This story is a sequel to, Mrs Walker’s Study, which should ideally be read first.
It contains graphic descriptions of consensual and semi-consensual corporate punishment in the form of caning and strapping. If this offends you, you may prefer to stop reading.
All the participants in this story are adults over the age of eighteen years. None of the characters described are real and any Similarity to real places or people living or dead is purely coincidental.
Please comment and score. Any constructive criticism, positive or negative, is welcome. Far too few folk comment or score.
As always, any errors in editing are mine and mine alone. These are inevitable. I am not writing for profit but for fun.
Three Visits
Mrs Walker sat in the restaurant with her oldest friend, Miss Grainger. They were colleagues who worked together; Mrs WAlker was headmistress and Miss Grainger dependy head. They had been friends since they met at teacher training college almost twenty-five years earlier. What the world didn’t know was that they had also been lovers for most of that time. In 1964 when they first met gay sex was viewed very negatively and things had not improved much by 1988 when this story is set. Their jobs would certainly have been at risk if their relationship ever became public. Mrs Walker was an obligate bisexual whilst Miss Grainger was one hundred per cent lesbian and for reasons she never discussed, hated men.
Long ago, they had come to an understanding – Mrs Walker could fuck as many men as she wanted but other women were off limits – for both of them. Miss Grainger did not understand the need that her partner had to screw men but absolutely agreed with the sound floggings that Mrs Walker liked to give them. In her opinion, they deserve it for no other reason than the simple fact that they had penises. They were both old school and neither one of them agreed with the new namby-pamby ideas regarding corporate punishment in schools, and Miss Grainger’s only regret was that when she could a girl it was considered improper to do it “on the bare.”
After years of practice, they switched from formal to informal mode with ease. Formal mood was for school and when people who knew them were around. Information mode, When they used first names, was for bed and quiet times together.
They had just settled down to eat their main course of veal in a white wine sauce and were discussing why Janis had asked Mrs Walker to leave home for the evening. The mode was informal.
“So, let me get this straight, Barbara. As we speak Janis is going to cane her boyfriend for Infidelity?”
“Good. I’m sure he deserves it.”
“He probably deserves more, Margaret. Eightteen strokes hardly seem enough. He was unfaithful once and then she caught him trying to screw someone else, as well.”
“Then why doesn’t she give him more?”
“Because that’s what I advised. She likes him. I didn’t want her to frighten him off.”
Miss Grainger laughed so loudly that the couple on the adjacent table stopped talking and looked at them. She stopped and spoke softly.
“Not too many men stick around after eighteen strokes of the cane, Barbara.”
“Oh, he will Margaret. He’s a masochist.”
“Then I don’t understand your problem. If he is a masochist he’ll take whatever you say is appropriate and if he’s not then pretty soon your daughter will be looking for someone else anyway,…. “
Mrs Walker stopped for a moment and thought before she spoke.
“Are you suggesting the punishment should be changed?”
“No. You seems to be the one who thinks he’s being treated too leniently. That’s your decision.”
Mrs Walker put her knife and fork down and looked across the table at her friend.
“You’re absolutely right, Margaret. Can you excuse me for a minute? I have a telephone call to make.”
She was away only a few minutes and when she returned she had a smile on her face.
“Janis hadn’t started. She wants us to finish dinner. She says there’s no hurry. She’ll have a drink while she waits, and Roger is already in my study and isn’t going anywhere. After we arrive home, you can wait in bed whilst I help Janis discipline him. You know how horny I get after a sound thrashing.”
“Sounds like a plan, Barbara………… This veal is delicious. Would you like a little more wine?”
I took off my shirt and then sat on the chair by the wall before removing my socks, trousers, and finally, my underpants.
Janis handed me two leather buckled ankle straps with metal rings.
“Put these on and make sure they are pulled tight.”
She silently watched me do as she had instructed. Only when she was satisfied did she speak again.
“Give me your wrists.”
I held out my arms and she attached similar straps to each of my wrists.
“Now lie across the table with your belly on the pillow.”
I did as I was asked, and as Janis worked herself binding each of my feet firmly to the desk, the telephone phone began to ring. Janis said nothing but ignored it, moved to the opposite side of the desk, and started to bind my outstretched arms to the metal eyesets. Eventually, the phone stopped ringing but then, within seconds, it started to inevitably ring again.
