Professor Gets His Way

“Miss Shaw, you know better than to use your smart phone in class.”

“But, Professor, it was only a quick text. I didn’t miss anything in your class,” she replied.

“The rules are the rules,” he maintained. “You always seem to think your intelligence and smile will let you bend or break the rules. Not this time, Miss Shaw.” He brought the paddle down on her chocolate ass again. Smack.

She winced, but couldn’t help but smile inwardly at the punishment she was receiving. She wanted her favorite professor to catch her, but she had no idea he would be so vigorous in his administration of corporate punishment.

Her school uniform skirt was pulled up over her waist, exposing her thong-clad ass to his eyes and his paddle. She was bent over his desk, and he continued to firmly paddle her behind with the thick, slender board. Each swat stung, but also excited her. She sensed her nipples hardening under her bra each time he administratored a spank to her ass.

For his part, he knew exactly what he was doing. He read her like a well-used book, which is what she would be to him when he finished. She was one of those smart, witty students who used her smarts and perceived innocent to fool her teachers into letting her get away with all sorts of disruptions. The outwardly sweet, naive young girl who never gets into trouble. He knew better. He knew there was a smoldering, brazen slut Underneath her plain school uniform, and he was going to expose and exploit her to his ultimate pleasure. This was just the first step.

Smack. Smack. He watched her ass cheeses ripple with each swat. He carefully paced the speed and force of the paddle. Too hard, and he might actually hurt her. Too fast, and the pleasure she was enjoying would be over. He knew all too well how to maximize pleasure and anticipation for both individuals in the locked classroom.

He was distracted a bit by the sexy thong she wore. He wondered if the bra matched. He hadn’t anticipated seeing such a lovely piece of lingerie over her lovely piece of ass. He enjoyed seeing her cheek tighten around the thin fabric creaming her ass as he swatted her. It caused his groin to warm.

She was getting wet. Each sharp, singing smack ratcheted a hidden knob within her to a greater volume. She was almost always wet, anyway. Her body was in a constant state of arousal, especially when he was near, or when she Thought of him. She took his class just because she wanted to be near him. She sat in the front of the room, so she could catch a whiff of his cologne during class. She squeezed her thighs together during his class discussion, dreaming of him roughly taking her sometimes after class. She wanted him desperately.

She really hadn’t figured the texting incident would set him off like this; had she known, she would have texted in his class months ago. When we caught her, he embarrassed her in front of everyone by confiscating the smart phone and sternly stating that she would have to come back at the end of the day to retrieve the phone after serving detention. All eyes were on her when he rebuked her, but inside, at that moment, she was both humiliated and embarrassed. She was felt her mound warm and her pussy lips instinctively flinch at the thought of being in his room after hours.

Now, as he swatted her ass, she was embarrassed at her humbling position, bent across his desk like a 2nd Grader. She was also getting hotter and wetter with each strike. In her mind, she was hoping he gave her the maximum 100 swats, just so she could feel his power and smell his arma as he smoked her as with the wooden paddle. Her hips obviously pressed into the edge of his desk, her mound trembling. She smiled seductively and moaned just loud enough for him to hear.

“Miss Shaw, you do not understand the severity of this punishment, do you? You think this is one of your games you play with the other instructors.”

“No, Professor, I know I was wrong andNeed to be punished,” she breathed through panting lips. “I will accept whatever consequences you deem appropriate.” Another smack…another moan…another contracting of her now steaming pussy lips. Another smile.

He saw her reactions and caught her Cheshire grin out of the corner of his eyes. This only confirmed what he sensed about Miss Shaw. She was a highly-sexed young woman who wanted someone to control her. He was going to be that someone.

He had watched all semester. She was always a good participant in class. Her papers were well-written and her exams always earned her high marks. But he perceived there was something about her that set her apart from the normal student. After a few weeks of watching her, he sensed she was more sexually interested than some students. He wasn’t sure she was particularly experienced, but deep down, he knew she was a sexual pressure cooker, ready to be boiled over and released.

Her smiling face completely gave her way to him now.No student had ever smiled at this paddling before. Some girls cried. Some girls yelled. Some tried to cover up their bum as he used his paddle. Miss Shaw was smiling, panting and thrusting her hips ever so slightly into the desk with each swat. Smack. Smack.

