Morning Bells (Part Six)

We went out to the quad, Brooke had her arm around me as we plopped down on the couches.

“That was a lot of fun! That’s like the best art teacher I’ve ever had she’s so cute and energetic.” Brooke said.

“Yeah that was pretty awesome, I had her last year too it’s a perfect class to end the day with.” I said.

“I met a really sweet Asian girl in the hall after my English class today her name is Christi we are supposed to hang out later tonight, I’m so happy to be making friends people at this school seem to be really nice. I mentioned that we were going out and she said that you guys hang out all the time” Brooke said sweetly. My heart dropped into my stomach and I feel like my eye balls popped out of my head. She looked at me knowingly and squited a tad placing a hand on my thigh.

“Is everything alright babe?” She said.

“Yeah I’m fine, sorry it’s nothing I just thought I saw something, I guess I’m just tired.” I said squeeze her hand on my leg.

“Did you guys talk about anything else?” I said hoping that they hadn’t, this was quickly becoming a very uncomfortable conversation. What was Christi’s agenda this time? I feel like she wanted me just because Brooke had me.

“Not really, I just commented on her cute outfit and talked about you a little bit.” she said. I wasn’t really able to read her facial expression to gather any more information.

“Oh, what about me did you girls talk about?” I said trying not to sound too serious, keeping my voice level without making it obvious that I was worried.

“Nothing just girl stuff you know.” Brooke said. That was not exactly the response I wanted, but it didn’t sound like Christi said anything about what kind of hanging out her and me used to do.

“Ashley!” Brooke yelled running over to her friend.

Ashley came over towards us and plopped a spot on the couch. “Brooke I think Josh is mad at me he hasn’t really said anything to me all day and I texted him a few times.” Ashley said sounding worried.

I butted in, “I’m sure everything is alright he might just be upset that you went out with Bob in the first place.”

“Yeah but we really didn’t do anything he just spent money on me and I really like Josh, I wouldn’t cheat on him like that already!” She pleased. I kind of rolled my eyes, she obviously didn’t understand what I mean by that it wasn’t the fact that Bob had said they did something it was the fact that they went out in the first place. In all honesty I doubted highly that they didn’t actually do anything together, if he was with her most of that day, spent money on her, and on top of all that the tone in his voice was very convincing when he said what he said had happened. It was better to just give her the benefit of the doubt though, I didn’t want to believe that she was that type of person, but I honestly didn’t know her that well. She did start crying and all, but that could have been because she was put in the spot light.

“I didn’t say you did anything it’s just the principle of it spending time with a guy all day like that and letting him buy you stuff, I know I would be pissed off if Brooke did that.” I said. Brooke shoved me a little bit playfully. “I’d never baby!” Brooke quickly said. I pulled her in for a little kiss on the cheek squeezing her side enough to make her start giggling.

“Now I got you I know you’re ticklish!” I said continuing to make her laugh. She swatted my arm away and clung on to Ashley at the end of the couch.

“He’s mad with power” Brooke said, her eyes going wide with a playful smile winding at me.

“Oh you two are going to make me puke with the cuteness. I have a serious problem, what am I supposed to do I don’t want Josh to be mad at me” she said making the most adorable cutesy face she could come up with. I just told I knew she was directing the question at me more than at Brooke because he was my friend.

“I don’t know what you want me to do, but I guess I could text him.” I said not sounding so pleased about being in the middle of all this.

“Oh would you! That would be great thanks Tom Tom!” Ashley said.

I rolled my eyes, pulled out my phone and texted Josh:

Me: What’s good bro everything straight with you and Ashley?

He responded instantly.

Josh: idk, man she just really pissed me off withthe whole Bob thing

Me: Yeah, but hey it doesn’t surprise me girls will always use a guy if they can.

“Tommy what’s he saying?” Ashley asked with the curiosity of a cat. I just waved my hand in the air going back to my phone.

Josh: Yeah that’s what is getting at me, if she used him what’s to make me think she won’t use me too

Me: I doubt she is trying to use you bro she’s actually sitting with Brooke and I in the quad pleading with me to find out if you’re mad at her or not she sounds really unhappy.

Josh: I’ll be there in a little bit don’t say anything I want to make her stew for a little bit I’m still not exactly sure she didn’t fuck around on me. I just hope she’s not a slut ya know?

Me: Yeah I want to believe her too man that would suck if she was a slut…

About ten minutes later Josh showed up in thequad and Ashley ran over to him and jumped on him kissing him wildly.

