Lying on the bed, she is sleeping lightly covered in the silk sheets, folded in their warmth. Her smooth blond hair is framing her face in a soft embrace, her head lying upon the pillow, eyes moving behind the lids in a dream. A smile plays across her lips as her mind reminds her of things from the past and of things that may soon happen.
She did not hear Him enter the room, sleeping as she was. He looks upon the room full of His tools and His dreams, at His living dream attend on His bed. He sits on the bed next to her watching her, careful not to wake her. He watches the sheets move as she breathes. He feels His caring and love for her move through Him warming Him through. He shifts slightly on the bed reaching for the wall and turning the thermostat to warm the room. He hears the heat from the furnace click on and warm air fills the room quickly driving out the cooler air.
She is stirred to slightly awake by a hand brushing the hair from her face, then fully awakenedby a line of kisses trailed along her jaw line. Her smile beams at Him as her eyes open, looking into His. She loves waking in this manner, with Him next to her, not having to start the day without first seeing Him. He smiles down on her hazel eyes searching into her soul feeling her core being. Then He continues kissing her again up her jaw line ending at her ear and placing a playful nip there on.
He rises slightly in the bed, and looking at her, tells her that He has plans for her this day. He grins at her boldly, not taking His eyes from hers. She wiggles in the bed happily under His look loving His plans already with out being told of them. Warmth already rises in her loins; her breasts becoming more aware of the feeling of the silk sheets as she shifts in them playfully under His gaze.
He keeps a large wooden box next to the bed full of His belongings, it is normally locked, sometimes though he leaves it open for her to rummage through so she may look at and touch Hisbelongings. To remember the things He has done to her with them. She does not know He does this purposely only that she takes advantage of every opportunity as it is presented to her to touch the things that had been near to Him and touched by Him she does enjoy the memories and the flush they bring to her. Always though, when she has finished she places them back as carefully as she is able to in what she hoped were the correct places where they had lain placed by His hands.
He unlocks the box and from it takes a set of leather cuffs, padded fully inside with deep crisis velvet. Opening the first cuff, the metal clasps of it tinkling in the otherwise silent room, He asks for her right wrist. She extends it out from under the sheets to Him and He fastens it there on, slowly and with purpose, caresing the velvet lining along her inner wrist before clasping it shut. He asks then for her left wrist and as she pulls it out from the blankets, exposing her back to the warm air inthe room she smiles deeply. She knows some of His quirks and waking to the warmth of the room knows the heat has been turned on signaling that He will make love to her this day. She extends the left wrist to Him, her eyes starting to show fire, a smile crosses her lips, and in the same fashion, He clasps the leather cuff to her wrist.
Still holding her left arm in His hand He takes up her right and by the cuffs lifts her to a sitting position. Her hair falls down her back to reaching her shoulder blades, the warmth of the air in the room holding her now as the sheets just had done. The sheets fall away from her breasts with one last silent tease along her already hardening nipples. He smiles deeper at her beauty at His beauty.
He looks at her as she sits before Him and, releasing her hands tells her to remove His shirt. She thrills at the idea and her hands want to fly to His chest, but they do not, she knows better then to rush things with Him. These games go at His pace,at His wanting and are not for her to speed up, not that she ever wants things to go quickly with Him. Therefore, with this in mind, she moves her hands to His chest, allowing them to pause for a moment feeling His heart beat through the clothes. She unfastens the buttons from top to bottom, pulling the cloth of the shirt free of the waist of His pants and undoing the final two buttons. She looks into His eyes and sensing approval moves her hands to His stomach lying her palms there. Her hands move slowly up His stomach to His chest, the hair there running under and between her fingers as she moves them up and over His nipples to His shoulders. She squeezes slightly on His shoulders before sliding the shirt free of them to fall to the bed.
She lowers her eyes to Him and He cups her chin lifting her head to kiss her mouth, taking His first full taste of her this day. She quivers a little under His kiss, knowing He would do so at the lowering of her eyes to Him. He loves to look into her eyes she knows He can judge her feelings and her spirit through them, and with pride, He tells her how beautiful they are. Still, at times it is hard to look into His eyes and see the intensity burning in them.
