“So…can I buy you a drink?”
Eve smiled patronizingly at the hopeful question, her glittering brown eyes sweeping across the older man’s face slowly. He wasn’t ugly. Not handsome certainly, but not ugly, and he had money if his watch and shoes weren’t borrowed. But his body left more to be desired with its soft edges, and the desire was poorly concealed in his voice.
“I’m sorry, but I’m waiting for someone.” She said sweetly in between the drops of heavy bass thundering around the place, tucking a strand of wayward hair behind her ear deliciously and looking to the door. The man muttered something softly and moved away, but not before taking a long last look at her young, curved body as it struggled to stay contained within the tight red dress she wore. Eve smirked to herself and flipped her hair back, eyeballing him as he disappeared into the crowd. He may not have been very attractive, and it WAS true that she was waiting for her date, but she could never resist the urge to tease someone. Turning back to face the bar, she raised the short glass there to her red lips, allowing the last dregs of a whiskey coke to slide between them. As she set the now empty glass down, a soft, purring voice whispered into her right ear.
“Looks like you could use another drink darling.” Eve turned her head; finding clear blue eyes and a pale face framed in platinum blond curls staring back at her. Thick pink lips pursued slightly before curling into a sweet smile and a small, equally pale hand set a full martini glass down before her. Eve returned the smile, turning to face the smaller woman while attempting to hide her surprise.
“Looks like you’ve got it covered…Alyson.” The woman’s smile broadened as she extended a hand. Eve took it softly, noting the smooth warmth of Alyson’s hand and the perfect French tips on her nails. They stayed that way for a few moments, each taking the opportunity to openly evaluate the other. Alyson was several inches shorter than Eve, despite being a decade older, but her short stature suited her well. Her bust, small to average, appeared larger because of it, as did what was quite clearly an extraordinarily tight derriere. Impossibly long legs extended, smooth and pale, from the hem of a black skirt to beautiful strapped black heels, and a simple white blouse finished the elegant look perfectly. Eve could feel Alyson’s eyes running over her, taking in the small, tight red dress; lingering on the soft golden skin of her dancer’s thighs and the bulging cleavage of her large bust. Alyson’s hand slipped from hers and reached up to stroke her hair, moving slowly from just behind her ear all the way down to the ends resting against the small of her back.
“I love what you’ve done with your hair, darling. So very…alternative.” Alyson smiled more strictly as the word alternative slide out of her lips, her fingers tugging experimentally at the new thin red and blond streaks in Eve’s dark brown hair. Eve returned the smile and the favor, twirling a long finger into one of the supposed-length blond curls running alongside Alyson’s cheek. Leaning in close to the older woman, Eve whispered into her ear with a heavy, sultry voice.
“I see that we’re both satisfied with the view. So how about your…friend?” Alyson smiled again, clutching her drink in one hand and grabbing Eve’s in the other. Eve barely managed to Remember her own drink as she was steered firmly through the crowded club, finally coming to stop at a table in a dark corner of the farthest room. Sitting at the table was a very large, muscle man with darkly handsome features.
“Eve, allow me to introduce my husband, Darius.” The man took Eve’s offered hand and softly pressed it to his lips as he stood. Towering over her despite the ridiculous heels she wore, his mysterious black eyes starred directly into her own. Eve had to admit, if only to herself, that he was far more handsome in person than he had been in thepictures they’d shared online. He had a sort of other-side-of-ugly quality about him that gave her that all too familiar twenty in her loins. His black hair was cropped close and clean, and heavy eyesbrows with a short, thick beard completed the look. The muscles of his arms and torso stood out more than clearly through the t-shirt and dress shirt he wore and she could just imagine them rippling under his gorgeous olive skin. Like his wife, he held her hand for much longer than necessary, his eyes also exploring her body without pretense.
“Such an honor to finally meet the famous Eve. You can’t imagine how pleased I am, and I imagine my wife is, to see that you are even more beautiful in person.” His voice was deep and melodic, with just a hint of the accent that betrayed his birthday in Spain. Eve smiled warmly at him and subconsciously flipped her hair again as Alyson placed a soft hand on the small of her back.
“Only as pleased as I am to find the same of the two of you, IAssure you.” Alyson’s hand slide lower as Eve spoke, coming to a rest at the top of her ass. Eve turned to look at her and found mischievous blue eyes looking back at her. Glancing back to Darius, who she found was watching with earnest, Eve reached up and grabbed Alyson by the chin softly. Looking hard into those blue eyes, she locked lips with the older woman, kissing lightly at first and then much harder as Alyson’s hand dropped and began to squeeze. They held themselves that way, mouths working as lips and tongues pressed and danced against each other. Before long the small hand squeeze Eve’s ass was joined by another which, rather than start squeeze, slipped long fingers under the hem of her dress and crept slowly upwards. Alyson broke the kiss and leaned upwards to lick Eve’s earliest as the hand continued upwards, dragging the bottom of her dress with it to expose the bottom half of her ass.
