Power Plays Ch. 05

Author’s note: A special thanks to Amanda who did such an excellent job editing this story for me quickly. If you like the story please feel free to leave some feedback by either voting or making a comment. Thank you.


The past 5 days had been an absolute blur at times and at other times had traveled so slowly that time felt as if it had stopped. It was now Wednesday morning and you had been in his service since, well Thursday night when he took you for the first time. Now lying in bed you revisited the past week. It had certainly been the most interesting, humiliating and amazing week of your life, and it still wasn’t over yet.

Friday night had been the poker party and your very first night with multiple partners. The idea of ​​being the main attention of a gang bang hand never been attractive to you before, but there with 4 men and their magnificent cocks how could you ever complain.

The following day you had shed up here to find that your privacy was a thing of the past. There were no doors on your room or the bathroom and anyone who passed by could see you or just plain walk in. Camille had done that just last night and sicken you so you could practice your oral skills with her again. Saturday had been your first time with a woman and Camille certainly knew what she was doing. Since then you had licked her to orgasm several times every day and again once or even twice at night. It made you proud when she called you a “great little pussy licker”. If he wanted you to lick pussy then you would certainly do it to the best of your ability.

Speaking of him…. He had made no qualms about taking you where and whenever he had wanted as well. His cock seemed to fit your body perfectly. It eased into your pussy and mouth as if it belonged there. Between him and Camille you were getting fucked 4 to 5 times a day not including blowjobs and licking Camille. They really were making you live up to your new name, Slut. At first the name put you off but now you aspired to be a true slut for him. The constant attention had you horny and wet almost the entire day. In the past 5 days the only thing you had hurt was heels and the occasional hair scrunchie or pair of stockings. They didn’t even have you in the wrist and ankle cuffs very often either, just a hours each day. There were even times now when you wished he’d restraint you before taking you and plunging his cock inside you. Somehow the inability to move had made you feel more connected to him as if he owned you completely body and soul.

Sliding off the silk sheet covering the bed, there was no need for one to cover you, and making your way to the bathroom you began what was becoming your normal routine. Shortly after sitting on the toilet you easily saw Camille enter the room. Today she was clad in a pair of black leather shorts and vest with a pair of matching leather boots. Her auburn colored hair was always a sharp contrast to whatever she wore.

“Goodmorning slut,” Camille says walking straight into the bathroom and checking her makeup in the mirror, “how did you sleep?” “Very well Camille,” you reply unable to take your eyes off her, “thank you.” “You wish you could wear clothes today too don’t you?” Camille asks as she looks down at you and smiles. “Yes,” you reply blushing, “I do Camille.” . “Soon you’ll be wearing clothes again,” she says as she walks towards you and stops in front of you, “but it certainly won’t be that boring stuff you are used to wearing!” “I’m looking forward to it Camille!” As you say this Camille begins to undo the 4 silver snaps on her skin tight vest revealing her bare breasts underneath. Stepping forward Camille straddles your lap and plops down on top of your thighs placing her breasts in front of your face. Using her hands to press them together her hard nipples jut out at you. “Make your mouth useful slut,” she says pressing her breasts further forward. “And don’t forget your hands too.”

WiWhat responding you open your mouth and begin to lick and suck Camille’s breasts the way you know she enjoys. Your hands also move up to Camille’s large breasts kneeling and squeezing them as your mouth moves from one to another. Her hands move behind your head and pull your mouth into her breasts tightly. Camille’s soft moans and the slow movement of her hips back and forth are all the encouragement you Need. Pinching and tweaking one nipple with your finger your teeth and tongue work the other one until Camille moans loudly. Finally her hands release your head and push you away but you still want more.

