Power Plays Ch. 03

Author’s note: As always I owe a debt of gratitude to Angel Love for not only editing this story but helping me become a better writer. You are a wonderful person Angel and a true friend. Thank you.


Your dreams that night were even more exciting than the previous evening but the incredible soreness between your legs prevented you from touching yourself. In Your dream you had been surrounded by six well-endowed men while The watched. While you still did not completely understand your desire to please and get acceptance from Him you did everything possible to garner His attention. Was that just in the dream or had it also now becomes your reality?

Trying to stretch in the bed the achievements of your body could be felt everywhere. After last night you had easily expected your jaw and pussy to ache. After all you had been with four men. Who wouldn’t be sore after that? Your neck, back and hips also achieved probably from the position that you were placed on the ottoman.It was a position not for your comfort but for the ease of exploiting your body fully. Sitting up slowly and leaning back on the large pillows something caught your eye on the night stand. It was a note. It must be from Him! As you reached for the note, you could feel your stromach jump at what it might say.


I have drawn you a bath to Help with your
aches and pains. Go and get in it.
I will be calling soon. You were wonderful last night.

Knowing that the “S” in the note was His pet name for you made you blush. Even now you were still amazed at how excited you became when He called you slut. If anyone else had ever called you that you would be incredibly upset but when He called you that it had a much different effect. The fact that He complimented you for last night and had taken the time to draw you a bath made the aches and pains this morning all the more worthwhile.

Slowly swinging your feet out of the bed and putting them on the soft rug madeYou realized it would be an effort to get to the bathroom. Moving your hands to your hips and then upper thighs, you winced a bit. Looking down you noticed a couple of bruises on each of your upper thighs. The bruises must have been from where the guys had grabbed your legs last night. Had it was Tony, Greg, Pete, or Bob and His monster cock? Still sitting on the bed, your body tingled at the thought of last night. Had anyone was wanted more than you had last night? What would today bring? Your body trembled at the thought.

Finally willing yourself off the bed and gingerly walking into the bathroom, you attempted to close the door behind you. It took a second for you to realize but there was no bathroom door. There wasn’t even hinges where a door would have been. It was Just a door frame. Shrugging it off the process of lowering your body onto the toilet seat began. It wasn’t until you were seated that you realized that the toilet could be viewed from not only the bedroom butthe bedroom door as well. As you looked harder there were not doors for the bedroom either. Anyone passing by in the hall would be able to see you from anywhere in the room! There were also several mirrors you hadn’t noticed before, obviously these had been placed in such a way that it would be impossible to gain any privacy.

Standing slowly and moving to the steaming tub it took even more effort than You thought it would to grap the side and lift one leg over the edge. The water was quite hot, but felt incredible against your skin. As you eased yourself further into the water the feeling of your muscles relaxing already made you feel even better. The hot water on your aching pussy made you jump at first but after a moment even that began to feel better. The tub was quite large and could easily fit two people. It was nestled into the side of the bathroom near a stand up shower with tile walls on two sides and no walls or even a door to close behind you. Looking to your left it was once again easy to see the hallway outside the bedroom as well as the bed in the mirrors. Obviously the complete lack of privacy would take some getting used to as would the phone next to the tub that just began to ring.

“Hello,” you answered tenatively.

“Good morning slut.” His voice on the phone was sure and confident as always.

“Good morning Sir,” you replied eagerly; even sitting up slightly in the tub as you addressed Him.

“Enjoying your bath?” The tone in His voice made you know He actually cared about your answer.

“Yes, very much so Sir.” Your heart warmed to Him even more knowing He cared so much about you. “But I do have a question if you don’t mind Sir.”

“Go ahead slut.” He had a chuckle in His voice as if He knew what you were about to ask. “Ask your question.”

“Sir,” you said trying to hide the hesitation in your voice, “there’s no door on the bathroom . . . ” His laughter stopped you from continuing.

“You are correct My little slut,” He said trying to contain His laughter, “as I said last night in the car you will be open and available to Me at all times. There is no door you can close to keep Me from you. Do you understand what that means?”

