Thanks to everyone wrote me feedback for this story, be sure to keep it coming. I probably should have stated in the first chapter that this story is a spin-off of another of my stories, “Mother’s Shining Example”. It might be helpful to read it first, but not essential. Enjoy.
Ch. 2
My thoughts were scattered. I hadn’t been given the opportunity to ask many questions, and as a result, I was trying to assimilate everything at once. I was scared at the thought of being made to accept his penis in my anus, but for the period of a year at least, it seemed I had little choice. I knew instinctively that that would be very uncomfortable at best. It came down to trust. Did I trust this new husband of mine? He seemed determined for me to be able to make a clean break if this didn’t work out. I couldn’t see him doing something that would be horribly scarring in some way. I determined then to be the best wife that I could be in the next year and put myself at his feet, bothliterally and figuratively. Only then could I be totally satisfied that I had done my best to make the marriage a happy one.
Paul came into the room as I was setting my toiletries in the shower. I was still shy at being naked in front of him, but he just grinned and motioned for me to sit on the toilet seat. He had some kind of rubber contraction with tubes that I had never seen before. It gave me tingles in the pit of my stomach.
“This is an enema kit,” he told me. “I am going to use it to clean out your bowels.” The tingling deepened and moved lower. “You are going to accept this tube into your rectum. Then I am going to open this nozzle,” he indicated, “and it will let the cleaning solution from the bag into your body. When it is empty, I am going to remove the nozzle and replace it with a small plug so that none of the solution escapes.” The plug that he held looked so small, but I knew that it was going to take getting used to. He continued.
“Of course youRealize that you must be cleaned out before I can put my cock in your anus,” he said, and he couldn’t quite keep the leer out of his voice. “I will sometimes do this to you and you will sometimes do it for yourself. There are times when a full cleaning may not be required. You will eventually learn to read and monitor your body and know when an enema is necessary.”
It all sounded so clinical to me, but the tingling sensing had turned into full blown panting lust at the thought that I would soon be accepting all manner of intrusions into my rectal cavity.
As he set the enema kit on the counter, I stared at the huge cock that strained the khaki shorts right in front of my face. He paused momentarily to look down at me as I gazed at his bulge. I suspect now that he was savoring the moment as it would be one of the last that held pure innocent and lust combined.
He reached down and slowly undid the zipper of his shorts to reveal his cock. I shivered slightly having never been so close to one in person. The sight filled me with dread and desire simulateneously. I was so horny for this but I thought that I would be split apart by his huge manhood. I looked up at him and he smiled at me as he took his now stiff member and lightly stroked it. I stared as he brought himself to full attention only inches from my lips and the urge to touch it was almost too powerful.
He seemed to sense my desire. “Do you like what you see?” He asked me. I could only nod as I continued to star. “Kiss the crown. Feel the velvet head and taste the salt water from earlier,” He directed me.
I leaned forward slightly and breathed in his scent. He smelled sandy and salty and manly. I pumped my lips and placed them on the underside of the crown of his luscious cock. Next I let my lips part slightly to snake out my tongue and taste the saltiness that had collected there. He moaned and his cock bounced up and brushed my cheek. I remember wondering how something couldbe so soft and so hard at the same time. I knew I wanted more.
He took a hold of it by the base and directed it towards my mouth. I kissed it again this time directly on the peak of the head, and swirled my tongue around some to safer the salty flavor. He was delicious. I looked up at his hooded eyes and knew that he was enjoying it too.
“Suck it into your mouth and use your lips and tongue like it was a popular,” he instructed me.
I did as he said, and sucked the head gently into my mouth as I swirled my tongue under the ridge. I felt like such a slut sitting here learning how to suck cock, but instead of being ashamed, I was incredibly turned on! I had never felt anything but desert for the girls on campus that bragged about sucking off someone on the football team or whoever. In that moment, I felt such pride and arousal that I could give Paul this pleasure, it was incredible. Paul was murmuring under his breath and as I sucked, I caught fleeting noises about good little girl.
