To Serve, Part 4: A Work Day
Mike woke to his alarm at 7:30. Madam had designed this as a work day, so he dressed in jeans and a te shirt, and wo struggle work shoes. He first knelt and recalled his mantra:
Madam Ingrid is my owner, teacher and correction Mistress
She controls my body, mind and soul
As her slave, I must serve and obey
Her word is my law and her whim is my charge
I am grateful for the privilege of serving
As Madam’s devoted slave this day and every day
Next, Mike took his required daily shower, followed by 20 minutes of stretches and exercises she had laid out for him. Then he ate a healthy breakfast, again following the diet Madam specified–cereal, toast, a hard-boiled egg, orange juice, and coffee. At 8:45 he drive to her house. It was only a 10-minute drive from his house, but Mike always allowed extra time to avoid being late. Madam had made it clear that she expected punctuality. He knew he risked her displeasure if he was late.
Mike let himself into her house with the key she had given him at exactly 9:00 am. He silently assumed the Present position in the foyer to wait for Madam to appear. He heard a clap and her voice: “Come to the kitchen, slave, I want to review your tasks for today.”
Quickly he got up and went to the kitchen. She was perched on one of the high stools, dressed casually in jeans and a nice blouse. His eyes went automatically to the strappy low heels she wore. She smiled broadly and pointed to the floor in front of the white board. “Good morning, slave. Sit here while I go over your work assignments for the day.”
“Yes Madam, good morning, Madam” he replied. She then patiently explained the chores she wanted him to do: vacuum and mop all floor areas downstairs and upstairs, mow the lawn in the back yard, go to the grocery store to get the items on her list, stop at the drugstore to pick up a presscript, and wash and wax her car.
“Do you have any questions, slave?” she asked after running through the list.
“No, Madam, I understand everything. Thank you.”
“There should be plenty of time to fit all this in between now and 5:00 pm. And don’t forget, I expect you to prepare and serve my lunch, as usual. The menu is listed here too.”
“Yes, Madam.” he replied. “May I please ask a question, Madam?”
“What is it?” she replied in a tone of slight irritation.
“If I am not able to finish everything today, can I finish it tomorrow, Madam?”
“No, slave, you may not. Tomorrow is a slave day. You will be serving me naked in collar and cuffs, and I have the day all planned out. Anything you don’t finish today will have to be done on your next rest day. Is that clear? Does that give you enough essential to get it all done today?”
“Yes, Madam. Thank you.”
“And remember, slave, you must do everything to my standards. Cutting corners or rushingThrough stuff will most likely earn you punishment. And I know you don’t want that.”
“No, Madam, I mean, yes, thank you, Madam. I am sure I can do it all to your standards.” Mike knew she would carefully inspect all his work and would definitely bring out the crop or paddle if she wasn’t completely satisfied.
“That’s better. Now kiss my feet and then you may Begin your work.”
Mike assumed the Worship position and carefully placed a kiss on each of her feet. Clapping her hands loudly she said “Okay, Go!” He stood up and walked quickly to the closet to get the vacuum and mop to do the floors. He wanted to do that first as it was the most time-consuming. And he could expect frequent inspections by Madam, which often resulted in having to re-do something to her satisfaction.
At around 10:30, after vacuuming the entire downstairs and mopping the kitchen and bathroom floors, Madam came in to check on his work.
“Time to take a look, slave. I see you’ve been working hard here. I like that! But let’s see how good a job you’ve done.” She said as she strolled through each room, checking his work. He followed several steps behind her. Bending over to peer at the kitchen floor, Madam saw something she didn’t like.
“Slave, come here! Did you vacuum the kitchen floor before mopping it? I see some dirt here.”
She turned to him, pointed to the floor, and yelled “Down!” He quickly assumed the position.
“What’s the problem here? I’ve told you before that you have to vacuum before mopping. I think you’re just not focusing properly.”
He kept his head bowed and mumbled an apology.
“You’ve just earned five demerits, slave. I don’t have time now, but you’ll get your punishment at this week’s review. Now, get back to work, and start by doing the kitchen floor all over again. First, don’t forget to record them on the Demerit Board.”
“Yes, Madam. I’m very sorry, Madam. I promise to do better.”
