Some Problems Are Solved

Julie nervously lit a cigarette & sucked at it deeply as she stared at her living room clock. It showed 20 past 7 which means another 10 minutes before she had to leave.

Glancing down at her quivering hand before putting her cigarette quickly up to her lips again, she thought:

“God, look at me! A 45 year old woman with three grown up children, sitting trembling before an appointment with my Boss of so many years!” Closing her eyes she remembered the reason for it.


Arriving a few moments before nine as always one morning she was surprised to find an envelope lying across the middle of her desk. There was one word on it in her Managing Director’s familiar scrapl:


Puzzled, she opened it & read, again hand written:

“I wish to see you at 10 am. Please ensure that we will not be disturbed during our meeting which may take some time. Thank you.”

It was unsigned which was typical of Michael Minter.

Still unaware of the reason for their meeting, there was nervousness as she knocked at the familiar door. The Town Hall clock was striking the hour.

As soon as she entered & saw the plain wooden chair set before his desk she knew this was going to be unpleasant. Her usual soft backed armchair stood under the window at the rear of his large office.

“Sit down, Mrs Williams, please. Thank you for being punctual.”

She felt embarrassed as she obeyed. She could never remember being addressed by anything but her Christian name before. Suddenly it was clear why she was there.

He opened a file, the only thing on his desk, pausing long enough for her to see her full name on its cover. Slowly he turned several pages before looking up & saying quietly:

“Remind me, Mrs Williams, How long have you been my P.A.?”

“Fifteen years.” pausing she added: “Sir,” instead of the usual Michael.

“And how long since your husband died?”

“Almost exactly two years, Sir,” she replied, look straight into his unsympathetic eyes.

“We were all shocked at his sudden death, Mrs Williams, & I accepted that the shock would effect your normal efficiency. I allowed a full six months for you to become again the P.A. I valued so much. However, in recent weeks your work has become totally unacceptable! I’m afraid that unless you can convince me otherwise, I shall have to let you go.”

Mouthing a silent:”No!” she whispered almost inaudibly: “If John were alive this would never have happened!”

For the first time his severe expression changed to one of surprise as he said, almost sympathetically: “Yes, perhaps that may be true. But you cannot continue as my P.A. if you are constantly inefficient.”

“You don’t understand, Sir, he would not have allowed me to lower my work standards, as I know I have!”

With a slight shrug, she decided to tell him about the intimate secret of her marriage. If she wanted to keep her job there was no choice.

“I was working in the Typing Pool when we got married & John was very keen that I should get promotion. He knew of my natural lazy, & made me promise to tell him of my errors each week. Because I loved him so much I agreed though it means punishment most weeks. Particularly at the beginning!”

“Punishment? What kind of punishment?”

Blushing fully now in her embarrassment she continued: “My Father believed in Corporal Punishment, & told John of its effectiveness in keeping me in line, during the pre-wedding Stag night. I agreed that it was so with John & so he thrashed me regularly when necessary throughout our marriage!”

Michael closed his eyes & sat back in his chair before replying. Still with a puzzled expression he asked: “What do you mean exactly by thrashed?”

“He spanked me & then used his belt to begin with. As I got promotion but still showed signs of laziness he bought a school cane, & later, occasionally, he birched me! It was because of his control that Iwas so efficient as your P.A. Since his death & my recovery from it I’m afraid, with no deterrent. I have become lazy again, Sir. So you see that in a way his death is responsible for today’s meeting!”

Without speaking he got up & walked over to stand looking out of the full width window behind his desk. With hands deep in his trouser pockets he gazed out for several moments, motionless.

Julie sat nervously twisting her hands in her lap, wondering what he was going to decide.

At last, returning to his desk he pressed his intercom:

“Coffee for two please, Irene!” he barked.

Then he motioned her over to the settee & two armschairs near the door. As she sat down opposite him he pointed to the table between them:

“I should think you need a cigarette after all that, don’t you, Julie?”