“Yes Sir.” You tried to sound confident but there was Hesitation in your voice, “Well . . . I think so Sir.”

“Let Me clear it up for you slut.” His tone was almost mocking, “You are Mine. I control you from now on. I own you in every way. The word ‘no’ has been removed from your vocabulary in reference to Me and My desires. If I want to take you I can and will anytime, anywhere, any way. Does that clear it up slut?”

“Yes Sir.” His words scared and excited you.

“Just to make sure,” He continued undaunted by your anxiety, “repeat after Me. I am Your property Sir, a simple fuck toy for You to use anyway You see fit.”

“I am your property Sir.” Your hands trembled as you repeated His words, “A simple fuck toy for You to use anyway You see fit.”

“Say it again slut.”

“I am Your property Sir.” Tears began to well up in your eyes as you continued, “A simple fuck toy for You to use anyway You see fit.”

“One more time slut so you can not deny it.”

“Yes Sir.” Even as tears streamed down your cheats the excitement still built in your body. “I am your property Sir, a simple fuck toy for You to use anyway You see fit.”

“Very nice.” His compliment could not stem the flow of tears but did add to your growing excitement. His power over you actually made this degradation turn you on even more. “To prove My point slut right now I am at your condo getting whatever I need for you. For the rest of the week you’ll be at my place.”

“A week Sir? I . . . I . . “

“Yes slut,” He continued the humor returning to His voice, “Right now your boss believes you are on a plane to Houston to My company’s Headquarters for a week long seminar. He will pay you while I get to fuck you!”

It was impossible toreply. How had He known you would be so willing to go out with Him? How had He became so confident that you would want to stay after He shared you with His friends last night? And what gave Him the right to go into your place and go through your stuff? How humiliating! How embarrassing! And oh how it made you even hornier!

“I’ve found some very interesting things While I’ve been here too slut,” He continued revealing in your embarrassment, “like what you keep in your night stand!”

You could feel the blood drain from your face turning you white as a ghost. Not even your closest girlfriends knew you had a dildo.

“And how often do you use this?” He must know how uncomfortable this made you and He loved it. “Come on now, be honest you horny little slut, how often do you let your friend here come out and play?”

“One or two times a week.” Your words were barely audible as your embarrassment consumed you.

“Just once or twice a week?” He knew that wasn’t exactly the truth, “Are you sure?”

“Depending on the week Sir.” You were sure He could hear you blushing over the phone.

“Later you can show Me slut and tell Me how often you really fuck yourself with this.” His confidence oozed through the phone. “I’ll be home in two hours. I’ll expect you to be kneeling at the front door waiting for Me.”

“Yes Sir.” The line was already dead. He had hung up before you could even reply.

If your body wasn’t trembling before it certainly was now. Your mind was racing and despite the fact that He really did seem to be in total control of your life right now it excited you more than you could ever have imagined. As if on instinct your right hand moved between your legs and despite the soreness of your pussy and clip you rubbed yourself slowly imagining what He would do with you for a week. The words He had you repeat echoed in your ears. Soon you were actually saying them again out loud as you rubbed your clipty quicker under the still warmwater.

“I’m His fuck toy,” you repeated over and over as you slipped one and then another finger into your pussy. “Oh GOD yes! I’m His fuck toyyyyyy!”

Collapsing back against the tub, you basked in the glow of your orgasm. Maybe this wasn’t going to be as bad as you thought and your fear was just silly. The simple fact was that being owned by Him was deep down What you had always wanted. You knew He was the prototype bad boy, or at least that’s what you had thought, but now you knew He was even more of a bad boy than you had imagined. The fear of giving Him full control of your body did still scar you but as your body trembled in an aftershock how could you deny what it really did to you?