Janis surprised in exasperation, but this time she walked to the telephone, picked up the handset and answered. If I turned my head to the right, I could see her out of the corner of my eye.
“Hello…..Oh, hello Mother…..No, I’m tying him down…”
There was a pause while she listened.
“That will be fine. We’ll wait for you then. I’m sure Roger will enjoy that. He inquired about it when you used it on me. Take your time and enjoy your meal. It’s a lovely place, isn’t it?……”
She listened some more.
“I’ll finish off getting him ready and then I’ll pour myself a G and T…..An hour is fine. Take your time…See you soon. Bye.”
She returned to the table and finished tying me down, then stood back and looked down at me and smiled.
“Change of plan. Mother is coming to help me. She’s decided to give you a taste of the tawse after I’ve finished with you. You wondered how it felt so it’s good news – soon you’ll find out for yourself. The bad news is you’ll have to wait until tomorrow to fuck me when I take you home. You’ll spend the night here and I’ll creep in and give you a blowjob later but I’m going to have to make do with my dildo and wand tonight. I’m so fucking wet at the prospect of caning you I can hardly wait.
You deserve it so fucking much.”
She stopped talking and looked up at the school clock.
“My mother is a clever bitch. She put that clock exactly where her victims can see it. I have no idea how many hours I have lain, tied down over this desk, waiting for her to come and thrash me. And now I shall leave you to wait. It’s a quarter to nine. She’s still at the restaurant so I would predict a ten o’clock start….I’ll see you soon.”
Then she disappeared from view and behind me I heard the door open and then close again.
I lay alone, naked, and tied down, and once again there was only my fear, excitement, appreciation, and the clock – the red hand sweeping around as the black hands crawled slowly towards ten o’clock.
At ten to ten I heard the door open behind me and I supposed that it was Janis until Mrs Walker walked into view. She was wearing a long blue cowboy dress with a white blouse and looked beautiful, made up as she was to go out.
She pulled up the chair to the desk, lowered herself into it facing me, leaned forward, and kissed me on the lips before leaning back As she did, I was left with the lingering smell of her floral perfume. She took a long intensity and questioning look at me before she finally spoke.
“This is the point of no return,” she said. “Maybe you should walk out of here and never come back? My husband did. He thinks I’m messed up and maybe I am. He doesn’t know Janis is messed up too. More than me, some might say. But then who am I to judge? Now then, do you want to leave?”
She waited for my reply and when I didn’t immediately say anything she asked again.
“I’ll stay and take my punishment.”
She smiled.
“I knew you would. Janis will be pleased… “
She paused.
“Don’t you want to know what your punishment will be?….. Of course you do, so I’ll tell you. First Janis is going to give you fifteen strokes of the cane and then I shall give you a dozen with the leather tawse. It will be really painful. Janis is very proficient with the cane. She was a school precision and has had lots of practice. I can vouch personally for her ability…. And the tawse stings dreadfully. It’s bad enough on unmarked skin but when applied to a freshly caned bum it’s quite different……Now it’s five to ten. Janis will be along soon, so down to practices. Do you need to empty your bladder?”
“No, thank you.”
“Good. I’m going to unfasten your wrists. I shall be holding you tight for your caning. I want to feel and see your body react to each stroke.”
Just a few minutes later, Janis appeared. She said nothing to either me or her mother and if that was meant to frighten me further, it worked. She retrieved the cane, stood where I could see her, and swung the cane rapidly up and down causing it to hiss as it moved. She looked at me impossiblely before she moved behind me.
Mrs Walker took hold of Each of my wrists, pulled me forward, raised her head, and nodded to Janis. I felt her fingers tighten around me and she lowered her head. From only inches away she looked into my eyes and smiled gently at me.
SecondsLater I heard the hum of the cane, the first stroke landed across the centre of my bum, and I felt the now familiar, suddenly scalding pain. I jerked, but Mrs Walker held me tight and continued to watch me closely. As the pain peaked the second stroke landed. I must have shrieked because I saw her gently shush me with her lips. The third and fourth strokes landed and now my bottom was a mass of burning fire, involuntarily jerking from side to side in a vain attempt to escape the rod.
“Two minutes rest,” said Mrs Walker softly. “Try to relax your bum between strokes, and it will hurt a little less.”
