Thanks again to Amanda for her quick editing job. This storyline has 2 more parts before I’ll move onto something else for a while. If you enjoy them please vote or leave comments. I read them and appreciate them as well. Thank you.
Friday started out completely different then any other day so far this week. For the first time since coming to the house no one had come in to wake You during the middle of the night to sit their sexual appeal. For the past two days both he and Camille had been making a big deal about Friday night’s party obviously this was part of the preparation for it.
“Oh my God,” you say looking at your alarm clock on the night stand, “I can’t believe how late it is!”
Taped to the side of your clock is a note:
When you are awake press the button under the
note and follow the instructions you are given.
“It certainly seems straight forward enough,” you say giggling to yourself and pressing the button.
No bell rings, no lights light and no buzzer blares, instead 2 women walk into the room. Both wear a pair of thigh high boots, wrist cuffs and bright red ball gags in their mouths. One hands you a note:
Please relax for now and join us in the bathroom in five minutes.
We will have everything prepared for you.
Dispite the fact that you have to pee you wait patiently for the five minutes to pass. The sound of running water and the smell of lavender emanate from the bathroom. When the time is up you slowly rise from the bed and enter the bathroom. Walking directly to the toilet, thankfully you had gotten used to peeing with an audience. Just as you finished drying yourself the two women escorted you to the tub. As they lean over you it’s impossible not to notice the small necklaces they wear with a thin titanium band hanging from the necklace. It looks very familiar but you don’t remember where you have seen it.
The tub is full of your favorite lavender bubblebath. The two women take you by the arms and help you step into the tub. The adventures of this past week have exhausted your body beyond belief. As you pussy and ass hit the hot water you wince slightly. Eventually the water has a soothing effect on your body. The water soothes your tired and sore muscles as you finally rest in the tub. Looking around you notice your razor is missing as well as your shampoo. As you turn to look to ask the women where they are you only catch a glimpse of them as they step out of the room. Suddenly you notice another note next to the tub.
We will be back after you have had time to relax.
Please do not move or he will be upset.
We are here to take care of you.
While you relax in the tub you realize it’s the first time This week you have been able to actually relax. Before you know it you close your eyes and fall back sleep.
At some point in time you reawake to the sight of the two women standing over the tub. You have no idea how long they have been there but now that they see you are awake they assist you out of the tub. Both of them use oversize plus towels to dry your body. They escort you to the sink and have you sit on a small padded stool. Each of them knees in front of you and begins to later your legs. Using the hot water in the sink and warm towels to clean and soothe your legs they begin to shake you.
“I guess When you said you were here to take care of me,” you say looking down at the two of them, “you really mean it.”
Neither woman lifts her eyes from their tasks. It’s then that you notice both of the women are wearing the same necklace. It’s a simple silver chain with a diamond pendant in an odd shape. You have seen that mark before but can’t seem to remember where. Your attendants spread Your legs further and shake your inner tigh and across your shaft. The act distracts you enough so you don’t consider the pendants any longer.
After shaving the rest of you each womanTakes a foot and paints your toenails a bright red color. When they finish you feet they move quickly to your hands making them match your freshly painted toes. Once again they depart the bathroom allowing you time for your extremes to dry. Despite the warm air in the bathroom you are tingling with excitement.
The two women enter again in unison and take your hands helping you up from the stool. One of the women lifts your arms above your head. When she let’s go you begin to lower them. She lifts them again and tries to mumble something through her gag.
“Do you want me to keep them up?” you ask quietly.
She immediately nods yes. As you stand there with your arms in the air the two attendants begin to run a lotion over your skin starting at your ankles and working up. They rubb the lotion everywhere on your body. Their slicked hands moving over your body excite you, soon your nipples are hard and your pussy is wet.
“Well it doesn’t take much to make me horny tThese days I guess.” You say out loud. You’re not sure but you believe one of the two attendants laugh behind their gag. “Oh good morning Camille.” You say watching Camille walk through the bedroom door.
Immediately you notice the two attendants have become more rigid and involved in their work. Obviously they had met Camille before as well.