Eventually you willed yourself out of the tub and wandered over to what appeared to be the linen closet. Normally looking for a bath towel wouldn’t seem to be that difficult. However, this was a different situation. The linen closet was actually mounted on the wall and upon opening the small door there was only one towel inside. Taking the towel in your hand and opening it you realized it was chosen for its obvious size. The small towel was more like a chamois made for the efficient removal of water and not for covering oneself. While it didn’t leave much for modesty it took no time at all to dry your body which after a nice long soak felt much better.

As you finally took the time to examine the bedroom, it was fairly obvious the entire space had been designed for one purpose. There weren’t any dressers in the room; any drawer that would contain clothes was built into the walls. The bed faced the hallway and sat on a boxed-in pedestal. Even the closet was doorless and the clothes could only be hung facing outward. The closet wasn’t even deep enough to stand inside. The only other furniture in the room was a simple night stand that had shelves instead of a drawer and a chair that was near the door which afforded whoever sat there a complete view of the room as well. There was no possible way to hide in this room.

A quick search of the drawers revealed that they were empty. Not even the metr clothing you wore last night could be located. It was obvious that clothing was not what He wanted you in today. As you stepped cautiously into the hallway you stopped and listened for any sounds that might mean you were not alone. After waiting a few minutes the urge to explore the house was overwhelming. Further down the well-appointed hallway was another room set up exactly like yours. By simply standing in the doorway and looking at the room and mirrors you could easily see the entire room and know it was empty. Between the two rooms but across the hall was a set of double doors which were locked. They must lead to His room. The thought of what was behind Those doors made the hair on the back of your neck stand on end.

Further down the hall towards the stairs was another bedroom but this one had a door. Opening the unlocked door andlooking inside the room, you are amazed that it was almost identical to the room you slept in last night with the exception of all the mirrors. This was the room He first took you to last night when you arrived. A quick peak through the drawers in this room proved them to be empty as well.

As you walked down the stairs to the front foyer, you became more aware of your nakedness. Would you be spending the entire week like this? To your left was the large living room where the poker game took place last night. It’s obvious that He enjoyed entertaining guests in that room. The room was complete with the poker table, a large couch and oversized chairs and the very familiar ottoman in front of a large flat screen TV. There were also a pool table and bar to the side.

Directly off this room was the gourmet kitchen you served drinks and snacks from last night. It’s not until you walked into the kitchen that you realized how hungry you were. You hadn’t actually eat food since yesterday afternoon. Taking a moment to toast and butter a bagel the slight ache in your jaw reminded you that even though you hadn’t eaten your mouth had been very busy. The kitchen also connected to an informal dining area over looking a large patio and backyard with an in ground pool. A high fence and well-manicured trees around the yard ensured privacy.

Grabbing another bagel before going back out to the foyer and exploring the rest of the house, the feeling of being watched added to your nervousness. Opposite the living room was a formal dining room with a large table and twelve chairs around it. There were no doors except the one leading you back into the foyer. Another look around the foyer revealed a hallway tucked away to the side of the stairs. At the end of the hallway was another door. Your hand trembled as you reached for the knob. Turning it slowly you’re amazed to find the door unlocked. For whatever reason entering this room sent chills up your spine but you found yourself unable to stop.

Opening the door fully and looking from just outside the doorway, the entire room sent your senses into overdrive. The room seemed to exude power. As it seemed to be His office, the reason was fairly clear. Taking one cautious step into the room, the hardwood floor was cool to your bare feet. Walking slowly towards the desk you noticed some other items there that you felt drawn to for some reason. Standing on the large Oriental rug that covered most of the floor it’s apparent that He knew you would find this room.

Sitting on top of the desk was a small wooden box with a note on the top.

S, You have been a very naught girl exploring My house as you have been. Open the box and follow the directions enclosed.

The urge to run filled your head but somehow you Couldn’t make your feet move. Running wasn’t really an option. You were sure He would know that you had been in that room. There’s nowhere in the house to hide really, you had no clothes.There were phones but who would you call? Slowly your hands reached for the box. Removing the fitted top from the box and looking inside at its velvet lined contents your stomach flipped inside your body.

