Eve’s entire body was trembling, as it always did at the beginning of play sessions like this. She could hardly stop from shaking as she was led blindly into the house by the hair, frequently hard tugs and rough spanks propelling her forward. Alyson’s malicious giggling identified her as the tormentor, but Eve could hear nothing from the mountain of a man Alyson called her husband. It had taken all of 20 seconds for the blond to trusts her up like a pig once the car had pulled into the garage, backing up her claims that she was very good at her role. The red dress around Eve’s wait had been stripped from her and knotted around her wrists, her g-string hand was yanked off and roughly stuffed into her mouth, and a blindfold(from who knows where) had been secured over her eyes before she had a chance to react or complain. She yelped in Surprise as she was thrown to the ground by her hair, the sharp sound muffled by the panties in her mouth but still audible in the otherwise silent house. Eve attempted to roll onto her back so that she might use her bound hands to try and sit up, but a bout of evil giggling was quickly followed by the weight of the older blond woman sitting on her back. Eve tried to relax, but another hard spank on her ass had her grunting once again.
“Well now, Miss Eve, I do hope you’re ready for tonight’s REAL fun. I’m sure you’ll enjoy it…and if Not, well, WE certainly will” Alyson’s whispered words sent cold shirts down Eve’s spine and hot pangs through her loins. She tried to ignore them and ran through her expected role in her mind. Tonight she was Alyson’s perfect slave, through and through. She would do what she was told, how she was told, when she was told. All of their likes and dislikes and desires and limits had been thoroughly discussed prior to the meeting, so there was no need to worry about the older woman taking it too far. Although, she had to admit to herself, even acting inside Eve’s own limits was going involve a lot ofpain and humiliation at Alyson’s clearly capable hands. Another rough slap on her ass, the hardest yet, brought her attention back to the moment as she felt Alyson’s bra sliding on her back and the warmth of her breath on her ear.
“Did you hear me, SLAVE? I asked you if you were ready?” Eve groaned a yes through the panties, aware of the tears welling in her eyes as the sharp pain in her ass refused to fade. A hard tug on her hair forced Eve’s face back and around, and another slap fall, this time stinging her cheek.
“What was that darling? I couldn’t hear you?” The malice lacened into Alyson’s sweet crooning sent a spike of heat through Eve, and she was tempted to say nothing in order to hear it again. The constant strain of her hair being pulled was starting to truly hurt, however, so she yowled a “Yes, Mistress Alyson” into the panties loud enough to make it heard. The hand holding her hair relinquished its iron grip suddenly, and Eve’s face scratched down onto the carpet. ASmall hand stroked her head and hair slowly as the pressure on her back abetted, and then she was alone in the silence. After nearly a minute of tense quiet, she heard wordless whispers from somewhere to her right, and then heavy footsteps. A large hand wrapped around her right bicep and she was lifted onto her feet in one smooth motion. Then, the arm to which the hand belonged wrapped around her waist and she was tossed over Darius’ should like a ragdoll, his hand firmly gripping her left ass cheek like a handle as she was carried down a flight of stairs and deposited uncertaintyly into what felt like a leather chair with most of the seat missing.
The sounds of two people busy moving around filled her ears: the sharp clack of heels on a hard floor, drawers opening and shutting, the link of metal on metal, and under it all the soft, commanding whispers of Alyson. Eve feel the presence of someone behind her, and the dress around her wrists was removed and replaced by the cold metal of handcuffs whose leather-padded chain was wrapped entirely around her waist twice. Fingers slipped into her mouth and drew her panties out, leaving her to lick her dried lips. A soft mouth closed onto her tongue and sucked it in, holding it there for several seconds before retreating. It was immediately followed by a massive ball gag that was forced into her mouth, stretching it fully open. She winced slightly as the corners of her mouth were pulled back as the gag was secured tightly at the back of her head. Eve felt her hair being gathered together and something being tied around it. Once that was complete, the blindfold was untied and pulled from her face. A brilliant white light glared into her eyes, leaving her squiting and just as blind as before.
