To Serve Pt. 01-03

To Serve, Part 1: All That Came Before

Mike was happily married to Donna for 12 years. He lost her in a tragic car accident that he was lucky to survive. That was 2 years ago, and Mike still felt unmoored by her loss. He also felt some what liberated to explore his submissive desires. He had tried to get Donna interested in dominating him, but she thought it was perverted and Somehow improper. If anything, she was submissive, not dominant, which brought a quick end to Mike’s halting efforts to fulfill his needs. Overcoming his reluctance to go behind his wife’s back, Mike searched for and found a professional Domme he liked and required delegations he could afford.

Mistress Eva was in her late 20’s, quite attractive, and very skilled in BDSM. She led Mike through sessions that exposed him to a range of kinky activities. He discovered the joy of indulging his deep-seated need to submit and take pain from a dominant Woman. Eva was particularly fond of paddling and imaginenative forms of cock, ball and nipple torture. And she taught Mike to submit through power exchange protocols, foot and ass worship, boot and shoe worship, and pegging.

After Donna’s passing, Mike began to explore the BDSM subculture by researching online and taking the plumge to attend social events. He told Mistress Eva about his frustrations and growing desire to try living as a submissive to a dominant Woman. She wasn’t interested. She planned to attend graduate school and eventually develop a career in the tech field. Her goal was a fairly vanilla life with some kink at home on occasion.

One day, at the end of a session, Mistress Eva told Mike she knew someone who might be interested in meeting him. Her name was Ingrid, and Mistress Eva had met her at the local BDSM club. Ingrid was older–meaning her late 50’s– and seemed like the kind of refined, educated, and very dominant Woman that would be a good match for Mike. Ingrid had confirmed in Mistress Eva that she was hoping to find a new service to replace the one she had had for many years but had recently moved overseas.

To Serve, Part 2: Meeting Her

Mistress Eva gave Ingrid Mike’s email and encouraged her to contact him. Ingrid emailed an invitation to meet for coffee at a nearby Starbucks the next weekend. There weren’t many people at the Starbucks at 10:00 am on a Sunday morning. Mike spotted her immediately, wearing jeans with strappy black heels and carrying a leopard skin print handbag. He was surprised at how attractive she was–lovely long black hair, a nice shape, long legs, looking in her mid-forties, around 5’5″ and only had a few extra pounds on her. She smiled as soon as she saw him and stretched out her hand. He rose and kissed it rather than giving a handshake. She compiled him on his manners and said he should just call her Ingrid for now.

They chatted discreetly for almost an hour, starting with vanilla topics and gradually touching on their shared interests in BDSM. Ingrid made it clear to Mike that she knew what she was looking for. Mike felt at a disadvantage as it was obvious she had much more experience than he did. Ingrid warned him she would go slowly in assessing his compatibility and ability to provide the submission she was looking for. She took charge immediately, instructing him to think about their conversation and email her in a few days with his Thoughts.

Mike was pretty sure he wanted to submit to Ingrid. She seemed perfect, but he was nervous about not being able to come up to her standards. He emailed Ingrid two days later, saying that he was interested in being trained to serve and please her.

Ingrid wasn’t sure at first that Mike was worth training. He was so shy and inexperienced that she was afraid he was getting into something that might prove to be over his head. She understands that males who had lived mostly in their own BDSM fantasy world usually had unrealistic expectations of what submission andservitude was all about. They didn’t begin to understand what it means to submit to another person on a continuing basis–not just when they feel horny. Ingrid also knew that the vast majority of males who claim to be submissive are not able to stand the reality of servitude, hard work, obedience, and suffering for their Domme’s amusement. Mike readily admitted he was a masochistic but she wasn’t sure he could withstand her sadistic moods.

Ingrid realized that a trial period of servitude would be the most sensitive approach with Mike. Also, she knew she didn’t want a slave living with her and allowing him to live in his own place would no doubt make him more comfortable and willing to become hers for a trial period.

To Serve, Part 3: Becoming Hers

Over the next several weeks they exchanged emails, had a few phone calls, and then Mike took Ingrid out for dinner at a nice restaurant she selected. Over dinner, Ingrid discussed with Mike a 6-month trial to determinee their compatibility. She was up front that her main goal was to mold him into the kind of slave she desired, not what he had been fantasizing about or saw on porn sites. She promised to train Mike in her four pillars of submission: servitude, obedience, gratitude, and subservice. Ingrid further warned him that she would make frequent use of corporate punishment to train and correct him until he was able to demonstrate the level of submission and obedience she required.