“Good afternoon slut.” Camille says smiling as she enters the bathroom. “I trust you are being well taken care of?”
“Oh yes,” you reply eagerly, “They have been wonderful to me. Who are they?”
“You only have a few more hours and all of your questions will be answered,” Camille explains trying to dodge the question, “it will all be addressed soon won’t it girls?” The two attendants stand and without bringing their gaze higher than Camille’s feet nod in agreement. “Leave us now,” Camille says sharply, “But don’t go far your work is not done yet.” The two attendants nod again before currying out of the room. “The bath and the lotion will help make your skin soft and pleasant to touch; the bath obviously soothed your body and relaxed your muscles.” Camille explains in a soft tone allowing her hand to glide across your shoulders and breast bone, “The attendants will do your make-up and help you dress.”
“Dress for what Camille?” you ask leaning into her touch, “Please…” Your words are cut off as Camille firmly grabs your mouth and holds your face tightly in her hand.
“There is a party tonight slut,” Camille says in a semi hiss, “You will be serving hors d’oeuvres and drinks to a number of very, very important people.” Camille squeezes her hand on your jaw to emphasize her words. “That is all you will get to know right now.” Camille gently kisses your lips before releasing your face and walking out of the room.
As soon as Camille departs the two attendants walk quickly back into the room. Their understanding eyes meet yours. Obviously they had been on the receiving point of this treatmentat one point. The women move you back to the padded stool facing away from the mirror. As one begins to comb out your hair the other begins to apply your make-up. Seeing Camille has taken the light mood out of the room and the two women are all business. One applies eye shadow as the other begins to arrange your hair. For the first time in a week your hair will be in something other then a ponytail! You haven’t seen a clock since waking up this morning so you have no idea how long this process is taking.
“I can’t wait to see what you have done.” You say looking at the woman who has done your makeup. She smiles around her gag and nods while holding up one finger. “Will you both be done soon?” You ask trying to contain your excitement. Another nod yes is your reward.
Obviously with the special treatment being given today the party tonight is very big indeed. The hands on either should let you know it’s time to stand up.
“Oh my!” you say catching the first glimpse of yourselves in the mirror. “I look amazing, thank you both so much.”
Your hair is pulled back and up as if you were being dressed for a formal dinner and your make up, while a little darker then you normally wear it, is absolutely perfect. The attendants hold your trembling hands and smile at your excitement. Soon the two of them are motioning for you to follow them back into your bedroom.
“I can only imagine what I’ll be wearing.” You say as you exit the bathroom.
Your attendants smile wide behind their gags and motion for you to sit on the bed. One of them produces a pair of stockings and hands one of them to the other. They roll the black stockings before slipping them over your now dry toes. The stockings are soft and feel very silky against your freshly shamen and campered legs. The attendants take you by the hands and have you stand.
“I can’t wait to see the dress he’s picked out for me.” You say watching your attendants closely. For some reason the two of them laugh.
At this point one woman is clasping a garter belt around your wait while the other is clasping a front clasp black lace bra around your chest.
“Well at least it offers some support.” You say looking at the bra. The cups only hold the underside of your breasts with a small patch of satin and padding. The garter belt is matching black lace and is now fastened to your stocking tops. “…. and obviously panties won’t be an issue.”
“You don’t need panties.” Camille says walking into the bedroom. Camille carries something in her hands but she is blocking part of it with her body. “Now stand still while I put this on you.”
Camille then fastens a stiff belt around your waist.
“What is this Camille?” You ask looking down at your waist. Your view is then observed as a collar is slid over your head and locked into place. “Wait, what is going on?”
“Just relax slut,” Camille says fastening two chains to the collar, “it’s almost time to go downstairs.”
It was becoming obvious that this was not going to be a normal dinner party, as your hands were clapped behind your back. The attendants then place a pair of heels in front of your feet which you dutifully step into. Finally you are walking over to the full length mirror in the bedroom. The heels you are wearing have ankle straps with small brass locks securing them in place. With out panties and the cup-less bra leaves your body exposed to anyone’s touch and your having your hands secured behind your back leaves you unprotected. The leather collar around your neck has small rhinestones on it that spell out the word “SLUT”.