Inside the box was a large remote control with a post-it note on top. The words on the post-it said simply, “press play.” As you dutifully followed the instructions on the remote you watched in amazement as the bookshelf across the room folded into the wall. Behind the bookshelf were a number of smaller TV screens surrounding one large forty-two inch screen. The small screens came to life first showing various rooms of the house including one pointed directly at the bed you slept in. The cameras would have easily followed you around the house. One of the twelve screens actually showed you now standing behind the desk holding the remote.

Finally the large screen came to life. The screen turned bright blue with large yellow lettering saying “press play.” Finding play on theremote, the image sent you falling back into the large leather seat. The image was pulled in tight on your cum covered body and while Bob’s face was not visible His body and His massive cock ramming in and out of your pussy was crystal clear. Suddenly the sound filled the room as well through eight hidden speakers. It’s your throaty voice on the broke of orgasm begging and pleading Bob to fuck you.

“OH MY FUCKING GOOOOOOOD!” Blared out of the speakers. “FUCK ME! Harder! HARDER!”

Sitting back in the chair tears again fell from your cheeks. You knew that He controlled you whether you wanted Him to or not. He’d obviously tapped everything you had done so far and know where you had been in His house. Pulling your knees into your chest, you were still amazed that despite your complete and utter submission that you were still sexually excited by it. Although all of your fears, all of your reservations and the shear humiliation of being videotaped as you had your pussy and parts of your body still craved Him.

“Bob fuck me!” Bellowed from the speakers. “Fuck me like the slut I am Bob! Fuck me hard and fast with that fat cock of yours! Fuck meeeeeeeee!”

As your eyes returned to the screen you watched as Bob and the rest of the men covered your body with hot cum. Even now hours after the fact you could feel the cum on your skin. The hot sticky and salty lust of those men felt as if it was showing your body right nthen as it had last night. Looking into the eyes of the woman on the screen you saw the desire, the wanton carnal greed visible there. Watching her rubbing the hot seed over her skin, something you didn’t even remember doing last night, you could feel her desire. As you watched her lick the juice from her fingers, you released your legs from your grap and stand again behind the desk. The voices of the men could be heard through the speakers, words that you did not hear last night, and while their words would not normally be considered complimentay there, in that place you felt a sense of pride at being called a “hot piece of ass.”

As the screen returned to blue you looked again into the small wooden box on the desk. Inside the box were four long leather cuffs with four small brass locks. Each cuff was labeled, two for your wrists and two for your ankles. Looking at the clock, you had completely lost track of time. He would be back soon and you must be at the door awaiting His arrival. Placing the cuffs snugly around your ankles and locking them in place you quickly waddle from the office while placing the cuffs onto your wrists. Looking around the foyer and selecting a spot on the carpet several feet before the door you took your position remembering to keep your legs slightly spread as He told you last night in the car.

Looking around there was no clock in the foyer. Slowly your knees began to ache and you wondered when He would return. The carpet offered little protection from the hard wood floor underneath. Soon you heard shoes walking across the floor. The steps were coming closer. Wanting to turn your head and see who was coming you were too afraid to look. Suddenly you turned white as you realized the shoes were actually a woman’s high heels!

“Don’t move you stupid slut,” hissed in your ears from the still unseen woman behind you. Her hands moved down your arms pulling them behind your back. “And don’t fight me, He’ll be home soon and you have to be ready!”

Hearing a sharp click behind your back, you tried to pull your arms forward. She had used the cuffs to lock your wrists behind your back. Your weak attempt to stand was met with her hands pushing you forcedly back to the floor.

“I said don’t move!” Her iron grip on your shoulders told you she meant business. “If you’re not ready when He walks through the door then both of us will be punished!”


“I said shut up!” Her voice is stern and her hot breath could be felt on your face. As scary as this was both of your nipples became rock hard and your pussy ached to be touched. Another two metallic clicks could be heard from behind you. “You have enough chain to walk but you must remember to take short steps,” she says lifting your left foot slightly, “Of course in these heels that shouldn’t be hard!” She laughed heartily as she slipped a pair of siletto heels onto your feet.


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