Three Trees – Ch. 01: A Date?

Authors note: This is the first first chapter in a story involving three characters who explore the wife pursuing a D/s relationship outside of her marriage. I see this being a slow burn over time as the characters evolve and grow. Timid at first, getting more bold and adventurous as boundaries are pushed. All feedback is welcome, but certainly constructive feedback is preferred. I’ll respond to anyone who wants to Discuss further. Hope you enjoy!

“Are you two on a date?”

The question shocked them both into a brief silence. Neither of them had even tried to put a label on what today was and neither were prepared to answer.

Almost simulatenely, he blurted out “no” as she managed to mumble “yes.”

They both laughed nervously. The waitress, realizing she had overstepped with her question, quickly apologized, “I’m so sorry, it’s just y’all looked so cute together…” she trailed off.

“What’ll y’all have to drink?”

It had been two weeks sincehe had messaged her online. ‘Curious Submissive Wife’ headlined her profile along with a picture of a thoughtful “girl next door” style photo suggesting she may be too timing to post anything racy.

Matt, not really sure why, couldn’t stop himself from clicking the “message” button. He’d read the profile. Twice. It sounded too good to be true. He doubted that she would message him back.

Happily married to the man of my dreams, but wanting to explore new and different sides of my sexuality. I don’t know what I want exactly other than to be dominated by another man. Must be respectful, willing to go slow, willing to meet husband. This may be a single experience or it may develop into something more. Must be willing to respect that decision.

We’ve been married since highschool and have a wonderful relationship. But we just can’t seem to see each other as anything else than a loving, wonderful, best friend. It feels silly to be “obedient” for him, and he feels it’s hard to treat me like a true submissive. Again, I don’t really know what I want. I don’t have any experience. I may need time and conversation to build enough trust to really let go.

But it sounds so hot (to both of us) that I can’t go through life without having ever tried.


Matt thought it sounded perfect. He thought she looked perfect. He felt like he was on autopilot and his heart was in his throat just writing his first message.

Hi, I’m Matt. Recently divided and around the same age. I’ve always been raised to treat people respectfully, man or woman. My sex life has always been pretty vanilla but one of the hottest fansies I have is to be a Dom for a woman who wants to be submissive. I’ve never really had a partner that I felt I could admit that to. By the time I would get close to someone, it would just feel disrespectful to even ask them to “do what I want.”

The last line of your profile really hit me. I don’t want to go through life without having ever tried. I feel I would need some conversation and time to build trust so I could actually act that way without feeling like I’m just being a jerk.

I hope I get to hear from you!


He could hardly let himself believe it when the notification popped up on his phone later that evening. The next week was a flurry of messaging; they immediately had rapport. They both liked the fact neither had experience. They both knew that it might not last. They both wanted to meet as soon as possible. As he put it, “I’d rather get rejected sooner than later.” Her response: “I don’t think rejection is very likely.”

Nicole felt almost saved when Matt told her he had no desire to “cuckold” anyone – being tough or more manly than someone’s husband just felt silly. He just found the idea of ​​being able to ask for anything… demand anything… and not feel like he was selfish so intotoxicating. He almost couldn’t believe there were women who not only would let him act that way, but even be turned on by it.

Nicole told him how she felt weird that in the modern world of equal rights, which she firmly believed in, that she always could get so excited from imagining herself as perfectly obedient. Especially sexually. She admitted she had never even tried anal. That she would still give blow jobs to her husband, but that he would quickly nudge her legs open. Her husband, Steve, would tell her he just felt “guilty” and “selfish” asking his wife to do that for more than a minute. Then she told Matt how she could make herself cum imagining a man ordering her to her knees to suck his cock. She told him she could imagine herself doing that for hours. That the idea of ​​an ‘in charge’ man ordering her around made her weak in the knees. She said she could imagine how her jaw would ache after a while. That not only did that not both her, but that she wanted to push herself through any pain and disappoint to please him.

Back and forth they went. Building on each others’ messages. Finally he asked if she wanted to meet for lunch. The “yes” response came back almost immediately.

They decided it would just be the two of them for lunch. In a public dinner. Steve wouldn’t be there, but Nicole would send him a message when she first met him, half way through with a status update, and a final message when she got back in her car.

“What’ll y’all have to drink?”

