Author’s note: I actually read a story with this story line about 6 – 7 years ago which I used for this idea. Without being able to go back and check the original story I did do my best to try to make this one my own. Thanks Karen for the editing.
The rest of the evening had been an absolute blur. Somehow you had managed to get your clothes in some semblance of order as well as safely drive home. You had experienced a rollercoaster of emotions that had led to several crying fits as well as two massive orgasms. It had taken some time but finally you were able to fall asleep. The wave of emotions began again the next day as you found yourself waking up with your hand between your legs.
Work wasn’t much of a break for you either. By simply squeezing your thighs together Your pussy would tingle and ache slightly. Plus there was the fear of not knowing what tonight would bring! Could you go through with it? Would you? You had gone without panties before but never uponrequest. It wasn’t really a request as it was, it was an order he had given to his property.
The minutes at home seemed to crawl by slowly. Knowing better you waited by the front window with your heels on the floor next to you wearing only the dress and bra as he had stated. Your heart skipped a beat as his car appeared in front of your house. It became apparent that he was not coming to the door to get you and dutifully you headed outside after slipping into your shoes. As you approached the car he rolled down the passenger side window.
“Stop there.” He said evenly. Immediately you stopped in your tracks and looked around. Yours was a relatively quiet neighborhood but somehow you felt as if every window of every house had a person looking out at you. “Are you dressed properly?”
“Yes Sir.” You replied nervously adjusting your dress with your hands.
“Show me.” He commanded. Slowly your hands moved down to open the two folds that made up the slit to your dress. “No,” he said in a stern voice, “unbutton your dress and hold it open.”
Your hands trembled as you began to unbutton your dress while your eyes looked in every direction for someone who might see. Finally with your dress undone and your eyes closed you held it open for his inspection. Feeling the cool night air on your body made you tremble as much as the fear of being seen. Your breasts practically spilled out of the black lace bra you wore. The bra was the right size, 38C, but the cups always seemed a bit too small for the built in pads and made you feel as if you were constantly falling out of it. The satisfaction of the bra made up only the bottom of the cup as well as the straws but your hard nipples were easily seen through the lace.
“Very nice.” He said with an obvious smile in his voice. “Now get in.” As you began to walk to his car you instinctively pulled the dress closed again. “Oh no, leave the dress how it is and just get in.”
“Yes Sir.” Was your quiet reply. Sitting in his low car your dress fall off your legs and pulled of your torso leaving you open to anyone’s view.
“Keep your legs apart.” He said placing his hand between your thighs and pushing them apart. “I want you open and available to me all the time. If your legs are close together then your not available, are you?”
“No Sir.” You said looking down at your uncovered body as he began to drive off. The street lights seemed to act more like spotlights against your bare flesh as he wove through traffic. The idea of being seen was scary in itself and kept you from wondering what your evening would bring. Slowly you could feel his hand creep up your thigh until he reached your pussy. Amazingly you had been wet all day and you moaned softly as his fingers began to work your pussy. Following his direction you leaned you seat back to allow him better access and soon his fingers were sliding in and out of your steaming pussy as he drove. The street lights and traffic became even more of a blur as you orgasmed. No sooner had your body stopped throbbing when the press of his wet fingers was felt against your lips.
“Clean my fingers off.” He said not even bothering to take his eyes off the road. Dutifully you opened your mouth and greedily sucked his fingers. While the idea of tasting yourself had never been out of the realm of possibilities doing it now, like this, was an incredibly exciting. So excited in fact you didn’t even realize the car came to a stop. Pulling his fingers from your mouth he stepped out of the car without saying a word and headed to the front door of a large house.
Exiting the car quickly you are able to catch him up with him at the front door and eagerly followed him inside. The front door opened to a lovely Victorian foyer making you feel relatively small in comparison. Taking you by the hand he leads you upstairs without uttering a word. The idea of actually being allowed to have sex in a bed instead of pinned against a car hasgreat appeal after last night. The thought of last night has your body tingling all over again.
