Chapter 1
I open my eyes. A moment of panic! I’m sitting up, but whats in my mouth? I try to remove it but my hands won’t move. They’re restrained by Velcro straps to the arms of the chair I’m sitting in. My legs can’t move either. Why am I naked?
I was introduced to Erin at a five hundred dollar a plate charity dinner. An East Indian couple I know from my engineering consulting business were there. He has an architectural firm. Raj is a tall handsome man, always impecccably dressed. Black hair with a few grey streaks. His wife, Tanni, is a coffee skinned beauty. Oval dark eyes and long black hair. Whenever I see her I have the urge to bow down and say “Princess, how may I serve you?”
As I approach her she gives me her million candle power smile and says “There you are, come, there’s someone I want you to meet” as she wraps her arm around my elbow. She leads me to where Raj is talking to s tall (six foot plus) blond Goddess with the most amazing electric blue eyes I’ve ever seen.
She’s wearing a silver backless gown, with a long satin stole looping from her elbows to just below her beautiful tune. Not that I stared you understand, just saying. She wore elegantly understood diamond jewelry. Her name is Erin.
Tanni had arranged for the four of us to share a table. By the end of the evening we were chatting and laughing together just like it was normal for me, a five foot eight, brown haired, average looking nerd to be talking with such a beautiful lady. At the end of the evening she even gave me her business card with her personal number penciled on the back. She’s a partner in a prestigious law firm.
A week or so later Raj and I were leaving a meeting with the client who’s project we were both involved in when he said to me “This morning my Princess Tanni said to me, and I quote, ‘It’s been over a week, why hasn’t that friend of yours phoned Erin?’ “
I phoned Erin.
Soon we were what in my school days was called ‘an item’ and here I am almost a year later bound and gagged in a chair in Erin’s living room wondering what happened.
The fog in my brain is starting to clear. We were at our favorite restaurant. I’d just asked Erin to marry me and she’d said “Yes.” She was wearing her ‘little black dress’, siletto heels, a three row pearl necklace, pearl earrings and pearl bracelets. As I help her on with her full length white fox fur coat I sense other patrons eyeing us. No doubt wondering why such a beautiful Goddess is with the likes of me.
As we wait for the valet to bring my car around Erin whispers in my ear “My place tonight Darling.”
At her condo she sits me down on the love seat and goes for some wine, returning with two full glasses and an open bottle. We kiss grope and toast to everything. Erin keeps my glass topped up from the bottle. I’m feeling very mellow. “To new adventures” she says.
“Whaadaya saa” oops I’m slurping, I mean slurring my words. She sticks her tongueinto my mouth. I close my eyes for just a moment…
She’s sitting across from me on the love seat wearing a long white satin night gown, her white fur stole over her shoulders and silver siletto slippers, with a white fur strap over he foot and thin satin laces with silver buckles around her ankles. She looks up from the book she’s reading ‘Tears Before Bedtime’. “Ah, you’re awake. Good.” She sets Her book on the coffee table, smooths her fur down along her breast, and licks the tip of her tongue around her beautiful red lips. “Tonight we’re going to play a game. Slave and Mistress. I will address you as ‘Slave’ you will address me as ‘Beautiful Mistress’ as in ‘Yes Beautiful Mistress’ and ‘Thank you Beautiful Mistress.’ You will do as you are told. I can be a very loving mistress IF you obey.” She got up and crossed behind me, removed my gag and wiped the drool off my chin with a soft warm face clothes. “Do you agree to my terms?”
“Yes Mistress, I mean Beautiful Mistress.”
“Off to a bad start, that will cost you five.”
“Five what?” Boy am I a slow learner tonight.
Slap across my face. “I did not give you permission to ask questions. Now you’re up to ten. You’ll see soon enough.”
She sashayed over to the coffee table and from it’s drawer took out a wide leather collar. Erin buckled it behind my neck. On it’s Front was a steel ring between two short sashes with rings on their ends. Next she brought two leather cuffs with snap shackles on each. She ripped the Velcro strap off my left wrist, then buckled on one of the cuffs, lifted my wrist and snapped it onto the left sash on my collar. Then she repeated with my right hand, attaching it to the right sash. Next she got two more cuffs and released the Velcro straps from my legs. She buckled them onto my ankles, then joined them with a two foot long dowel with an eye bolt at each end for their snap shadows to attach to.