Smiling, she nodded & opened the silver box indicated, remembering that it had been an office present the previous year for his fiftieth birthday.

“I have no desire to train a new P.A. after all our time together, but equally I cannot see myself doing what you are suggesting.”

Before she could reply the door opened, after a perfunctory knock, & the coffee was delivered. The interruption gave Julie more time to consider her reply. Gratefully she lengthened it by sipping her coffee before replying with more of her natural, work place, self confidence.

“What is it you think I am suggesting exactly?”

Frowning he lit himself a cigarette before he said slowly:

“That I deal with you as your late husband would have done? Perhaps I could do that after all!”

Never during their years together had anything sexual occurred between them except at one drunk Christmas Party when they had shown their mutual attention in a fierce kissing & caressing bout. She had paid dearly later, from her husband.

“I feel that would be the best solution, providing it was severe, & as soon as possible please.”

“Very well. But I intend that you should wait. Do you still have the items you described?”

“Yes, Sir. But could we not get this over with soon, please?” Perhaps this evening?”

“Certainly not. I shall decide when I will deal with you at my home. I want a report on my desk tomorrow morning listing in what ways you think your work could be improved. You may go!”

That had been ten days before, & her trepidation had increased each day as he made no mention of their meeting. He had returned her report with various comments. But apart from reminding her to bring her punitive instruments when he decided on a suitable evening, there was no hint of when that would be.

It was with enormous relief that she tore open the envelope that morning to read the four words:

Eight O’clock this Evening.


Viewing herself in the hall mirror as she put on her coat, she was glad that one of her quickly removable outfits, not hurt since her husband died, still fitted perfectly, outlining her slim figure. Picking up a suitcase she hurried out to her car.

Michael sat in casual clothes sipping a whisky as he heard his front door bell. He decided to make her wait before he let her in. He was looking forward to finding out what punishing someone so attractive would be like.

With her leather booted feet stamping in impatience she waited:

“Oh please come on – let me in!” she murmured, wishing the evening would begin.

After pressing the bell twice more the door opened to reveal her smiling Boss: “Well, I’m very pleased,Julie, that you are just as punctual away from the office. Do come in.”

He led the way into his spatial blinde which seemed dominated by the plain kitchen chair & kitchen steps which stood in the middle of it. Holding out his hand she gave him her coat which he took to hang in the hall.

She sat on the very edge of an armchair. Though fearful of what was going to happen, sexual excitement helped to minimize it.

“I don’t recall giving you permission to sit!” he said harshly. “Now stand up & tell me why you are here!”

As she stood severely to attention with her hands, fingers pointing to the carpet, by her sides, she remembered the many exciting games she had played with John as well as the serious punishment sessions.

“Because I wish to remain your P.A., Sir, I have come here this evening to be paid for my inefficiency,” she explained, staring straight ahead.

“Yes, but also remember, as I do not intend this to be a regular occurrence, I promise you the utmost severity. Now empty the contents of your case onto the table over there.”

Looking over her shoulder he saw her lay out a thick & thin cane; a white Riding Crop; a square thick wooden Paddle; & a heavy leather soled slipper. Placing the case under the table she removed one final thing while doing so. It was a short twin tailed tawse which looked incongruous laid beside the longer items. He picked it up.

“What’s this for?” he queried, slapping it against his palm.

Still with her back to him she resumed her Stance. Biting her bottom lip in embarrassment, she admitted:

“If – if I was – ever disobedient or argued, John would use it to punish my-my breasts, Sir.”

“I see. What an excellent idea. We will now begin. Come here!”

Turning she saw him seated on the kitchen chair, pointing with his right forefinger at the carpet beside his right foot.

“Over my knee!” he ordered loudly.

As she spread herself, her frame formed a bow which he quickly changed by pulling her feet forward thus raising her skirt covered behind higher. He began to spank each chef alternatively quite gently.

“I’m going to teach you a lesson that you will never forget!”

“Yes, Sir, I know. I’m sorry. I know what a fool I have been. Aaah!”