“Take off your dress.” He says escorting you into a large bedroom. Quietly slipping your dress off your shoulders and drawing it over a neary chair you stand before him shaking. “Kneel down.” His commands are just that and seem almost devoid of emotion as he walks towards you. Removing his semi hard cock from his pants he slowly waves it in front of your face until you take it into your mouth. “Now listen carefully and don’t stop what you’re doing.” You don’t even both too nod. Somehow being in this position, mostly naked, having no idea where you are, in a house with a man who somehow holds your innovation, feeling powerless as he controls you in every way is more exciting then you could ever imagine. “Tonight I am having a poker game with some very close friends and important clients.” He says as he slips a hand behind your head gently pressing you deeper on his now hard cock. “You will be responsible for getting us drinks and snacks throughout the night. I have what I expect you to wear along with your bra laid out over on the bed.” The force of his hand now increases the pace and pushes his cock still deeper into your mouth. “You are not allowed to speak unless you are saying ‘thank you Sir’ or ‘yes Sir’. This is a very important night for me and I can not have you embarrassing me.” His soft moan and tensing body tell you that he is close. “I don’t care what they say or what they do,” He continues grunting slightly, “you are only here to wait on them and enter them.” Suddenly his hands lock on your head forcing his cock deep inside your mouth. Your hands reach up to his hips and try to press him away slightly as the first hot spurts of cum shot deep into your throat.
The feeling of powerlessness takes over and your hands move quickly behind his body and pull him into you even further. Your body has again taken over and the incredible need you have him degrade and use you is overwhelming. Swallowing his cum you not only feel the physical warmth of it but an emotional warmth as well. The need is so overwhelming you continue sucking and milking his cock until you are sure you have you have gotten it all.
Releasing your head and finally backing away from you he looks into your eyes with his piercing blue gaze. His eyes are almost overpowering and seem to invade your very essence. “Remember what I said.” He reminds you as he straightens his pants. “Very important people who are allowed whatever they wish.”
“Yes Sir.” You reply the last words of his sentence make the hair on the back of your neck stand on end. Whatever could that mean? Upon hearing the door to the bedroom close you quickly stand and move to the bed.
“They’ll be Here soon and I need you in the kitchen now.” He calls up to you from the foyer. Grabbing the two bags and shoe box you quickly kick off your own painful heels and run down the stairs to thekitchen. The last thing you want to do on such an important night is disappoint him! Once in the kitchen you set the bags on the table and remove the items. It becomes much more obvious as you look at them what he means by allowing his friends to do whatever they wish. Pulling out a kitchen chair you resign yourself to this fate and slide the first black lace top stocking up your leg. The lace details matches your bra nicely and even as tears form in the corners of your eyes you still think of how hot you will look for him.
With the second stocking in place you hold up the “skirt” for inspection. Slipping the material over your legs and pulling it up into place you try to figure out how is best to wear it. To say it offers minimal coverage would be an understanding. At best the 6″ tube of material barely covers anything! No matter how you adjust it in the back either the top of your but will be exposed or the bottom will. In an attempt to have some kind of modesty you positionthe skirt so the rounded bottom of your butt is covered. The front offers a little more coverage but it’s almost like wearing nothing at all. The shoebox was all that was left. Maybe it actually contained something you could cover your body with! Unfortunately the only thing that would get covered well this evening would be your toes as you pulled out a pair of black patent leather pumps with what had to be a 4 inch heel!
“They are here,” He said poking his head in the swinging kitchen door, “There are snacks already set up in the fridge, all you have to do is heat them, and plenty of beer. Bring out 5 right now!”
Painfully slipping your feet into the heels you walked tenatively to the refrigerator and opened it. The cold blast of air made your nipples so hard they reached. Quickly you took out 5 beer bottles and opened them placing them on a tray on the counter. Slipping the tray off the counter top and walking to the swinging door you inhaled deeply in an attempt to relax.Walking through the door and seeing 4 complete strangers you could feel your heart pounding in your chest.