He again takes up the cuffs and now fastens them to together by clicking the clasps connected to them to one another, holding them tightly together. Taking two thin cords from the chest He loops them Through the clasps and bids her to rise from the bed. He leads her across the room past His other stations for her, to His bending post. A long thick padded item, it is shaped like a T running about four or so feet from the wall parallel to the floor braced there by another thick piece of wood. The bar of the T, about the girl of a railroad plank, padded in leather with the top perpendicular section, made from the same wood, padded in the same manner as the cuffs now on her wrists in a deep crisis velvet. The post extends from the wall at precisely the level of her hips as; it was built for her. The structure can to hold the weight of her body if she were to be placed atop it. She shudders obviously when led here remembering when last she was placed before it, she had displeased Him another day, and the memory was not exactly a pleasant one for her though not entirely unpleasant either. Her mind scans her recent memory frantically for anything she may have done to earn His Disfavor but finds nothing she knows of.
Sensing her shudder, and recalling Himself when last she had been brought here, He takes her into His arms calming her. He whispers into her ear that He only has good intentions for her this day. Placing a kiss upon her lips, He drives out her fears soothing her again.
He lifts her arms again by the cord on the cuffs, removes the cord from them, and unfastens the clamps from each other telling her as He does so to keep her arms extended as He lets them go. He pulls her forward by her right hand till her wait meets the bar of the post and bending her forward against it places her hand against the wall near a hasp placed there on. The velvet of the bar has already gathered the warmth of the room its’ softness, playing along her waist and stomach, as she is bent against it at about a thirty-three degree angle. He takes her left hand places against the wall near a hasp also, helping her balance more evenly. Taking the cords He had led her to the post with He runs the end of the first through the clamp of the right cuff and then through the hasp attached to the wall, knotting it off loosely allowing some movement. He kisses the back of her hand softly, moves to the left tying it in the same manner of the right, and then kisses the back of the left.
Smiling, He tells her to wait there for Him and moves back to the chest near the bed. She can hear Him moving about but cannot turn her head far enough to see what He is doing. When He returns she hears Him place some items on the floor behind her. The next thing she feels brings a soft gasp from her as He smoothes the hair away from her back and runs the nails of one of His hands slowly along the top of her right shoulder then down her spine to the top of her buttocks. Then opening His hand on her and cupping her right buttock He knees it slightly, her legs part naturally to Him and He slides His hand down and across her inner tigh then up to her sex feeling the wetness gathered There. She moans just loud enough for Him to hear, and He slides two fingers into her slowly teasing her, moving them in and out not necessarily to make her come, just to prepare her for it. He has bigger plans for her today He knows smiling at the thought.
His fingers wetted by her sex leave it and trace a slick path down her inner tigh to her knee. Then bending Himself at the knees, He runs His fingers Along the outside of her right calf to her ankle. At this level, His head even to her hips, He can smell her arousal and it ignores a password in Him furtherr feeding His desire. He moves on with her though, not taking what is His yet. She hears Him lift something from the floor the metal clasps of another set of cuffs sound behind her. He opens the cuff, runs the velvet lining down the length of the back of her right calf to the ankle, and closes it there just above the anklebone. Shifting again, and taking up another cuff He opens it, lifts it to her, and give her a quick little swat across her buttocks with the velvet lining. The swat caught her by surprise; she gasps a little catching her breath, and wiggles her bottom playfully at Him hoping for another one. He does not give her one; instead, He moves the cuff from her buttock, cares it down her leg to the ankle, and fastens it there.
Still crouched behind her He lifts two more cords from the floor and looks at her legs. When she had opened herself to Him earlier, they had moved driven by nature, to the correct position, placed near the hoops set into the floor. Taking a cord He loops it through the hoop at her right foot and then through the clap of the cuff at her right ankle tying it off there to the floor. Then, doing the same to the left, He rises behind her looking upon His work. He truly enjoys seeing her beauty presented to Himself in this way, on display to Him, legs spread inviting, buttocks high in the air, back arched into the bend of her body, breasts falling freely, her hair framing the tops of them.
He moves to in front of her and looks into her eyes, moves His left hand to her, sliding it from the underside of her right breast, across the nipple cupping it softly for a second then up to the hair falling atop of her breast. Taking the hair from there He lifts it and smoothes it down her back, then moving His hand forward again cups her chin and kisses her deeply with password and fire. Still looking into her eyes, until they close overwhelmed with her pleasure, He sees that He has ignored the fire in her also.