“Camille,” you say looking up and down at yourself in the mirror, “How many people will see me like this?”
“Only the important ones slut.” Camille says walking up behind you. “One last thing though.” Camille’s hands move around your body and cup your exposed breasts. Her hands move up your heavy breasts and begin to tug and release your nipples over and over again until they are both very hard. At the first tug your eyes close. “You do enjoy this don’t you?” Camille asks still tugging your nipples.
“Oh yes Camille,” you reply moaning softly, “I could orgasm from this.” As you start to moan louder Camille stops. “Oh don’t stop now Camille!” You say opening your eyes.
“I think you’ll really enjoy these, slut.” She says with a wicked smile on her face.
Suddenly you feel a dull pressure on both of your nipples. Your eyes instantly leave Camille’s and you notice the silver chain hanging just above the tray around your waist. At each end of the chain are small rubberized clips mounted on both nipples.
“Camille what ….” As you ask this Camille glides her fingerprintnail across the length of the chain sending a small victory into each nipple. The sensing stops you cold. “Oh my!” You say when she finally stops.
“Try walking with it now.” Camille says smiling even wider. Slowly walking around the room the chain dangling from your breasts begins to sway back and forth tugging gently at each nipple. It wasn’t enough to make you orgasm but it certainly made you even hornier. “Okay now slut, follow me.” Camille says guiding you out of the room, “and you two go downstairs and get to work.”
As you follow Camille down the hallway to the back steps the tugging at your nipples causes you to moan softly. Stepping down the stairs the chain tugs in a different direction eliciting new moans. By the time you enter the kitchen your pussy and inner thighs are soaked.
“Oh Camille,” you say desperately, “I don’t know how long I can take this!”
“Oh I can see your problem,” Camille says as her right hand slides between your tights, “Don’t worry about it for Now. There are at least 20 people looking for drinks and snacks out there, and you’re the only waitress!” The words made the color of your face drain completely. “You will do fine tonight,” She says softly stroking the insides of your thighs, “And you will love every minute of it, I promise!”
Camille’s fingers graze your pussy causing your body to shudder. Camille takes her finger and sucks your juice from it winding at you.
“What do I say?” You ask trembling, “And what do I do?”
“It’s very simple,” Camille says placing fluted champion glasses on the tray attached to your Waist, “Answer their questions openly and honestly, if they touch you or comment on your appearance thank them graciously, and keep them happy.” Camille turns you to face the doorway out of the kitchen; thankfully the swinging door has been latched open. “You are their property as of tonight,” Camille says making a final adjustment to your trays belt, “And they can and will do anything they want and you will enjoy it.”
“Yes Camille.” You say nervously willing your body to move forward. “Holy shit” You say under your breath as you exit the kitchen.
There is a very star contrast between the party guests and the servants.The guests are nicely dressed with the men in suits and the women in cocktail dresses while there are easily 25 women dressed the same way the attendants were who helped you get ready earlier stationed around the outside of the room. It’s easy to see who is in charge and who is property. It takes a considerable amount of concentration to walk without letting your fear overcome you.
“Good evening my dear,” a woman says taking a glass from your tray, “You do look lovely.”
“Thank you Ms.” You reply quietly before moving on to someone else.
“Oh my, would you look at her!” One woman says to her partner.
“She is quite stunning isn’t she?” He says looking your body up and down. “Such lovely long legs as well.”
“Thank you sir.” You reply softly.
“Oh and a spectacular backside as well.” She says as you turn away. Suddenly you feel her hand gently cup your naked butt. “So soft and firm,” She says squeezing it and making you jump slightly, “I’ll look forward to seeing it again.”
Thankfully you manage to not spill any of the champione. While continuing to walk around the room, and be commented on, there is no sign of him. John and Janice from earlier this week are here as is Greg the guy with the monster cock from the poker game. All of them smile and nod as they look you over. Finally the tray is empty and you proceed to walk back to the kitchen. At this point your nipples have become quite sore from the swinging chain dangling from them and the heels you are wearing are becoming uncomfortable very quickly. Although your disappoint you are still mind numbingly horny.
