Power Plays Ch. 04

Authors Note: I can’t say enough about Angel Love for editing this and almost all of my stories. She’s a great editor and a great friend. Thanks Angel.

Entering the large chef’s kitchen behind Camille the thoughts running through your head had you almost panicking. The pounding of your heart can be heard in your ears as it feeds your brain. You are sure that Camille is Not making idle threats when she said that you would taste other women and would also be tasted by them. It’s not that you don’t find other women to be attractive but you certainly don’t consider yourself a bisexual. Is this all part of His plan? Is this what He desires for you? Group sex isn’t exactly what you have in mind as regular fun.

“Stand over there and don’t break anything,” Camille says pointing to a corner of the kitchen.

What exactly can you break? Your hands are bound at the wrists behind your back, your legs are bound at the ankles and you have a red rubber ball in your mouth! Stand helpless in the corner all you can do is watch Camille prepare lunch and think about what is in store for you over the next week. It doesn’t take long for you to start shifting on your aching feet. You were never one to wear high heels and certainly not the four inch ones like you have on now.

“Something wrong slut?” Camille asks giving your body another through once over with her eyes, “Are your heels bugging you?”

Casting your eyes downward you nod yes. The fact of the matter was your toes are getting crushed into the front of the shoes and your ankles and calves ache as never before.

“Soon you’ll get used to them,” Camille explains, “but I can offer you a way to take them off for now.”

Instantly you begin to move to step out of them. “WAIT!” Camille hisses quickly approaching you, “I didn’t tell you to take them off yet!”

Camille’s body presses against yours so hard she pushes you against the cold wall behind you. Once again you can feel her breath on your lips. “I said I would offer you a way out of them.”

Camille’s hands land softly on your bare hips and begin to glide up toward your breasts. As much as being touched by her is against your wishes it’s hard not to enjoy it.

“After watching you in the foyer,” Camille says as her hands cup your breasts, “I couldn’t help but get excited.” Instinctively your eyes close and you moan softly as Camille squeezes and lifts your breasts. “All you have to do slut,” Camille says with a wide grin on her face, “is lick my pussy.”

The startedled look on your face makes Camille laugh loudly. Although her laughter she never stops toying with your breasts and is now rubbing her thumbs around each hard nipple. “Why so shocked slut?” Camille asks Between laughs, “I told you that you would have to service my needs as well, so why not now?” Camille reaches up with her hands and pulls the gag from your mouth leaving it dangling around your neck.

“But Camille,” you plead, “I’venever done that before!”

“You do want out of those heels don’t you?” Camille asks returning her attention to your breasts.

“Well yes of course but …” Your pleasure is becoming weaker as your thoughts are distracted by her fingers on your nipples. “Oh that feels so good.”

“I know about pleasure slut,” Camille says lowering her mouth to your left breast, “and I know those heels are oh so painful right now.”

She’s right. Standing there your little toes have already fallen numb. With her tonguecircling your nipple and her teeth nibbling it staying strong and not giving into her will be impossible. Camille’s left hand on your right breast isn’t helping either as she tugs your nipple making it spring back each time.

“Oh my God!” you moan softly, “okay, I’ll do it Camille.” As the words pass your lips you can feel your stomach turning and know that once again you have given in.

“Good!” Camille stands up and turnes away quickly flicking your face with herlong red ponytail.

Standing there with your nipples yearning to be touched more and as horny as ever you wonder if it would be worth it. You watch as Camille’s hands move slowly across her leather clad butt and slowly pull the zipper down. As she lowers the tight skirt over her hips you notice that she was not as pale as most red heads and lacks tan lines. Camille steps out of her dress revealing a pair of lace top stockings and a small lace thong. Seeing you watching her Camille slowly unbuttons her blouse revealing a black satin and lace demi bra that barely contains her C cup breasts. Her body is fit and toned like an athlete and somehow makes you desire her more.

“Do you like what you see?” Camille asks as she slowly pushes her thong over her shapely hips. All you can do is nod yes. Camille steps out of her thong and approaches you. As she holds it up you can smell her musk. She presses the thong against your lips. “Do you smell me slut?” She asks holding the thong under your nose.

