Some Much Needed Discipline Ch. 02

Lips set in a mutinous, angry line, Rebecca pressed the doorbell. Still dressed in the same clothes from that afternoon, the porch light of Mr. Jones house cast her face in shadows.

“Rebecca.” Mr. Jones said, surprised to see her. “It’s late.”

“Yeah, I know.” She muttered, nervously shifting the weight of her very full backpack to the other shoulder. “Can I come in?”

Wordlessly, Mr. Jones stepped back, allowing her to step into his dimly lit foyer.

“I, uh, finished my paper.” Rebecca said, holding out a rumpled piece of paper, eyes on the ground.

“Good girl.” Mr. Jones said, tactfully ignore the state of the paper. “Thank you.”

Pleased, she glanced up once. Mr. Jones gasped as the light revealing a nasty black eye.

“What the hell!” Mr. Jones exploded, grabbing her chin. “Who did this to you?” he demanded, reaching out to flip on the overhead light.

Uncomfortable, Rebecca jerked her chin out of his grip, and glared at the floor. “My dad.” She muttered, jerking her should unfortunately. “Duh.”

Uttering an oath under his breath, Mr. Jones gently wrapped his hand around her arm and pulled her into his kitchen.

“Hey, it’s okay.” Rebecca said, shocked to realize Mr. Jones was making an ice pack. “Mary let me ice it down at her house.”

Mr. Jones took a few deep breaths, trying to get his temperature under control. “Why did your father hit you?”

“Um, because he’s bigger than me?” Rebecca said slowly with a sarcastic roll of her eyes. “This is nothing; I’ve had worse.”

Mr. Jones pressed his lips together angrily, wanting desperately to hit a man who would treat his own child like that. Gently, he reached out and pulled her in for a hug.

“The thing is,” Rebecca mumbled into the hard muscles of his chest, “I kind of need a place to stay until I can get a job. He kinda, um … well, he kicked me out.”

Mr. Jones grew deep in his chest. “Hey, it’s okay!” Rebecca protected. “I’ve been 18 now for two months so it’s not like I didn’t see this coming. I was just hoping to have somewhere to go when it happened.” She babbled nervously. “I went over to Mary’s, but her folks are so strapped financially, I just hated to bug them. And the nursery home won’t let me stay with my grandma.”

Mr. Jones rubbed a hand over her back, thinking over his options. “You can stay for now, but I need you to keep where you are quiet until next week, when this class is over. We’ll revisit the situation then, okay?”

Rebecca nodded, and relaxed against his chest.

“Have you had dinner?” Mr. Jones asked, reluctantly releasing her.

“Yeah, I got a burger with some money Grandma gave me.”

“I was watching the news, if you’d like to join me in the living room. Or, are you tired, would you like to go to bed?”

“Can I use your shower?” Rebecca asked, leaning down to pick up her backpack from where she had set it down.

“It’s at the end of the hallway.” Mr. Jones said,pointing. “Towels are in the cupboard.”


Mr. Jones watched her walk down the hall, then went back into the living room to sit back down on the couch. The television droned in the background, but his mind was not on the news anymore. It was on the sexy woman in the shower.

“Down, boy.” He muttered with a stern look at his crotch. “Now’s not a good time.”

Mr. Jones continue to fight with his ‘other brain’ while Rebecca finished her shower, so much so that she started him when she walked into the room.

“Mr. Jones?” she asked, then giggled when he jumped.

“Oh, for Pete’s sake.” Mr. Jones said craikily. “After everything, I think you can call me Gabe.”

“Gabe?” she said, testing out his first name. “Weird. I’m so used to you being Mr. Jones.”

Sighing, Gabe stood up and turned off the light, turning to face her. All the blood drained from his head to his cock, when he realized she wore nothing but a tiny towel.

Rebecca giggled nervously when Gabe just divided at her. “Can I borrow a t shirt to sleep in?”

Determinedly, Gabe Shook his head, trying to force his brain to work well enough to form a coherent answer. “Um, sure. They’re in my room.”

“Would you show me?” she whispered, tilting her head flirtatiously.

Gabe’s eyes narrowed at the flirtatious look, uncertain of her attentions.

Wordlessly, he gestured for her to follow him, and led her to his room. It was a darkly masculine room, all hardwood and clean lines. After pulling a shirt from his drawer, he handed it to her. “Anything else?” he said, his voice rough.

“Well,” she said, a blush staining her cheeses. “I, um … well, my bottom is … um, I’m a bit …sore” embarrassed and unsure of herself, Rebecca’s voice trailed off in embarrassment at Gabe’s continued silence and penetrating star.

“Do you know what you’re getting yourself in to, little girl?” he finally asked. “I’m not a boy, content with a little slap and ticker.”

Rebecca nodded her understanding, cheats flushing even brighter.

“Then drop the towel.” He demanded.

Rebecca’s breath caught, her nipples stiffening as she follows his demand. Gabe walked a circle around her, eyes caresing her soft curves approvingly, then jerked her to him demandingly, his head bending to hers. Demandingly, he took her mouth, his tongue plumdering hers, demanding his submission. Rebecca’s head spun until she was clutching at his shoulders, her entire world narrowed to the man who held her. Then his mouth was gone, and the only sound was their gasping breaths.

“Get in the bed.” he said, releasing her and turning to dim the lights. Jerkily Gabe undressed, revealing a hard body and harder cock.

Rebecca watched from the bed, as the sexy body she had felt, but not seen, was revealed. Gabe obviously took care of his body, as evidenced by his well-defined chest and abs. Gabe stood there a minute, allowing her to look his fill, then turned andsauntered to his closet. Rebecca licked her lips, her eyes so riveted at the view that she almost did not notice him pulling a wooden box down from the top shelf of his closet.