She glared at him. “I’ll see to it that you do better, even if I have to get out my single tail and whip you on the spot when you screw up like this.” At this, she turned on her heel and walked back to her office, an air of frustration trailing behind her.
To Serve, Part 5: A Slave Day
Slave days vary but usually entailed more pain and humiliation for Mike. Sometimes, when in a particularly sadistic mood, Madam announced that Mike’s ass was to be red all the time while serving her. She occasionally checked to see if it was time to refresh the redness on his butt with more strokes. Whenever she said “Inspection” he knew to stop what he was doing and stand straight but leaning forward slightly so his ass was sticking out, legs spread shoulder width apart, hands on head, head straight but eyes cast downward.
She instructed him to let her know when he needed his ass to be beaden to return it to the color she liked. When she deemed him in need of a “tune up” she used the command “Position”to order him to get ready for an ass beating. When hearing that command, he was expected to quickly present his butt for easy access by whichever instrument of punishment she was using. Since he was already naked, all he had to do was either knee, spread his legs, and put his head to the floor, making sure the target was presented for her attention. If there was no convenient place to knee, she expected him to lean against the nearest wall, with legs straight out behind him so his ass was pushed out and easy to reach.
One day, as he was toileting in the living room, dusting and vacuuming, she came home from shopping. As trained, he curried to her, fell to his knees, kissed her feet, and said “Welcome home, Madam, how may I serve you?”
“Just put these things away, and carry on with your work, slave.” She handed him several bags and he took them to the kitchen. Shortly after recovering work, she approached and barked the command “Inspection.” He immediately stood and assumed the Inspection position. She slowly walked around him, pausing behind him. Chuckling softly, she said: “That’s not surprising, slave, you are much in need of an ass reddening. I’ve been away for two hours, so that’s the first thing you should have asked for after your greeting just now.”
“I-I-I’m sorry, Madam, I wasn’t thinking. Please, I beg you to redden my ass.” His obvious disappoint and fear of punishment brought a smile to her lovely face.
“Well, then, fetch my crop and get into position. You just earned an extra 6 strokes for not asking for it as you should have.”
He fetched her crop from the hook where she kept it in the hallway, and returned to knee before her. He was careful to use proper form to avoid her ire. He bowed his head and offered the crop to her with arms raised and outstretched, as he had been trained.
To Serve, Part 6: Going Deeper
After a few months it became clear to Mike that Madam’s circle of Domme friends had influenced her thinking about their relationship. Madam began digging into the BDSM literature, Women’s history, and the psychology of domination and submission. Gradually, Madam’s interactions with Mike evolved towards deeper subjugation of his body and mind. Days designed as slave days became more frequent. She introduced new rules and routines that took him down into something like pure, total subservice. It started with the greeting ritual she began requiring when he arrived on slave days.
Mike had let himself in to her townhouse and, as trained, stripped and assumed the Present position in the foyer. He could hear her coming down the stairs. She stood before him, waiting for him to kiss her feet. He was surprised to see she was carrying her crop.
“Good morning, slave. I have decided to require you to learn a special ritual that You will perform when you arrive on slave days. The purpose is to get you into the right submissive frame of mind.”
“When you arrive, after you strip, you will stand here with eyes lowered until I come over and stand in front of you, like I am now.”
“Go ahead, do it.”
He quickly stood up and lowered his eyes.
“Now, first you will bow for 10 seconds. Bow from the wait with your back straight.” He obeyed. She lightly ran the tip of the crop over his back, calling attention to the importance of keeping it straight and flat.
“Good, now I will count to 10. You will count to yourself, this is just your training.” She counted slowly to 10.
“Next is the Worship position and it’s a bit stricter than what you’ve been doing so far. You knee, bow your forehead to the floor, and stretch your arms straight out in front, palms up. This you will also hold for 10 seconds.” He remained motionless, waiting for her command.
“Do it!” She said. He assumed the position. She corrected the placement of his arms with taps of the crop, then continued.
“Good, now the third and final part of the greeting ritual isWhat I call obesance. For this, you will lie down on the floor on your belly, arms at your side, and head on the floor, turned so that your left cheek is pressed flat on the floor. You will wait in the Obesance position until I release you.”