This week seems to be a week of you wanting more. You’ve never been this horny, not even before your period. Yesterday even though he fucked you so many times you Thought you would burst you still wanted more. A couple of those times you had a butt plug inserted and thought you might explode from feeling so full but still you wanted more. No matter how many times it wasn’t enoughh. You had gone from wanting to simply serve him to having a deep physical need to serve him. “Would you like to know what is in store today slut?” Camille asks as her hands move over your breasts. “Yes Camille please tell me!” There really couldn’t be much more. You had cleaned the house each of the past 5 days, washed his cars, mowed the expanding lawn, and tended to the garden. All of which was done in the nude. What tan lines you had were certainly not going to return after this week. “Today we began the final phase of your training,” Camille explains, “we will prepare you for Friday night’s big event.” You say as she squeezes your hard nipples in her fingers. “This has all been one plan all along slut,” she explains as she tugs each nipple one at a time, “and you will find it all out in 2 days.” “But Camille……” You say moaning deeply at her touch. “Soon enough slut,” she says quickly releasing your breasts and standing up in front of you again, “now, get into the shower and wash. It’s going to be a busy day.” You reply as you stand and walk to the glass shower. “Yes Camille.”

Stepping under the large showerhead and slowly bathing you can see Camille out of the corner of your eye. Some days Camille stands and watches your entire shower while others she only stays for a moment and then leaves. This would be one of the days she would stay longer. Being watched had never been something you thought would excite you but for some reason that had changed this past week as well. A lot of things had changed like that so it wasn’t really that strange. But Camille’s cryptic talk of what was to come had peaked your interest. “Are you horny slut?” Camille asks as she watches you hands linger around your breasts and pussy. “Yes Camille,” you reply quickly, “I’m always horny lately.” “If I allow you to play with yourself now,” Camille asks smiling wide, “you’ll still be horny later won’t you slut?” “Oh God yes Camille!” You reply eagerly. “A horny slut is a happy slutMs.” “Very good slut,” she says smiling even wider, “you can fix that now if you would like.” Camille’s words are rewarded with a large grin as both of hands move to your pussy. “Here slut,” Camille says as she steps forward and grasps the showerhead, “lean against the shower wall and spread yourself open so you can use this.”

Camille adjusts the showerhead and has a pulsating jet of water shooting directly at your clip. Leaning against the shower wall with one hand spreading yourself open the blasting water feels like a tongue licking you quickly. Your other hand pulls your breast to your mouth where you suck, nibble and lick your own nipple. The hot water on your pussy feels like a wonderful tongue and has you soon moaning loudly. Somewhere in the house you are sure he is watching you through one of the many cameras. Pulling your other breast to your mouth you try to suck and tease both with one hand while the other holds you open to your watery lover. You squeeze your legs together tightly and moan loudly as the jets of water lick you to a quick and large orgasm. “Did you enjoy that slut?” Camille asks as she adjusts the pulsating beam of water back to its normal spray. “Oh yes Camille,” you reply with a big grin, “I could sit under that all day.”

Your openness is also something new. You would never have considered being naked in front of anyone that wasn’t a doctor or your lover and here you were masturbating in front of another woman and openly talking about it! You had certainly never sucked your own breasts before Camille’s suggestions either. What a wonderful surprise that had been! “Good,” Camille says smiling and handing you a small towel, “I had one installed for you at your house.” “Oh thank you Camille!” The fact that Camille and whomever else had access to your house was no longer a concern. At this point you were only interested in pleasure them. He had stopped by your house earlier this week to pick up whatever clothes was needed for youThis week and now Camille had a new shower head installed. What other changes would be in store? None of that mattered right now, all that mattered was your desire to serve him and have him use you again and again. The simple though of his cock touching you aroused you as you dried yourself. “Come on now slut,” Camille says as she walks out of the bathroom, “I have things for you to do.”

