Would You Like it, If I did? 02
by Buster2U
Warning // Cuck Story // Warning // Cuck Story // Warning.
Please Don’t both Reading this story if you are just a
Tender Flower Pussy and this might
Construction worker and husband, Ted Williams with his Beautiful, and Exceptionally Busty wife, Mandy Williams relax at home. They have been married for about 6 years now. Mandy now has a beautiful newborn Black Baby Boy.
Mandy produces so much breast milk for her newborn, that she bottles and freezes almost a gallon extra, per day, after nurse her baby several times. Ted loves her milky breasts and encourages her milk production and storage of her breast milk.
Ted even bought a couple of used freezers, now in the garage, for more storage of her breast milk, and he is more than ready to get another, if necessary.
“Ted, do still love me, now that I have given birth to Devon’s black baby?” Mandy purrs, turning down the volume on the TV they were watching.
“Of course, I do, Mandy. You are the most beautiful and sexy wife any man could ever want.” I answered.
“Ted, doesn’t it both you, that our first baby is black and made by Devon with me and not you?” Mandy coos
“Not at all, my beautiful busty Bride. I loved watching your beautiful body change with your pregnancy. I am not a big jealous of Devon. You sleep with me every night. I don’t mind that you always come home to me with your beautiful pussy, filled with his spunk. It feels great on my cock.” I said.
“I am so happy, that you still enjoy your slippy seconds, Sweetheart. I need to talk more intimately with you. Let’s go to bed, for a little while. OK?” Mandy coos.
We got naked and get in bed. Mandy gave birth only about three months ago, but already her body has pretty much returned to her previous figure. Except Mandy’s breasts have increased by at least two cup sizes to my delight. But finding a large enough nursery bra has been another big challenge for her.
I assume my submission position, on my back, with my legs around my wife, who is sitting cross-legged. This puts my junk easily within her reach to touch me or hurt me, sexuality, in any way she desires.
“Sweetheart, I have to talk to you about some changes that we have to face. Devon wants more time with me and he is starting to get jealous of you being able to have sex with me, whenever you want. I am sorry, that I have to tell you, that we will probably have to go see my Nurse friend, Sarah.” Mandy said sadly.
“Why, will we have to do that, Sweetheart?” I ask naively.
“Truthfully, Ted, Devon’s, and my feelings for each other have grown a lot in the last year he and I have been making love, almost twice every day and night. I am sorry to say, that we have completely fallen in love with each other. But, I won’t ever leave you, because I still love you also. Before, Devon seemed to understand that, butnot so much anymore.” Mandy whispered.
“OK, so what does that mean?” I answered.
“He doesn’t want you enjoying my pussy anymore. I am sorry Sweetheart. I told him, that I could just ‘cut you off’ from my pussy and just give you blow jobs, but he won’t settle for that. He wants you to be changed forever so that you can never put your cock inside me ever again. Or for me to just move in with him, and be his completely forever. I’m sorry Ted.” Mandy cries softly.
“So, what do you want, Mandy?” I ask.
“I love you so much, Ted. I don’t ever want to lose you or leave you. But Devon is getting jealous of me sleeping in your bed every night. Really jealous. He demands that things change for you, or I will lose him completely, and I can’t live with that either.” Mandy whispers
Mandy is struggling my manhood, so sweetly and gently. I think I know where this is going. We haven’t been having that much sex for a while. The big ‘turn-on’ of me of getting ‘sloppy seconds’, still arouses me. But I guess her black lover doesn’t feel so generous, anymore.
“So, what are you trying to say, Mandy? Devon doesn’t want me capable of having sex with you, for you to be able to still sleep with me? So, what do you propose, Sweetheart? A cock cage?” I ask.
“I wish it could just be that. Let’s perform a little experiment, Honey. Turn over on your belly. Let me get some rubber gloves and some KY and see what happens.” says Mandy, with tears in her eyes.
I turn over onto my belly. Not sure what my wife is thinking, and I am sure not clear about what she wants. I can hear her voice is kind of shake like she is crying somewhat. If she is, I don’t have a clue, why she is.
“Ok, Sweetheart, put this towel under your cock, encase you orgasm. So we don’t make a mess on the bed. This is going to feel strange, but it should be pleasant in the end.” Mandy purrs.
“OK, Honey. Do whatever you want.” I just relax as My beautiful busty wife probes my ass with KY on her hand and fingers. I feel her fingers enter my ass and go deeper into me. Suddenly, “Wow” I exclaim. As she finds my sensitive prostate gland.