He stopped momentarily, formulating his next action. She started to stand up, thinking the paddling session was over. She was already thinking where in the school she could go to finger herself while her ass was still burning.

“What are you doing, Miss Shaw?” he grew.

“I thought you were done,” she replied, surprised at his tone, wondering.

“Did I say you were done?” he challenged. “You are so smug to assume when I have finished your due punishment””

“No, sir, I just…” she began.

He grabbed her shoulders and pulled her around the corner of his desk into the main classroom. “I will tell you when we are finished, Miss Shaw. Or, should I say Miss SLUT?”

“What do you mean, sir? I reallyThought we were…”

He pushed her to her desk in the front row. The one she sat at everyday, thinking of him. Wanting him. What was he doing? She was both anxious and excited.

He bent her over her desk, pulling her hem back up over her ass. Her warm cheeses now again exposed to him, and anyone who could look through the narrow window in the classroom door.

He roughly grabbed the Waistband of the delicate thong and ripped it down over her hips. She part-grunted, part-squealed at the urgency and sharpness of the action.

“Professor!”, she protested, “what are you doing? You can’t do this!”

“Yes, I can, Miss Shaw,” he calmly reported. “The rules for corporate punishment are vague and open to opinion…Mine.” He knelt down and in one pull wrestled the thin, silky fabric over her calves and shoes. Her backside and pussy were now completely exposed and she felt the cool air cares her warm, moist pussy lips and ass. Goosebumps ran down both legs from her inner thighs to her ankles.

She tried to speak again in protest, but her voice was lost. She was both slightly nervous to his next move and oh-so-turned-on by the forcefulness of his actions. He brought one firm hand down on her now naked ass…swat!

“Professor, I don’t think…,” she tried to gain her composition again and protest.

“Miss Shaw, you should have thought before you texted with your phone in class. You should have thought before you wore silk lingerie to class. Smack…smack…he now had the paddle back in his hand, spanking her exposed ass.

“But, Professor…,” she continued her verbal protest, even though her mind and heart were aching for more.

“No more buts, exceptions or refuges from you, Miss Shaw. You have tested my patience and my leniency.” Smack…smack. Her hips began to thrust back and forth, alternatively between reaching up toward the paddle and grinding her pussy into the hard edge of her desk. She would never be able to sit in that chair andNot be horny.

Her hands reached out on their own, trying to find something to grab. Her left arm brushed his crotch, feeling a hard object, not a soft pleat in his slacks. On my God, she thought to herself, he’s getting hard paddling me. She instinctively ground her hips into the desk and tried to get her hand back to him. He feel her arm grazed his semi-erect member, and sensed her trying to reach for him with her hand.

“What are you doing, Miss Shaw? You think you are deserving of feeling me up? You think you can just molest a teacher like this and not get additional punishment.

“Professor, it’s just that I was thinking I could persuade you to give me back my phone,” she began.

“No!” He spanked her harder this time, the smooth wooden paddle creaming her chocolate ass. She jumped, grabbing the desk with both hands. Although her vulnerability, was pussy was still wet…and getting wetter. Her excited aroma was beginning to fill the classroom. She could feel her bullet hard nipples nearly drilling holes through her lacey bra.

He grabbed her arms and forced her hands behind her back. The thong was wrapped around her wrists and he tied her hands together swiftly and firmly.

“Please, do not tear my panties, Professor,” she cried out. “They are new and cost me nearly all of my last paycheck.”

“Too bad, Miss Shaw,” he leered back. “The only reason a young high school student has to wear pretty lingerie like this is show it to someone. Who were you want to show, Miss Shaw? Is there a boy here at school you want to tease and seduce? Someone you have feelings for? Maybe it’s a girl? Only sluts wear underwear like this to school, Miss Shaw. Right?”

She could not answer. Her body was aching. Her entire being was on an edge she had never experienced. Never, in all her sexual play, had she felt this tightly wound. She had learned in middle school that her pussy was a fine machine, allowing and creating pleasure at the mere hint of a seductive thought. Her fingers had learned how to manipulate and cares her pussy lips and clip. She had spent many a night and morning bringing herself to climax, enjoying each new sensing. Now, with one of her fansies nearly becoming true, she was both nervous and exhausted.

