*All characters are fictional and over 18 in age*
Part Two
His hands are my favorite accessory.
Prominent veins, blue pumping red.
Wrapped democratically around my throat.
His thumbs slipping into my mouth.
Eyes flutter closed, sucking, slurping.
Pussy heartbeat, pulsing, thrummed.
His bloody fingers, tiny volts, sparking.
When I awoke, I was surprised to be energetic and completely rested at 6am. Glancing at my phone, which he must have plugged in while I showed last night, I saw a message from a number I didn’t recognize. Lifting the phone I buried deeper in my blankets as I read, a mixture of butterflies and heat rushing through me… it was from him. ‘I hope you slept well, there is fresh fruit in your fridge, EAT. You will need your energy today. Don’t forget your rules, and the change to your last rule. Bring both a set of heels you can stand in for a long stretch of time and a pair of comfortable flats, and an overnight bag with toiletries. ~S’ His name was Sebastian but it might stand for “Sir”. I would have to wait and see what other rules he had for me.
I stretched my upper body and was grinning when I slipped from my bed to pad quietly to my closet and dresser. I opened the doors, flipping the light to choose my outfit for the day. I chose the shoes first, a pair of sapphire blue Mary Jane pumps, made of velvet. They were comfortable and could be hurt for long stretches of time, they looked adorable with everything. Digging a pair of honey colored leather ballet slippers out from a small shoe box, adding them to the pile. I chose a corduroy blue skirt that matched my heels with a yellow cotton blouse that buttoned all the way up to my neck with a white laced collar, embroidered in little flowers. Both were wholesome, adorable and modest, but underneath… there was satin lingerie, silk and lace. I eyed them both spread out against my quilt, each was unique in its own way, elated by the ideaof the day.
The fruit had been neatly stacked under my name, it was a shared fridge and mine was now stocked with fruit and veggies, a package of raw chicken, cheeses, eggs and milk. I was bewildered by all this food and wondered when he had time for all this? I chose to make a scrambled breakfast burrito, hot cheesey eggs, chopped sausage with onions and peppers wrapped up in a thin shell, sliced oranges nestled in a bowl at its side. I returned to my room, sitting cross legged on my bed, my plate nestled between my thighs, snapping a photo, I tapped the phone on my chin debating whether I send this to him as proof? Before I could doubt my intentions, I hit send. I hummed as I ate slices of orange with my protein fueled meal. The ding on my phone has me jumping up and down in excitement to his message. ‘Good girl’ I nearly melted right there from 2 little words.
When I finished my meal, which ended in nervous giggles and excited sights, full of smiles and wiggles. It was notcommon to wear a lot of makeup so I choose to keep my face simple and clean with a light amount of mascara so lashes were darkened, a rose colored lip balm just lightly tinted, my pale skin illuminated. By 8:36 I was dressed and ready. A small Vera Bradley duffel bag hold my belongings he instructed, a small reusable bottle stocked with cold water, my book for his class, sunscreen and my sunglasses in a small hard case, an extra silk nightie and a pale yellow oversized sweater in case I got cold.
Slipping a small leather cross bag over my shoulder, just as I hear his car on the gravel driveway. My heart sped up, I fiddled with my skirt, tugging at the hem nervously. Smoothing my chocolate curls, I fidget, full of giddy nerves. I had fantasized about this, thousands of times, and here it was and I felt mindless, wordless. This rarely happened to me, it was frustrating yet fascinating. Taking a brave but shaky breath, I am started when the door swings open in front of me to him standing there looking so handsome. His shirt was buttoned seriously to the top, a dark blue jacket matched the dark blue pants adorned with a black belt and black leather shoes.
I was suddenly very happy with my choice of blue mini skirt and yellow shirt, it compiled him, outsiders looking in may think we planned it. His browser cocks in surprise to my outfit but I can see by the way they rake over me hotly, he approves of my choice. His eyes linger at the hem of my dress, flicking back to my neck where the last button had somehow popped open.