Drying yourself quickly and hanging the small towel on the hook in the bathroom you dutifully follow Camille into the bedroom. As usual you pull your hair back the way he likes it and sat at the small table to apply some light makeup. As silly as it seems being allowed to put the makeup on feels like dressing up. As you finish the final touches Camille places a pair of black lace top stockings on the stool next to you as well as a pair of black 4″ heels. Over the past few days you finally became accustomed to wearing high heels and even though your feet still protected from time to time you enjoy the looks he gives you when you them. Camille leads you out of your room and down the back stairs to the kitchen where you help her make breakfast for him. “Camille,” you ask as you butter a piece of wheat toast, “may I please ask you a question?” “Yes,” she replies without looking up from the stove, “you can slut.” “What is your relationship,” you say trying to form your words correctly so it doesn’t seem out of place to ask, “with him?” “Are you asking if I am his girlfriend or wife slut?” She says turning to face you. “Well,” you say suddenly embarrassed, “yes.” Regretting your boldness you begin to wish you could take your words back. “That is if you don’t mind answering.” “I’ll answer your question slut,” she says approaching you, “but it will only lead to more questions.” You reply quietly as she nears you. “I don’t understand.” “He and I are not boyfriend and girlfriend,” Camille states evenly, “or husband and wife. In reality he and I have never been intimate. I am simply here to help him with you.” “You’re right as always Camille,” you say wishing you never dared to ask the question you’ve wanted to ask since meeting her, “it does only lead to more questions.” “No time for them now slut,” Camille says quickly turning back to the stove, “time to bring him his breakfast.”

As usual Camille sets the tray with his breakfast and morning paper. During the first few days this was a perilous trip with a number of cups of coffee not making it all the way to the bedroom in tact. After a few days practice and a number of spankings and harsh words from Camille the trip had become less of a problem. As you enter he is already sitting up in the bed. “Good morning slut.” He says not diverting his eyes from the TV news as you approach. “Good morning sir.” You reply begging inside for him to look at you. “Did you enjoy your shower this morning?” He asks as you put the tray next to him on the bed. This time he looks up into your eyes to see your reaction. “Yes,” yousay blushing deeply and trying to suppress a smile, “I did sir.” “Did you know I was watching?” He asks still looking into your eyes. “I did not know for sure Sir,” you reply feeling the all too familiar twenty between your legs, “but I was hoping that you were.” “That’s my good little slut,” He says with a wide smile, “now move the covers aside and put your mouth to good use.” “Yes sir!” You reply eagerly.

Two weeks ago blowjobs were the mundane task of giving a guy pleasure without receiving any yourself. For some reason an overwhelming sense of joy and pleasure filled your body when you were allowed to service him with your mouth. What had been the change? That was another question you were sure you shouldn’t ask even though you wanted to ask it. Why had you let him do this to you was still going through your head as you positioned yourself between his legs and cradled his large cock in your hands. His cock easily fit deep into your throat allowing you to press your nose against his pubic bone. You knew he enjoyed when you did that and always moaned the deepest when you did that while he came. As you licked and sucked his cock he began to talk to you and ask you questions. You knew you would not be able to stop pleasing him to answer so you timed your answers and made them short to keep him happy in every sense. “Did you enjoy yesterday when I fucked you with the plug in your ass slut?” He asked as he sipped his coffee. It had been the second time he had done it and the feelings had been so incredibly intense it was tough to stand at all afterwards even without heels on. Even now the idea sent chills down your spine and straight to your pussy. “Oh God yes sir!” was your short reply before gliding your tongue back down the shake of his stiff cock. “Now I know you trust me slut,” he said accepting a simple nod as you glided his cock in and out of your mouth sucking hard each time, “and I know you have questions, but I need for you to trust me for a few moredays and wait to ask them.” “Yes sir!” You mumble around his fat cock as you again plumge it deep into your throat. “We have a big party planned here Friday night,” He continues while beginning to wrap his hand in your pony tailed hair, “and you’ll find out everything then.”