“Do you like that Honey?” My Sweetwife, asks.
“Yes, actually I do. That felt nice.” I answered.
“I’m going to see if I can make you come, from doing that. OK?” Mandy purrs
“OK, I am game,” I whispered.
Mandy continues her gentle massaging of my prostrate. Mandy is so gentle and loving, like everything else she does.
Suddenly, I feel my cock exploit in a wonderful orgasm.
“Oh, Honey, that was wonderful. I came so strongly.” I reported.
“So, I guess, it is possible for you to come without your cock, then.” Mandy smiled.
I wonder what she is talking about, pollers Ted. (Ted isn’t the smartest)
“Saturday, we are going to go see my Nurse friend, Sarah. She is going to make some changes down below. I am so sorry Honey. If you want to leave me, before you lose your manhood.I won’t blow you. I will give you a dividend and marry Devon if you prefer. This is just so hard to imagine, that this will have to be done to you.” Mandy weeps with regret.
“Mandy, I love you with all my heart and soul. I don’t want to lose you. I would rather Sarah took my manhood than never have you to hold in my arms every night, while we sleep. I tried to be a good Cuck, I really did. I let you have a black lover, as much as it really did hurt when I was lonely, and I knew you were at his house having sex with him.” I explained.
“If you want to be with him more, and less with me, It will hurt me, but I understand. I love you with all my heart and soul Mandy. I will never do anything to hurt you, disrespect you, or even fuck Some other woman. I love you with all my being. I will do whatever you want, and sacrifice anything for you.” I said.
Mandy broke down, sobbing worse than I have ever seen her cry before.
I sat up and put my arms around her. I had beenexpecting a slap to my balls but instead only got tears splashed on them.
“I am so sorry Ted, I never ever thought it would come to this. I am so sorry, my love. I never wanted you to be hurt. It was just all fun and games, with me fucking Devon, until recently he demanded that I castrate you completely, or move in with him completely. I am so sorry Ted. I never wanted to hurt you.” Mandy cried.
“Whatever you want Sweetheart. What time do we leave on Saturday to go see your girlfriend, Nurse Sarah?” I asked
“You would really sacrifice your balls and your cock, just so I could remain living in our house, and sleeping with you, Ted?” My wife asked unbelievingly.
“Of course, I would Sweetheart. There is only one of you, in the whole world. I don’t want to ever give you up. I was willing to share, to make your pussy happy. But I love you more than anything else in the whole world. I would sacrifice anything, for you, my love.” I whispered.
“Thank You, so muchTed. I love you with all my heart. We need to be there at 10 am Saturday morning. Sarah has the keys to the clinic and can open it up and use the facilities for us at no charge.” Mandy explained.
“OK, no problem. I guess I better get a good night’s sleep tonight so that I can be well rested in the morning for the operation, that Sarah is going to give me tomorrow.” I said calmly.
“Hold me please Ted, make me feel safe in your arms like always,” Mandy whispered.
The next morning, I get up bright and early like always. Head on into the kitchen to make fresh coffee to start our day. Mandy is still sleep looking like a beautiful busty angel. I expect little Devon, to wake up crying any minute, so I try to be as quiet as I can, so as not to wake him earlier than necessary.
While I wait for the coffee to brew, I take a shower and put on clean underwear. What a change it will be, after Sarah removes all traces of my manhood. LOL, That will certainly be different. I will miss making love with my very busty and very pretty wife. The intimacy, the loving warm touches. But giving all that up, is better than completely losing my wife.
They do that all the time to dogs and cats, how bad can it be? At least I will still get to hold my Mandy, every night.
“Good morning, my loving husband. Today is the day. I forget to mention, you will need to put on this sleeping mask to cover your eyes, the whole time we are gone. Sarah is doing this operation as a favor to me, for no charge.”
“But she realizes that if you could see her, or know where you could find her again, that you might want revenge later, someday, and sue her, for her taking every part of your manhood away. So you will have to put on a mask over your eyes, when you get in my car, and keep it on, until we return home. OK?” Mandy purrs so sweetly.
“Of course, my love. I don’t mind not seeing and watching my manhood being taken from me. It is fora good cause. So I can remain your husband and have the right to sleep with you every night.” I whisper.
“Well, it is about time to go now. Are you ready? Are you sure that you really want this, Ted? Really, really sure? Because it can’t ever be undone, ever. Once Sarah takes your cock, you won’t ever be able to have sex again.”