“Yes,” you answer quietly embarrassed to admit that it excites you as it does.

“Do you feel how wet they are?” She asks pressing them harder against your lips.

“Yes,” you answer trying to keep your lips close together for fear she will push them into your mouth.

“You can resist now slut,” Camille laughs pulling the thong away from your mouth, “but soon my scent alone will make you wet.”

Camille turns and walks away leaving you weak. Every part of your body says run, every part that is except for your pussy which is throbbing and wet again. It is impossible to take your eyes off Camille as she gets a towel and neighborly folds it before placing it on the floor.

“Come over here slut,” Camille says as she hops up on the butcher block in the center of the kitchen, “your tongue isn’t that long.”

The throbbing in your feet seems a distant memory as you approach Camille. She positions herself on the butcher block and spreads her legs wide opn revealing a fire red strip of hair above her pussy. Still it is difficult to stand close to her. Leaning forward Camille’s right hand slowly grasps the gag hanging around your neck and she uses it to pull you closer to her. When she stops your thighs are pressed against the butcher block and her legs. The heat of her pussy against your body is undeniable. Camille pulls your mouth closer to hers.

“Remember slut,” She says with her lips gently grazing yours, “you’re not allowed to close your mouth. Your lips should be parted at all times.” Slowly parting your lips your eyes remain locked on hers. Camille’s tongue slowly moves over your lips coating them with her saliva.

“Very nice slut,” Camille whispers softy.

Camille’s hands move quickly gripping the sides and back of your head as she plugs her tongue into your mouth. You don’t have time to react and with your hands bound you are unable to push her back. Her legs lock around yours as she pulls you into her body. YOur entire body tenses at her invasion which now seems to be happening in slow motion. Her body seems to be enveloping yours and then you realize that you are actually kissing her back! Her tongue and yours dance like old lovers while the rest of your body tries to rebel. Your rebellion is short lived. Camille’s hands release your head but still you keep kissing her. Once again your body is left unprotected to her touch. Her fingers move over your breasts, back, ass and pussy. They seem to be everywhere at once. Your kiss doesn’t even break as you moan deeply into her mouth.

“You are one hell of a kisser slut,” Camille says pulling away leaving you wanting more, “I can’t wait to see how well your tongue works elsewhere.”

Camille’s hands slowly move up your body and come to rest on your shoulders. Using the pressure of her hands on your shoulders Camille soon positions you in front of her breasts. Her hands slowly move from your shoulders to the small clasp in the front of her bra.

“That’s a good little slut,” Camille coos, “You know you want to suck on them.” Her hands guide your head into place until your mouth is over her left breast. “Don’t stop now.” Your lips part slowly as you push your tongue forward barely touching her hard nipple. Camille’s hands force your mouth onto her breast. “That’s it slut, suck on it hard.”

Following Her instructions you begin to suck hard on Camille’s breast as your hands strain on your cuffs. You begin to feel light headed as she smoothers you with her title.

“Now the other one,” Camille says as she moves your head from one to the other.

And Camille pulls your mouth in hard to her chest almost smoothing you. Bent over in this position your entire body achieves. Finally Camille releases your head. Attempting to straighten your body Camille pushes you further down.

“I’ve folded a towel for you to knee on,” She says smiling at you, “and don’t forget to take off your shoes.”

Camille slowlyleans back allowing you better access to her pussy. Her smell is intoxicating but your reservations start anew. You are about to have sex with another woman. This isn’t what you’ve bargained for in the slightest. Her hand moves to the top and then the back of your head until she is guiding your mouth to her. Once again your world moves in slow motion until your tongue is moving over Camille’s wet pussy.

“That’s it slut,” Camille says softly, “slip your tongue in and out of my pussy.”

Camille pulls your head in tighter to her body allowing your tongue to penetrate her deeper.

“Now make me cum,” Camille instructions lifting your head slightly to position your tongue against her clip.

Slowly your tongue moves over her clip. Her instructions begin to fade into the background until they finally turn to moans. What seemed so wrong only a short time ago now feels amazing. You finally feel some control, the first bit of control you have had in the past few days. Only yourtongue can bring her pleasure right now. This small feeling of power reignites your password and desire. Suddenly all of your concentration and every one of your efforts is directed into licking Camille to orgasm. The feeling of her feet and legs on your back and arms only work to encourage you more. Looking up you can easily see the pleasure on Camille’s face and the excitement in her hands on her own breasts.

