*All characters are fictional and over 18 in age*
Part 3
An awakening is a palindrome in life. Unfettering me from my consciousness and being flung into a vast unending pool of moon light. It is not plunging darkness or blinding light, it’s simply both. For the moon is not always glowing in her possibilities, nor new in her mysteries. She simply is the majestic moon.
My two weeks with the Professor had been everything I thought only possible in my fansies. He was always a complete Gentleman treating me with so much thoughtful respect. The weekend with him had left me resplendent in orgasmic light. He renewed something that I didn’t know had laid quiet inside me. He seemed unbothered and quite nonchalant about my virginity and would find ways to make me forget this piece of information Any time I seemed keen on discussing it. There also seemed to be this thing he could do, which was read my mind by simply looking at me, anytime I decided I was going to seduce himhe found a way to get me tied down and pussy satisfied. I could recognize what he was doing but this puzzled me, didn’t he want my pink little pussy? Why was he not pushing for it? He was so damn patient I was starting to lose my patience about it, and quickly. Yes, his fingers were pure fucking magic and I loved when he buried them inside me conducting every orgasmic symphony. But, lets be honest, I have felt his cock in my mouth, stroked it lovingly in my hand and in fairness my cunt was jealous.
I was getting closer to ending the 2 week agreement with him, so I could have time to date and decide whether this was the right fit for both of us. I knew how intensely he felt for me, he showed me with his actions. Every morning when I awoke warm in my bed and missing him, he would send me a good morning text, They began simple enough but had grown each day to allow me to see different sides of him. Some times it was a simple ‘Good morning, princess.” Others were clips of his dripping chest right out of the shower, making me wet and moaning as I stretched in my bed lonely and wishing we were together. Patience, Aurora. We had discussed my limits and his, as well as things I needed improving on and how he felt he could help. This past weekend together I was asked to stand naked in the warm greenhouse while he quietly measured every part of my body, this was perplexing and when I asked why he was doing it, he very irritatingly ignored me. I was allowed to sleep over one night on the weekends until we have concluded the two weeks and after 13 days, I was desperate for more of him.
He was consistent and steady and last class he had ignored me which I was annoyed by, so I decided I was going to break a rule. I wanted his cock, it had all been so lovely, but fuck was I needy and I was gonna get what I wanted. Even if it means I got punished first. The morning I had class he sent me a photo of an orchid that had opened saying its beauty didn’t match mine. My bellyfluttered at the message, feeling brave I laid on my bed wearing a black lace low cut bra, panties and garter belt with pink and polka dots, pink stockings clipped into place. Sucking on my finger I look at the camera lens and imagine him standing over me, snapping a few I choose the most desperate of them all to send him. His response “Behave virgin.” Had me giggling nervously.
My rule for class is simple, dress modestly. Instead I choose a black skirt that comes just high enough to show the tops of my pink thigh high stockings that are attached by my garter belt. I shimmy on a tight bright pink brami, not a bra but shorter than a tank top and skin tight, leaving my creamy belly exposed and my chilled nipples visible through the fabric. A soft pink sweater that was cropped and had a frilly white lace color with a chain of dainty pearls adorn my neck. I wore my blue velvet heels the straw was thin and I knew after a scan in the mirror I was poorly bait. I plained my hair into two French braids to complete the look and switched out my struggle everyday backpack for a cute pink leather one instead that was smaller and screamed cute. I took one final look in the mirror and turned while I inspected my look, this was definitely breaking my rule, shivering at the thought of what he may do.
Boys ogled me as I walked the short distance from my off campus apartment to Lead Hall, the English building. I smiled despite myself at the wandering and widened eyes. I had often gone to class dressed to the nines but none such as sexy as this. Nobody would ever know I was a virgin dressed like this. I was adorable with more sexy and I was ready to get what I wanted. I had made up my mind to lose my virginity in his office. I was sure I could be quiet enough. A concern of his and why he said we couldn’t play There like we had the first time. My heels clipped and there was a sudden silence to them when I made my way up the stone steps of the building. Class was on the opposite end of the building, but I was early and his current class was about to let out, since it was a different room I now would wait and walk with him. I couldn’t wait to see his reaction.