Ending the kiss,He moves again behind her and bending at the knee lifts a black suede flogger into her view. The strands fall free and loosely from it as He lifts it to her. She makes a soft noise in her throat as the tips, just the very tips, of the leather strands run the length of her arm from fingertips to shoulder. From her shoulder, He moves it forward to play over her breast teasing the nipple then up and over the shoulder and down her back. He gives her a pat with it at her bottom and leaves it resting there against her. She arches up into it as far as her binds will allow. Watching her move, with a smile on His face, He leans into her to whisper into her ear. He tells her that He takes great joy in watching her motions. In the way her body moves to His actions and tells her of the beauty held in them. He tells her that for this time she may move freely as she wishes to allow herself to move as her body feels the need. She sights, her hips begin rocking slowly against the velvet padding of thepost and further into the flogger resting upon her buttocks.
He lifts the flogger from her bottom and swats her across the lower thigh, just above the knee. Then before she can even gasp, higher on the thigh, and then again higher. Resting the flogger for second He watches her hips sway, her body moving against the restraints He raises the flogger again and brings it down hard across her buttocks causing redness to appear There. Again He rises it and brings it down her breath starts to come pants and gasps at His actions. He pauses and with His empty hand cares her bottom kneeing in the redness. She arches into his hand He allows it to rest there for a moment feeling directly her movements under Him. Moving His hand from her He brings the flogger down upon her buttocks again, then another care, another flog, then care. Repeating the actions Until her hips begin to buck hard against the post and the bindings panting and gasping her head thrown back, hair falling down to her should blades she moans from deep with in her body.
Then, just the caress, her body relaxes, resting into the bonds her hair falls forward covering her face. He moves the hair back again He does not wish her beauty covered. He moves into her, still caressing, and kisses her throat, then down to her shoulder. Then backs away from her returning to His tools on the floor. There is an emptiness in her for the time He is away, but He is soon back having chosen His switch from the various items He has. She gasps at the sight of His choice, knowing the sting it brings. Her hips again start rocking.
Rising the switch He lashes it down at the very bottom edge of her buttocks welting her. A sound between a moan and a soft scream comes from her. Again He rises and brings it down now to the middle of her buttocks. Another Welt forms there. Again a rise and fall now to the top of her buttocks and another welt. Her body rocks hard against the cuffs and cords holding her fast. Her hips moving, rocking up and down side to side. Breath coming in hard gasps and pants now, sounds falling from her lips she had never made before, sounds more animal in nature then human. Her body moving of its’ own according, hands clenching, unclenching, hair thrown about with the movements of her head. The switch continues to work on her flesh, the sting blurring from her memory into pleasure. Her mind drifts into the feelings, her body moves to the music of His actions.
She was not, for the briefest moment, exactly sure when He had stopped switching her. The silk, caressing over the welts on her bottom elicits a deep, long sight from her. She also, as she opens her eyes for the first time in a while, notices His pants lying on the floor in her view. Knowing that He is behind her she arches her hips out and up as far as she can to offer her self to Him. He takes her, entering her sex slowly, she gasps as if He is directly pushing the air from her. She rocks onto Him, moving her hipsin rhythm to His movements. He reaches forward caressing the silk up her spine raising goose bumps over her body. Moans come from her lips falling softly from her mouth. He again moves the silk this time forward over her body and from behind, He cups her breast within the silk. The tempo of their motions pick up, His thumb strokes forward on her breast finding the nipple, caressing it under the silk. His breath coming heavy behind her His empty hand reaching to her hip pulling her to Him as far as the bindings will allow. She throws her head back cascading her hair down her back arching as hard as she can on to Him her body starts to convulse in pleasure. A growl comes from Him behind her He tells her to release her pleasures. She shudders hard and climaxes, stars forming in her eyes as He fills her with His seed at her release.
In a haze of heat and contentment, she relaxes into the bindings simply. He pulls out from her and she hears the soft click of His knife opening behindher. He cuts the cornering at her ankles free, then holding her with His free hand cuts the cornering at her wrists. He lifts her limp, soft body into His arms carrying her back to the bed. She places her hands to His chest feeling His heart beating therein. She rests her cheek on His shoulder as He places her lying on the bed, joining her there. Her breath soft on His neck He turns and give her one last kiss before she rests quietly. He leaves her eyes close as He whispers to her of His love for her and of her beauty, struggling her hair as she drifts to sleep.
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