Walking to me, I am overcome by his scent and I inhale a shaky breath, taking my duffel he turned from me and walked away, following outside the house to see a vintage jaguar roadster. It was a dark green, with a caramel color leather interior, it sat purring on the gravel. My mouth was hanging open, shocked by this gorgeous car. His chuckle was warm and cheerful, his hand leading my lower back to the door and opening it for me like agentleman. He surprised me when he leaned over, buckling me in, he was so close I could see his stubble barely peaking through the skin, his smell was minty and mixed with pine and perhaps… bacon? He didn’t look at me, saying nothing, he returned to his seat and buckled in. Turning to face me, taking both my hands in his, eyes very serious and his tone seemed uncertain.
“I want to know if you had a change of heart and would like to end right now. There would be no hard feelings. No repercussions, I will be the perfect Gentleman.” His tone is shaky as he speaks, eyes wary and bravely looking at me, I am again surprised by this show of vulnerability. I wasn’t thinking when I unclipped from my seat and crawled into his lap. Taking his cheeses between my palms, lifting his face to mine, brazenly, longing to show him how much I wanted him.
“If I didn’t want to be here, I wouldn’t be. I definitely would not have sent you that message this morning. Whatever this is… I want totry. I’ve never wanted anything so badly in my life.” I kept my voice quiet and soft, desperate to kiss him.
“You have already broken a rule.” His answer is swift and stern. Eyes are clear of uncertainty and I can feel him become hard under my skirt. It had bunched up around my wait to reveal thigh high stockings clipped into a matching satin garter belt part of the set he hadn’t seen last night, I felt it was the perfect day to test it out, having never hurt them before, I had been annoyed by how hard it was to attach the stays to the stockings. His growl at the sight has me shifting and staying stock still. The realization of this mistake fluttering around me. This wasn’t a normal relationship, he stated that to me yesterday. Biting my lip I scramble to my seat, unsure, I leave my skirt bunched around my waist. I spread my legs, there is a large wet O on the front of my panties. I see his eyes there and I smile sheepishly. He was stronger than I thought, keeping his eyes straight.
“Since you want to act like a little slut, take off your panties. Now.” There was an icy steel of his breath. He re-buckled my seat belt and slowly backed out of the driveway. The day was stunningly warm, the sun was poking light through the trees as we drove. My loose hair swirling around my face as I carefully undid all the stays attached to the silk stockings. I wiggled the panties down to my knees, and allowed them to slide the remaining way down my calves. The drive was quiet, I carefully redid my stockings to my garter belt. When I had finally finished I was sweating from the exertion. Picking the panties up from the floor, I handed them to Sebastian. Who promptly stuffed them into my mouth as a gag. My eyes were wide and surprised as he turned off a dirty country road, it was shaded and light filtered Through the trees.
He cut the engine and we were submerged in a sudden silence all around us. Birds chirped in the distance, bugs buzzed in and out of the silence.He unbuckled and got out, striding around to my door and ripping it open, unbuckling and dragging me out roughly at the same time, I wiggled my hips attempting to lower my skirt. Pushing me facedown on the hood of the car. I panted wanting to ask what was happening but my panties still stuffed in my mouth prevented me to talk. I didn’t understand why I as so wet from this treatment but I squirmed and worried Suddenly what he would think when he touched me there and felt me dripping.
“Do you know what you did wrong?” His voice is met with his fingers lifting the hem of my skirt. I am confused at what he is doing, out here on this open country road. The first spank is so loud the crack echoed off the trees around us, followed by my cry and jerk. A small sob racks through me, a whimper is muffled by the panties shoved there. My whole body lifting and shaking from the burning pain. He removes them from me. Soaked in my saliva, he stuffs it in his pocket.
“Good Girl. You can’tclimb in my lap while we are sitting in the parking lot of your apartment. We only need to wait a couple weeks and you will be graduating and this won’t be unethical.” His tone is serious and dripping in impatience. Slapping the other chef just as quick and hard makes me scream and whimper. Massaging my ass that felt like it was on fire allowed my bottom half to relax.
Yanking me from the car, my skirt falling around my thighs, he whips me around to face him. Pushing at me gently, I sit, he continues to push and I lay down against the hood of the car. Lifting my skirt, he clucks at the wetness dripping there, my inner thighs coated in juices.
“Naughty, did you get excited for being bad little girl?” He slaps my inner thigh, causing me to jump nervously in surprise. Slapping the other side, I hear the click of his tongue as I feel myself becoming more excited. Heartbeat racing, I shiver and whimper at how lovely this feels. Pushing my chest down, taking a long slow lick, mycum collecting at the tip of his tongue. Another long lick has me panting and laying back to look at the sky. More swift slaps to my inner thighs have me jerking, moaning and shivering. Panting heavier, my breathing ragged as he slaps me and keeps me just on the edge of an orgasm. I lay there spent, his fingers gently massaging me and slowly fingering me.