“I’m SO glad to see that you weren’t lying about liking to play in public…butI wonder just how much?” She suddenly drug the dress all the way up to the small of Eve’s back, exposing everything from the belly-button down. A finger slipped under the thin waistband of her black g-string and tugged lightly, threatening to truly expose her to the entire club. After a breathless moment of playing pulling and wicked smoking, Alyson released the g-string. She gave Eve’s ass another rough squeeze and then a sharp, loud spank that drew neary eyes before pulling the dress back down.
“That was…exciting, but it would be shame to be kicked out of such a nice place, especially before we have a chance to dance.” Eve nodded and sipped her drink as Alyson turned her attention to Darius, planning a heavy kiss on his lips. Eve watched as her hand rubbed casually against his crotch, trying to ignore the incredible heat that was trying desperately to spread from her wetted loins to the rest of her body. She was already losing control, having been anticipating this particular meeting far more than usual, and she simply could not take her eyes off of Alyson’s hand as it continued its slow and interestingly long up and down motion. Luckily for her pride in self-control, Darius quickly suggested they move to the dance floor and guided them there with a large hand on each of their backs.
The music was a clamoring mix of bass-heavy house music and hip hop. It wasn’t really her type of music at all, but Eve wasn’t there for that. The three of them pushed and wound their way towards the center of the packed floor, the girls earning at least a half dozen grinds and fondles each on the way. Once there they began to move freely. Eve had always been an excellent dancer, and was extremely pleased to find that both Alyson and Darius were equally skilled. Before long they were lost in the moment, grinding against each other and those around them indiscriminately. The trio of whiskey cokes Eve had drunk before Alyson’s arrival had her warm and pleasantly fuzzy, and she could see that Alyson at least, if not Darius as well, was feeling similarly buzzed. They spent the next half hour or so dancing, often with her in the middle of the other two as their hands ran over her. Alyson would grind against her front, hands on her hips or clutching at her ass under her dress as Darius pressed his now obviously large bulge against her ass and his hands against her bust. Those around them, Particularly the men, kept close watch as her and Alyson’s lips met often, finally meeting and locking together for minutes at a time.
At some point the DJ stopped the music for some kind of announcement, and the three of them broke apart. Alyson was eyeing both Darius and Eve with a wild excitement, and Eve could sense the same from Darius. They had agreed on an open, no commitment initial meeting to make sure they were all Who they said they were. But, the undertone both ways had been quite clear; if they were who they said they were and they all got along well enough, this night was going to end in a crowded, soaked bed. Noting both the insane depravity being imagined in her own mind and the monstrous ache developing between her legs, she smiled mischievously at Alyson and grabbed her hand, pulling her close.
“So…your place? Or mine?”
A cool summer’s night breeze kissed Eve’s hot skin and teased her long hair as she navigated the parking lot hand-in-hand with Alyson, both of them stumbling slightly. Darius followed a few steps behind, and both of them took great fun in winding and smiling seductively over their shoulders at him, giggling and lightly smacking each other’s asses for him. A group of older men passed by, catcalling and whistling their way. Grinning tremendously, Alyson spanked Eve hard for them, earning more catcalls. Eve, determined not to be outdone, turned their way and flashed her tits, jiggling them mightily before stuffing them haphazardly back into her dress. Laughing hearingily at the stunned faces, Alyson guided her to a large black SUV with dark windows, pushing her up against its side and pressing herself against her. Never taking her eyes off of Eve’s barely re-contained breasts, she called back to her husband.
“Mind driving honey? I want to sit in back with Eve, make sure she’s comfortable.” Darius simply smiled and unlocked the SUV, climbing into the driver’s seat. Eve pulled the back Passenger side door open and Alyson climbed in on her hands and knees, pausing to wiggle her ass at Eve before sliding to the far side. Eve slide in and shut the door behind her as Darius started the car. Before he could do more than shift into gear and back out of the parking space, Alyson was mounting Eve. Her tight ass rested comfortably on Eve’s thighs as Alyson gripped her on either side of her jaw and leaned in for a wet kiss, tongue diving into the back of her throat. Eve returned the favor as well as sliding her hands up Alyson’s legs, shoving the skirt upto her waist and exposing lacy white panties and unbelievably smooth, pale thighs. She locked each hand onto an ass cheek and squeezed, pulling them apart and earning a low moan from the still occupied mouth of the blond woman. Alyson’s hands slide down from her cheeks and hooked into the straps of Eve’s dress, pulling them down her arms until the strain caused a breast to pop free again. Breaking the kiss with a satisfied giggle, Alyson grabbed hold of the front of the dress and gave it a hard tug, yanking it down to Eve’s belly and freeing her 34 D breasts once and for all. They hit a bump in the road and the two lovely orbs bounced and jiggled immensely, earning another satisfied giggle from Alyson. She climbed off of Eve’s lap and kissed her left nipple, tonguecircling slowly, before calling up to Darius.
