Three Weeks on the Road Ch. 04

“This food is shit, we should go to Taco Johns for breakfast.” McKenna was in her typical bratty mood when we met her in the small hotel cafeteria for a continuous breakfast.

We didn’t have nearly as far to travel today, which means we were getting a little bit later start to our day. Part of that was because Jessie had wanted to change her hair color – now it was shot through with streaks of Brilliant red – but a bigger part was because when she stepped out of the bathroom dressed in capri jeans and one of my old dress vests, sporting her new hair color, I’d ordered her to strip and into a sixty-nine.

I was lucky that her mouth was around my meat when she came, because both her orgasms would’ve been heard down to the front desk if she hadn’t been gagging herself when they hit.

“You can walk over and get something,” I replied amiably. “They’re just down the hill.”

“Too far.”

Jessie and I ate old cereal and surfed the web on our phones while McKenna rebuffed all attempts at conversation and watched the national news on the ancient TV mounted in a corner of the ceiling. I kept an eye on it, as the major story was still the political violence surrounding the election. Two days later and Milwaukee was still a center of attention, given the number of people killed in the farmers market car bombing.

It was weird to see an event I’d attended on the national news.

Weirder still to hear that event being discussed in the context of political terrorism.

We refilled our cooler from the ice machine in the stairwell, paid for our room, and then loaded up the SUV, stopping to get pictures in the parking lot, the river valley behind us.

Driving through South Dakota should’ve been just as boring as Minnesota, but it had the virtue of being different. Grasslands of brown and dusty, faded green stretched off in every direction, meeting the bright blue cloudless sky as the hills rolled up and down. Fields of corn or wheat standStill under the harsh sun, a small house or barn always visible in the distance behind, occasionally a truck or other farm vehicle crawling through the crops, massive frames of irrigation going over everything.

It seemed like every thirty feet was another wound sign for Wall Drug, each one more kitschy than the last, and after a dozen or so I noticed the damn things were repeating.

Dammit, the plains states are boring.

“Just like that one time in the highschool bathroom?” Jessie’s voice roused me from my meditations on the excruciating sameness of middle America as she leaned back to talk to her friend.

“Serious, here?”

My lover’s eyes lit up, happy. “Of course, why not?”

“What are you two talking about?” I asked, a little irritated at being excluded from the conversation taking place by my right ear.

Jessie patted my leg. “Don’t you worry, just pull over when I tell you to.”

“Pull over?”

“Yup, can’t stop on the highway, so down next to a cornfield, it’ll look like this is a farm vehicle.”

“What for?”

“So, you in?” She asked McKenna, ignoring me once again.

“Sure,” she replied, a while evidence in her voice.

When Jessie settled back into her seat without another word, I resigned myself to not knowing what they were talking about. Women sometimes…

It was another half hour of driving between dusty, sun-baked grasslands before Jessie shouted “Pull over!” loud and sharp enough that I just about jumped out of my skin.

“What for?”

“Just pull over, please. I’ll show you.”

I told and turned the big SUV to the right, noting down the short embankment to park next to a weathered barbed-wire fence. There hasn’t been much traffic this morning, so hopefully no one saw us leave the highway, decided to come to our aid. I shut the vehicle off and looked over at my partner. “Ok. Now what?”

Jessie’s eyes flashed and her mouth curled in that intelligent, feral grin I knew so well. “Now, now we hike.”

“Fuck me,” I muttered as I exited the vehicle into the burning heat. Sweat almost instantly popped from my skin, and even wearing sunglasses I had to hold up a hand to shield my face from the harsh, cloudless sky. How did people live here?

McKenna and I trusted after Jessie, our feet crunching on baked dirt as we wove between rows of corn.

“Never would’ve agreed to this if I’d known how fucking hot it was gonna be,” the programmer grumbled as she walked a few feet behind me.

“What are we even doing?” I asked.

She snorted. “Sweating our butts off to make your girlfriend happy.”

Jessie’s destination became clear when we broke through the edge of the field, a moment that made me search for a suitable quotation from Costner or Jones before the gothic girl ahead of me motioned us forward. The field had sloped gently down, and where it met another rise in the land, a crystal blue pool had collected, probably fed by a spring that surprisingly had survived this long in the harsh sun. A small, near-completely collapsed wood shade sat next to the small pond, both overhung by willow trees, the branches so long they almost draped in the ground.

