, “What am I going to do with you?”

I bit my lip at the thought of what was to come.


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