Matt, still feeling nervous, was at least prepared for this moment. “She’ll have an ice tea, lemon. Just an Ice water for me.”

Him speaking for her at the restaurant was something they had talked about before. A safe way to test out how it would actually feel in real life for him to take charge.

“Sure thing, hunt!” The waitress replied and headed back.

Matt looked at Nicole trying to gauge her reaction. She was actually blushing.

“You’re ok?” Matt asked. Nicole just nodded silently, smiling a little and blushing an even deeper red.

Matt could not believe how the simple act, and Nicole’s reaction, made him feel. He felt so… in charge. Taller. Stronger. He knew it was silly, but it felt so good.

When the waitress returned with the drinks, Matt’s nervousness had disappeared.

“She’ll have a club sandwich, with fries. I’ll have the chicken wrap with fruit.”

Nicole couldn’t even bring herself to meet his eyes. She had never felt so meager or shy. Her heart was pounding. She could feel herself getting wet. Over a lunch order! She couldn’t believe how good it felt having this near total stranger speak for her. Like he owned her.

“Are you still ok?” She heard him asking. She still couldn’t bring herself to look up at his eyes and only nodded in response.

“I want you to look at me and tell me ‘yes’ or ‘no’.” Matt replied, his voice both calmer and firmer than it had been. She looked up.

She saw his face. He was smiling. Confident and kind, not at all arrogant. “Yes, this is really fun.”

It took almost everything she had to get the words out, but she managed it.

“Don’t you need to text Steve again?”

Oh my gosh! She thought to herself. I was so lost in the moment I completely forget about my own husband. I can’t believe it. He is so thoughtful.

She pulled out her phone Oh! Thank you!” she said as she sent a quick text to her husband telling him it was going great and not to worry. She got a text face of a purple devil back immediately. She sent one quick halo smiley and put her phone away.

For the rest of lunch, they settled into more comfortable conversation. Talking about their pasts, their likes, their dislikes. She really felt herself liking him as a person more than she expected.

When the check came, the waitress put it in the middle of the table. Matt immediately reached for it. She reflexively opened her mouth to offer to pay her half, but he shot her a quick glance that immediately conveyed he would be paying. She shut hermouth quickly before a sound escaped. They could both feel the tension return between them and both couldn’t believe the excitement.

The thought struck him before he had a chance to really consider it. He stood up and held out a hand.

“Come with me while I pay.”

Reflexively she took his hand. It was the first time they touched. She looked up into his eyes as he helped her up out of the booth. It was a moment neither of them would forget. The physical contact coupled with the command he had just given her set them both on fire.

She followed him to the cash register. She tried to walk as obediently as she could.

“What did that even look like? she wondered. She trailed him by a half step and kept her eyes forward and slightly down. She wanted him to know how good she would be for him if he would only order her around more.

She couldn’t even bring herself to look at the cashier.

“Everything ok?” The cashier asked routinely.

“We both really enjoyed it.” Matt answered for both of them.

She had no idea how much of it was in her head versus reality, but she could feel everyone in the restaurant seeing them. Judging them. Seeing her meekly following this man who she had just met. She realized not only did she not care, but she loved it. She wanted everyone to know he had the power in their relationship.

“Time to go.” He said.

They walked outside and he asked which car was hers. He walked her to her door.

“Unlock it so I can open your door.”

She couldn’t’ even make a sound again. She unlocked the door. She could feel herself get wet again as he did so. Holding it open.

“How about a hug?” He both suggested and commanded.

“Uh huh” she said, trying to hide the excitement in her voice.

Matt had never felt more assertive in his life as she willingly pressed herself into him. He wrapped his arms around her. He couldn’t imagine a hug could be this exciting. He laughed at himself for feeling like a hug was such a big deal. But he wasn’t ready to ask for more. He couldn’t wait to get home so he could message her and find out how she felt it went.

Finally he let go. “In you go.” he commanded.

She quickly got into the driver’s seat.

“Don’t forget to text Steve.”


“Nicole, I had a really great time. I can’t wait to see you again.”

She was feeling so wonderfully nervous, she could hardly speak. “Me too.” she looked up at him and nodded enthusiastically. Worrying slightly she wasn’t showing him how much she liked him.

“Till next time” he said as he shut her door.

He tried to walk back to his car as confidently and manually as he could, but he felt like he was floating the entire time.


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