I pulled out my phone and snapped a picture.

“Mike, can you keep watch?” Jessie asked sweetly, a note of excitement in her voice.

“It’s what I live for.”

My lover’s slim hand found mine, and she led the way towards the small dilapidated cabin. The scene looked absolutely magical, like something out of a painting. The pond rippled in the hot breeze, sunlight reflecting brilliantly off the clean blue surface. The shifting will cast dancing shadows on the ground, a quiet rustling overhead as the branches moved together.

The burned floorboards of the cabin creamed slightly as we Stepped on them. Once probably a storage shed deep in this field, it was now sagging beams and falling timbers, the roof half caved in and the wood siding rotted or burned off most of two sides.

“What the hell are you doing?” I asked Jessie finally.

There was that feral grin again. “I wanted to give you some roadhead, but I figured you wouldn’t want Mike watching, and I wanted to make it more memorable than just a blowjob in the car. So…here we are.” Her fingers nimbly unbuttoned the dress vest she was wearing to expose her small, firm breasts, nipples hard and proud with excitement.

“And what if someone stops at the truck, or happens by this shed?”

Those nimble fingers worked down my zipper torturously slow, then slowly popped the button free. Jessie slowly lowered my shorts to the ground, and then began rubbing her face on the growing bulge in my boxers, nibbling, kissing tracing the outline of my erection with her lips and tongue.

“You Should tell me to do this,” she said breathhily. “Stop the car and order me to get you off. Take me into a woods and push me against a tree and just…use me. Or maybe bend me over in a gasstation bathroom while McKenna stands guard…then make me fill up the truck or buy us all food with your cum leaking into my panties or the taste of it on my breath.”

Her words had the desired effect, and Jessie moaned when she saw my dick twitch through my boxers. Pulling the waistband down, she extracted my erection and licked the head deliciously, nibbling the tip. “Just cuz we’re on the road, and I have a friend along doesn’t mean you need to stop using me like your own personal who like you do at home…”

Her wet mouth engulfed me, and I gasped at the sensing of being so completely enveloped. The suction was exhaust as she dragged her lips tightly up and down my shake, pausing to press the head hard to the back of her throat, wet little tongue sliding out to twitch against my scrotum. She stayed like that, bouncing her mouth slightly back and forth while her tongue played, breathing heavily through her nose and looking up at me lovingly.

I pulled her off and she gasped, cought, tried to dive back towards her favorite toy, only to be stopped by my hands on her head. Her star was practical as I made her descend slowly, pleasure just the glans before allowing her to take more in her mouth. Then I set the rhythm, holding her in place and thrusting, or pulling and pushing her to get the sensing I desired.

The taboo nature of public sex provided even more of a turn on, and I Keep my eyes roving over the cabin, checking for witnesses, farm trucks or tractors pulling up, ears straining for the sound of engines and picking up only hot wind, branches creaking and whispering overhead, the wet, throaty noises of my lover sucking me off.

I pulled Jessie off my dick and she sucked in air, started licking the sides of my shake, feather-light, electric brushes of her tongue against over-stimulated nerves. I moaned at the sensing and rolled my eyes upward to stare through the broken roof at the brilliant blue sky above. A fist pumped my wet rod, and my balls felt hard suction, fleshy pressure as she sucked one into her mouth and rolled it against her tongue, then the other, then coolly burning electricity as she teased my sack with delicate licks. Fuck this was good…

I checked again for people and vehicles, scanning gaps in the broken walls, the sagging window. No one, fortunately.


Dammit, it was McKenna. Supposedly roaming around looking for possible interruptions of Jessie’s romantic interlude, she’d positioned herself some distance away where she could star through the window. I could see her mouth was open, a look of darkly lustful enjoyment on her face. She couldn’t see much, but I calculated she could see from the back of Jessie’s head up.

I tried to move my lover, but she refused, taking me in her mouth again and falling me, loud noises of suction and gagging, cought. Fuck, if Mickey wanted a show, I’d give her one. My hands went to Jessie’s black hair pushing herroughly down my erection, holding her there, dragging her back, up and down, fucking her mouth hard and fast. She gasped in arousal then coo’d happily at my use of her body.