“Oh honey, look how incredible her tits are. So delicious…” Eve watched as Darius took what she suspected was not a first look in the rearview mirror. His dark eyes gleamed at the sight of her bouncing chest and his wife’s face pressed against it. She saw his left arm move and his whole body shift slightly and knew he was trying to make room in his pants. Seeing the perfect opportunity, she grasped her right breast in her hand, squeezing the erect nipple between two fingers, while she slipped her left index finger into her mouth and sucked softly.
“Like what you see, Darius?” She crooned softly at him, drawing out his name and spreading her legs. His eyes flicked rapidly between the road and the rearview mirror, not wanting to crash but desperate to keep watching her. Alyson giggled again and, catching on to her game, pulled the lower part of Eve’s dress to her belly as well before leaning down and burying her face into the black g-string lingering between her legs. Darius’ knuckles grow white on the steering wheel and he shifted furiously as he watched his wife dive between Eve’s legs while she continued to knee her breast and suck on her own finger seizely. A flash of headlights and a horn brought his attention back to the road and he jerked the wheel to the right, bringing the SUV back into the correct lane. Both women laughed heartily as Alyson rose back to a sitting position.
“Eyes on the road, honey. Wouldn’t want to get in an accident.” Eve leaned forward between the front seats and kissed his neck, breasts swinging freely.
“Don’t worry big boy, you’ll get everything you want and more when we get where we’re going” She nibbled his earlobe and slide a hand between his legs. She stifled a gasp of surprise as her hand made contact with the full erection straining against his pants. Alyson had implied that he was as much larger-than-ordinary down there as he was everywhere else, and she’d certainly felt something big while dancing, but the thing in her hand right now was what she liked to describe as simply massive. She gave it a squeeze, to which he responded with a soft guttural moan. Just as she was considering trying to navigate it out of his pants, a hand grabbed her by the back of the g-string and pulled her back onto her ass. Alyson kissed her, a hand still holding tightly to her underwear, and then smiled apologetically.
“No can do, darling. Not that I wouldn’t love to see that, but believe me, he can’t drive with someone giving him…attention.” She winded knowingly, and Eve lost herself for a few Seconds in the image of this small blond woman trying to choke that thing down while he drove. She was brought back to reality by an earnest tug on her underwear which pulled it very tightly between her lips. An involuntary moan escaped her mouth as the scanning fabric rubbed against her clip, and Alyson pulled it even tighter in response. Eve stared at her and they locked eyes, Alyson threatening to pull even harder. Just as she moved her hand, Eve slide a hand behind her neck and pulled her into a kiss. As they kissed, Eve undid Alyson’s skirt and yanked it roughly down to her knees. Alyson tried to gasp, but Eve pressed harder against her lips, tongue going to work as her hands rose to the blouse and began unbuttoning it.
Within seconds it was completely undone and Eve pulled it down to Alyson’s elbows, forcing her arms behind her back before tugging it free and tossing it aside. Wrapping one arm around the small of Alyson’s back and holding both of her arms with the other, she lifted her off of her knees and pushed her back against the door of the SUV. Eve’s breasts pressed tightly against Alyson’s bra as she reached down and tore the skirt off of Alyson’s legs, earning another moan from the blond. They broke the kiss and Alyson tried to bring her arms around in front of her, but Eve held them tightly behind her while using her other hand to spread Alyson’s legs and position herself between them. Pressing against the older woman once again, she hovered a half inch over Alyson’s lips while holding her in place.
“You said you were like me. That youwere into the rough stuff…” Eve used her free hand to squeeze Alyson’s lips into a fish face while roughly grinding their crotches together through the panties. She flicked her tongue against the pursued lips and then bit lightly at them. The blond responded with a moan and bucked slightly against her.
“I hope that’s the case. I don’t like sweet girls.” Eve crooned before slapping Alyson’s cheese, eliciting another moan. Grinning evilly, she slapped her even harder. Alyson starred daringly back into Eve’s eyes, and then lunged forward and snapped her teeth. Eve’s smile widened and she released the feisty little blond, who immediately turned the tables on her. Before she knew what was happening she was flat on her back with her knees pressed against her shoulders, the older woman laying between her legs with her face hovering over her. One hand scratched her bare ass hard as the other yanked her head around by the hair. Teeth closed down on her ear, not hard enough to damage it, but hard enough to draw a gasp of pain.
They released, to be followed by a tongue that delved into her ear before running slowly across her cheek and closed eye. Another hard spank draw a loud moan from her, which was repeated as the teeth closed around her right nipple. The hand holding her hair yanked roughly, forcing her head around so that she was face to face with the older woman as she bit and tongued Eve’s hard nipple. The other hand came down hard on her ass again, then took hold of her panties and once more jerked them tightly in between her soaking pussy lips. Alyson released the nipple, only to bite down on Eve’s lower lip instead. She steadily increased the pressure, extremely pulling roughly on Eve’s panties and hair, until Eve let out a squeal of pain.
“We’re here.” Darius’ clearly excited voice came from the front seat as the car jolted up a curb, and a muffled reply slipped out through the still nibbling teeth.
“Perfect timing honey, our little slave’s all warmed up.”
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