Her cry followed a much harder slap across the crown of both chefs as he then pulled her upright. “Off with your skirt, Mrs Williams!”

Quickly pulling the velcro fasting open she laid her blue skirt on the floor & repositioned herself. Her matching panties were form fitting outlining her chubby bottom perfectly. He started to lay on harder slaps, which sounded very loud in the high ceilinged room. After twenty she was moaning & her buttocks were obviously reddening under their covering.

“Oh no Sir, please! Not on the bare!” she pleased as he began to pull her panties down.

“Oh yes indeed, & I hope that is not the last time that you argue with me, because I should enjoy whipping your breasts after I had made you strip naked!”

The spanking continued as he varied the pattern, giving each chef several slaps in turn. “Raise your legs parallel with the floor & keep them there. If they fall I shall smack your tighs!”

After a further dozen hard slaps she found it impossible to comply, so he carried out his threat & reddened her tights. She was sobbing by now, as he moved back to her crisis buttocks for twelve final spanks.

“Get up, take your panties right off, & fetch the slipper please!”

As she obeyed she appreciated that his hand was bigger & harder hitting than her memory of her husband. Rubbing one cheek she handed him the broad soled slipper. With a nervous look, she repositioned herself.

“Open your legs wide apart!”

Peering down at the wet area between them he remarked: “I do believe that you are enjoying this!”

“No, no, Sir. It hurts – it hurts! I’m sorry, I’m sorry. I will not let my work slip again I promise.”

“I hope not! I think a good dozen with this is called for, don’t you?” Then he began to lay hard strokes on each chef in turn. They were punctuated by her cries of: “Aaah!”; “Oh God!”; “Please no more!”: or just a loud: “Ow!” until after an extra swipe covering both deeply red cheeses he finished. Tapping her should he dropped the slipper before sliding his hand under to lift her. As he did so he felt her right nipple pressing stiffly against his palm.

“I need a drink & perhaps you would like one?” he asked for the first time in a friendly tone.

He allowed her to sit opposite him as they drank but ordered her with an obvious gesture to spread her legs wide apart revealing her mass of damp public hair.

Her face was flushed & mascara smeared as she looked at him.

“He has just slippered me much harder than John ever did too!” she thought.

As if in answer he said with a wry grin: “Am I beating you hard enough, Julie? As thoroughly as John used to do?”

“Yes, my God, yes, Sir! Please don’t punish me any more! I’ve more than learn my lesson!”

“Pleading counts as arguing. Take your top off – Now!”

“Oh no!” she mouthed as she obeyed.

“And your bra!”

Soon she sat before him with her quite firm large breasts, capped by erect nipples, ready for his inspection. Standing he gently cupped her right one as he said:

“The slightest hint of rebelliousness inthe future & I shall not hesitate to whip these, is that clear?”

Fearfully she nodded & stood up. Pointing to the kitchen steps he went & picked up the black paddle, which had rows of holes drilled in it.

Remembering how they had bought it in California & how fiercely it had stung she slowly bent over gripping the legs near to the floor & pushing her feet under the bottom step. He then pulled out the steps & put her feet outside them so that her pose was more widespread, before laying the cold wood across her reddened buttocks.

Gripping the legs more tightly she hoped that he would not lay it on as hard as John had the first time they used it. But that was so different. Suddenly her thoughts were interrupted by the phone ringing.

“Damn, that must be my son. I must speak with him. I’ll be as quick as I can. You may as well get up.”

As he hurried from the room she stayed where she was – remembering.


She could feel again the straps holding her ankles far apart outside the frame of an identical stool, with her wrists strapped to the legs. Her vagina was streaming as two of his fingers slide in & out. His other thumb & forefinger squeezed her right nipple alternatively cruelly & tenderly.

“You’re sure that you want me to lay our new toy on really hard, darling, aren’t you?”

“With all the strength of your left arm, providing you take me straight afterwards, John, whichever way you wish!”

Kneeling down beside her he lifted her hair before a lengthy kiss: “Very well, I shall give you a dozen – maybe more!”

