Please do not read if you are under 18 years of age. Thanks to all of you who sent me feedback for “Mother’s Shining Example”. I am sorry that it took so long to get this out to you all, and I hope it is worth the wait. The first chapter of Vivian’s story is mostly plot and character build up. For some reason, I have been really taken with this character and I want to do her tale Justice. As always, I would love to hear your feedback.
Ch. 1
My name is Vivian. I have been instructed by my son-in-law to record the events of my training. My late husband began teaching me on our honeymoon on how to service and please him. This is the story of our beginning and how he turned me into a cock worshiping slut.
I was raised to be a good girl. My mother was a traditional 50’s housewife that stayed at home and took care of the kids and baked cookies. My father worked and brought home the bread and made the decisions. Their roles in life were very clear and so I chose to follow that model when it was my turn to find a husband. I thought nothing would make me feel more secure than to be taken care of like that. Then along came the sexual revolution and women’s liberation and every ideal that I had held dear was turned completely upside down. Suddenly it was wrong for a woman to take care of the home and children, wrong to take care of her husband. Women were free to make their own decisions and be liberated about sex, or so I was told by every jerk on campus that only wanted to get into my pants. I knew that to be a virgin on a college campus in the early 70’s was crazy, but I was taught that my virginity was something sacred and a gift to my future husband. It wasn’t so much a religious thing, but a measure of respect for myself and my future husband.
Most of the guys that I met were only interested in getting me drunk and getting laid. After a while, word got around that I didn’t do that kind of thing, and the “date” offers dwindled. That wasfine by me, I had not met one single man that I thought was worth my time anyway. Until I met Paul. I was a junior working in the campus bookstore when he came in to get his books for the last term. He smiled and was polite, and I found myself smiling back in spine of my usual shyness. He came in the next day for a book that he had “forgotten” to buy and when he finished in the checkout line, Paul asked me if I would like to have lunch with him. I accepted.
Upon getting to know him, I learned that he was raised in a similarly traditional household in the south. At the end of our first lunch, Paul walked me to my dorm, and thanked me for a nice afternoon. After he left, I thought to myself, well that is the end of that. He got the idea that I won’t put out, and I will never see him again. I wasn’t surprised that he didn’t try to kiss me, but I was a little saddened. I thought maybe this one might turn out to be different.
As it turns out, he was different. He came again theNext day at lunchtime and so it went for a week until he asked me out to dinner. He always seemed generally warm without pressuring me, so I accepted. That night, we talked openly about our expectations for our respective futures. I was open about my need to stay a virgin until marriage, and he nodded as I spoke.
“I knew that you were different when I first saw you,” he told me. “Do you know I watched you for half an hour before I asked you for your help? You were so gracious to people and trying to get what they needed. I am glad that you want to wait. It makes it so much more special, like symbolically giving yourself completely and totally to your husband .”
I blushed at his words, but I think that that was the moment that I fell in love. I knew and he knew that I was lost. He asked my father for permission to marry me six months later, and I eagerly accepted. We agreed that because we were both in our senior year in college, we would wait until graduation to get married. It really wasn’t that far away, but because we were officially engaged, we felt at liberty to play and tease with each other a little more than before.
I remember one night after dinner, he was walking me back to my dorm in the dark. He took my hand and slipped me into a dark alley in between two buildings. We were no strangers to kissing by this time, so I brought my arms up around his neighbor Thinking he wanted to steal a private smooth before we got home. Instead, he stretched my hands up to where an old sign fixture was still sticking out of the wall. He whispered in my ear to grab on to it and hold. As I stood there with my arms over my head, he took a long look at my shape in the moonlight. He must have liked what he saw, because he grinned and walked slowly around me in a full circle. I was blushing Profusely by the time he came to stand back in front of me, but I stayed as he wanted and returned his gaze. He brought his hands to my outer thighs and rubbed my skin through the thin cotton fabric of my skirt. Slowly, he rubbed in circles until his hands migrated to my rear where he pressed me into him and kissed me passwordately as I hung onto the iron bar.