‘Yes, you are a slut, Miss Shaw. I can tell. I’ve seen school girl sluts before. You may not know it yet. You may not have that much experience at being a slut. But, deep down inside, you and I both know you are a slut. A slut that needs someone. You need me, don’t you, Miss Shaw? You want me. You want me to use you as my slut.” Swat.

She still could not reply. Her mind had thoughts, but she could not open her mouth. She felt like she was vibrating from within. Each time he brought the paddle to her ass cheeses, she trembled. Her pussy was drenched and nothing had even touched her directly yet. She could feel her juice oozing from her convulsing lips and down to the desk top. With her proppedover the desk’s edge, hell, she thought, my pussy may be dripping on the floor.

He decided it was time for her to learn what it means to be a slut. She was one, and just didn’t know it. He would let her know the new way for her to act and behave. He checked her wrists, ensuring that the knot in the toe was not going to loosen. Once sure, he walked around until he was facing her. Bent over the desk, hands tied behind her back, her head was even with his belt. Her black butt still exposed to the open air and still facing the door. If anyone came in, all they would see is her naked ass and soaked, pink pussy lips.

She looked up, seeing only his fine, pleated dress slacks. She had long fantasized about what was behind the pleats. Was he big? Long? Wide? Circumcised or not? Did he wear boxes of briefs? His crotch was mere inches from her face. Another smack brought her back to reality.

There was still a paddle in one hand. With his free hand, he slowly unzipped his slacks, his hips swinging back and forth, bringing his fly even closer to her. Smack. He reached one hand inside his fly, feeling his cock which had been semi erect this entire time. Her eyes riveted on the sight. Her embarrassment and concern dissolved into pure curiosity and lust. Was her Professor actually going to pull his cock out? Her pussy twitched, leaking more juice.

He looked down at her. The sight was excitingly sensitive. He was so close that she could not look up into his eyes. All she could she see was his slacks. He could see her back, the white school uniform blouse twisted and wrinkled. Then his eyes rolled down to the skirt bunched up around her waist. Then, the chocolate, creamy skin of her naked ass, the paddle lying across her cheeks. The distinctive scent of an aroused pussy filled his nostrils and head. The entire room was beginning to smell like her.

He pulled his cock out from behind the zipper curtain. Her eyes widened as she saw his cock revealed. Damn, she thought. He was going commando. No boxer, no briefs, just that fine ivory skin. His cock was growing in front of her. Now freed from the dress slacks, he grew both longer and wider than she ever imagined. She grew loudly, and pursued at the same time. Smack. Smack. Her ass quivered with each paddle stroke and she ground her pussy shaft into the desk’s edge without hesitation.

“My dear Miss Shaw.” His voice was soft and controlled, not the voice of a man whose cock was hardening mere inches from her face. “You are now mine.” He pushed his cock up against her lips. She opened wide for him, partly because she had to in order to accommodate him, but more from the sheer enthusiasm of finally getting to see, touch and taste him.

Still only ¾ hard she could feel him grow longer as she enveloped him. His girl Increased, too. She eagerly began to suck him. She was giddy. Smack. Another paddle stroke. The sharp stings on her backside only encouraged her to take more of him on her mouth. She dreamt of a day when she might have him fully in her mouth, and now it was actually happening. Smack.

He was getting hard fast. Her mouth was more effective than he imagined. He didn’t know if she was more experienced than he gave her credit for, or if she was simply going on instinct and imagination. Frankly he didn’t care. She was giving him an excellent blowjob. He brought down the paddle one more…smack. She cooed and moaned louder now with each strike. Her hips were heaving and pumping on their own now. She could feel her clip being mashed into the desk top. She knew she was leaking on the desk, and just didn’t care. She had her mouth wrapped on her Professor’s dick, and she was not letting go.

He started a rhythm now…jamming his cock as far back into her throat as possible. As he pulled back, he spanked hard with the paddle. He would leave just the engorged tip of his manhood in her mouth, and SWAT, with the paddle. Her hips gyrated with each strike, and then he would thrust forward, cramming his cock into her mouth again. She gagged as he reached the back of her throat. She had never felt something like this before. Almost like she was picking on food, but this meat was not staying stuck. He brought his shake out again…spank. The wooden slap to her soft flesh responded through the room, echoing off the cold, concrete walls. Then he again jammed his hips forward, sinking his thick shake against the back of her throat.