Mandy tried to smile, but I could see the tears in her eyes as I prepared to put my eye mask on.
“I am completely sure, my love. I love you with my entire being, with all my heart and soul. I tried to make you happy in every way. I even permitted you to have your very own, Big Black Cock love. I would do anything to keep you happy or keep you safe. I love you and can’t stand the thought of never seeing you again and never holding you again, as we sleep.” I said.
Mandy straps little Devon in his carrier and puts him in the back seat, she starts her car, and I put my seat belt on, then my eye mask on. She calls her lover to let him know what is going on, this morning.
“Hey Devon, I love you. We are on our way to see my Nurse friend. She is going to remove every part of his manhood. When she gets done, Ted will have to ‘sit down’ on the toilet, just to pee. Ted is only doing this so that I can continue to sleep with him every night. Are you happy now?” Mandy purrs.
I can’t hear the other end of the conversation, but I can just imagine how he is laughing at me.
“Oh, I am bringing little Devon, over right now, as an operating room is no place for a baby. I will pick him up after Ted’s Castration, on the way home. I will even bring Ted in with me afterward, so you can see that he will be completely bare between his legs forever. See you in a couple of minutes.” Mandy purrs.
I have my mask on, I can’t see a thing. Mandy had already put Little Devon in the back seat, and we are off to get me neutralized. I can hardly wait, I think sarcastically. So much for trying to be the best husband ever. LOL, I laugh to myself.
A few minutes and a couple of blocks later.
“Ok, Honey. we are at Devon’s. I will just be a moment to drop off little Devon. Be right back.” Mandy promises. gets out of the front driver’s seat, I can hear her opening the back seat door. She carries him away, and I can’t hear anything more.
I sit silently, It seems to be getting warm in the car, so I partially open my window. Minutes later, I thought I heard a scream. So I open the window all the way. Another scream, it sounds like Mandy! I quickly open the car door and run towards Devon’s front door. Of course, I have to lift my eye mask to see where I am going.
Then another louder, blood-curdling scream, that sounds like my loving wife. I rush to the door and it isn’t locked so I burst in quickly. Looking around little Devon is still in his car carrier sitting on the coffee table.
Another Scream! From down the hall. Mandy? I run down the hall as quickly as I can. Mandy’s blouse istorn. Devon seems to be trying to rip Mandy’s nipple rings out! That mother fucker!
“What are you doing, hurting my wife?! You piece of shit, lowlife, mother fucker!” I race over to my Mandy, grab this black asshole by the neck, pick him up, and I throw his head like a baseball, as hard as I can, away from my Mandy, as violently as I can. Unfortunately, for him, he hits the bedroom doorway frame, upside down, and drops on his head, breaking his neck, with a loud crunch.
“Are you OK, Sweetheart?” looking at all the blood coming from both her nipples. Let’s get something to stop the blood, and I rip my own t-shirt off and hold it to my wife’s previously beautiful and perfect breasts.
“What happened, Mandy?” I ask as I check Devon’s pulse, and can’t find it.
“Devon was pissed. He felt that I should remove my nipple rings, he wanted me full-time. He was pissed because you so easily gave up your entire package. He was just an asshole. So he began to rip out my nipple rings, just to hurt me. You arrived just in time to save me, from whatever he was going to rip out next. That Bastard just ruined both of my nipples, I am so sorry Honey.” Mandy cried.
“Well, he looks pretty dead to me. So we’re going to have to call the cops as embarrassing as it is. I think it is best to be truthful Honey. Let me use your phone, I left my phone at home, I didn’t think that I would need it, to be castrated, and wouldn’t be able to see it to use anyway, with my mask on.” I said.
Mandy just held my bloody t-shirt to her breasts, trying to stop the blood. I took her phone and called 911.
“Hello, 911? Yes, I need to report an accidental death, and we need an ambulance, my wife’s breasts have been damaged severely. I’m not sure of the address, let me look outside. Looks like 2119 Maryland Street. Yes, I will wait at the front door. please hurry. Thanks.” I said.
sirens……lights…… several black and whites show up taking over the street.
The cops arrived and started to ask questions. I showed my ID. Mandy tried to explain, showing them her ruined and torn nipples with her formerly big beautiful breasts, which are now covered with blood.
The Detectives showed up and asked almost all the same questions again. I had to admit that I was a cuck. I told them I had no problem with letting my wife have a black lover with a big cock. They looked at me Very strangely.