She instructed Mike to await further instructions by email. Her message arrived the next day:

Dear Mike,

I find that training a slave is like building a house. A sturdy house that meets its purpose is built on pillars. Your submission to me will rest on four pillars:

  • Obedience
  • Servitude
  • Gratitude
  • Subservice
  • We will work together to construct these four pillars over the next 6 monthss. Obedience is sort of self-explanatory. Your obedience means quick and accurate compliance. I expect you to carry out My commands without question. The only question permitted is to ask for clarification of what I am telling you to do. And believe Me, frequent questions as a means of delaying your obedience will be punished swiftly.

    Servitude is only what I say it is. It is not touching me or worshiping Me, it is doing things that make My life easier or amuse or entertain Me. Your servitude must always have the character of striving–string to be worthy of serving Me and always earning and re-earning that privilege. You will demonstrate striving by learning new skills and perfecting acts of service to Me. For example, you will learn to give Me a professional level back massage, and I will teach you exactly how I like My feet to be massaged. New skills that you will learn include cooking and sewing. You will learn other skills as I have need of them.

    Gratitude is pretty obvious, but you must learn the forms of gratitude I value. Purchasing things from my wishlists or from my list of favorite online stores, is one way to show gratitude. Gifting from you must show a thorough understanding of My preferences for color, style and value. I also expect demonstrations of gratitude as you thank Me for correction or for a particular step in training. And certainly not least, I hope to see expressions of gratitude that are original and unexpected. These don’t have to be expensive or elaborate, just since and thoughtful.

    Subservice is the least obvious and we will spend a lot of time and effort on it. Subservice has to do with all aspects of your behavior while in My presence or the presence of any Female. Your thoughts, your attitude, how you speak, how you move, and your overall demeanor must reflect subserveence. You will learn to speak with a volume and tone appropriate to a submissive male. You will learn forms of address that convey respect, words and phrases that please me, as well as expressions and words to avoid as they lack sufficient respect and subservice. I define subservice as awareness of your role beneath Me and as an innocent before all Females.

    Attitudes are the manifestation of the Thoughts you have about your submission. Developing correct thinking will take time and I am a patient Woman. After all, you have spent all your life so far living in the patriarchy and its twisted ideas about the role of Women. I find that the most effective way to train a slave in subservient thoughts and attitudes is through diligent training in speech, obedience and movement, in other words, aspects that can be practiced, observed, and corrected quite easily. Once you learn to act in a manner that reflects your inferior role, you will begin learning to be truly subservient.I will inform you when I believe you have attained the proper level of subservice.

    One useful indication of the progress you are making as my slave is the frequency and level of correction I find necessary. Correction will range from verbal chatisement to physical chatisement with a paddle, crop, whip or whatever I feel is needed. I will tell you now that outright disobedience or disrespect will earn the harshest punishment. I will grant you some slack as you learn servitude and proper subservice.

    Your first task as my slave is to respond to this message in a thoughtful and sincere manner. I will expect a response of no more than 400 words in my inbox within 72 hours of this message. Do not get off on the wrong foot with Me! And make sure there are no misspellings or grammatical errors in your email.


    During the first month of servitude, Madam Ingrid taught Mike her basic slave positions, and rituals for greeting, dismissal, and punishment. She required him to memorize and respond to one-word position commands: down, present, beg, and worship. Madam also taught him to respond instantly to one-word commands accompanied by a clap of her hands: Go!, Now!, and Quiet! A fourth command, “Down” was signed by pointing her finger to the spot where he should knee. The final command, “Up” was accompanied by an upward motion of her hands.

    Madam Ingrid started working on his subservice from the beginning, stressing the importance of speaking in a submissive manner. “I want to be able to hear that you know your place in every response you give,” she said. Her training focused not only on the words he used but also his tone of voice, and its volume. Her perfect slave’s speech was soft, submissive and respectful.

    Madam trained Mike to understand what she means by obedience. Hesitation or failure to obey a command were strictly forbidden and would always earn punishment. She expected rapid, eager obEdience to her commands. Tasks were to be performed as instructed and completed on time. Failure to do so would be considered disobedience and subject to punishment.

    She teach Mike to recite what She called Her gratitude and obedience mantra:

    i am most grateful for the privilege of serving Madam Ingrid

    i express my gratitude by obeying all commands quickly and completely

    i may not question a command unless i am not clear about Madam’s wishes

    i may ask a question only with Her permission

    Mike spend considerable time during the first few months learning how to perform service tasks to Madam’s standards. She explained that he must learn to be of practical use to her, or she would not keep him on beyond the initial tryout. He was expected to keep her house immaculately clean. Bathrooms and the kitchen had to be cleaned weekly and touched up daily. Laundry, vacuuming and dusting were to be done once a week. Mike was assigned to keep Madam’s shoes and boots shined and in good condition, and clothing pressed and dry cleaned as needed. In addition, he was required to wash, wax and clean her car once a month. He was also responsible for care of the houseplants and the small back yard of her townhouse. Madam gave him reading assignments on the finer points of cleaning, garment care, table setting, and making a bed. She made him watch how-to videos online.