“Stand and fetch the fur throw from the foot of my bed.”
“Yes Beautiful Mistress.”
With the dowel holding my ankles apart it was a challenge to walk until I got the rhythm. Picking up the fur was also difficult with my hand movement restricted by the sashes on my wrists.
Back in the living room she said “Don’t just stand there, spread it out on the love seat for me, then go fetch me a glass of Pino.” It took some time between my ankles and wrists being restrained but I managed. When I returned with her wine she was snuggled down in the fur spread and cuddling her fur stand to her cheek.
As I handed her the glass of wine she snapped the fingers of her other hand and pointed to the floor in front of her. “On your knees.” I managed to get down without falling. “Remove my slipper and worship my foot.” she said extending her left foot towards me. I took her foot, and undid the little silver buckle. I slide her slipper off and began kissing from her ankle to her toes. I licked and kissed, then sucked on each individual toe.
“Put my slipper back on.” Then, “Now this foot.”
After a bit “Enough, put my slipper back on.”
Who knew foot worship could be so erotic. My pecker knew as it stood at attention.
“Yes Beautiful Mistress”
“Oh, you remember this time. You seem to have a problem remembering, but we’ll work on that next.”
“Sorry Beautiful Mistress.”
As I kissed her toe and finished buckling her slipper she said in a low sultry voice “Oh my sweet slave, you have no idea what ‘sorry’ is yet, but you will learn soon. Oh yes, you’ll be very sorry you disobeyed when I’m done.”
She commanded me to stand, clipped a short leather lean to the ring on my collar, then led me at a fast pace towards her bedroom. I was barely able to keep up. Before we got to her room though, she unlocked a door and took me into a room with a single bed, low indirect lighting and an open patio door on the far wall. On one wall was a sliding mirrored closed door. The room was frigid becausethe open patio door let the late October night in. What drew my attention though, was a pulley with a ring on it hanging in the middle of the room. It’s two to one purchase attached to a hook on the ceiling, then across to a pulley by the wall, then down to a line stopper.
Erin released my cuffs, then attached their snap shadows to the ring on the pulley. At the wall she pulled the rope until my heels were just off the carpet and locked it in the line stopper.
She said “I like to keep it cold in here so I don’t work up a sweat” as she fondled her stole. She went and closed the patio door and drew the heavy draws. “This is a quiet neighborhood. We don’t want your screams to disturb the neighbors do we?”
“No Beautiful Mistress” I croaked, unsure if I was shivering because of the cold, or from fright.
She went to the mirrored door, and stepping aside like the presenter on a game show slide it open. A light came on in the close revealing a short chest of drawers wit a gun rack above it. There were no rifles in the rack though, but an association of whips, straps and paddles. How could I not know this side of Erin?
She glided around behind me and wrapped her arms around. She stroked her fur up and down from my navel to my chin as she cooed into my ear “See my weapons Dear? I’m an expert at delivering pain with all of them. Since this is your first time you may scream or cry out, but after this that will not be tolerated. Also, since this is your first time I’ll discipline you with the wide strap. It doesn’t leave permanent scars.”
Why does she keep saying ‘first time?’
She took a white leather strap about two feet long, one end rolled to form a grip, from the rack, then slide the mirrored door shut. “You will watch in the mirror. If I catch you looking away or closing your eyes it will cost you another five. You will count the strokes out loud.”
“Yes Beautiful Mistress.”
With that she gave me a wet sloppy kiss and squeezed my nuts until I screamed. Then SMACK on my belly.
SMACK on my thighs.
SMACK on my shoulder.
And on it went, up and down my body until SMACK on my ass and I sobbed out “Ten.”
Returning the strap to it’s place she swaddled her fur around herself and said “I really do enjoy meting out discussion. Now after each session you will thank me for disciplining you.”
“Thank you Beautiful Mistress.”
She slacks off the rope ’till my wrists are at chest level, then releases them. She hooks my wrists together behind my back and orders me to knee down, which I again manage to do without falling. She throws a pillow on the floor in front of me and orders me to put my cheesek onto it facing the mirror. Kneeling beside me and stroking her soft fur along my sore back she says “As you probably guessed by now the wine in the bottle was spiked with the date rap drug. Now I think it’d be a waste if I didn’t take the opportunityy to rape you.” Evil chuckle.