“Sir! May I please cum?” I am so close, I can feel the waves of relief beating against the shore, begging for the tsunami to take me under. I flick my hips and whimper, his hands are fast, they take both mine above my head, pinning me there, his other hand is deeply rooted in my pussy.
“No, you may not. Next time you touch me in public without my permission, will ensure you don’t cum for a week and the week of your period doesn’t count.” Ripping his fingers from my pussy, he shoves them in my mouth roughly.
“Suck your cunt off my fingers, needy little slut… good girl, that’s right gag on Sir’s fingers..Mmmm, yes baby gag and suck, good girl.” After licking and sucking til they are clean, I am soaking wet again. His eyes told me how pleased he was with my job of cleaning him up. What a sight I made, drawn across his car. A little sex pistol, his completely obvious kryptonite.
He leads me back to my seat so kindly, as if he didn’t just spank me red and almost make me cum out in this open country road. The sun heated leather burns my ass cheek he blemished, winning slightly as I slip into my seat. I learned my lesson and I would be mindful to not jump in his lap. He is gentle with me, buckling me back into my seat, his fingers leading my chin up to his lips to kiss me softly, flooding my belly with butterflies. Ugh, I hoped that never ended.
He doesn’t turn back to the main road and Continues down the curved dirt road, heading straight to a large forest. The private road is layered with unused fields and untamed orchards along with at least 3 large vineyards. We drive for about 10 minutes, winding around curves and S shaped turns, crawling slowly up a hill. There, nestled in the trees was a large log cabin. It was beautifully chaos. There were plants and color everywhere. Whoever owned this place spent countless hours gardening.
There was a large barn that opened as we approached, inside were 2 other cars, covered in a thick tan canvas, obscuring what was hidden underneath, as equally vintage and beautiful I was sure. One was a large blue vintage pick up truck with cherry red leather interior, the same truck he drove me home in last night, I bite my lip at the memory of his hand on my knee the whole time, how secure it made me feel.
“What a beautiful collection of cars you have, Sir.” I am amazed, burning with curiosity of this beastly man sitting next to me. His response is a gruff ‘harrumph’. He got out and walked around to my door, opening it with a hand to help me out. The ground is smooth and my heels clip as I walk across the cement surface.
“This is more my families collection that all mooch off my space. The Chevy truck and roadster are mine though. Gifts from my Grandad.” He takes my wrist and yanks me to follow him roughly. I want to ask about his family, curious, but he keeps moving. I tug at my hand trying to remove it from his grap. He doesn’t need to be so rough, just a simple tug with fingers intertwined would be enough… I tug again when he doesn’t let go. He ignores my tugs and I saw heavily in exasperation. Jogging behind him to keep up. He carries my duffel bag like a small sack on his shoulder, closing the door to the garage and whipping me around to place his body against mine and wedding me between him and the door. His hand at my neck, wrapping his fingers there, I shudder and melt into the heaviness at my back. My breath hitched, panting and whimpering. The heat from the day is suddenly cool compared to my hot and burning flesh.
“There is much to learn, I need you to behave so I don’t maul ths delicate pink flesh of yours. I want to fuck you senseless and when I start I don’t plan to stop until I pass out from exhaust. You will be ruined, and tomorrow morning you will beg for more, like the good girl you are.” He was slow and clear, enunciating perfectly against my ear. I knew if I turned my head I could kiss him, deciding to risk the chance of being spanked, I leaned in and kissed the corner of his mouth. He huffed and surprised heavily, resting his forehead to mine and clucking his tongue. Chuckling he released my body, I slump at the loss of his holding me up. Tugging my hand harder, I follow down the path to the house, tripping, silently. Refusing to be rushed in these heels, I tug at his hand again to slow down, trying to walk rapidly in heels in the grass wasn’t easy.
