Author’s Note: I’ve tried to write this chapter so that it could be read standalone, but without me reiterating too much of the back story with excessive recapping. Still, it is the second part of a three part story, so I recommend reading from the beginning.
Also, in real life it’s important to trust whoever you’re playing with, and personal safety is no joking matter. And, don’t actually involve innocent participants in your games; that’s not cool.
If you like the story, I’d love to hear your comments. If you didn’t like the story, I’d also love to hear your comments. Receiving feedback from the community is what makes writing here worthwhile.
Chapter Two
Reciting Miss’ rules out loud always puts pet in a more pliable state of mind — more willing to do whatever Miss asks, to please Her.
Noting that he still had a half an hour before he was technically “on the clock” for his remote work, pet decided now would be the perfect time to start grooming Miss’ property.
He carefully retrieved his personal grooming kit from the bathroom (even though all he needed were the tweezers), and a simple cloth to sit upon. He spread the cloth on the floor, and sat cross legged, shuffling his uniform’s simple apron out of the way.
Pet looked forward to his grooming rituals because it was the only time that he was granted permission to look at and touch Miss’ cock Without an explicit time limit — until the job was done. Even the pain of plucking the public hairs individually had lessened over the months. Pet wasn’t sure if it was because the hairs were getting thinner the more often he plucked, or if the skin was just becoming desensitized to it.
The truth was a little of both, and that his body had started to associate the minor amount of pain caused by plucking with pleasure at being touched. The result being that pet was eager every time the hairs regrew long enough to be plucked again.
Each time, he would start at a differentent point and methodically work around from there. Some weeks, he would start with the ball hair, some times with the skin around the base of the cock. Occasionally, pet would tire of the tedium and wish he was allowed to shake or wax instead of plucking, but it’s not the end result that’s important — it’s the journey.
Miss doesn’t like shortcuts. It’s important for Her that pet is taking the time to properly and Personally care for Miss’ things. And pet is one of Her things. Every minute pet spends plucking public hairs at Miss’ instruction is a minute pet spends reinforcing Miss’ superiority and his own subservice to Her in his mind. It is not wasted time.
Pet goes more slowly this time than last time. He doesn’t want another accident. The last time, pet accidentally had an orgasm while tweezing.
At that point it had been two and a half weeks since he’d been allowed to touch Miss’ cock (let alone cum) and with shaking hands pet was savouring every touchand pull and pinch of the tweezers. He missed the hairs, and the tweezers grab a universal helping of scrotal skin… it was too much for pet, and he felt his orgasm impending. He immediately dropped the tweezers and let go of Miss’ little guy, holding his hand out to catch the cum.
Without any added stimulation the cum didn’t shoot out of Miss’ cock, but rather slowly oozed a bowl or two into pet’s waiting palm. Pet licked up and swallowed the cum, not wanting to compound his error by letting a rare tasty treatment from Miss’ cock while cumming, pet was left feeling even more frustrated than before his orgasm — he didn’t get to experience any of the euphoria that is supposed to accompany an orgasm.
He had immediately emailed Miss to let Her know, and She was very understanding. “Accidents happen.” Still, Miss had not given him permission since then to touch Her little guy. Three weeks ago. It has been longer now since his last orgasm than it was when he had his accident, so pet was understandably appreciated about having another accident.
Glancing at the clock, pet realized he’d have to finish grooming later; it was time to start work. He picked up the clothes he’d been sitting on, dumping the loose hairs into the toilet, and applied some Witches Hazel against his newly bald skin, to reduce irritation.
Pet’s work day is mostly filled with the same standard mundane activities each day. Responding to emails, pushing digital paper around, completing assigned task lists, and the occasional zoom meeting. Fortunately for pet the social culture at his workplace allows him leave the video cameras off for virtual meetings. Regardless, pet has a piece of cardboard taped over his video camera to prevent any accidental exhibition.
At first, pet found it very difficult having these meetings fully naked but for his apron while conversing with his colleagues. He would picture what they would sayIf they knew he was naked; of how embarrassing that would be. Invariable that would cause his apron to tent, with fueled his embarrassment more, like a perpetual kink-motion machine.
Now, many months later, being in his house uniform is so second-nature to him he doesn’t even bat an eye during these meetings. In meetings where he’s on mute as a casual observer, he’ll even get on all fours and lap water from his water bowl while listening to the meeting without a second thought.
Most days he’s able to do his job effectively and efficiently, but on other days he is more easily distracted by Miss’ toy. Today, three weeks since his last ruined orgasm, is one of those days. He needs to take frequent breaks to focus his mind. And most of those breaks involve pet finding something to hump like a rutting animal.