“Okay, try it.” He quickly dropped to the floor and turned his head so that his cheek was on the floor.
Suddenly, he felt the crop slash across his left thigh. He yelped in pain.
“Left cheese, slave, not right!” she yelled impatiently.
“Sorry, Madam, please be patient with me. Thank you for correcting me, Madam.”
She seemed satisfied. “Okay, let me see you perform the entire ritual. And you must count to yourself. Go!”
He proceeded to bow, careful to do so as she had Instructed. He counted to 10, then moved to the Worship position. After counting to 10, Mike fell to the floor and assumed the Obesance position.
She seemed pleased. “Very good, slave, now I want to see that greeting every time you arrive here on a slave day. You see how this greeting ritual takes you from a standing position to the lowest position possible, on the floor with your cheek directly resting on the floor. This will really help you get into the subservient frame of mind I expect to see from you on slave days. This ritual shows your acknowledgement of my superiority and your readinginess to submit and obey.”
Madam introduced a new command–“hunch” as a preface to an order, for example, “slave, hunt over here and refill my glass.” This required Mike to walk with his back hunted and head lowered, such that his head was lower than hers. Madam explained that the purpose of hunting was to remind him of his inferior position.
Madam introduced a “default place” where he was to go when “not in use.” She ordered him to “hunch” and follow her downstairs to the north corner of the basement. Mike had to knee with nose in the corner and hands claped behind his back. Most importantly, he was expected to connectHis collar to the chain anchored within easy reach on the wall three feet above the floor. Madam had kindly placed a soft mat on his kneeing spot. He was allowed to stand and walk to the end of 20-foot chain when in his default place more than a half hour. Madam wanted to make sure her property was not damaged in any way.
When Madam was unhappy with his attitude or performance, she sometimes ordered a “humbling.” This was accomplished in the downstairs powder room. There he was to knee in front of the toilet with his head deep in the bowl. He had to remain in that position, with his head just above the water level, until Madam saw fit to release him. Sometimes, for variety or because she was angry or in a bad mood, the “humbling” took the form of a severe dose of the paddle, crop, or penis whip on his cock and balls. When the humbling was finished, she required Mike to knee before her and recite a special “mantra of humility.”
Thank You Madam for helping me be a better slave
By improving my attitude and making me more humble
I beg for Your forgiveness and the chance to make amends
By demonstrating total humility, subservice and submission to Your will
Most significantly for Mike, Madam also took steps to tighten Her control when he was at home in the evenings or on rest days. She installed parental controls on his computer and cell phone, so she could monitor his online activity. He was of course forbidden to view any type of pornography or visit any sites related to bdsm or D/s.
Madam decided to introduce a very precise punishment ritual. She loved rituals!
“When I have to punish you, slave, I want it to be done right. That means that you understand why you’re being punished, it has to be a true punishment, and I want you to be truly grateful for the time and effort I put into helping you to become a better slave to serve me better. So, starting with the demerits you are discharging now, we will follow this sequence: first, I will tell you why you’re being punished and you will repeat the reason in your own words. Then I will apply the number of strokes you have earned. After each one, you will state the number, thank me, and then ask for the next one. Do you understand, slave?”
“Yes, Madam, I do, thank you” I replied.
“Good, so After the first stroke, what will you say?”
“Ah, I, um, ‘one, thank You, Madam, may I please have another’ I replied.
“Yes, that’s right. But I want to be sure to hear password in your voice. I want you to stress your gratitude and I want your request for the next stroke to be convincing. Is that clear, slave?”
“Oh, yes, Madam. It is very clear, thank you.”
“You can have practice with the 6 strokes of the crop you are getting now.”
With this, she pushed his head down and told him to stick his butt out more. She stood to his left and behind and swung hard to land the first stroke on his leftass cheek. It stung unmercifully.
The pain was clear in Mike’s voice as he carefully emphasized the words she was listening for: “One, thank You, Madam, may I please have another”
It continued this way until all 6 strokes had been delivered. As the pain increased, Mike’s voice became a bit hoarse and his words of thanks became more fervent and password. She smiled and seemed well pleased. She enjoyed his suffering for Her.
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