The pain was incredible. She wanted to run from it almost as badly as she wanted to run towards it. Almost, but not quite. She needed it. Her entire world shrank until it became that one thought, and that one thought only. Then, somewhere outside of it, she heard a woman saying something. Before she could even really register what had been said, the whip came crashing down on her ass and Eve was back, staring at red thigh-high boots through streaming tears as she swung through the air.
“I asked you if you had learned your lesson, little CUNT, or do I need to beat this slutty slave pussy some more?” Alyson hiked Eve’s leg a little higher and lightly tapped the whip against her now thoroughly wetted inner thigh. She mumbled a reply around the gag, but Alyson either didn’t hear it or didn’t like it, because the whip came crashing in again, this time barely an inch down from Eve’s slit.
“One more time baby, nice and loud so we can all hear, or I’ll take the paddle to these pretty lips of yours.” Eve yelled and shook her head, earning a soft stroke along her recently hit inner tigh before the other woman dropped her leg and left her dangling there bent in half. Strutting with an immense swaying of her ass, she joined her husband in the shadows and kissed him.
“I think our little slut’s learned to respect her elders, don’t you darling?” Eve couldn’t make out his face, but she was certain he was grinning as his deep voice threateningly whispered a reply.
“If she hasn’t, she will before I’m done with her.” Alyson giggled and kissed him again before striding back to Eve. Groping her ass firmly with one hand, she mockingly asked Eve if she minded opening up her ass a little more. Before Eve could do or say anything, she had the Stretcher going again, its clicking drowned out by Eve’s moans.
“That’s right…I don’t care if you mind. You don’t get to mind, do you my little pet? And don’t be so dramatic, dear. This is the last time. True, it’ll take longer, and hurt more, and when it’s done you’ll redefine the word gap. But, there won’t be any more stretching. Well, at least not until Darius gets ahold of you.” She laughed and pulled Eve up with the rope in her hair, returning her to the first position. She gave Eve’s ass another rough slap that sent her swinging, and then returned to her husband once again. Neither of them spoke or moved, and seemed quite content to wait as Eve swung and moaned and the Stretcher spread her ass to widths never experienced before. After 2 minutes that seemed an hour to Eve, the clicking stopped. She simply hung there in silence, watching drool drip from her gag to the floor and desperately holding back a scream. The sound of Alyson’s heels was soon followed by fingers unbuckling the straws holding the Stretcher, and then suddenly it was gone. The pain dropped almost completely, but Eve could feel the work it had done. Her ass hung loose and open, no matter how she tried to squeeze itshut. Soft giggling was accompanied by thumbs sliding in and spreading it wide, followed by a thick stream of spit splattering in.
“I think we punished you prematurely slave. I don’t believe you’ve ever had a tight asshole in your whole life, looking at it now. The plug, darling.” Eve could hear the heavy steps of her husband, then a sound like someone sucking on a lolipop, and then something hard, wet and fat was shoved into her ass. Thankfully it was only a couple of inches long, but the thickness alone had her winning again.
“But then again, now that I think about it, perhaps you need to be punished more for tricking us. Yes, that seems fair.” The obvious joy in Alyson’s voice still amazing Eve, at least until the blond came strutting around to her head and yanked her face up by the hair. The grin Eve found looming over her had her thighs shaking. The other hand came swinging into view, slapping her hanging breast hard. She closed her eyes and braced for another, but itnever came. Instead, when she opened her eyes she found Alyson squatting, her face just a few inches away. Gloved fingers rolled a nipple between them as Alyson smiled sweetly at her.
“But…you have was so very good about your punishment. Not too much screaming or squirming, and you’re barely even crying.” The fingers clamped down hard on Eve’s nipple, pinching it and yanking hard as the other hand pulled on her hair. Immediately tears flooded out of her eyes and down her cheeks. Alyson relented and leaned in to lick them up, cooing softly as her tongue swept across Eve’s face.
“That’s better. Almost as pretty as when you got here.” She smiled again and toyed with the gag, pulling and pushing it absent-mindedly. Tsking as her fingers came away dripping, she reached around and undid the binding. The ball came tumbling out of Eve’s mouth and bounced wetly away across the floor. She hadn’t even realized how badly it had hurt her jaw until it was gone, and she had toLeave her mouth open to alleviate some of the pain. Alyson smiled and slipped a finger into the opening, stroking her tongue and fish-hooking her cheek softly. Withdrawing the finger, the blond brought it to her own mouth and sucked on it. As her arm shifted, Eve couldn’t help but notice she had an unimpeded view of Alyson’s uncovered and saden slip between widely spread thighs. It was small, clean, and glistening, and had to be the prettiest pussy Eve had ever seen. Her slack-jawed attention did not go unnoticed, and a sharp bark of laughter escaped around the finger in Alyson’s mouth.
“Nice, isn’t she baby?” Eve glanced up at the other woman who was waiting with a raised eyebrow.
“Y-yes…yes Mistress, it…she’s beautiful.” Alyson stood and stepped in close, pausing with her slit Just out of reach of Eve’s mouth. She tenderly ran her hands through Eve’s hair and whispered softly.
“Are you ready to obey now, dear? Ready to do as you’re told, when you’re told, nocomplaints, no questions?” The smell of her filled Eve’s nostrils and she gave an involuntary gasp and licked her lips hungrily.
“Yes, Mistress Alyson.” Eve hadn’t heard him move, but suddenly Darius was behind her, hands undoing the rope attached to her handcuffs. She dropped the two inches to the ground, and her legs gave way as soon as they hit the floor, but he held her up by the cuffs. She was Acutely aware of the press of his erection, throbbing heavily, against her right ass cheek. Alyson lifted her up straight by the head and untied the rope in her hair with a single deft movement. Smirking again, she stroked Eve’s cheek softly.