“Oh yes slut!” She says looking down at you. “You certainly know how to make a woman happy! The other women will just love you!”

Camille’s right hand moves behind your head holding it tightly against her clip. With a loud moan she begins to orgasm. Her sweet juice flows from her body and coats your mouth and lips. Soon you are sucking it from her body as if your very life depends on getting it all. Camille’s hips move up and down as you suck her into your mouth. Slowly her body returns to normal and she leans back on her elbows looking down at you.

“That’s enough for now my little slut.” Camille says pushing your head back. “I still have to get lunch ready. Moving off the butcher block, Camille allows her pussy to linger in front of your face. “You forget to take your shoes of,” She says laughing. “Too late for that now, stand up.”

As you stand the pain in your feet and ankles returns. Why hadn’t you remembered to remove them! They were all you could think about twenty minutes ago.

“Did you enjoy that?” Camille asks as she approaches you with an odd looking tray.

“Yes I did Camille,” you say trying to hide your embarrassment.

“Don’t be embarrassed slut,” She says fasting a belt tightly around your waist, “you’ve got lots of pussy licking in front of you!”

“If I might ask Camille,” you whisper, “what do you mean when you say that?”

“Oh I don’t want to ruin the surprise slut,” Camille says as she pulls the gag from your neck and presses it firmly between your lips, “he’ll tell you all about it when you bring him lunch.” Camille then fastens two small chains from the tray to a collar she places around your neck. “One last thing,” She says turning around, “have you see one of these before?” Camille holds up a bright red but oddly shaped dildo. “This is a butt plug. It’s not just your pussy and your mouth that they will want!” The look of shock on your face makes Camille laugh loudly. “Just bend over the counter and relax.” Camille’s hands on your back made sure you know it is an order and not a request. “Spread your legs to the length of the chain.”

Knowing it is pointless to resist you follow her instructions and spread your legs. Leaning helpless over the counter you watch as Camille puts on a rubber glove and lubes her finger. Trying to relax and closing your eyes doesn’t seem to help. The coolness of the lube and the pressure of Camille’s fingerprint cause you to tense.

“Just relax,” Camille whispers.

Her other hand begins to slowly masse your pussy as her fingerprint worksslowly in and out of your ass. You try to suppress a moan but you are sure she hears you.

“Soon you’ll learn to love this slut!” She says inserting a finger into your pussy. “Just wait until this is two cocks!” The thought makes you gasp as much as her fingers moving together in and out of your body. “Take a deep breath,” She instructs. The pressure of the plug against your ass causes you to tense again. “Now exhaust.”

Blowing out hard through your nose the plug begins to slide inside you. Camille uses enough lube that no matter how hard you clnch it keeps moving inward. As the plug gets further inside you the base gets thicker and thicker until it starts to stretch your virgin opening. Just when you feel as if you cannot take it stretching you any more the bulb shaped base tapes quickly. Your sphincter sucks the plug into your body as it tightens again.

“Do you feel that slut?” Camille asks using the finger inside your pussy to rub up against the plug.

Completely unable to even nod the sensing is amazing and has you standing up on your toes despite the pain in your feet. The gag turns your moans to more of a grunt as Camille slips in a second finger and pushes on the plug with her thumb. Your entire body trembles as you cum hard against her hand.

“I guess you did feel that then,” Camille laughs removing her fingers from your pussy.

Panting you are unable to stand and remain laying against the counter while Camille plates the food for him. Your skin tingles while your breathing slowly returns to normal. Out of the corner of your eye you can see Camille approaching. She is still only wearing her stockings and her swinging breasts are mesmerizing.

“Okay,” Camille says spanking your butt hard, “time to stand up.”

The sting of Camille’s hand snaps you out of your day dream. You stand slowly attempting to adjust to the plug and putting pressure back on your aching feet. Maybe he will allow you to take off your shoes. Camille then places a bowl of soup, a plate, silverware and a glass of juice on the tray attached to your body.