Suddenly, his hands came up to the sides of my head, and he still my movements and looked down at me. “I am going to press further into your mouth now, and I want you to take it into your throat as deep as you can. Hold your breath and do your best not to gag.”
I nodded and opened my mouth wider to accommodate him and took a deep breath. I closed my eyes as I felt his cock slide slowly in over my wet lips deeper into my mouth. He was in charge now, holding my head steady as he pushed his hips forward to lodge the head of his cock in my throat. My throat muscles stained and worked around his dick as I tried to hold off my gag reflex. He held it there until finally, I couldn’t take it anymore and I pushed back against the hands holding my head as I tried to come up for air.
He let me go and I gasped for breath. I could see his grin through the tears that had gathered, and I could tell he was pleased. “That was wonderful, pet. I am very satisfied with yOur cock sucking effort so far,” he told me as I smiled up at him. “Did you like that?”
I considered for a minute. “I liked the taste and feel of you,” I told him. “I liked how it made me feel to pleasure you.”
He grinned and buckled himself up as he turned back to the counter. “Now, for the enema. I will teach you how to do this for yourself later, but tonight, I want to administrator this myself. Bend over the counter while I prepare the bag.”
I did as I was told, and watched him at work. He turned on the tub spout and set the water to warm. I could not believe that I was going to submit to this, that I actually wanted it by this time. I wasn’t sure how it would feel, but my pussy was literally throbbing with pent up desire and I would have agreed to just about anything at that point. There was a tube of lubricant and the small anal plug on the counter next to me in preparation.
He came up behind me again. “Hold your cheeses open for me,” he ordered.
Oh, God, how humiliating! Not only was I about to receive my first enema, but I was required to hold my ass open for him to administrator it! My pussy pulsated as I reached around to spread my cheeks open to his view. He brought his hand up to my core and gently stroked until the moist lips parted to reveal my clip standing up and begging for attention. When he stroked his finger across my clip for the first time, I thought that my world would shatter.
“Have you ever had an orgasm before?” he whispered in my ear.
I nodded, too embarrassed to speak. I had masturbated some, but it had brought only temporary relief.
“This is a very important rule that I want you to remember. You are not to play with your pussy or come without my permission. Not ever. I will punish you like the bad little girl are if you touch yourself without my ok. This is one of the primary rules, got it?”
I nodded again, but that wasn’t good enough for Paul. “I want to hear you say it!” He commanded me.
“Yes, yes,” I moaned, almost delicious with excitement and anticipation.
Suddenly, I felt the cool touch of his lubricated finger on my exposed anus. I moaned again as he gently pressed the tip of it just inside the tight ring. His other hand came up to play with my stiff nipple and I felt myself arching back to meet the invading finger in my ass. Encouraged, he went deeper, smearing the lube in more before gently rocking his finger in and out of my tight little hole.
I had never felt anything like this sensing before. It was slightly uncomfortable, but incredibly arousing as I realized that I was being sodomized with my husband’s finger. I flushed in arousal more when I realized that It would soon be my husband’s cock doing the sodomizing.
However, what I felt next was a little different. The nozzle of the enema tube was hard and cool as it slipped into my rectum. I felt the same slightly full sensing as I have I had with his finger and then a warm rush as heopened the nozzle to let the water into my waiting ass.
“Oh!” I exclaimed as the unfamiliar swelling sensing began in earnest. After a few seconds, he closed the clamp, and I tried to get up. He pressed me back down with the palm of his hand on my back.
“Where are you going, little girl?” he asked me.
“I have to go!” I almost shouted at him, but he just laughed quietly.
“Not yet, little girl. I only gave you a small amount of fluid. Your body is trying to explore, but for the enema to work properly, you must hold it in. Calm down , breathe evenly, and relax your anal muscles.”
I did as he directed and soon, I was getting more used to the sensing. I calmed down, and Paul opened the clamp again. This time, I was slightly more prepared for the sensing, but it was still very uncomfortable. He let the bag drain this time before clamping the tube and removing the nozzle from my stretched anus. In a flash, he has the plug and was working it into my ass. Thesensing of being stuffed with the cold plug after the warm water rush of the enema was very strange.