Teasingly he rubbed the wide bladed paddle slowly up & down each thigh & then repeated the treatment to each buttock. Rubbing the ridges caused by the recent twelve of the best with his heavyweight cane reminding her how much it had hurt.

Then, stepping back he laid it across both cheeses, & asked:

“Are you ready, Julie?”

“Yes! Yes! Do your worst!” she cried out, excitedly anticipating a new experience.

The first very loud thwack came a moment later. Before she had time to appreciate its power to hurt a second fall, quickly followed by four more. Because he had thrashed her across both chefs the pain was excruciating.

“Does it hurt, Julie?”

“Yes! Oh God – No more please I beg you!”

“That has earned you twelve more for pleading!” he said, tapping her crimenates for emphasis. Then he laid the paddle on her naked back before leaving the room.

Knowing that the waiting would add to her enjoyment he did not return for five minutes. She heard the faith whirr of her small vibrator as he returned. Without speaking he pushed it deeply inside her before coming round to say:

“With all the excitement of our new toy I had forgotten to fit these as I always do when you are strapped down, don’t I?” Swiftly he clipped a pair of large clamps to her engaged nipples.

“Basstard!” she murmured, winning, as he went & lifted the paddle from her back.

Slowly he laid on the next six, waiting a full minute between each stroke. This way she had time to feel the full effect on each cheek alternatively. She howled each time the wood struck with his full weight behind it.

He paused & then rubbed each cheek for several moments as she sobbed in her excitement & pain. “Don’t you dare stop now!” she ordered between sobs.

“I think you should ask me for each stroke during the last six, Julie, & don’t forget to thank me after each one as well!”

She shook her head. The shame of this ultimate humiliation showed as she clenched her buttock cheats tightly before saying quietly: “Please give me my first stroke, Master!”

He compiled & it felt the hardest so far as she wronged & hissed out her pain through clenched teeth: “Thank you, Master. Please give me another hard one!”

So it went on until the sixth fell viciously across where her thighs & buttocks joined. “Well done, darling.” he whispered as he undidher wrists & ankles.

After withdrawing the vibrator he liberally coated his fingers with her copious flow. Immediately she gripped each chef & pulled them wide apart.

Then the noise of the door opening behind her bring her back to the present.

“Well, well! You’re still in position” How obedient of you.”

Her sexual excitement was so great that she instantly stood up & said urgently: “Please, Michael, can we stop? I’ll do anything, anything you want, if you will postpone the rest of this!”

Startled, he pulled up short: “Anything?”

Smiling she held her arms out: “I’ve wanted you sexually for years, even more so since John died & your dividend!”

As he hugged her he murmured: “Why didn’t you tell me before? I agree to the postponement, but not before I have dealt with your breasts because of your disobedience in getting up without permission!”

Picking up the short tawse he led her over to the wall:

“Stand against that with your handson top of your head. Thrust them right out!”

As she obeyed she closed her eyes in her excitement. Knowing how sensitive they were created excite torque. He flicked the twin tails across each proffered tea in turn quite lightly.

Opening her eyes, she glared: “Harder than that! You Bastard!”

Soon she was writing as he slashed each in turn, sometimes the tails fell full across her distended nipples. He continued for several minutes before throwing the strap onto the table.

His right hand delved between her wide open legs with two fingers sliding deep inside.

“You realize that this makes the whole evening a waste of time, don’t you?”

“Why is that?”

“Because now we make up for lost time & you’ve lost your job anyway!

“Oh, no. But..”

“But nothing. I want you to move in with me, so you cannot keep working for me unless we got married later, can you?”

Smiling she nodded her agreement & kissed him. Breaking it off he declared: “So you have been puzzled for nothing. If you had told me how you felt before, none of this need have happened.”

Lowering her hands to fondle his bulging groin she shook her head.

“Don’t you see I had to know whether you could thrash me as I regularly need, before I could tell you?” Then kneeing she firmly pulled down his zip.


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