She takes off her night gown and gets a strap on device from one of the drawers in the closet, then slides the door shut again. She makes sure I watch as she puts her cock on and adjusts it’s straps. “Now make sure you watch in the mirror as I violent your virgin ass hole Darling.” She pours lube between my cheeks and starts working it into my sphincter then spreads my Cheeks and starts working her knob in, then slowly shoves all the way home. Erin strokes slowly, then picks up the pace pounding me as I whimper and cry. Then suddenly she pulls out, stands up, take off the device and makes a show of putting her satin gown back on and drawing her fur over her shoulders. Erin pulls me to a kneeing position by the back of my collar.
She sits on the edge of the bed and commands me to crawl on My knees to her. I’ve still got the two foot spreader between my ankles and my hands restrained behind my back, but I manage. She has me come towards her until my chest is against her knees. With both hands she flips her fur stole over her head and around behind my neck. With her left hand she grips it snugly around my neck.
“Now my Darling, we need to talk about our relationship. I love you dearly and I know you feel the same.”
I start to speak, but she puts the index finger of her right hand onto my lips. “Wait until I’ve finished Dear. I want to marry you, but I want more than an average marriage. In public I want a normal happy marriage. People will say ‘what a nice couple’. But in private I want more than a loving husband. I want a devoted slave.
“If that’s you, when we’re home you will devote yourself to my every whim. I will own your heart, body and soul. I will tell you what to wear, when to get up, When to go to sleep. I will tell you what to eat and when. I will own every part of your body, every inch, every orifice. If I say bend over, I want to bugger you, you will, gladly, because you want to please me. I will punishment you if you disappoint me or just if I want to.
“On the other hand, I’ll give you so much love you’ll think your heart will burst. You’ll realize your wildest sexual fans were just black and white kiddies cartoons.
“If that’s not the marriage you want though, you will get out of my life forever. Remember, I’m a lawyer and know lots of judges. If you even so much as say hello on the street I’ll have a restraining order slapped on you within hours. This is a one time decision. The most important you may ever make. Sleep on it. Tomorrow you will take me to breakfast and tell me your decision then. You will sleep here tonight, I’ll leave my fur if you need something to cuddle. There’s a bathroom through that door, have a shower. The lights go out in half an hour.”
With that she locked my collar and cuffs and the spreader bar in the closet and left, locking the door behind her.
My mind was spinning like mad. How could I not know about this side of Erin?All the pain and whips. But all the love. But can I be her slave? But can I leave her forever? Round and round.
I must have finally fallen wait because I awoke to a dull autumn morning with Erin’s hand over my mouth. “Get dressed, I’m waiting. You will tell me your decision at breakfast,”
She was waiting in ‘painted on’ jeans and a pink cashmere turtle neck sweater, calm high suede boots that matched her tan suede jacket with natural mind trim.
After the waitress took our breakfast orders Erin said “Well?”
In that instant everything made sense. The right decision instantly showed itself.
“Beautiful Mistress, I want to be your Slave. I will obey and worship you, doing anything you command if you will have me.”
We renovated and redecorated my home (on a several acre lot on the edge of the city) to meet Beautiful Mistresses’ specifications. Much of the work involved installing discreet restrain anchor points around the house, and adding locks to several rooms and cupboards and closets that only She had the keys to.
A typical week day started at five thirty when my alarm went off and the auto lock on my bedroom door opened if I’d slept in my room, or Beautiful Mistresses’ alarm if I’d slept in Her room.
We’d have breakfast and get ready for work like any couple.
After work, if She is already home I kiss Her hand, put Her car away in the garage, then go to my room, shower and put on the clothes She’s laid out on my bed for me.
If She’s not home yet I go shower and dress. She almost always sets out a collar and cuff set for me. I call these my ‘slave set’. Sometimes there are other clothes for me too. All my clothes are kept in Beautiful Mistresses’ dressing room closet.
I get a book and sit on the benchmark in the foyer and wait for Her to arrive unless She’s left other instructions. When She comes home I kiss Her hand (as I’ve been taught) and takeoff Her coat and boots, put them away, then park Her car in the garage.
Then I do as She commands. Often serving Her a cocktail before supper. I usually cook supper, and serve Her at the dining room table. I knee on the carpet to Her left as She eats. Sometimes She finger feeds me at the table. Other times I eat my supper in the kitchen after She’s done.