As his hand grasps the base of your ponytail nearest your head you move your hands to the side of his hips and begin to suck hard with your mouth. His iron grip pushes his cock deep into your mouth as he quickly fucks your mouth. Opening your throat as best you can, He thrusts his cock in deep and holds it there. His cock swells and spasms in your mouth shooting his hot cum inside you. Pulling your head up he fills your mouth as well allowing you to taste his spunk. When he finally releases you hair you move up and press you breasts together near his cock. He milks the last few spurts of cum from his cock coating your breasts. While he returns to his breakfast you stand next to the bed and mass his cum into your breasts. “I so enjoy when you mark your territory sir!” You say giving each nip a bit of a pinch. “Just as a good slut should,” he says looking up and watching you massage your breasts, “now go tend to whatever chores Camille has for you, I’ll need the two of you in the office at 10.” Quickly backing out of the room you say, “Yes sir.” As you turn towards the door you notice in the mirror that he has finally looked up from the paper and is watching you walk out of the room his eyes leveled evenly at your ass. Naked or not you still blush at his attention and wait anxiously for him to touch you again. Once downstairs your more mundane duties of the day start. Tidying up around the large house would certainly go quicker if it were not for Camille. Camille often makes a point of calling you over several times during your chores to do simple things for her that she could probably do herself faster then waiting for you to curry over. Today is no exception. “Slut,” she calls out, “Come here now!” Entering the sitting room Camille is seated in a high backed chair doing a cross word puzzle. “Slut, I seem to have dropped my pencil,” her eyes never leave your face to see if you react, “Pick it up for me.” “Yes Camille,” you say smiling knowing you will pass this test easily, “I’d be happy to do it.” Dropping to your knees in front of her you pick up Camille’s pencil, which is no more than 2 inches from her foot, and hand it to her. “Thank you slut,” Camille says smiling, “while your there lick my boot.” Camille’s black leather boots are no stranger to your tongue as it drags across the top of her foot. She has enjoyed having you lick her boots several times. Even though she has returned to doing the crossword puzzle you know that she loves every second of it. Rewetting your tongue in your mouth you start again up and around her ankle knowing she will immediately correct and punish you if you have missed a spot. Half way up her shin Camille crosses her legs the other way and points to her left boot. “Do you enjoy licking my boots slut?” Camille asks with a condescending tone. “Oh yes Ms. Camille,” you say between licks, “I love doing whatever I can to please you.” “Including licking my pussy?” She says putting her crossword puzzle book aside. “Yes Ms. Camille,” you say as you feel the deep red blush coming to your face, “I never Thought I would but I really do love it now.” “Which would you rather lick slut,” She says with a wide smile, “my boots or my pussy.” “While I enjoy licking you boots Ms.,” you say knowing it’s the truth, “I love licking your beautiful pussy even more.” “Would you rather lick my pussy right now slut?” She asks smiling. “Oh yes Ms. can I please?” “Beg,” she says glaring down at you and uncrossing her legs but leaving her book so you can’t see her lower body, “beg to lick my pussy like he little slut you are or you’ll spend the rest of the day licking all of my shoes!” “Ms. Camille,” you say pleading holding your hands togetherer tightly, “may I please be allowed to lick you sweet, sacred pussy? I’d love nothing more then to use my tongue to bring you to a wonderful orgasm and please you deeply. Please Ms., I beg you! PLEASE!” “You’re a closet lesbo aren’t you slut?” Camille says laughing loudly. “Yes I am Camille!” you say in response, “I am a closet lesbian, a pussy licking, clip sucking, title squeezing, and nipple flicking lesbo! Now let me prove myself by allowing me to lick you to orgasm again and again!” “While that sounds like a wonderful idea,” he says from behind you, “we currently have other plans don’t we Camille.” “Yes we certainly do,” Camille says as she stands to reveal she’s wearing a stick on, “we do indeed.”

Sitting back on your heels Your face is even with Camille’s black strap on. It’s smaller than the 7 and 8″ ones she enjoys using on you but not much. This one is smooth and black and has you dripping already. For obvious reasons it’s impossible to take your eyes off of it. After the first day you weren’t sure if you would ever want to see another cock or even feel another inside you. By that point you had been penetrated so many times you completely lost count. Now the simple sight of a dildo or cock or even the bulge in his pants made you wet and left you wanting. If there were words to describe it you were certainly cock crazy!

Camille slowly ran her hand across your cheese as she walked over to the high benchmark across the room. Your eyes never leave her body and she saunters. As Camille lay on her back on the benchmark with her strap on sticking strait in the air you feel your body reacting. Your nipples get hard and your pussy gets even wetter just thinking of it being inside you. “You look horny slut,” he says watching your reaction, “are you?” “Oh yes Sir,” you reply not trying too hard to contain your excitement, “I am a very horny slut.” “And what do I always say about horny sluts?” He asks chuckling at your answer. “A horny slut is a happy slut Sir!” Youreply eagerly. “Well then go ahead slut,” he says pointing over at Camille, “and get on.”


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