Pausing for what feel like a lifetime you eventually are able to will yourself into the room under the watchful glare of the men. They are relatively the same age as him, maybe a few years older then you and all are well dressed. The expensive suits they wear could buy your outfit a thousand times over or more! Two compliment your outfit to which you offer a quiet “Thank you Sir.” On your way back to the kitchen another pats your ass. Your reply garners laughs from all 5 men.
As the evening passes along the guys become more and more bold as they realize you will only thank their efforts. The fact that each has consumed a good amount of beer is also making them braver as well. For your part your have done your best to try to get on their good sides by flirting with them as well as you can give you limited dialog. Instead you brush your breasts against their shoulders or faces as you place drinks or snacks on the table and offer winks to anyone who takes a moment to look up and catch your eye for a moment. Somehow, even though you are half naked in a room of strange men you can not help but feel incredibly sexy. You wonder if his seeing the appreciation you are getting from the other men will make him value you a little more.
Feeling a hand on your inner thigh you hear. “Come here darlin’” as you are pulled half falling over into the lap of a larger gentleman named Bob. “I’m completely out of luck and loosing my shirt” He says pulling you tightly to him, “and I need you to help me change my luck!”
“Yes Sir.” You say with a wink as the feeling of being off your feet for a few moments make you jump for joy inside.
Bob is Sitting to his right and as you go to cross your legs his hand blocks you. The disapproving look from those piercing eyes shoots through you. Bob, for his part, miss the exchange and pulls your left arm around his neck managing to nuzzle his neck close to your breasts. Placing his cards in your right hand Bob places his hand on your inner thigh so close to your pussy you imagine he can feel the heat of it on his fingers. Bob’s right hand ends up on your hip and pulls you closer to him.
Two of the other men complain of Bob’s unfair advantage until he speaks up. His words shock but also excited you as he tells them that each of them will get you for two hands worth of luck. “Doesn’t that sound like a great idea?” He asks looking into your eyes.
“Yes Sir.” You reply knowing it’s all you can say.
Holding Bob’s cards in your right hand close to your breasts you place his bet for him and follow his directions. After loosing the last 5 hands straight Bob ends up winning the next hand and hugs you tightly. His right hand moves from your right hip to the side of your right breast and his left moves so far up your legs that his thumb rests against your abdomen. During the next hand BobTakes to kissing your breasts and teasing your nipples through your bra between instructions. Bob manages to win the second hand as well and pulls you into a big hug managing to press his face between your breasts. The others laugh and howl at Bob’s embrace until you stand next to him.
“Thank you Sir.” You say bending over to giving him a kiss on his cheek.
Walking slowly over to the next man while tracing a finger across Bob’s back you deliberately make a bit of a show sitting on Pete’s lap by wiggling your butt and holding Bob’s shoulder as you slowly sat. Pete immediately placed his right hand around your body and on the side of your right breast as Bob had earlier while placing his other about mid thigh. Holding his cards for him Pete pressed his face next to your left breast and inhaled deeply.
“I don’t know about you guys,” said Tony, the man behind you and next in line for luck, “but first thing I’m going to do is check to see how small those panties are!” TheOther men at the table chuckled at Tony’s suggestion.
“Hell Tony!” Bob said very matter of factly, “She ain’t wearing any damned panties!” Tony and Greg both laughed loudly while Pete slide his hand immediately up and boldly pushed your small skirt out of the way.
“Damn!” Pete exclaimed “Bob’s right!” Turning your face away you tried hard to hide your incredible embarrassment.
It took several minutes to get the poker game going again but only because Tony and Greg still wanted to have their turn with luck. Pete finally positioned his hand and slowly massaged the area just above your clip hoping to get you excited. All he did in reality was frustrate you even more. Pete managed to win his two hands with you on his lap as well and as was becoming the custom buried his face between your breasts in celebration.
After kissing Pete on the cheese and having your ass grabbed by Bob you walked slowly to Tony, not to build his anticipation but because you found him a little gross. Tony had been the most overt one all night. While another man might compliment your bra Tony would tell you that you had “nice tits”. Whenever you entered the room Tony was the first man to stare at you. He was also shorter then the other men and not as good looking. Moving around you finally sat on his lap and instantly felt his hands on you. His grip was rough and tight and his left hand instantly went between your legs as far up as he could. Luckily you had positioned your pussy over his leg because you felt for sure that he would try to get a finger inside you. You sat there and prayed the next to hands would go quickly as instead of putting his right hand on or near your breast Tony put his on your ass.