Her eyes well up with tears. She gagged again. There was disappoint, but she was determined to take whatever he gave her today. She felt his shake withdraw again, until just his throbbing tip was in her mouth. Spank…swat. She felt one hand on the back of her head, pulling her towards him. Swat. The next time he was faster and even deeper. She gagged and sputtered this time, cought around his cock as he face fucked her. She felt his balls smack her chin, the dark curly hairs tickling her as he drovehis dick deep into her mouth.

Again and again, he thrust his hips forward, gagging her as he fucked her face with a vengeance. Then, as he pulled back a firm SWAT on her naked ass. She was so close to cumming she couldn’t stand it. She felt her clip throb each time he jammed his cock into her throat. It was like her tonsils and her clip were wired together. She was so close, she wanted him to touch her; she knew that would send her into a convulsing climax.

He kept pounding her, his shake deep into her throat, smacking her with the paddle as he pulled back. His hips were a blur now, but she wasn’t sure if that was because of the speed of his pistoning, or because her wyes were completely filled with tears. She could feel the mascara running down her face. She just closed her eyes and let him face fuck her.

His breathing was now getting labored and heavy. His hips thrust harder and deeper with each stroke. “Oh yeah, my dear Miss Slut. I’m going to cum soon. Do you want me to cum in your mouth?”

She couldn’t answer. She knew he didn’t care what her answer was. She just wanted him to cum. She wanted him to drop her in his cum. Swat…swat.

He shifted the paddle in his hand. She waited for yet another swat. Instead, he turned the paddle on its edge, firmly slicing it into her ass crack. She gasped at the sensing. He used the thin edge of the paddle and made a Seeing motion along her crack. She bucked her hips up, trying to grab the paddle with her butt cheats. She felt him press the paddle edge down, deliberately wedding it against her bum hole. Geez, she had never felt anything like this before. If he would only replace the paddle with his hand, or finger, she would cum violently.

Without warning, he erupted. Hot, molten cum gushed into her mouth. She retired the salty, creamy texture and began to swallow. He pulled back slightly resting his cock just inside her lips, spraying her tongue with his cum. She sucked hard, trying tocatch all the fluid, not wanting to waste any of it. She gulped and sucked at the same time.

The paddle hit the floor as he released his hand and released his cum into her mouth. He grabbed her head and pulled her towards him, matching his hips thrusting into her mouth. His balls were wedged against her chin and she could feel them throb as they unloaded. She lost count of how many spurts she gobbled and swallowed. His actions slowed a bit as his climax subsided. His hips her quaking now, not thrusting. Just shaking as she sucked and tried to swallow more of his manly fluid. She felt him soften, and his body relax. He didn’t pull out for some time. He kept his hips in her face and his dick in her mouth. She mewed at the feel of his manhood softening around her lips. She was both exhilarated and content knowing he wanted her. From This point forward, she would gladly be his slut. He could ask her to suck his cock in front of her classesmates — and she would. If he wanted to take herinto the faculty blinde and bang her with other teachers watching, she would eagerly agree. She didn’t care. She knew he wanted her, and that’s all that mattered.

Finally, his cock softened completely. He gently patted her head and she knew it was his signal for her to release him. She opened her mouth and he gently pulled his limp cock from her. This was better than any seduction scene she had ever imagined. He took her and she was all his now.

He loosened the thong handcuffs. She felt the blood flow back into her arms. Her body, while still sexually charged, was content and nearly as limp as his manhood.

He leaned down until he was at eyes level with her. He held her phone in his hand and smiled. “I guess you have earned this back,” he shoulder. She had no idea where the phone had been during this escapade. “Just be more careful and do not use it in my class again, Miss Shaw.”

He gently used on hand and slipped his cock, still wet and shiny with his cum and her spit, back into his slacks and zipped up. He sound of the sipper both disappointed and enthralled her. He dangled the sexy, silk thong in front of her, a wide, evil grin on his face. “You earned back your phone, Miss Shaw. If you want the lingerie back, you will need to make other arrangements.”


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