Orgasm came quickly, and I held myself as deep in Jessie’s throat as I could, spasming, pumping, jizz flowing down her gullet without even touching her tongue. She cought and sputtered as I unloaded my balls, pulling back to hack in air, eyes teary and full of love and lust. “Oh yeah, that’s what I wanted…”

I grew at her and pulled her to her feet, violently pushed her jeans down and off, leaving her standing there naked except for the unbuttoned vest. “Hey, that’s not what I wa – ” I knelt and lifted one slim leg to my shoulder, grabbed her ass and buried my face in her crotch.

The black haired girl was already wet from sucking me off, my rough treatment of her, and I forced my tongue as deep inside her as I could get, stiffening it and speaking into her tight box a few times before noisily licking those slick lips, nibbling the sensitive flesh as I moved slowly upward. I French-kissed my way up to her clip, and began flicking it with my tongue, hard and fast. With one hand on her butt, I pushed two fingers of my other hand into her soaked twat, pumping slowly, the fingerprints hooked against her g-spot.

It didn’t take long for Jessie to get off. She came with shaking legs and her crotch grinding and thrusting against my face, trying to get more of my tongue and lips against her sensitive flesh. Her dripping-wet channel contracted and released around my fingers, and fingers gripped my short hair spasmodically. I didn’t let up though, and I pushed her through two more climaxes before those fingers on my head became fists, lightly pounding, trying to get my attention, trying to tell me to stop because I was well past ignoring her shrieks and cries of overloaded pleasure.

I let Jessie down, stood and steadied her as she shook, random twitches still firing on herbrain. Her face and chest were flushed criminal, and a brush off my hand against one of her diamond-hard nipples made her flinch.

“That felt SO good, daddy,” she whispered, fumbling to dress herself. The grin of pleasure on her face was so erotically charged I wanted to fuck her again right then.

I brushed hair from her face. “You are so fucking hot.”

The grin broadened, and she ran her hand over my arms, trailed fingertips over my chest. “You ain’t no slouch either.”

I ticked her and laughter erupted from her, a high-pitched girl giggle. “That’s the best you can say?” I accused. “After how hard I just got you off?”

McKenna glowered at us as we left the cabin. “You guys sure took your sweet time. Its roasting hot out here.”

Jessie smiled sweetly at her. “Some things can’t be rushed. You’re a programmer, you know that.”

“Yeah, but I don’t make my friends wait out in hundreds degree weather with hardly any shade while I fuck my computer.”

The vehemence with which she said it was hilarious, and I burst out laughing. McKenna turned her glare on me. “You think it’s funny, I probably got sunburned while you two were getting off.”

I pushed a stalk of corn out of the way, held it for the two girls as they walked past. I looked the smaller woman over from the back. Strappy tank top and daisy dukes again. No hat, of course. “Not my fault you didn’t wear climate appropriate clothing.”

She extended a middle finger back over her shoulder.

The rest of the drive was uneventful. A series of gas stations and rolling grasslands and weathered Wall Drug signs, little critics flowing in tall weeds beside the highway, cars speeding by in a rush of wind that brushed pleasantly at my skin as my arm hung out the window, the electronic clicks and taps of fingers on tablets or phones, conversation starting and stopping suddenly as they collaborated on email or a design revision.

Our days destination was Badlands NationalPark, and we found much to stop and see as we approached. First was a hilltop pull-off. The concrete loop was filled with tourists, and Jessie and I stood at the edge of the sidewalk looking out over the field below us and the rising and falling hills stretching off into the distance to a great struggle wall of mountains. Families chattered and posed for photographs, and a few people flew drones.

Jessie squeezed my hand and smiled at me, uncharacteristically mature softness in the turn of her lips. She leaned against my side and rubbed her head on my shoulder, looked up at me with love shining in her eyes.”My first vacation,” she said quietly. “And it’s with the man I love.”

I kissed her forehead. “I’m glad I could be here to see this with you.”

“Pictures please?” McKenna interrupted, and the moment was interrupted.

The two posed in the field with the mountains far off behind them, and snapped selfies together, I got shots of the two of them together acting goofy for the camera, and I even got roped into a group selfie… Though I made sure the pain-in-the-ass programmer was on the other side of Jessie.

My heart swelled to see the picture, Jessie front and center, the three of us smiling broadly at the camera.

I was still unused to feeling – and accepting – the emotion of love.