“Just in time,” Camille says as you enter the kitchen, “stop right there you’re about to go back out.”
“Can’t I sit for a second Camille please?” You ask desperately.
“Unless you want me to spank your ass red in the middle of that room I suggest you stop that while right now.” Camille hisses at you. “There’s something you need to understand,” She says placing hors d’oeuvres onto the tray, “He’s depending on you doing well tonight. If you do not he will be the one to suffer, not you or I, do you understand me?”
“Yes,” you say lowering your head, “But where is he?”
“He won’t be here until much later,” Camille says turning you back to the door you came in, “That’s all you need to know.”
“I understand Camille,” you say walking straight and tall out of the kitchen, “I’ll do my best.”
Entering the room it has become a much different scene. The attendants who had been standing motionless around the outside of the room are now mixed in with the party goers. It’s fairly obvious that this party will be turning into an orgy very soon as the attendants are touching both the men and women or touching each Other for the pleasure of them. The snacks go slowly as most people are concentrated on their own lust and not their appeal for anything else. Watching all of this happen around you does nothing to quell your horniness. As you walk back to the kitchen you stop to watch two of the attendants drop to their knees and begin to suck on one mans cock. The two of them work the large cock in and out of their mouths and rub his balls through his pants.
“Would you like to join them?” He asks looking into your eyes.
“I don’t know if it’s my place tonight sir.” You answer not knowing what else to say. He laughs heartily at your response.
“Well let’s see,” He says still giggling, “Your name is slut, your hands are locked behind your back, and anyone in this room could take you right now… I’d say it’s your place and you know it!”
“Yes sir,” you say blushing, “you are correct.”
“Now go get some more champione,” he says looking back down at the two attendants ravenously sucking his cock, “And maybe one day you can be one of these two.”
“Thank you sir” You say as you curry back to the kitchen.
“So what do you think?” Camille says smiling wide as you enter the kitchenn.
“My God Camille,” you reply breathlessly, “I’m so horny I feel like my pussy is on fire! It’s practically an orgy out there!”
“Not yet,” She replies laughing, “But soon it will be.”
“What!?!” you reply unable to hide your shock, “You can’t be serious.”
“Slut are you that naive?” She says walking up to you, “You’re About to enter a very exclusive membership.” As she speaks Camille is placing more items on the tray attached to you. “There’s nothing else like it in the world,” She continues, “And I know you’ll love it.” Her finger trails along the chain connecting your nipples sending subtle violations to them. “Are you enjoying the clips?” She asks smiling.
“Mmmmm,” you reply closing your eyes, “My nipples are so sore but that feels sooooo good!”
“I’ll bet you’re good and horny right now aren’t you slut?” She asks leaning closer to your face.
“Oh yes Camille,” you reply, “I can’t remember ever being this excited for this long in my life.”
“Time to head back out there.” She says turning you around again.
“But they barely wanted anything to eat the last time I was out there,” You say as you walk towards the door, “What makes you think they’ll want them now?”
“Oh they’ll want it slut.” She replies pointing at the tray.
The tray attached to your waist is covered with lubes and a number of various size dildos. By the time you look up again you are almost to the large room where everyone was gathered. What had started out as a quiet gathering has turned into a seeing mass of people lying across the floor, the clothes lies in piles around the room as the attendants are put to good use. In and around the bodies are the pillows that had been on the couches and other seats. They are now being used to prop up bodies and make them more accessible.
One person waves you over to them and take some lube from the tray. Watching in amazement he covers his hard cock with lube before thrusting it deep into theass of an attendant who is licking another woman. The scene is almost too much. As you make your way through the mass of bodies hands take objects from your tray but no one touches you. Finally you realize your hands are not claped behind your back to keep you from protecting yourself but to keep you from touching yourself. In desperation you squeeze your legs together trying to rub your neglected pussy as people orgasm around you.