So far he had been sweet and attentive, showing a gentle and nursering side that was unexpected. The kind of relationship he has with his thousands of plants, but pouring the same attention into me. Each week he had an instacart Order of fresh fruit and veggies, farm eggs, locally made bread and assorted cheeses and other pantry items I may need delivered to my house, a note simply saying “Take care of my future property.” giving me shivers and delicious tingles.
One night, the evening all my rooms had night class and I didn’t, he showed up at my door after we had teased one another non stop in text messages. I heard his rumbling truck and was giddy to see him out my window, flinging myself into his arms when he walked into my tiny apartment. Carrying me, He placed me on my kitchencounter and slipped his fingers deep inside me, having me cum in minutes, then not stopping ate me out until my thighs were shaking uncontrollably, I was coming and his mouth draining me. He then stood up, cooked me dinner and commanded me to stay right where I was, half naked and convulsing on top of my kitchen island. Carrying on like a mad man who hadn’t just ruined me on my very own counter. In between chopping, Stirring and tasting he was fingering me, sucking, and driving me fucking crazy. When I became for his cock, he simply buried his face between my legs until I forgot I had even asked a question. His attention was so lovely that I craved more and more.
I leaned against the opposite wall, reading the book for his class, rereading the same paragraph 3 times while the students from his class poured out of the door. The halls fill with students, I nod and smile at friends before I see him. Trying so hard not to be obvious I look up from my book as we lock eyes. His eyes rake over me hotly, then widen as he drinks me in. Moving a bit to force the fabric rising slightly higher, showing more than is decent of my creamy skin. His mouth forms a deep frown and eyes narrow. He acts as if he doesn’t know me and walks away, as if he never saw me or just doesn’t give a fuck about it. I feel shunned by his reaction and worry he maybe didn’t recognize me. I launch myself behind him, walking briskly almost running to try and catch up. His voice is a hiss when I reach his shoulder.
“What the fuck are you doing breaking a rule? You look like a slut. I am disappointed.” We turned a corner and the side hall was less hectic with students. Ripping open the door with a flair of announcement, he yanks me into the large lecture hall, looking around to ensure it is empty before slamming me Against the wall there. His hand tight at my neck has me moaning and smiling at him.
“Hello, Sir. I wanted to look pretty for you…” I give my best innocent look, It was our lastclass together and I also wanted to fuck him so badly. His hand tightens and I suppress a smile. Since I wasn’t getting my way I would start acting out. I knew what I wanted and I knew what I was doing playing with fire, but what I didn’t know was how he would react to me or how burned I may get. His hand loosening on my neck and his voice growing in my ear was already a great start and I couldn’t help but grin goofilly up at him. He rolled his eyes and released me when he realized I was fucking with him. Stepping away I stay rock still, knowing I can’t touch him and he knows this. Yanking my arm and half dragging me to the front of the hall there sits a large desk, pushing me down onto it, he walks around the desk, his eyes flickering to me then the desk.
“Since you want to break a rule and act like a little slut I am going to punish you. Take your clothes off, and quickly before anyone arrives early to class.” I stood there confused. Wait, what? Naked? Here?! The emotions mustflit across my face causing him to laugh a hearty boom, echoing off the walls and taunting me. Before I can run away, he is ripping my skirt down, clucking his tongue at my bare pussy with the garter belt snug around my tiny wait. His fingers slip inside me and I moan, swinging towards him. He slaps my cheek swift and hard, a chased breath and sob escape my throat and lips, I clutch my cheek as he rips his drenched fingers from my cunt. His grip on my neck is wet but he doesn’t seem to care as he squeezes.
“Take your fucking clothes off, you desperate slut. Now!” I take off my sweater but when I get to the brami I groan since there is no bra underneath and it will leave me basically naked. I am panting and frightened at this point, unsure what he will do and how far he will go. Getting annoyed he yanks at the thin tight fabric and yanks it off me, leaving me only in garter belt, stockings, pearls and heels. He makes a low growl of approval to what he sees.