At this point, I wasn’t really sure that I was going to enjoy anything else that was going to happen tonight. I was full, uncomfortable, scared, felt like I had to poop like crazy, and almost mad at Paul for putting me in this prediction. I told myself just to muddle through and do my best to please my new husband. He stroked my back, leaned over and started whispering in my ear again.
“Shh…shh. Hush little girl. Relax and let the water work in your body.” He started stroke lower around my buttocks and then slipped in between the folds of my pussy. That felt good, but at this point, I was still holding onto my indignation. I moaned and squirmed to try to communicate with him, but he was having none of it.
“Focus on my voice. Remember why you are here. You are on a beautiful tropical island in a private bungalow with your new Husband and Master. You are being cleaned out in preparation to receive your Master’s hard cock in your tight little ass.” He began teasing my clip with one finger, fluttering it lightly but rapidly. I was starting to heat up more again, spurred by his words as much as his finger.
“Your ass is going to stretch around my cock and feel so good. You are going to make me so proud by submitting to my cock. This is what you were made for.” And he kissed me so hard that I almost lost my balance, but fortunately he was there to steady me.
He positioned me standing, but bent over the toilet and pulled his shorts down again. His dick dangled obscenely in front of me and I had an overwhelming urge to take it in my mouth again. I stretched out to do so, but he stepped back.
“You must always ask permission to touch your Master.,” Paul said. “This is another rule for you to abide by. It is a sign of respect and devotion for my person. I, however will not usually ask your permission to touch you. You will see my absolute respect for you in other ways.” He looked at me expected.
“M..MM…May I please suck on you, Sir?” I stammered as I looked up at him. I felt like such a complete whore, but desire sang in my veins. I could feel a slight cramping in my bowels, but I didn’t care.
He smiled and nodded and I leaned forward and parted my lips. I gently kissed the head of his cock Before running my tongue up and down the sides. It jumped a little and surprised me, but I liked the growing hardness. I sucked the head in gently and worked it a little in my mouth some. I was unsure of what to do, but Paul was smiling and moaning slightly and seemed to be enjoying my ministers. I remembered from earlier, and opened my mouth wide to try to work the head further into my throat. I think I might have scraped his member slightly with my teeth, but he made no complaint.
I had a little rhythm going when my gag reflex kicked in and I choked. When I did, I was forcedly reminded of the enema and plug in my ass. The sensings of being stuffed were almost overwhelming, and I started to get panicky. Paul must have seen the look in my eyes, because he pulled his dick out of my mouth with a pop and pushed down on the back of my neck to hold me still.
“Shh…calm down. Hold it all in.” I stopped struggle, but I had tears in my eyes. I felt like I had to go so bad, but I concentrated on Taking calming breaths. I eventually felt it working, and the panic received. I looked up at Paul, waiting to be led.
“It is time for you to explore your enema.” I was immediately scared, but his voice was gentle and calming. “Here is what I want you to do. Sit upright on the toilet and count to 50. Then remove the plug from your anus. Do this quickly, or you will make a mess and upset me. The enema will come rushing out. It might scar you, but I promise that you are only being cleaned out thoroughly. Take your time, and when you feel like you are completely empty, go ahead with your shower. I will be waiting in the bedroom.”
He gave me a searching look which I answered with a nod, and once again, I was left with my own thoughts of what had just happened to me. It almost seemed surreal. Like I had watched another woman receive a cleansing from across the room.
I sat and began to count. At around 20, I could feel the water moving down and I instinctively clenched down More tightly on the plug. My desire was receiving quickly as I began to feel more like I was going to explode. I tried to focus and remember his words to me. His face was utmost in my mind and I saw his warmth and caring. I felt a sense of calm come over me as I reached 50. I was ready to finish this thing and give myself completely to him. I knew that I trusted him and I loved him. My hand brushed my moist pussy lips and I shivered as I reached down and pulled out the plug.
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