Further up ahead were a park-run gas station where we stocked up on water and McKenna loaded Nearly half a suitcase with locally sourced chocolates, and a replica of a frontier home that both girls became visit. I paid the exorbitant entry fees and we spent an hour avoiding goat dung, inspecting the inside of a dirt hut, and listening to a woman in piloter clothing describe life on the prairie.

Jessie and I were bored and snuck back to the mud house to make out for a few minutes, but strangely, McKenna stayed to watch the whole presentation, standing in the glaring sun and listening with rapt attention as the most mundane details of life were described.

“Never knew you were such a little house on the prairie devotee,” I mentioned when we returned to the car.

“Are you kidding,” McKenna said with a snort. “I love westerns. John Wayne, Clint Eastwood. Everything Sam Peckinpah ever did. Hell, I even like the Young Guns movies.”

“I definitely would not have taken you for a western fan. Maybe…Jersey Shore?”

She whacked me in the arm. “Why would I want to watch efficient dumbshits on TV when all I need to do is just go to Madison to see hundreds.”

Strangled laughter turned into choking behind me and I turned to see Jessie wiping her face of water. “Mike, I was taking a drink!”

I paid the massive toll at the ranger station and we spent a good two hours taking pictures at the edges of dusty cliffs, hiking through short, windswept canyons, and admiring the towering carved rock, swilling water by the liter and – when we were in the SUV – stopping every few hundred feet for the girls to get outand read the informational signs or take selfies against the rugged landscape.

We stopped at the visitors building to refill our water bottles and use the restrooms, and ended up spending a significant amount of time wandering through the displays, looking at the history of the landscape and the peoples that had inhabited it over the millennia.

Then it was another short drive to the central office, supply center, restaurant building, gift shop. It stood to the right of two rows of cabinets, our stop for tonight. The central office was full of people, some clustered in a lobby area with tablets and laptops, others weaving around the racks of camping supplies and local kitsch, both being sold for ridiculous prices.

“Mike and I are hungry, can we get something to eat?” Jessie asked as I looked at a display of supposedly authentic Native American sauce mixes.

I clicked my phone on, off again. “It’s almost four. We’re gonna want to eat in like two, three hours.”

She stuck out her lower lip and made puppy dog ​​eyes at me. Thirty years old and she could still be cute.

“But,” I concluded, “I, saw an ice cream freezer over by the check-in desk.” I handed her my credit card and her eyes lit up, a broad smile stretching across her face.

“Thank you!” She headed off to find McKenna and dessert, and I continued browsing. My girl was adorable.

The cabins had recently been remodeled, but they were still cramped small. I had paid at the check-in desk and then we’d left to offload our luggage before recovering our sightseeing. Finished in split log wood, with mass-manufactured but rustic looking furniture, there was only room for one bed, an end table, and a small desk in each cabin.

Jessie heaved her luggage onto the bed, heaved a sight and sat down next to it. I peered into the bathroom. Cramped, just like the rest of the building. L-shaped with the toilet in one alcohol and a minuscule shower in the other. “Well, no showering togethertonight,” I mused.

She gave me a bright smile, rose, and put her arms around my neck, her demeanor changing to “Vixen” like she flipped a switch. “We just need a bed,” my lover said softly, and then she kissed me, hard and deep, her body grinding against mine.

I returned the kiss, my hands sliding around her slim back to pull her closer. We broke for air and I kissed her forehead. “We should get back out there. If we go any further, Mickey’s gonna kill me.”

Jessie grinned. “I think she’s just grumpy lately. But being here is helping.”

We spend another two hours driving through the park before returning for dinner. Two more hours of mini hikes into the canyons, around rock clusters, on ancient wooden walkways and on dusty, uneven ground. I’d last been here since twenty years ago, and I was surpassed by how green this desert was. There were trees, grasses, weeds. Sparse, but they were there. The tan rock occasionally changed colors, transitioning to yellow orbrown or – in one location – an almost iridescent rainbow. The drive among the rocks was sometimes unnerving, a mountain to the right or left, rising into a cliff them driving at the edge, a breathtaking drop to one side.

The pulloffs were uniformly excellent and provided photo opportunities with grand vistas in the background. Railwayed walkways let to step dropoffs with informational bulletin boards for people to read while they stared across incalculable distances.


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