After that, nobody said anything. The only noise was the clicking of the clock and the sound of my breathing. Then I felt fingers tighten around my wrists and I held my breath. The cane sketched and my punishment started again. This time, Janis, gave me no respite between strokes which arrived only seconds apart. Six times the cane rose and fall – the pain from one stroke did notreach its peak before the next stroke bit, delivering an all-consuming twenty seconds of age during which the pain spiraled upwards and then slowly ebbed away to leave a deep burning disappoint.
During this time, I know I yelled, jerked, and compromised, and then as the pain in my arse became tolerable, I saw Mrs Walker’s beautiful face. Her eyes were bright with excitement, but there was something else – a look of sympathy.
“You’re doing well, love. Only five more of the cane to go. But first, we wait. Five minutes.”
All too soon, I feel her grap my wrists, pull me firmly towards herself, and nod.
This time the rod swished twice before impacting on my bum, and now the pain was truly awful. I didn’t know it at the time, but Janis was using a different technique. Instead of lifting the cane and striking, she was rapidly flicking the cane behind her back to bend it double and then quickly bringing it forward again to deliver all of the stored-up energy to my buttocks.
I groaned and bucked but Mrs Walker kept a vice-like grip on me as four more times the water-soaked cane bit deep into my flesh, until finally this part of my ordeal was finished.
“Just the stick to go,” said Mrs Walker softly.
First, Mrs Walker showed me the stick. It was a wicked-looking thing – two feet long, a couple of inches wide, with a slit running half the way down its length to form two tails. Then, it was Janis’s turn to sit and hold my wrists whilst her mother stood over me.
“Prepare yourself,” said Mrs Walker.
I felt Janis’s nails dig into my wrists and almost simultaneously Mrs Walker grunted, the strap cracked against my bum, and the twin tails wrapped themselves around my cheeks. A broad band of deep burning pain spread across my nates blossoming in its intensity, and I gasped.
Where Mrs Walker had appeared sympathetic, I saw nothing but excitement in Janis’s face.
Ten seconds later, without warning, the tawse slapped again, and a second band of fire appeared and overlapped the first. This time, I spoke.
“It hurts.”
Janis smiled.
“Doesn’t it just. Lots more to come,” she said to me. Then she spoke over my shoulder to her mother.
“Hit him harder.”
I don’t know whether the next stroke was harder, but it was certainly more painful. It impacted over the already well-tenderised centre of both bum cheats and felt as if a bucket of red-hot coals had been emptied onto them.
I wronged, sobbed, and cursed as three more strokes were delivered and waited for the next to land.. It didn’t and I lay still waiting and looking into Janis’s smiling eyes.
“Only six more,” she said.
“No more,” said Mrs Walker. “He’s had enough.”
I thought I saw disappointment cross Janis’s face, but then she composed yourself.
“You’re right Mother. He’s been well punished.”
“Undo his feet,” said Mrs Walker to Janis. “Roger, Lie over the desk until we return,” shesaid to me.
I closed my eyes and waited. I may have slept because I did not hear them re-enter the study until the door closed behind them and I heard their voices.
“You can get up now, Roger.”
I lifted myself off the desk and stood. My first instinct was to place my hands on my throbbing arse, and I could feel the heat coming off them and the deep ridges that the cane had cut into my flesh. Mrs Walker was the first to move and she walked towards me and hugged me.
“You’ve been very brave.”
She stood back, smiled, and looked down at my rock-hard penis.
“Why don’t you put him to bed, Janis, but before you do, get him some painkillers and an ice pack – maybe some frozen peas.”
As Janis left the study to do as instructed, Mrs Walker picked up my trousers and handed them to me. As she did her other hand briefly brushed my erection and I heard her whisper.
“Nine o’clock Monday morning, Roger. Here. Please…”
“Yes, Mrs Walker.”/p>
I lay in bed, naked and on my side. Although my disappoint, I should have been able to sleep but I couldn’t. I was as horny as I have ever been, but instead of Janis, it was Mrs Walker who occurred my mind. Although I had considered further sex with Janis’s mother unlikely, and it is the nature of people to be attracted to those who may seem out of reach, this was not the reason I was preoccupied with her. Implacably cruel as she could be, she had shown both support and empathy as I was punished whilst Janis had been simply cruel, and I realized that I was beginning to like Mrs Walker more than her daughter.