“Your home is beautiful, Sir. Thank you for sharing it with me. I am certain nobody will hear me screaming.” I am quite shocked he chose here for our first date. It is a very large cabin and not at all like a normal structure, I soaked in all the details. The herb garden near the kitchen door was fragment as we passed, he stopped to pluck some mint before pushing open the screen door into a large airy kitchen. It was modern and very clean, everything was labeled and I smiled at each little black and white sticker. We stopped just inside the door and as my eyes adjusted he knelt there at my feet, undoing the buckles on my Shoes, helping me from them as I hold on to his shoulders for steaminess. Without notice he is striding into the house, deeper down a long hallway and out into a sunroom. I padded in my stocking feet quietly, the cool surface soaking into my little toes.
What I saw in the next room astounded me. A large cathedral ceiling was made of glass, hanging in the middle of the huge supportive beam was a large swing. Surrounding every inch in a large circular space were green luscious plants. I turned to him and was surprised once again by this beast of a man. IKnow why he brought me here, to show me his one true password, loving and honoring earthly flesh, nursering it in every way. This showed a man so introverted his time with plants and words were more astounding than friends and outside life. He sheepishly clipping dead blooms off a neary plant, quietly waiting my reaction. I was shocked by him, in awe of what he did here. I felt as if I was in the garden of eden, Not a log cabin in the woods.
“Sir, this… This doesn’t even have words…You have blown my mind in a way I never expected. I am astounded and charmed. Was all this magic made by your hands? This all takes so much time and energy.” I am completely smitten and what I thought before was a mutual infatuation of lust didn’t even compare to what I was feeling right now…Unable to form my Words, I close the gap between us and lay my cheek at his chest, nuzzling him softly, singing and breathing in his scent. As rough and hard as he wishes those would see him to be, I am the opposite, soft and warm, sweet and gentle, but I am this way with everyone. I felt honored to be among this chosen family and friends. I now understand him better than I ever had on campus. Here stood a man dedicated to what was important to him, and for some crazy reason he wanted me to be part of it.
I bit my lip, deep in thought. My breath matching his rising and falling chest. His hands felt warm and heavy, brushing and rubbing my back tenderly. I saved the moment before peaking up at him, watching him before he realized it and planted a soft too quick peck on my lips. Taking my hand and moving on, I so badly wished to stay in the humid and warm glow of the greenhouse. I longly gazed at the sittee that sat in the center of the room near the swing.
The hallways were long and clearly connected for the sake of the greenhouse, I would come to later love these long dark corridors, they would lead to many orgasm, caused by fervent desires. As he lead me winding around I was surprised to find a modern living room and stairs that led to bedroom suite loft with connecting bathroom. The bed was a huge King bed made of smooth logs, with a luscious gray duvet, and a mountain of pillows. It was the first thing I noticed about it when he lead me there first to drop off my bag.
“Why do you need so many pillows?” His smile and scowl were the only response I got before being lead back down the mahogany steps. At the bottom he stopped and turned to me, for the first time we were face to face and I smiled in delight at not straining to reach his mouth. I kissed him, when he pulled away I moved with him forcing him to catch me off the second top step. Lifting me and carrying me, I stubbornly hold on and don’t break from him. His chuckle has me smiling which is distraction enough to break from my mouth. I hike my legs around his waist, tightening my thighs around his back, his barking laughter has me giggling as I hold on for my ride.
“Are you hungry?” IConsider his question, knowing it could mean many different things coming from a man who enjoyed playing with his words. I lean back to look at him, knowing he will strain a bit with my weight, he doesn’t wince or even act as if he noticed.
“Not for food.” His chuckle is soft at my ear, pulling and tugging at the lobe with his teeth erupting tingles and butterflies to flood every inch of me. The flood of heat and wetness between my legs has me singing and humming in appreciation. He nibbles on my neck, licking and biting softly, his bites harder until I am groaning in pain. He grunts in approval to the teeth marking there, licking at it, the wet warm and cool an odd contrast to the burning from him breaking the skin. I would need to cover that up this week, it tingled and felt hot where he left his marking.
“I am also not hungry for food…” He grew his words into my ear, I shivered and bit my lip as he moved around the large cabin. There were many doors that I was unfamiliar with, I didn’t care about where we were going, I was happy where I was, locked around him. I couldn’t stop smiling, I had fantasized about these moments so many times, being in his arms. I had been raised to be reasonable so most of the fans took place in his office and a motorcycle room… never in his home, never in my apartment.
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