He broke the kiss and backed away and we both stood and breathed heavy for a few seconds before he gave me a funny look and motioned for me to let go of the bar and step back out onto the sidewalk with him. I took his hand and snuggled into his arm as we walked, glowing with love and desire. He kissed me lightly when we reached the doorstep and he said goodnight.
Several times we pushed the boundaries of propriety, but instead of upsetting my moral code, I found myself virtually panting for more. He was an odd mixture of outstanding suitor and perfect gentleman. By the time our wedding day arrived, I was in a fit of longing, hardly daring to believe that our union would finally be consumed.
I won’t bore you with wedding details except to say that my hair and dress were suitable out of1974 and our wedding pictures were something my daughter gets a good laugh out of today. It was an entirely enjoyable affairs with much celebrating and good will. As we were packing to leave for our honeymoon, Paul offhandedly remarked that I should not both to pack any underwear for our trip. In my overly horny state, I took his remark at face value and left them all in the undies drawer. He would Not tell me where we were going on our honeymoon, only that it would be hot, and that we would have plenty of time to spend alone together.
I had packed a bikini, the first I had ever owned. I remember hoping that Paul liked what he saw and was not disgusted that I wanted to put my body on display. But I wanted to tan, and he had told me that we would be alone. I could never have pictured the tiny bungalow on a private beach on the back of a posh island resort. I know it is cliché, but the sandy white beaches and azure ocean water were an incredible sight to behold. Having been raisedd in the Midwest, I had never seen an ocean before. It was awe inspiring.
Paul smiled at my reaction and told me to unpack the suitcases while he ordered lunch. I was happy to be occupied, a little nervous but exceptionally excited about what was to transpire that evening. I heard him hang up the phone with room service and he joined me, in the bedroom, hanging up the last of the items in the wardrobe. We made small talk Until our meal arrived. The conversation came easily, but the undercurrent of desire and anticipation was making me twitter in my seat. I was so keyed up, I could barely stand it. He must have noticed my anticipation, because he pulled me into his lap and kissed me deeply. When we broke apart, he looked a little stern.
“I want you to try to calm down and try to finish your lunch. We have the whole week ahead of us, and I have something to talk to you about after we finish here.”
“Okay, I responded, trying to make my breathing even. “I’m sorry, I am just so excited, to be here, and be with you, and start a new life, it is a lot to take in right now,” I said.
He grinned at me and motioned to finish my salad. “I am sure we can come up with an outlet for your injury very soon. And he turned up.
I blushed to my core and finished eating with gusto. When we were done, we wandered out on the terrace with some wine. The afternoon was getting late, and the sun was just barely making pink streaks in the sky. We watched in silence for a minute and then he directed me to sit in one of the padded loops on the deck.
“I told you that I wanted to talk to you this afternoon. What I have to say is fairly serious, so I wish you to remain silent until I have finished, at which time you can feel free to ask questions. I am sure will have many.” He paused and I nodded and looked on. “I know that you are a virgin, and you know that I am not. I have been with many women, and have had much experience with sex in all it’s forms. Except one. For several years now, I have been interested in Domination and Submission. This means that I will take the lead role in all aspects of our lives, and you will follow my direction, especially in the bedroom. You will be my submissive, but also my wife and partner. Know that I love and respect you and will always struggle to see to your protection and happiness.” He looked at my face. I know that I must have registered some shock, but I was curious and more than a little aroused. I had always dreamed of a man taking charge, but I had never really formed a concrete idea of what all that would entail. I was about to find out as he continued.
“Remember in the alley?” he asked. I nodded. “You held on to the hook even after I broke away, and waited for me to tell you to let go. You wanted to please me. And you did.” I blushed again. “You received gratification and satisfaction from pleasure me. I could tell that you were the one. I have been looking for you for a long time. Someone who I can bond with and love and take care of even as she is there for me. I want to truly make love with my partner who trusts me to take her to incredible heights of desire. I can think of no other way to cement a relationship with such a complete bond of trust.” He paused and held my eyes again. I stayed silent, but inside I was squirming with questions. “You have followed my directions admirably so far. You will be rewarded for that. But as fair warning, I must tell you that deviation from my direction will earn you punishment as well.” He smiled as he finished, and his expression became more open and inviting.