I also understood that I had. “crossed my Rubicon,” and that I would never be happy with a purely vanilla relationship again. I was still trying to process the conflicting emotion of Both hating and loving a dominant woman flogging my naked arse, and a growing desire for revenge on Janis.
My thoughts were interrupted by the door to my bedroom quietly opening and in the darkness, a shadowy figure approached my bed.
“Roger are you awake?” whispered a voice.
“Yes,” I replied.
“How’s your bum?”
“Now you’re asking?”
In the dark, I heard her giggle.
“You fucked my mother. I think you deserved everything you got.”
“Do you always can that hard?”
“Always – it’s meant to hurt, and I won’t lie, I enjoyed caning you. Unlike Mother, I’ve not had the opportunity to punish a bare male bum before, only clothed female ones. Now you know. Most of the time I’m a nice person but I can be a cruel bitch. It’s in my nature…… How’s your prick?”
“Good. Let’s do something about it. Move over to the edge of the bed.”
I felt her hand gently take hold of my foreskin and slowly pull it up and own. She was unhurried as she jerked me, and soon I was singing with pleasure.
“Is this good? Is this good?” She murmured.
“Oh yes. Oh yes.”
And the hand, thata little earlier had wielded the cane, now held my prick, which hardened further at the thought.
I felt her tongue move slowly up and down the shake, and then she took the nob inside her mouth and felled me. She took her time, taking me to the edge and keeping me there until I could stand it no more and finally flooded her mouth with my sperm.
“Mmmmmmm,” she surprised. “Now you can sleep. I want you good and rested. I’m going to fuck you silly in the morning.”
We arrived back at Walton Breck Road by ten o’clock the following morning and by ten past we were already naked on the bed.
First off, she wanted to see my bum, still swollen, bruised, and deeply scored by the cane and stick.
“Whew,” she said. “We did a job on you. Your arse was so damn sexy When you wriggled every time I hit you that I almost creamed myself with excitement.”
“It fucking hurt.”
“Of course, it did, and I’m not sorry. You deserve it and I enjoyed it, and we’re sure to have a repeat performance sooner or later.”
“Only if the same rules apply to you. When you fuck up, and maybe sometimes when you don’t, you get a bare bum thrashing.”
“Oh my, you know how to promise a girl a good time… but fair’s fair. You have yourself a deal….Now for fucks sake put it in me and fuck me rigid. I’m starting to drip just thinking about it,”
She turned her back, knelt on the bed on all fours, and offered me her slit. She wasn’t telling porkies – her labia were already pink and swollen and glistening with her juices. My prick slid into her with ease, and she was so wet it barely touched the sides. I started to thrust hard against her from the moment that she had taken the full length of my penis inside of her. I knew she didn’t want to make gentle love and neither did I, so I gave it to her hard and fast.
The mattress creaked, my belly slapped against her buttocks, her vagina farted, and she was vocal in her appreciation,
Uh, Uh, Uh,Uh, Uh, Uh!
Our animalistic rutting drive her to an early orgasm. Her body went rigid, and I saw her thighs and buttocks tremble before she let out a guttural sight.
I didn’t stop but continued to pound at Janis. A combination of lust and anger drive me on, and she continued to groan and shake until she shouted,
“Enough! Enough!”
And it was only then that I withdraw. She turned, lay on her back, and looked up at me, and I lay beside her.
“Five minutes,” she said.
In the event, she was ready a little sooner, and shortly after that, she came again.
She remained ready for much of Saturday into Sunday and I was happy for the rest when she returned home to Woolton early in the Afternoon.
The night before my first appointment with Mrs Walker I did not sleep well, but on this occasion I woke at six o’clock on Monday morning, fully refreshed after sleeping ten hours straight. Then, after a shit, a shower, a shave, and breakfast (in that order), I put on a smart pair of slacks, shirt, and jacket and headed out the door.
I had spoken to my father the previous evening, and he had given me the morning off. He owed me the time and didn’t ask me why I needed it. I was grateful not to have to have to lie and tell him I had a dental appointment since I certainly wasn’t going to tell him that I planned to screw my girlfriend’s mother.
I arrived at Woolton just before nine o’clock, the gates opened, and I walked up the driveway to the front door, which was already open when I reached it. I went through, and Mrs Walker was waiting just inside and closed the door behind me.
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