The EMTs arrived and bundled Mandy up to go to the emergency room. I asked if I could go with her. They didn’t seem to feel that I was a flight risk. So I followed behind the ambulance with little Devon.
I brought little Devon into the emergency room with me., and tried to find my wife. I went past a few curtained-off areas to find my beautiful wife, Very glum, Still topless and holding my white T-shirt to her breasts.
It seems there is a specialist that is on call, they are trying to get ahold of, him to save her nipples.
Mandy looks at me and starts balling her eyes out. “I am so sorry Ted, I am so so sorry. I never wanted any of this to happen. I am so so very sorry. I never wanted to fall in love with another man. I never thought he would get jealous and hurt me. You were willing to sacrifice everything to make me happy. Then when he got violent, you still came to my rescue, and picked him up and throw him to save me.” purrs Mandy.
“I love you so much, my loving husband. I will never have another love on the side. I don’t need anyone but you to satisfy me, and love me. I am sorry that my breasts are ruined and are going to be ugly now, with ripped-up nipples. I am sorry that I betrayed you, Sweetheart. How can you ever forgive me?” Mandy cries
“Who knows what ring or piercing he would have gone for next! Gee, what if he had gone for my Clitty ring! He could have ripped my clipty completely off! Oh, my goodness. What a slut I am. I am so sorry Ted. Please, please forgive me, Sweetheart. Thank Youfor saving your unworthy slut of a wife.” Mandy cries.
“I forgive you, Sweetheart. I will love you forever, and always be there for you. I promise with all my love and all my heart.” I whisper.
Suddenly and gray-headed doctor of about 60 years of age, come rushing into our little area.
“I heard that I was needed for an emergency. What is the problem folks? How can I help? I’m Doctor Jones. Doctor Barnaby Jones, Plastic Surgeon, I specialize in nipple issues. The only one like me in the state of California, or the western half of the country, actually.” the Doctor said.
Mandy describes what happened and slowly lowers my T-shirt to reveal the most beautiful breasts that the Doctor has ever seen! The bleeding has stopped her ripped nipples have clotted. The Doctor pulls an unusual-looking magnifying glass out of his pocket that has a ring of light with the magnifier lens in the middle.
“Oh, my goodness. It looks like it could have been a lot worse. not as bad as it could have been. Let me get you into the operating room, and see what we can do. I have a feeling that with a little ‘Micro-Surgery’ you will be able to nurse again by the time you have your next baby, without any problem.” Said Doctor Jones, the most famous nipple specialist in the country.
“Nurse, Prep Mrs. Williams for surgery, Stat, please.” Said, Doctor Jones.
“Please Mr. and Mrs. Williams, don’t worry about a thing. This operation is not the first one that I have done like this. Nipple rings get ripped out all the time, here in Silicon Valley. You would be amazed how many young women stick things throw their tender nipples. There is not a better facility on this side of the country, for this issue.” Said, Doctor Jones.
About that time a lovely young Nurse came in with a gurney to get my wife, Mandy, prepared for microsurgery, giving her a shot to make her sleepy, just after Mandy gets on the gurney.
“We are going to have to put you out all the way,in the operation room, I am sorry to say. That is the only way that you can be held completely still for this very delicate procedure for about 4 hours, which is what I expect. Mr. Williams, you might as well come back in four hours or wait for our call.
“Thank You, Doctor, I will go home and come back,” I said as I shake his hand.
“Mandy, don’t worry. I will still love you, however, this operation turn out!” I said as I kiss my wife good luck. She smiles sleepily, as the nurse wheels her away.
We go home. I put little Devon in his high chair and try to feed him some strained carrots and peas, I have no luck with that. I get a frozen bottle of breast milk from Mandy’s stash in the kitchen freezer and warm it up gently. When it is perfect, I lay him down in his critic and give him his bottle.
We both need rest from such a stressful day.
I sit down in my recliner, and the next thing I know, it is 6 hours later. The hospital is calling to say that my wife is out of surgery and doing fine. They are going to keep her overnight to keep an eye on her recovery.
I should just wait until the morning to come back to retrieve my wife after Doctor Barnaby Jones, give her the final check-up before they release her.
I get up early, as usual, Sunday morning. I make some coffee and then pray to The Good Lord to heal my wife and preserve her good health and our Marriage. I read the Bible for 30 minutes and hear little Devon making some noises and go in to change his diaper and warm some more milk for him.
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