Pet's Story – Ch. 03

Chapter Three

Pet sat in his car at the far end of the parking lot in the plaza that housed the adult toy store. This general area looked a little run down, with the adult toy store at one end of the plaza, and a liquor store at the other. In between were various kitsch stores, including a pawn broker and a dollar store. Across the street was a dilapidated looking McDonald’s. In short, it is exactly the type of area you’d expect to find an adult toy store.

He was stalling, trying to extremely build up his courage and will Miss’ cock down. Turns out Miss’ cock listened to Miss more than it did to pet. Which was part of the reason it now belonged to Miss.

It wouldn’t weigh on him as much if he was wearing underwear.

Although Miss encourages pet to go commando whenever he can in his regular social life, She still permits him to wear undergarments… for now. The only exceptions are when he’s taking road trips (or any drive longer than an hour), orgoing to any adult stores. On those occasions, pet is forbidden from ever wearing underwear.

The first time Miss commanded pet to go commando he was so nervous. Pet routinely goes for a jog around the block thrice a week in the evening before bed, and Miss had instructed him to go commando on his next jog. He’d never gone outside without underwear before and was so nervous thinking that anybody would be able to see how turned on he was to follow Miss’ commands; that they’d know he was a submissive slut. That humbling feeling in turn spurred Miss’ cock on to a firmer erection, causing a vicious cycle.

Going out in the cover of darkness that first time had helped assume his fears about being seen. He quickly learned that most people won’t even really notice another person. At least not close enough to tell if they’re wearing underwear or not. Since that first time, pet has taken it upon himself to go for his jogs commando without being asked.

The first time Miss told pet to go commando in the daylight was for a “simple” grocery store run. He was instructed to buy a single cucumber, a large jar of Vaseline, and a raw ginger root. The ginger root was to keep on hand in case pet needed to be punished with a figging — which he hasn’t needed to use yet. The cucumber and Vaseline, Miss instructed he use that same week resulting in his first and only anal orgasm to date.

Miss has given him several commando tasks since those first ones — She has even teased that his next commando task will involve masturbating in a public toilet or showing openly at a local gym.

Miss understands that slow and steady is the proper way to train a pet to unlock its full potential. You can’t rush it or push too many boundaries at the same time.

Teasing is also a good way to extend boundaries. When You tease or threaten something far past a pet’s boundaries, it is a real mind fuck for them. Then You immediately take a step back and demand a smaller nudge past, which seems tame and reasonable by comparison.

But the “tease” is in reality foreshadowing disguised as a mind fuck. After enough time You can re-suggest the outlandish thing and, if done right, Your pet will have already internalized that as a perfectly reasonable request.

Every time pet went commando without being noticed his confidence was boosted and his baseline arousal was Lessened. Thanks to Miss’ purposeful conditioning, walking around in public without underwear was now completely normalized for pet.

Going commando in and of itself is no longer enough for pet to get an erection. But when he does get an erection, being commando intensifies his feelings of embarrassment and humiliation.

Catching himself in reverie and knowing he was taking longer to steel his nervous than Miss would like, pet got out of the car and hoped the walk across the parking lot would be enough to make himself less obviously aroused.

Thelack of any clothes between Miss’ cock and pet’s jeans was very noticeable to pet. He could feel every twitch and rustle against the rough denim. Although this, pet was infinitely thankful that it was Autumn and he was wearing jeans and a sweater, instead of shorts and a tank top.

It was no longer the lack of underwear that kept him aroused; It was the anticipation of what promised to be a very humiliating conversation with an invariably beautiful Woman.

Pet had never been inside an adult toy store before becoming Miss’ pet, but now was very familiar with them. And every one he visited was staffed exclusively by beautiful Women. He was idly curious how often they got hit on, but knew he’d never have the nervous to ask.

His anticipation stemmed from a recent instruction from Miss: pet must always inform the sales clerk that he is Miss’ pet and is there at her instruction and encouragement.

Miss patiently explained to pet that it’s important for the sales Woman to know that he’s a submissive and can take directions. And that She know he’s embarrassed but obeys Her instructions regardless. It will keep pet humble, and pet should always be humble before his betters.

Pet would have found it easier to be physically naked before them than to be laid emotionally bare; exposed as the owned submissive pet he is, instead of a real “take-charge” Man.

He approached the door, opened it and entered.

The store opened from a large triangle hallway into a larger almost warehouse-like space. Pet was the only customer there at the moment, and the lone Saleswoman was at the small checkout counter midway down the right-hand wall.

She was about 5’4″ and curvy but not overweight. Her long wavy chestnut hair spilled over her shoulders running halfway down her back and over her ample front.

Pet favored breasts, of all sizes. He often joked to himself that his favorite boobs were the ones he was allowed to see, seconded only by those he was allowed to touch.

So he was quick to notice the Saleswoman’s roughly cantaloupe-sized melons, with no visible nipple, straining against the robin’s egg blue Lycra jumpsuit that covered Her top. The neckline was disappointingly small offering no cleavage, but there was a tantalizing asymmetry with the sleeves, in that the left arm had a sleepe and the right arm was bare.

She wore a simple eggshell-colored flared skirt overtop the lower half of her Lycra jumpsuit.

She was also on the phone, patiently repeating Herself to an obviously irate customer, upset the store wouldn’t make home deliveries.

She made an eye rolling motion to pet with a smile, as the customer droned on with their complaint.

Not wanting to interrupt Her, and frankly thankful for the further delay, pet headed towardss the back of the store to self browser.