“Over here.” Gabe demanded, gesturing for Rebecca to move closer to edge of the bed. “I want to check your bottom.”

Shyly, Rebecca scooted over to the edge of the bed.

“On your hands and knees.” Gabe grewled. “Ass in the air.”

Rebecca’s cheats stained pink, again. Her pussy flood with moisture at the mental image of what Gabe would see with her in that position.

Taking a couple of deep breaths for courage, she did as instructed, kneeing before him. With him standing beside the bed, her ass was nose level with Gabe’s face, exactly as he had planned.

Gabe reached out and ran his hand firmly over her bottom, making her suck in her breath and jerk away as he found a few tender spots. Each time he firmly brought her back to him to continue his inspection. She started, again, wheren something cool was spread on her bottom, but relaxed into his soothing touch.

“Spread your legs.” Gabe said, hand pushing her thighs apart, then sliding upward to cup her pussy. “Wet.” He grew, a finger sliding between her lips to explore.

Rebecca grossed deep in her throat, and pressed herself into his hand to enjoy his gentle exploration. Her breaths began to come in soft pants, and she while deep in her throat when he found that special spot deep in her and began to rub his finger over it inevitably. Expertly, he brought her to a gentle peek.

Gabe waited until her breathing began to return to normal, and then brought her back up to her knees. “You liked that?” he asked facetiously. “Would you like more of that?” Rebecca looked over her shoulder shyly, and nodded again. “Then I want you to do something you might not like.” Gabe said, eyes direct and commanding. “If you really don’t like it, we won’t do it again, but your sweet pussy better not be wet or I won’tbelieve you.” Gabe paused. “And I might have to spank you for lying.”

Apprehensively, Rebecca nodded again. Without breaking eye contact, Gabe reached into the chest and pulled out what looked like a small dildo, but with a flared tip. Rebecca furrowed her brown, unsure what was so scary about such a small dildo. It was not until he began rubbing KY into the crack of her ass that she began to realize what he planned.

“Gabe.” She whimpered. Gabe’s cock jerked at the fear and submission he heard in her voice. “I don’t want to.”

“But you will.” He answered, patiently. “You’ll do it for me, won’t you?”

Something deep in her womb clenched at the strength of his voice, and almost without a consciousness decision, on her behalf, she nodded in agreement, Signaling that allows him to do as he wished. Still, she gasped in appreciation and disappoint when he pushed a KY slick finger through the tight ring of her ass. Gasping for air, she dropped her head to the bed and closedher eyes, every ounce of her attention on the intruding finger moving inside her, spreading the KY thoroughly; then, after a brief pause, the much larger toy was pressed in. It stung, and a single tear rolled down her face at the intrusion.

Aroused, and pleased with her acquisition, Gabe quickly sheathed his cock in a condom, then climbed up to lay on the bed beside her. “There, that’s not to bad is it?” he asked soothing, pulling her in his arms. Tenderly, his hand slid down her back to pull out and push the hard toy in and out of her anal cavity. Rebecca curled an arm around his neck, holding him to her tightly, seeking assurance. Gabe reached down, and tilted her head up for a kiss, helping to distract her, to re-center her attention in him.

“Are you still wet?” Gabe whispered a moment later, when her breaths were coming again in pants. Rebecca gasped and moaned as a finger slide inside her, checking. “Oh, you are!” he chuckled in her ear, bringing his glistening fingerto his mouth. “Yum!” He teased her, enjoying the flush of her cheeses. “Some other time, I’m going to have to get some more of that.” He laughed, enjoying her pink cheeses.

“But, for now, I promised you a reward.” He said, rolling onto his back, and taking her with him. His quick movement took her by surprise, and she eeped as the butt plug shifted inside her, rubbing against muscles unused to such contact. “What do you want? Do you want me deep inside your pussy?”

“Yes.” Rebecca whimpered, wiggling against him. The toy was becoming more comfortable, but she was still very aware of it.

“Take your reward.” Gabe coated. “Ride me. Fuck me.”

Rebecca groaned at his explicit command, wiggling down and trying to take him inside her. Gabe let her struggle for a few minutes, before reaching down and helping guide his cock to her wet opening.

Rebecca groaned, deep in her throat, desperately relieved to have him filling her, sliding home deep inside her, touching hercervix. She lay there a moment, until he pushed her into a sitting position, helping her bring her knees up under her for purchase.

“Up.” He grew. “I want to watch you fucking me.”

Clumsily, at first, she started moving up and down on his cock, quickly figuring out what worked best, and what felt the best. Sensally, she abandoned herself to the moment, riding him in earnest, her head thrown back in ecstasy. Gabe’s eyes roved from her bouncing breasts to the place where they were joined, and his breath began to come in pants; it took all his self control not to come just at the sight of her slick pussy swallow him over and over. Finally, he could not stand it any longer and he grabbed her hips and pulled her down on to him very hard once, twice, until she screamed, internal muscles rippling. With an exultant shout, Gabe came, his fingers tightening on her hips. After a second, she collapsed over him, blanking his body with her own. They lay together, for a minute, then he rolled them both to their side.

“Push out a bit.” He gently instructed, reaching down to pull her butt plug from her. Rebecca gasped at the pulling friction, and shuddered, sensitive from her orgasms. Gently, Gabe detangled from her clinging arms to go clean and put away the toy, then climbed back into bed with her, pulling her into his arms.

“G’night.” Rebecca said sleepily.

“Night.” Gabe whispered back.


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