Miss is very generous to pet; She permits him to stimulate Her cock however he can as long as he doesn’t use his hands, and of course DOES NOT CUM! When he’s this frustrated, pet will try and hum just about anything: his office couch, his bed frame, even just the floor. And when those bring him too close to the edge but he can’t do nothing, he’ll lie on his back and furiously fuck the air.
Miss delights in seeing those videos each time pet records them for Her. This is exactly the state She prefers him to be in… desperate to cum, yet still completely obedient to Her. His animalistic desires overriding everything except Her commands. It’s in these moments that She knows She fully owns him as Her pet.
After pet’s taken as much time away from work as he dares, in his attempts to relieve his frustrations, he returns to his standing desk and his waiting workload. As reward for his efforts, Miss’ full balls release the barest amount of pressure in the form of a few pre-cum drops, dripping onto the standing rubber mat at pet’s feet. When pet notices the drips, he obediently gets down on all fours and licks them up, enjoying the salty-sweet flavor. He eats cum because it’s taboo; he eats pre-cum because he loves the taste.
Occasionally, if pet has been really good and begs sufficiently, Miss will permit him to wear his chatity cage. But, She doesn’t like him wearing it for long periods, and She never grants permission when he’s this frustrated. It’s not because he couldn‘t wear it for such long stretches or when he’s so pent-up (he would gladly wear it for Her whenever She asks). It’s because that’s cheating, and completely missing the point.
Pet doesn’t touch Her cock, not because he can‘t but because he isn’t allowed. It should always be a struggle of wills with pet, one in which he submits to Her will, always. It is not the end results that matter, it is the journey.
Half-way through the work day, pet takes an hour for lunch. Normally he’ll prepare his meal in his kitchen and sit down on the cold hardwood floor of his living room to watch some tvand enjoy his meal. Even when he’s alone in his own home, he doesn’t sit on the furniture. Miss has drilled into him that pets don’t belong on the furniture.
Pet owns a fully furnished home, yet the furniture is as untouched now as the day he bought it. The only exception is pet’s minimalist metal frame bed and queen-size mattress — and even then, he’s only allowed to use it at bedtime. All other times he must either stand, or sit, knee or lay on the floor.
Keeping pet off the furniture is another necessary tool in Miss’ arsenal towards keeping pet in the correct frame of mind, to bring out his fullest potential. Like a dog, pet is an object of affection for Miss; an object, not a Man. A Man would not have submitted so quickly and readily to Miss’ control. Instead, pet is naturally submissive, and it’s Miss’ responsibility to train pet to be the best subby pet can be. A responsibility She takes very seriously.
No relaxing on the floor in front of the tv for pet ths lunch hour; he has unfinished business. He brings his lunch upstairs, refills his water bowl, and retrieves the grooming kit and clothes from the bathroom.
And positioning the clothes on the floor, he resumes the job he began this morning. On average it takes him 90 minutes to fully pluck the public hairs from on and around Miss’ cock and balls. He does this roughly every 3 weeks. That averages out to 4 minutes and 17 seconds per day, or less than 0.3% of each day — a selfishly small amount of time each day to devote to his Miss.
When he finishes, pet takes a picture and sends it to Miss, so She can admire Her freshly groomed property. A short while later She responds, “You did a terrific job, very worthwhile pet!”
The simple response fills him with pride, and causes (not just) His heart to swell. Hearing praise from his Miss lets him know that time spent grooming was well worth the effort.
The rest of the workday continues as it began: completing work tasks,king breaks to hydrate from his water bowl, to fuck the couch, the bed, the floor, jackhammer the air, lick up his pre-cum reward, and repeat.
Most evenings after work, pet maintains a healthy social life. He doesn’t date at the moment (although he has nothing against dating), but he maintains his relationships with friends and family, goes to movies, plays sports, hits the gym. While out and about, he dresses and acts completely naturally. Nobody would suspect he was Miss’ obedient naked pet.
Tonight however, he has a special task from Miss. He must go to the nearest adult toy store, and inquire with the salesclerk about the various butt plugs they have.
Ordinarily pet is allowed to wear underwear when out in his normal social life. Not so tonight. When visiting adult stores, pet is NEVER allowed to wear underwear. This is usually enough to put him in a frame of mind to be submissive to whatever Woman is working behind the counter — and it’s always a Woman behind the counter at these shops.
On this drive to the adult toy store, pet gets hard and soft repeatedly, from the anticipation and nervousness. Each cycle releases a little more pre-cum to be absorbed into the crotch of his jeans, luckyly the dark denim masks the disclosure.
He pulls into the parking lot and take a deep steadying breath, unsure how the visit is going to go.
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