Pet sits motionless on the fringes observed in the darkness, eyes glinting with eagerness and lust at the spectacle she knows will come. She waits, the only sign of life is her already labored breath, the sure sign of her arousal, as she watches avidly on. Pet will not miss a moment of the scene being played out before her in the circle of light, as it has many times before, in many different places they have lived.
She takes in her Master dear, the only one who she will allow to touch her, the only one with rights to her body, the only one who can and does possess her; yes her Master, her everything, her joy. Magnificent before her in the pool of light. Strong, dominant, and proud, and shivers of delight course through her as she watches the Master over power and subdue his newest slave. The boy is pretty, lithe, and young, pet has learned not to question this, pet does not care.
She knows her Master’s love for pretty young things, yet pet is secure in the knowledge sheis higher than slave, and Master loves her for what she is and cherishes her always. Besides pet has had the Master’s cubs, pet will never be freed or disposed she is unique, she is different, yes pet knows she is for keeps. Pet smiles at this and feels content.
Many slaves have come and gone and all have endured the breaking ceremony, and this night the new slave is about to be broken in. Pet’s favorite event, she loves this, and as the Master struggles with his new, fearful and rebellious slave, pet remembers the succession of slaves before this one. All know fear at this moment, but pet, all she felt was great joy, and she also felt the Master’s satisfaction and sexual tension, this giving pet pleasure also.
The boy attempts to fight with all fury, sensing something terrible to come, scratching with his nails and struggle wildly, but the Master is stronger, a wall of rock, and the boy can not escape the grip of iron on him. That grip soon to be replaced by the Master’s chains as he secures the boy to the iron rings set in the concrete floor.
Pet got chained to them sometimes but never this way, idly her hand straights to her steel collar, and she feels its unloving cold. But to pet it is the collar of love, more beautiful than a diamond and with more meaning. Her mind strayed back for a moment to the first day Master put it on her, after she had signed the document that had made her change her name. The piece of paper that had made her the Masters all and completely, and said forever in black ink.
Slave is pleading now and starting to crack, groveling already trying to wheelle his way out of what he senses is coming to him. Pet can hear Master’s evil low laugh, she is used to it now, and finds the sound of it comforting. To her Master is gentle and kind, only stern when he has to be, a place of safety to pet, and love.
The Master tightens the chains on the boy, further minimizing his struggles, it is important he is still for this,pet’s work mustn’t be hard. The boy is trembling now, his nakedness sheed in sweat as still he struggles futilely against the chains that bind. The Master knees along side him stroking the boys tawny flesh, conscious not to block pets line of sight, he knows his pet loves to watch him at his work.
The Masters voice so beautiful and expressive to pet speaks to his new slave. “You said no limits, you signed the contract, you said you wanted it bad enough.” The boy began to stammer a reply which the Master stifles with a gag, he does not need to hear the lame excuses of a slave. He does not need to hear his screams.
Master sits for many long minutes, he knows his pet is watching on from the dark. His faithful friend and ally with him through all these long years, the one who loves him and serves him the best. He cares the boy’s pristine skin, as yet un scarred through hard punishment. He is so pretty, so perfect, so small and slender, and the Master sights he knows whathas to be done to keep this wonder for as long as he can. Still he will spend a while yet admiring his latest price, knowing this will break him fully, if not tonight, then soon. But broken his slave will be, compliant to Master’s every wish and joy.
Pet fidgets nervously, she knows the Master will summon her forth from the dark soon to do his task. She knows her Master loves this bit, and afterwards pet will get her reward.
Yes the Master will give it to her good, brutal, hard, and then loving, and kind he will take pet to his bed. Pet will be in paradise knowing she did good this night.
Suddenly it is time, pet knows it even before her Master calls her name, she loves to hear her name “Kitten Pet” roll from the Master’s tongue. The beautiful American voice she so loves to hear tinged with its Southern accent, oh so wonderful to her.
Pet crosses the floor silently barefoot, her wild black hair covering her face as she emerges into the pool of wan light. She comes and sits at her Master’s side, eager for this next bit. She senses her Master’s lust at the impending event, but personally pet cannot wait to get her hands on the small silver blade, deadly sharp. Yes pet’s talon.
Pet holds its sharp steel coolness in her hands drinking in its power, delighting in the small blade’s silver argent, remembering the days when she was wild, free, and unowned, remembering her sword, her love, her defense, and her sacrifice. All for her Master dear, a smile comes to her lips as she takes her Master in, and the quivering bound captive before her. The only time she is permitted to hold a blade, a special time to her, time to indulge her love of sharpened steel.
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