“Welcome home, SLAVE.” Alyson’s sweet voice, once Again dripping with malice, drew Eve’s attention to the blurred figure standing a few feet in front of her. As her eyes grew accustomed to the light, Eve took in the sight of the small blond woman. She had changed completely. The platinum curls, earlier loose and playful, were drawn back into a severe bun. The lacy white bra and panties and strapped heels had been replaced with thigh-high red PVC stripper boots, a red garter belt, and a red bustier that made her breasts look much larger than Eve remembered. Elbow-length red gloves and small, rectangular black glasses finished off the ensemble, making her look better than every mean naughty library Eve had ever had a wet dream about.
She glanced about, and not seeing Darius, turned her head to the right to check behind her. She just caught a glimpse of his hulking figure in the shadows before a nasty yank on her hair forced her face back around and down. When the pressure let up, she looked back at Alyson to see a thin rope in her right hand which ran up to the ceiling. Seeing her looking at it, Alyson smiled evilly and tugged it, demonstrating that it was rigged to a pulley on the ceiling,which was in turn tied to Eve’s hair. Her smile widened at the look of comprehension that crossed Eve’s face and she pulled hard and consistently on the rope, forcing Eve to stretch and then finally stand to alleviate the pain. She strutted slowly towards the captive younger woman, pulling harder and harder on the rope.
“That’s right, my young little slut, you’re all mine now. You know, when we first saw Your profile, we were a little doubt about you. But then we got to talking, and I have to say, you were delightful. The entire time I kept thinking that if I ever got ahold of you, I’d use and abuse you so badly that no one else would want you…that you couldn’t possibly ever be satisfied by anyone else.” A gloved hand wrapped tenderly around Eve’s jaw as the pressure on her hair slackened. Alyson pulled Eve’s face down to hers, obviously delighted at the tears cursing their way down the younger woman’s cheats. Her tongue snaked out and slowly ran its way around Eve’s lips, pausing along the way to force itself under the gag and into her throat as their lips met in a sloppy kiss. Alyson pulled away, wiping a strand of drool away with a single finger and smearing it over Eve’s lips with a smile.
“Now, before we begin, I’m afraid we have some business to attend to. You see, you were very naughty on the drive home tonight, slave. Little sluts shouldn’t be doing such things as slapping and biting their elders and betters, so we’re going to have to see some punishment to ensure that kind of behavior stops. Darling, if you would?” Eve gasped as she was suddenly pulled off of her feet, suspended with her toes dangling several inches off the ground by the chain around her waist. She swung back and forth slowly, supported by the chain at her waist and the rope in her hair and too stunned to move. The sharp clicking of Alyson’s heels sounded behind her and she felt the smooth weight of a paddle care her ass softly.
“Now let’s see…I’m thinking ten perDiscretion should do the trick…so that’ll be ten for biting, 20 for slapping…and oh dear, another ten for holding me down. Anything else darling?” Eve cringed as Darius’ deep voice, filled with excitement and amusement, chimed in.
“Another ten for teasing, I think. We almost got in an accident, after all.”
“Ah yes, that’s so true. So an even 50 then? My my, little slave, you HAVE have bad tonight.” The sweet voice was immediately followed by a harsh smack on Eve’s right butt chef that sent her swinging forward. It hurt far more than she had expected, as she had thought Alyson would start more milkly and work her way up. Before she could do more than squeal in pain, she was swinging back towards her torqueors and another harsh smack collided with her left butt chef. This time the squeal was an audible yelp, and sadistic giggling echoed around the dark edges of the room as a third impact smoked into her right cheek again. The process of smacking, yelping, giggling andsmacking continued for long enough that Eve lost count of the spanks she’d received. When it stopped, a gloved hand rubbed her ass tenderly, fingers tracing the outline of her hole and gliding just past the edges of her pussy, where they came to a halt.