“Don’t look down at the food,” Camille says calmly, “just walk with even steps.”

Camille’s instructions sound easy enough but accomplishing them is a completely different matter. Taking slow steps in the five inch heels is simple given the chain connecting your ankle cuffs but given how long you have been wearing them and the plug it takes a new level of concentration. By the time you reach the foyer tears are steaming down your cheeks from the pain in your feet, ankles and knees. Each step is like putting your bare foot onto a floor of tacks. Finally the door to his office is in sight. Thank God the door is open! Walking in you can see yourself and Camille on the big screen in the middle. The sight of you excitedly licking another woman is there in full wide screen glory.

“Come over here with that,” He says not lifting his eyes from the TV.

Walking next to him, you stand there unable to do anything else. Finally he reaches up and take his food from the tray.

“Are you okay?” He asks looking into your eyes.

Dispite yourself you nod yes hoping not to disappoint him while tears still stream down your face.

“Take off your shoes and turn around,” He says with a tone of concern as he unclasps your wrists, “now sit over there on that couch.”

Walking for the first time in hours on your bare feet, it’s hard to suppress the sight of relief. As you turn to sit, you notice that he has not taken his eyes off your naked body. You blush at his attention. Remembering the rules you’re able to resist the urge to cross your legs and sit with your knees several inches apart. His eyes never seem to leave your body while you find it impossible to look into his.

“Now you’re probably wondering what is in store for you,” He says putting his glass back down. Silently you nod yes. “First you must understand that very few women are seleded for this,” he explains, “you have to meet certain criteria to be chosen. It’s an honor to be here. I hope you understand that.”

His words are hard to concentrate on as your entire body aches. Also no matter how you sit the plug in your ass seems to make it comfortable only for a moment. Besides that the pressure it puts inside you is keeping your pussy dripping.

“As I said you are expected to be available to me and Camille as well as our friends.” His words send shields up your spine. “I see that Camille has already gotten you a taste of being with a woman and informed you that I, well we all, expect access to your entire body.”

His words terrify and excite you. “Besides you are expected to do the normal household chores here as well. Do you understand your place here this week slut?” With your eyes still downcast you nod slowly in acceptance.

“Remove your gag and tell me your place.”

Your hands tremble as they reach and pul the gag out of your mouh.

“I am to be an object for use by anyone you so choose Sir. I am to remain available to them in every way until you say differently.” Your voice trembles and cracks as you whisper the words he wants to hear. Your eyes never leave him as he approaches you.

“Lie back slut,” He says with a soothing voice, “this will help.” He produces a small white jar and unscrews the cap slowly. “Spread your legs wider,” He instructs softly.

Laying there on the oversized leather couch you can’t help but look up at him in awe. He is a handsome man that still holds amazing attention to you even though you have no understanding of why. His hand moves down to your pussy with some of the white cream on his fingers. It’s cool to the touch and very soothing.

“This will help,” He says rubbing the cream into and around your pussy, “I’m sure you haven’t been screwed like you have been over the past few days.”

“No Sir,” you answer softly trying not to blush.

“Also,” He cotinues, “in the mornings stretch your calm muscles; it will help with the heels.”

“Thank you Sir,” you reply sheepishly wondering how he could know such a thing.

“Now why don’t you take a nap,” He says propping a pillow up on the arm of the couch, “I have a meeting I must attend to and you have a long week ahead of you.”

Even though you don’t feel tired at all shortly after placing your head on the pillow you feel yourself dozing off. The soft leather of the couch seems to envelop you and make it even easier to fall asleep. Thankfully the room is warm enough that you don’t need a blanket, not that you would have gotten one anyway, and the thought that he is able to look at you anytime he wants excitings you. For some reason you have the Feeling that you will be excited a lot during the course of this week. Of course your dreams are filled with thoughts of him but for the first time you are bound and obviously loving it. The reality is amazing and you can actually feelhim touching you. Even the voices in the background seem to be real. Suddenly realizing the voices are not part of the dream makes you quickly open your eyes and sit up. Staring back at you are the eyes of two strangers sitting in the chairs in front of the desk. Half panicking you looked until you can see him. For some reason his still being there makes it reassuring.


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