“Good girl. kneel.” I knee obediently, taking my hair he starts to drag me to the desk, I crawl to help from yelping in pain as he sadistically rips at me. Reaching the desk, he lets go and I look up at him ashamed and scared my eyes wide at his expression. I see now, he is more angry than I realized. He is beyond furious. Tears fall swiftly down my cheeks.
“You will knee under this desk and edge the entirety of class. Since you wanna break this simple rule I will make you suffer. You must knee as you are, almost naked, you will touch yourself and bring yourself just to the edge of an orgasm then stop and start all over again the entire time. You will sit facing your class of friends and fellow students and touch your need little cunt, never looking at me once. You will obey because I told you so. You claim to want to be mine. You can say no if you wish, but it will mean us not seeing each other again, Do you understand?” As he speaks he slaps my clip which is now wet and dripping from his trEatments. Just dressing for him had set my cuns heartbeat flying wildly.
“Yes, Sir. I’m sorry.” I suppress biting my lip and kissing him brazenly, I am extremely turned on and confused how he can frighten me, yet make me so incredibly wet. His consequence for this seems extreme, part of me is very excited to knee there where I can hear and sense the other students only feet from me, doing exactly What he says and touching myself, showing him I will obey to be his. He had been rough in our play these last days and as we got more comfortable, he became more sadistic as the time of our vanilla relationship ended. I wanted his cock, and I was gonna knee under this desk and be a big slut just for him. His slut.
I could say ‘No’… I pause only half a second, crawling under the desk. His palm slapping my ass hard, a crack echoed around us, the hiss seeing from my lips is muffled by the large wooden desk. He grunts as I curry quickly. Fully un-phased by his spankings. I enjoyed those random cry worthy smacks as much as his kisses. My breathing was ragged and sounded loud to me as I stuffed myself under the tiny wooden space. Spreading my legs to accommodate my height, I bend over slightly in ‘ready to please’ pose.
“No, you will need to choose a different pose, I don’t want to see you.” He swats at my ass and tickers my toes, my body jerking in reaction to his Torments. I shimmy further into the desk and find there’s a small space behind the drawer where my head fits and I can knee, the only issue is I am almost in a split, and my hips were rotated out so that I was facing my class completely spread out, there was a risk of my juices slipping under the desk in a puddle.
“Mmmhmm… good girl, I knew you would fit. You may move and find a comfortable spot but When the class enters you will stay where you are and edge as you have been told. I will not be teaching today, I will sit here at the desk, collecting papers and allowing any questions from your classesmates. You better be really quiet while you act like a little slut, I would hate for you to be found this way.” Picking up my clothes he shoves them into his briefcase, as I had moved I noticed His cock hard and the line in his pants an obvious display of how my behavior and presence was turning him on, I can’t help but smile at my triumph. I feel one step closer to his cock nestled in my dripping pussy.
He stood there at the desk a moment shuffling papers above me, the tapping and scraping at the desk made me shift slightly to see what room I had, there was more than I expected and I was able to sit up slightly on my knees. The movement left splashes of my wetness on the hard wood floor below me, a moan of worry rumbling in my chest. He kicked me gently, his leather shoe nudging my ass. I smile and press down on it, my hand brushing over my thighs before slipping and sliding over my wet clip. I bit my lip to keep from making any loud noises. The door to the lesson hAll opened, I froze at the sound of footsteps, murmured “Hello” was consistently exchanged.
Bastian sat with his feet tapping me, sliding his shoes over my thighs and the soles of my feet. It was enough extra sense to shiver and quake there. I couldn’t turn around to see his cock, even though I kept considering it, but it wouldn’t be possible, I would have to back out of the desk then turn around and go back in ass first and there was no way to do that with a lesson hall full of my very own classes. I sat back on my feet and touched myself quietly, as silently as one wet pussy can be… the slipping of my fingers in and out of my hole was loud to my own ears. My whole body felt loud, as if my heart a crescendo, as if my skin glowed brightly like the moon, my ears seemed drowned in the sounds of my fingers slipping and out then around my clip causing my hips to flick and my back arching in need. I stopped suddenly, ripping my fingers out and firmly pressing them to my thighas I pant and shiver. I want to cum, in every way I want to cum over and over right there in front of everyone. There are no thoughts of shade or regrets or fear in this moment and I am bewildered by that later when I think about this moment.