He wasn’t exactly sure what Miss wanted him to find, other than embarrassment. Lost in thought, he was started to find theSaleswoman suddenly standing beside him. “Can I help you find anything?”

His mouth was unexpectedly dry, and he had trouble firming the words he’d practiced in his head moments earlier. “Uh, I uh was… uh She said to look at um, butt plugs.” He practically whispered.

He had practiced saying “My Miss wants…” and had intended to say it, but in the moment he could Only imply Miss with a generic “She.”

The Saleswoman took the initiative and led pet around to all the various butt-related toys. From smaller training butt plugs intended to be wound for longer periods, to larger long-use ones. There was one that looked impossible big. Conical, black, and it had to be 18 inches tall with a 12″ diameter at its base. Pet looked at that and thought “that has to be for novelty or display purposes only, right?”

There were also vibrating ones She showed. At a smaller pink one, pet found the voice to say “Have that one. ‘s nice, but doesn’t quite uh… do the job.”Pet kept his eyes focused on the floor as he spoke, only occasionally glancing upwards to see She was still paying attention to him.

Of the multiitude of toys She showed him, his gaze lingered on a realistic looking large dildo with balls. Slightly longer than average and not overly thick, it reminded pet of the real cock in his pants. In his minds eye he thought back to the cucumber, and how he wanted to replicate that feeling.

He thanked the Saleswoman for Her time, but said he was mostly just getting a sense of the options and wanted to talk with “Her” before buying anything.

He quickly left the store back to his car. Given the chance to relax and reflect on the last 20 minutes, he felt Miss’ cock start to tent the front of his pants all over again.

He emailed Miss to let him know he’d completed Her task. “I’ve just finished at the adult store, commando of course. It’s been nearly 4 weeks since my last cum, and leaving there I’m so horny right now.”

Pethas been keeping a very close eye on how often Miss lets him cum, going so far as to track it on a spreadsheet. It was nearing Halloween now, and since this spring Miss has been granting him release roughly every 4 weeks. However She would start talking about his upcoming release around the 3 week mark, giving him time to dwell in anticipation.

We were now approaching the next 4 week mark, but Miss had stayed silent about his next release.

Pet had assumed Miss’ ultimate goal was to train him to only have one ruined orgasm per month, or 12 per year. At the time, he thought one per month was about as minimal as could be. Especially compared to this time last year when he was averaging 12-20 per month.

The realization shocked him. Miss was not done training him, not by a long shot. “Would it be one orgasm every other month? Every quarter? One ruined orgasm per year?”

Once a year seemed impossible. But then again a year ago once per month seemed impossible. Pet started to think maybe he could do that. An annual release… on Miss’ birthday perhaps. In the back of pet’s mind, he registered that it was interesting his first thought of an annual release was on Miss’ birthday and not his own.

His thoughts were interrupted by a response from Miss: “Aw, 4+ weeks, hum… Christmas? Just a thought pet.”

Christmas!? She wasn’t serious… but then again, if She was… that was just over two months away. Pet was almost at his personal best of 5 weeks, and She was asking for nearly 10 weeks more. Yes, if that’s what She wanted, pet would find a way to acquiresce.

Moments later another email: “My reply was a mind fuck pet. xox”

Relief filled pet’s face, but surprisingly regret filled it Just as much. He knew Christmas would be a difficult trial, but it would also be a new personal best and pet loved the idea of ​​making Miss proud of him.

Pet also noticed Miss didn’t give any alternative timeline for releasese. Which was the real mind fuck: Christmas or the following-up?

With further thoughts of denial on his mind, pet drive home for dinner.

First thing upon getting back home, pet removed his clothes (sped up slightly by not having any underwear to remove) and put on his uniform apron.

He then proceeded to make himself a stir fry dinner of sautéed peppers and steak strips, with an egg mixed in for good measure.

Pet takes a plate of his food and sets it on the coffee table in front of the tv, then sits on the floor to eat while catching up on his shows. Pet is thankful to Miss that he was permitted to eat his meal with utesils tonight — as corrective punishment on some nights, Miss instructs him to eat from a bowl without the use of his hands.

He grabs a can of beer from the fridge and empties it into his water dish to lap from while he enjoys his meal. He may be permitted to eat with his hands and utesils, but he must still always drink every drink from his water bowl.

After his meal, he cleans up and settlements in for another hour of tv before heading up to bed.

He brushes his teeth, washes his face, climbs into bed then removes his apron, to set upon the floor for the morning.

Still feeling very horny and hard from the day, pet spends much of the next couple hours grinding against his sheets and vigorously fucking the air. Before trying to go to sleep for the night, pet takes a good-night photo of Miss’ rock hard dripping cock to send to Her. She’s been sleep for hours by now but will see it in the morning when She wakes.

Pet sends it to Her every night and every morning, in part because he likes to be seen, but also because he believes Miss has a right to see Her property.

Often Miss will send an encouraging remark or flattering response to his pictures, but not every time.

Miss understands that if She acknowledges every time, that will condition pet to expect feedback with every picture, andhe’ll be sending pictures for the purpose of receiving “likes” from Miss. That thinking would be completely backwards. It’s pet’s role do these things for Miss’ enjoyment, not his own.

It’s not exceptional for pet to send pictures, it’s expected. Miss has no obligation to flatter pet, though She does enjoy doing so. It is pet that has the obligation to send Miss Regular pictures of Her little guy.

Pet gradually falls wait, hard but satisfied and secure in the knowledge that his is a life with purpose.


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