If the meal pleases Her She’ll often tell me, Sometimes stroking my shoulder as I knee at Her side. It makes my heart swell knowing I’ve pleased Her.
If there’s something She doesn’t like about supper though, She grips my ear lobe with Her sharp fingernails and tell me how I’ve failed Her. I’ll be punished for this before bed time.
After I’ve cleaned up the dishes I join Her in the living room. She sits on the couch or an easy chair and I sit on the carpet, my back against the couch or chair, to Her left side as we read or watch TV. She likes me to sit close enough so she can stroke my hair or pet my shoulders with out having to reach.
Before bedtime I get the discipline I deserve.
At bedtime I hold Her towel while She has a shower, then after She’s dried Herself I brush Her long golden hair until it shines.
After that She decides whether I will sleep in my room or go to bed with Her.
One of the renovations I did was make a twelve by eight foot carpeted platform, six inches high that the eight foot by six foot bed I had made for Her sits on. There are lots of restraint points of course around the bed. When I sleep in Her bed I sleep across it’s foot after She’s sleep.
We’re sitting in the living room after supper. I’m short chained by my wrists to a chain She’s pulled out from behind the couch’s skirt. A normal night. The door bell chimes. “Open up.” says Beautiful Mistress, and shoves a ball gag into my mouth.
When She opens the door I hear a familiar voice. “A house warming present for you.”
“Welcome, let me take your coats.”
She leads Tanni and Raj into the room. I’m totally embarrassed, sitting on the floor, bound and gagged with only blue boxer shorts and my blue leather slave set on.
“Oh he looks adorable. Didn’t I tell you ‘let Princess Tanni find you a slave?’ I knew he just needed to meet the right woman, and he’s perfect for you.” said Tanni.
“Yes my love, I’ll never doubt you again. How about the grand tour while the kettle boils?”
When the ladies left the room Raj sat down across from me and said “You know, Masters and Slaves never acknowledge each other status or connection in their slave relationship in public. It may seem a bit weird, but our work relationship will go on as usual, we’ll both keep making lots of moola.”
The ladies or should I say Mistresses returned with the tea.
Mistress Tanni sat on the couch beside where I was restrained and stroked my shoulder. “I knew you’d be the perfect slave for Erin. And what a romantic, Raj, you should see the red fox fur bed spread hegave Erin for a wedding present! Why if we weren’t so happy married I’d just take you home and whip you until you loved me.”
Whip me ’till I love her? Actually, I do get excited anticipating Beautiful Mistresses’ loving whippings.
She is talking. “Since I don’t have a dedicated play room like I did at the condo, let me show you what my beautiful engineer slave made for me. Darling, unhook him and bring him over here.”
Using the remote She pushed a button and a trim piece in the center of the ceiling swung aside and a chain with a ring on it’s end descended to wait height. Mistress Tanni led me over and Beautiful Mistress clipped my wrists to the ring on the chain. She pushed a button and it pulled me up until I was hanging by my wrists above the floor. Then she lowered me down until my toes were just touching the carpet, then down until my wrists were at eye level. “See, easy to use, and I can have him hanging right here as I read or watch TV. We like to discipline during commercials some times, don’t we Dear? And he designed, built and installed it himself, just for my pleasure. Another reason I love my Darling.” She stroked gently up and down my back before sitting back down. Even though I’m hanging in front of Tanni and Raj like a side of pork it still makes me happy I’ve pleased my Goddess.
I hang there as they finish their tea, then Raj says “Thanks for having us over, but we must go, we’ve got a slave that needs discipline before bed. She’s new, and taking a while to break.
“We’re so happy for you two.”
After showing them out Beautiful Mistress comes back with Her riding crop and removes my gag. She pulls down my shorts.
Anticipation is making my pecker stand up.
Snap, on my shoulder. “One.”
Snap, on my butt. “Two.”
Snap, on the back of my thighs. “Three.”
Snap, on my shoulder. Whimper “Four.”
She releases me from the chain. In her bathroom I hold Her towel and watch as She shows, Mydick could be a towel rack.
After She’s dried herself, and I’ve brushed Her beautiful hair to perfection, She kisses me passwordately, then sends me to my room. The door lock clicks, I’m left to save myself.
End Part One
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