“That’s what I want to hear. We’re going to go somewhere more comfortable now, but I promise you, if you misbehave again we’ll be right back down Here. And next time, I’ll have you completely upside down and wishing for the paddle.” Eve simply nodded, trembling, not trusting her voice. Alyson turned and strode towards the steps, scooping upa duffle bag on her way. Darius pushed Eve forward and she stumbled after the blond, waddling heavily as she tried to walk with the plug still buried in her ass. The stairs were dark and the plug made it difficult to lift her feet without moaning, but Alyson’s rear waving in her face was encouragement enough for her to continue. Eve blinked heavily in the light of the door opening, but Darius steered her through with firm hands and she was ushered down a hall and into a bedroom that could have come straight out of a BDSM magazine. A large circular bed dominated the middle of the room, and harnesses and other gear covered all four walls. Every kind of hook and ring imagined dotted the ceiling, and a high quality digital camera on a tripod stand waiting in one corner.
“On the bed.” Eve was a second slow following the order, so Darius encouraged her with a rough shove in the back. Unable to break her fall with her hands, she crashed face first into the thick red blanket. Before she could do more than grunt, his weight descended on her as he straddled her thighs. She was once again aware of the heavy weight of his member on her as he uncuffed her wrists and slide back off, pulling the chain from around her. Turning over to sit on the bed, she found him retreating to stand by a wall as Alyson dragged herself against the doorframe.
“What do you think of your new home, slave? Is it Everything you…fantasized about?” Eve swallowed auditory, eyes flitting between the blond and the camera as she tried to ignore the soreness in her shoulders and the plug making its presence known. Film had never been part of the deal.
“Yes, Mistress. It’s exactly what I…what I wanted.” Alyson smiled and strolled over to the camera, pressing a button and winding at her new plaything.
“I Know we didn’t talk about this, but I knew I’d want this one on tape. You don’t have a problem with that, do you slave?” She idly fingered the handle of a massive paddle hanging on the wall next to her as she talked. Every sense Eve had screamed to object, to remind Alyson that they had an agreement. If she would break her word here, what else would she do? But the words stuck in her throat. She couldn’t help thinking she wanted to know what would happen. She couldn’t help but think that maybe letting go was best. She couldn’t ignore the image of that perfect pussy swimming in her head.
“N-no, Mistress.” The grin that crossed those lips said it all. Alyson was in complete control, and she knew it. There was nothing Eve could do to stop her now. There was nothing she would do. She pressed another button, looked down at the camera, and smiled even wider.
“Tell us your name, baby.” Eve shuddered and looked at the camera, suddenly consciousness of her bruising skin and mascara-stained cheeses.
“Eve.” Alyson frowned angrily and shook her head.
“Nooo, your new name. The one we gave you.”
“S-slave.” This time the blond flasheda satisfied smile.
“And who am I?”
“Mistress Alyson.” That earned another grin.
“That’s right. I’m your Mistress, and you’re my nasty little slut slave, aren’t you?” The greed and pride in her voice was unmistakeable.
“Y-yes, Mistress.” Alyson grinned from ear to ear and moved from behind the camera, coming over to stand next to the bed. She pointed a single finger to the floor in front of her and Eve immediately slide off the bed and fell to her knees. Grabbing a handful of her hair, Alyson pulled her face right up to her bare slit,
“You were looking awfully thirsty earlier. Go ahead, have a taste.” Eve locked eyes with her before sliding her tongue out and flicking it against the lips awaiting her. The taste was sweet and intoxicating, and she immediately pressed her tongue between their folds. Alyson cooled sensitively and then pushed forward, pressing Eve’s back to the bed and pinning her face hard between her tights. Alyson pulled hard on her hair and began grinding, forcing the whole of her pussy into Eve’s mouth and riding the writing tongue she found there. Eve was lost in the taste and sensing of the moment, and it was only when her chest began to burn that she realized there was no breath to be found. She inhaled desperately, but sucked in only spit and juices and immediately began cooughing roughly. Alyson continued to force herself into her mouth for a few more seconds, but Finally relented as stars began to swim in front of her slave’s eyes. Choking and gagging, Eve slumped onto the floor, face slick with juices and sweat and once again staring at those red boots. Alyson sneered down at her and casually lifted one, pressing the toe between her lips and forcing it into her mouth. Coughing around the intruding shoe, Eve once again turned her gaze up the fierce blue eyes sparkling behind flashing glass lenses.
“Best get used to the choking slut, you’re going to be doing a lot of it. We’re going to fuck that throat so hardand deep your stomach will be sore. Here…let me demonstrate.” The shoe was removed as Alyson leaned down and once again took Eve by the hair, pulling her to her feet and slinging her onto the bed. The younger woman was so surprised by the smaller’s strength that she simply divided at her. Alyson took advantage of her gawking and pushed her hand into Eve’s mouth, thrusting four fingers into her throat. Grabbing Eve by the jaw with the other hand, Alyson held her still in an iron grip as she began pumping her fingers in and out. Eve was conscious only of the spit flying everywhere, the breasts pressed against her forehead, and her rapidly building need for air. Once again Alyson only relented when Eve’s vision was swimming, and it took nearly a minute before her choking and cought subsided. Wiping her spit-soaked hand on Eve’s breast and leaning in, Alyson smiled sweetly once more.
“Feels good, doesn’t it? You like it when I choke you, when I fuck your throat, don’t youmy sweet little cunt?” Eve knew she had probably made a mistake setting this woman loose on her, but it was too late for anything else. And truly…
“Yes, Mistress. I love it.”
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