“Oh! Well now Darius, look at this…only 30 spanks in and her slutty little cunt is already starting to drip!” A gloved finger pushed its way between Eve’s lips and sank into her pussy. She stood a moan and forced herself to remain still as the finger buried itself to the third knuckle and began wiggling about. After a few seconds it retired, then reappeared pressed against her clenching asshole, smearing her own juices all over it and poking into it to the first knuckle. It wiggled slightly again, then pushed further into her ass before stopping.
“No, this simply won’t do. Darling, fetch me The Stretcher. If we don’t get to this now you’ll be all night trying to fit into this tight little ass.” Even groaned and helpssly wiggled, truly stunned and terrified at the thought of Darius trying to fuck her ass with that thing between his legs. A sharp slap on her pussy left her immobile and yelp again as the finger slide out of her asshole, to be replaced with what felt like four slick, silicon pencils. Their intrusion was only slightly wider than the finger before, but they were forced several inches into her anus. She felt straws connected to the things being secured around her waist and thighs, and then heard the unmistakable clicking sound of a small crrank. The things in her ass, whatever they were, immediately began pushing against the outside walls of her anus, stretching her hole open. She moaned at the pain as they continued to slowly force her asshole open bit by bit. After nearly a minute, the device stopped stretching and simply held its place, and she felt a finger push in between them and sink into her ass easily.
“Yes, that’s fine for now. We’ll stretch it to the next size after your punishment is over, my slave.” Eve groaned in response, and Alyson’s evil giggling began again as she walked back into Eve’s view, still holding the paddle.
“You didn’t think I’d forgetten already, did you? You still owe me 20 little screams, slut. Although, I can’t very well spank your ass now, with The Stretcher back there doing its work. So then, those lovely tits of yours…and an extra five on your little cunt for having such a tight, difficult asshole.” Alyson revealed in the despairing look that took hold of Eve’s face, then walked over and lay the paddle down on her back like she would a shelf. Turning, she stepped up to a table littled with various unidentifiable things and returned with what Eve supposed would be considered the standard bondage whip: a long, flexible handle with a thick square of hurt leather attached to the end. Smacking it lightly against her palm, Alyson examined it before swinging without warning and hitting Eve’s arm with it. The pain was sharper and more intense than the paddle had been, and Eve couldn’t help but yelp again. Satisfied with the response, Alyson ran it lightly across her own cheese before whipping Eve’s dangling left breast, just barely missing the nipple. Once again Eve was choking out a sharp scream and emrith, and as before Alyson showed no mercy. She quickly racked up the remaining 20 spanks on Eve’s free-hanging tits, leaving them both a glowing red and Eve whining and moaning. Alyson cooled softly to her, grabbing her face with one hand and slapping the whip ever so softly against her cheek.
“Don’t fret my dear, the worst is yet to come.” Her grip on Eve’s jaw became iron as she tilted the younger woman’s face up and spit directly into her mouth, the saliva splattering against the gag and running down the corners of her mouth. Alyson motioned to Darius over Eve’s shoulder with her whip hand as the other released her jaw and slapped her roughly. The rope tied to Eve’s hair slackened and she found heSelf being suspended nearly upside down, bent in half at the waist with her face only a few inches from her feet. The paddle on her back came crashing down to the ground and bounced out of view. A weight landed on the device in her ass, which she had only just grown accustomed to, and it began clicking and spreading again. Even less concern was shown for her asshole this time, as it took less than 30 incredibly painful seconds for it to reach its new size. Eve watched through thick tears as the red stripper boots stepped up behind her, and felt Alyson’s gloved hand grab hold of her left leg just above the knee and hold it to the side. The thick leather tip of the whip smoked wetly against her pussy and she bucked, wiggling ridiculously.
“Five for a tight asshole, little slut.” Surprisingly the voice was Darius’, and Eve could see him standing fully naked and monstrously erect at a table behind Alyson. He made eye contact with her and grinned as a viscous smoke sent stars dancing before her eyes and pussy juice splattering across her stomach and legs. She truly screamed this time; a loud, high sound that pierced her own ears and filled the room. The whip came down again before the scream was done, and then again three more times in a rapid, harsh succession that left her limp and dazed as the room echoed desperately with giggling.
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