“Punishment like what?” was the first question out of my mouth.
“Maybe a spanking, maybe some task to complete, it will depend on the circumstances,” he answered. “I have many evil tricks up my sleepe to correct unacceptable behavior,” he grinned at me.
“What is our life going to be like, are you going to decide everything, like what I wear and what is for dinner, things like that?” I asked.
“Well, the day to day things like that, no, but I do expect you to learn my preferences and take them into consideration in your daily decision making…I am not a complete control freak. I expect that we will work things out as we go along without too much trouble.”
“And what if I can’t deal with all of this?” I asked. “What if it is all too much for me to handle? I mean we are talking about life and a marriage together till death do us part!” I said breathlessly.
He paused a moment before he replied. “I have thought this through. I have a solution that I want to share with you, but not right this minute. This is our honeymoon, and I want us to enjoy it. You have enough to think about for the moment. Lets change and go for a swim.” He stood and pulled me to my feel and kissed me again. This time softly and gently as if trying to reassure me of this brave new world.
I went into the bedroom dresser for the bikini that I stashedEarlier, screwing up my courage and changing as quickly as possible. I didn’t want to ponder too much. I liked what I was hearing, even though it was scary. He seemed to want to let the matter rest for now and have some fun, so I put myself into the spirit. He left me in privacy to change, and I had a hard time deciding weather I was disappointed or relieved.
Since he was already wearing a pair of khaki Shorts, he had no need to change and was waiting for me by on the terrace. He did a double take as I walked out, and put his hand out for me to halt in the middle of the entryway. I stopped and he just stood and stared. Then he whistled low and shook his head. “Lucky. I am a lucky man.”
We splashed around for a bit, but it was getting darker so we decided to go back to the bungalow. Again, he stopped me on the terrace, but this time we were bathed in the soft new moon light. I was shivering slightly as he told me to put my hands behind my neck. I did as he said and stood with my feet slightly apart. My pussy was all tingly and damp and I remember thinking, “Here we go.”
He reached up behind my head and untied the string that held up the top of my bikini. It fell to my wait revealing my well-built breasts to his gaze. Standing in the moonlight, by skin was still slightly damp from our swim and they immediately swelled and hardened as he gazed at me. My emotions were racing as well as my hormones and I almost wished he would throw me to the floor and be done with it. He only stood quietly, gazing at my body, watching my breathing quicken.
“You are so incredibly beautiful,” he said to me. “I have waited forever for this night. Tonight, I will begin your training. I will teach you to love everything that we do together.”
I was breathless in Anticipation as he untied the string on my bottoms and they fell to the floor in a puddle. I was completely naked now, still holding still under his gaze. My pussy was on fire and I was hungering for something just beyond my reach. I expected him to continue to seduce me, but instead, he pulled me to the chair on the terrace. I felt so exposed sitting naked in the open, but I sensed that I needed to trust him and go with this.
“I told you earlier that have a solution if you should want to end this union. This is very serious. I know that you would not give yourself to any but your rightful husband. If I turn out to be the kind of husband that you can’t live with, I want you to leave this union with your virginity intact.”
I gasped at this. Was he not going to make love to me?
“For a trial period of one year, we will be intimate as husband and wife. You will serve me in the capacity previously described. You will submit to me in every way or be punished. The exception being that I will not use your pussy. I will only use your mouth and anus to enter your body.”
I gasped again and gaped at him. Did people really do it like that? I’m not sure what I expected, butThis wasn’t it. He pressed on.
“This will also ensure that there will be no children before we are ready. On our first anniversary, if you decide that you want to stay married to me, we will celebrate and I will take great pleasure in breaking through your final barrier. If you decide that this lifestyle is too overwhelming, you can choose to walk away. I will not stop you, and you will still be intact for another, perfectly vanilla marriage.” He paused. “Go and get ready for a nice hot bath. I will be in to help you complete preparations for our wedding night in just a minute. I have my own preparing to do while you are in the bath.” He kissed me gently, and rose to his feet. I followed suit and gathered my things into the bathroom.
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