    She drilled him intensely on these tasks to ensure that he did them to perfection. Her favorite training tools were repetition and application of the crop. Mike also learned to submit to her formal inspections of completed tasks. When she indicated it was time for an inspection, he was expected to curry to fetch her crop, knee and offer it to her on outstretched arms with head bowed submissively. Crop in hand, she then examined his completed work, providing comments, criticism and compliments as she saw fit. Correction for substandard work was eiter done on the spot with the crop, or delivered during his weekly review. Mike usually feel the crop immediately as Madam was a firm believe in reinforcing proper behavior when it occurred. When pleased, she often provided positive reformation with words of praise or, occasionally, by allowing Mike to kiss her hand or knee and kiss her feet.

    Madam was very organized. In the kitchen there are two whiteboards on the wall – a Task Board and a Demerit Board. Mike’s daily tasks were written on the Task board. Reviewing it with Madam was the first thing he did when arriving at her house each day. The Demerit Board covers the whole week and is where Madam records the demerits he earned. On Monday mornings at 10:00 am Mike is required to present himself for his weekly review, which takes place at the Demerit Board in the kitchen. After reviewing the demerits for the week, Madam usually gave Mike the opportunity to comment or beg for leniency. Her patience varied according to her mood and her opinion of Mike’s performance that week.

    The review usually ended with Madam’s instructions regarding his chatity regimen. She would tell him whether he had earned a release. If he did, she told him when it would be permitted and under what conditions. Sometimes, when in the mood, she only allowed him a ruined orgasm. Most of the time, Madam granted him release only under humiliating circumstances. It could be hogtied on the shower floor with some lube on his cock, rubbing himself off that way, or stretching out naked on top of her biggest paddle, and rubbing his cock against the slick wood until he came. Other times she delighted in supervising his stroke, setting the pace he was to follow by tapping the crop on the floor. At the end of his third review, Madam had not mentioned his chatity and Mike made the mistake of reminding her. That brought him six hard strokes of the medium cane and six lashes of the single tail whip, plus an extra week of chatity for goodmeasure. Mike resolved to never ask Madam about release, or anything related to chatity.

    Madam Ingrid made it clear from the outset that strict accountability for mistakes would always be expected. The most serious demerits were those arising from anything she deemed to be disrespectful or for lazy. Those were the two cardinal sins–a lack of respect and lazy in one’s servitude. Madam required Mike to discharge demerits through physical punishment of some type, extending his period of chatity, or occasionally acts of physical endurance such as running or walking a certain distance within a prescribed time. Physical punishments usually involved the paddle, crop, or single tail whip. The black riding crop with a small loop at the end was her favorite implementation. Mike cringed inside whenever she picked it up or had him fetch it for her.

    Occasionally, Madam saw fit to punish Mike by inflicting disappoint such as wearing a large butt plug or posture collar, or throughfigging or application of hot cream on his cock and balls. She loved to try out new punishment ideas suggested by her girlfriends. After punishment was finished, Mike was expected to thank Madam for taking the time to correct him and make him a better slave.

    One month into Mike’s 6-month trial period, Ingrid knew she had made a good choice. He had a lot of potential but still needed practice and supervision in doing service tasks exactly the way she wanted. Some tasks he instinctively resisted, for example, cooking and doing laundry. Her response was to mix verbal instruction and cajoling with application of the crop. Although these shortcomings, Ingrid appreciated Mike’s genenuine, deep seated need to submit and serve. To her, that was the key. Mike had obeyed her diet and exercise regimen and results were showing already. She wanted her slaves to have a pleasant appearance and a toned, muscled physics. As much as she delighted in being served, Ingrid thrilled to her power to makeMike suffer when he displeased her or when it was her whim to punish him. Giving a good beat turned her on and relaxed her at the same time.

    Mike was also feeling satisfied with the new lifestyle Madam Ingrid imposed upon him. He wanted it, and it gave him a sense of fulfillment to serve and work for her, to be under her yoke. Two things were particularly difficult for him; learning to clean and do household tasks to her standards, and suffering periods of chatity in the cage he now wore constantly, apart from weekly cleanings under Madam’s supervision. The pain she dished out was sometimes almost too much, but gradually he developed a higher pain tolerance. Many evenings, Mike suffered on the ride home sitting on his very sore buttocks. As a true masochist, at first, he tried disobeying intentionally so he could be punished. But he quickly learned that Madam’s punishments were delivered skillfully, with initial pleasure thoughts being wiped away by the searing real painshe inflicted.


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