In the minutes I sit there, desperate for a release, I begin to hear what’s beyond my heated body, to listen to my classesmates talk quietly among themselves. I wait, class hasn’t even started and I am in pure age. His legs push off me suddenly and he stands, turning my head I can see his pant legs, if only I could poltergeist my head completely around then I could lick at his delicious length, I am starved for it which is my first fail and a soft whimper escapes my mouth just as silence slips through the room. I know he hears it because he taps at the desk, I freeze, a salty tea slipping down my cheek in a flood of emotion.
“Good day class, today I am going to do something a little different. In all honesty I have lectured on all that I need to, and you are all finished with your writing, I am happy that currently I have received every ones assignments. So! With that being said, you may take this last 60 minutes of class asking me questions, or leaving and taking an hour for yourself. I will sit here until there is nobody else left! It was a pleasure teaching you all and I really enjoyed many of your essays, have a lovely summer everyone.” His voice boomed across the hall, I began to touch myself again when this leather shoes rested on me, a reminder to edge and not cum. Suppressing a groan, I slip one finger inside.
It feels like heaven when I edge, it is only on the cusp of coming that I hate it. The heartbeat between my legs is hard and strong, I am thankful for the desk when I lay my forehead there, the Rhythmic circles my fingertips trail has me flushed red and my breath flaring against the wood and heating my face further. I slip a finger in and out, in and out, so much wetness dripping from me and Ihaven’t even reached an orgasm. The sound of others around me seem distant and I cannot think of anything but my fingers. It builds, the pressure and I begin shaking, pushing my finger deeper, I flutter it back and forth erratic before ripping it out of me and gripping my thigh, leaving it slimy and wet from my pussy.
He seems to sense when I am close because his hand had fired in my hair when I ripped my fingers from my soaked hole. He massed the scalp as I slowly relaxed, His presence made me feel safe and as I began to think again I realized in this crazy situation he would keep me safe. There was never a chance someone would see us, or that I would get caught. I was safe being this toy for him to use. It was an easy kind of trust the kind that was consistent and reliable. I had known him for 4 years and lately our shift was so deep and new yet also as if it was rooted. His hands fist in my hair and pull hard reminding me to edge again, shifting my knees and squirming at my small confines, I whimper and slowly circle my clip again, legs shaking as I hear the first murmur of voices above me.
A girl I didn’t recognize, her giggles and stupid questions about his summer and traveling drifting muffled, I was annoyed she was flirting with Bastian, jealousy, He was mine… I slip my finger inside me and fuck it slowly then adding another finger I pumped it in and out, I bit my lip hard and began fucking my fingers stopping to circle my clip then finger fuck, circle… finger fuck. He brushed his fingers through my hair as I obeyed and he played teacher above me. Jealous… why was I jealous when his hands were on me and not her? I was smoking and shaking uncontrollably, his grip tightened as he responded to her and I held my fingers deep inside my dripping pussy as I listened. His voice soothing and gravelly above me, his shoes pressing into my ass hard and causing me to whimper softly, enough for him to hear maybe her too. His foot came off my body giving full relief. I slowly began fucking myself again, altering with rubbing my clip, my juices oozed out and dripped on the floor, I could see it was visible on the other side of the desk but it didn’t matter and flitted in and out of my mind quickly as I felt myself vibrating and dangerously close to an orgasm. When I ripped the fingers from my pussy all I wanted to do was scream in agony to the loss but I couldn’t, the stupid girl was still asking questions, Bastian’s voice was kind and cheerful, almost overly engaging and I wondered if he was making it easier for her to stay and torture me further? I gritted my teeth in announcement to that.
In a flash of a thought I consider making myself cum out of pure brattiness. I pause and think, hearing the voice of the girl leaving, there is a long stretch of silence until Another student approaches, I almost groan in pure hatred to any curious classmate. There are 4 students total that walk up and question for certain topics, I continue to edge and each time I pull back. His hand is always threaded in my hair and loosening my braids with his fingers, massaging. When the quiet flooded the space all I could hear was my own breath ragged and panting, the heat under the desk close to being unbearable, even naked.
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