When Tony was convinced that his left hand couldn’t get any Further up your leg he slowly leaned back against your left arm and placed his hand bravely on your left breast. “What do you think of that sweetcheeks?” He as he pinched your butt through your skirt. Looking around briefly you watched as the other men stared at their friend’s hand.
“Thank you Sir.” You replied unevenly. Tony laughed loudly and squeezed your breast roughly several times. As they played the next two hands Tony could concentrate on little else.
“So tell me sugar,” he asked with a wide smile on his face, “what would you say if I slipped my hand into that hot pussy of yours?”
Knowing there was nothing else to do you answered him the only way you could. “Thank you Sir.” The thought of running filled your head but where would you go? You had no idea where you were, you left your purse at home with everything in it, the only clothes you had were a dress that blew open when you walked and a pair of heels you Couldn’t make a mile walk in. Above all else the entire evening had left you so horny you could hardly think at all!
Finally the second hand was over! Tony had managed to lose both of them despite the cards he had. Instead of hugging you to celebratee Tony pushed you quickly off his lap and slide his left hand between your legs resting his left index finger against your wet pussy.
“Holy shit!” Tony exclaimed loudly, “she’s so wet she’s practically dripping!” His pudgy little finger pressed easily between your lips almost making your knees buckle. Luckily you were facing away from the table so no one but Tony could see your embarrassment. Tony slowly pulled his finger forward coating it with your wetness before slipping it into his mouth. As you slowly walked around Tony he announced “Damn boys she tastes amazing too!”
Turning and sitting quietly in Greg’s lap you barely noticed that he put his hand on your slide between your legs and come to rest where the others had. While his eyes were drawn quite often to Your breasts he made no attempt to touch them or nuzzle into them like the others. The last two hands passed quickly as you found it impossible to concentrate. You feel more like a piece of meat tonight then you hadthe previous night and it was quite obvious it was only going to go further. You were trapped. While you hated feeling so cheap there was still a part of you that embedded it and was excited by it. How could any part of you get so excited about being pawed by these guys? As you tried to stand Greg took your left hand and placed it on his crotch. Involuntarily your hand gave his hard cock a squeeze.
Finally it was time to sit on his lap. Turning and walking towards him you realized that his eyes once again captured you. It was those eyes, those devilishly deep ice blue eyes that drove your desire and made you accept what he wanted.
“I don’t need any luck,” He said smiling at you, “why don’t you go get the boys another round of drinks.”
Walking to the kitchen you were somehow depressed that he would not allow you to sit on his lap. What had happened? Didn’t he find you attractive enough? Had you not been forward and accepting enough of his friends? Your heart sank atthe thought that you had somehow disappointed him! Reaching into the refrigerator for more beer you made up your mind that you would fix it right now. How could you live with him being disappointed! You had to prove yourself to him and you would do it right now.
Emerging from the kitchen and walking with more of a strut then earlier the looks of the men became more welcome. You actually embraced They staring at you. As you leaned over the table to put down drinks you ensured that they would get a better look at your breasts or your ass depending on which side they were standing on. Although your best efforts he barely looked up from his cards and showed no approval to your actions.
Returning to the kitchen you grabbed some snacks to refill the bowls on the table. Walking out again you tried even More desperately to try to gain his attention and approval. Finally turning your back to him you faced Bob as you replaced the bowl of chips next to him. When Bob’s eyes slowly worked their way up to meet yours you winked at him and blew him a kiss before licking your lips slowly. There was no mistaken the message you were sending. You were going to make him jealous no matter what! Bob smiled back and placed his hand between your legs slowly moving it upward. Finally his finger reached your pussy. Instead of tensioning or trying to resist your legs moved further apart allowing Bob’s finger to penetrate you. After hours of building frustration the feeling of that lone finger inside your pussy was too much to take.
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