“And I thought we were bad.” I said looking at Brooke.

“We can be.” She giggled pinching my arm.

Josh waved at us and walked with Ashley out to the parking lot with his hand in her back pocket firmly grasping her rear.

“I think they will be just fine. Let’s go I’ve got golf practice at the park district golf course in like twenty minutes.” I said to Brooke grabbing her by the hand and pulling her with me.

We made it out to the car. Most of the parking lot was empty by now, I didn’t like trying to rush out with the traffic. The sun was beaming down on my face and I pulled out my sunglasses putting them on my face scanning the lot for my car. I saw that girl Inna parked up still and sitting on the top of the back seat with her music banging, letting the wind blow in her hair. She was smoking a cigarette boldly in the school parking lot with one arm on the trunk holding her up while poking out her chest with her back hair streaming down basking in the sun. Inna looked like one of those models you would see on a convertible in a calendar. One of her friends was chatting her up. She was an average looking long haired brunette in a black shirt and jeans.

We walked over to my car and I got in, Brooke opening her door a little too wide and tapping Inna’s car.

“What the fuck?” Inna said sitting up.

“Sorry I didn’t mean to, I didn’t hit your car hard.” Brooke said.

“Stupid bitch, fuck tard!” Her friend scowled.

I yelled from inside slightly scared for Brooke, “I’m sorry ladies she didn’t mean to do that, it was just an accident!” I hope that would smooth things out and Brooke would just get in the car before this escalated.

“It’s whatever, Tommy just keep your little bimbo bitch on a lean from now on!” Inna said sarcastically.

Brooke got into the car and looked at me like she wanted to cry, “Why was she so mean! I barely touched her car and how exactly does she know you?” She said in a hurt voice.

“I don’t know and I just met her today in my science class.” I said in a comfortable voice pulling out of the parking lot as two sets of eyes starred at us for a minute before continuing with their chatting letting out billions of smoke into the air, which actually made me want to have a cigarette. I fumbled in my container panel and pulled out a pack of American Spirits, my parents knew I smoked and really freaking hated it.

“Oh I wish you wouldn’t smoke cigarettes babe they are so bad for you.” Brooke said.

“Yeah so are a lot of things. I enjoy it and I could really use one before I go tryout for the golf team. I am actually pretty nervous I didn’t make the team last year, they only let like four or five people join out of the almost thirty that tried out.

“I’m sure you will be fine baby just do your best, if you play golf anything like what you did to me earlier today I’m sure that you’ll be the best player out there.” She smiled putting her hand over mine. I sparked up the cig in my mouth and just cruised to the golf course. I got out and made my way to the locker room and told Brooke she could go wait over by the entrance for the ninth hole since we Only played the back nine for the tryout. I got dressed and noticed a few of the guys that had tried out last year and one of the guys who I played a game with last year who was freaking amazing, he could hit the ball far with lots of control.

I got up to the tee it was my turn to hit the ball I took out one of my better packs of balls hoping it would help. Iwas really nervous and Brooke was just looking at me with a big encouraging smile. I put the ball on the tee and the wind keep blowing it off, so I had to reset it at least three times before I was sure it would stay on. I hit the ball with as much control as I could muster knowing it was better to hit it accurately instead of really far. It went up high and far before the wind took it right, which actually kind of worked out Even though I didn’t mean to hit it like that, the fairway was a dog right and it landed just outside of the fairway with a rough patch of grass hugging holding it inside the line between the fairway and the longer blades of grass right before the sand trap, but I was happy it was a great deal more impressive then I could have hoped for. I turned and smiled brightly at Brooke who was clapping, that rose the attention of other people trying out her being the only person there just to watch.

The guy that I assumed made the team last year went next, I think his name was Pierce, he didn’t use a driver but selected a lower iron, smoked it hard and it went straight out like a shot landing perfectly on the fairway about a good twenty yards ahead of mine. He was a slender guy but he had a larger upper body and could put a great deal more force into the ball with less effort. I kind of slumped down not feeling as good about my shot as I had a minute ago. I had a great short game though and I loved to use my nine iron for everything, even though most people only used it for a very short distance it was my favorite club and I could hit it far and long with that club. I waved at it with as much force as I could it went up and I actually over hit it I couldn’t believe it I must have wanted this more than I thought, until the ball came back down and landed in the sand I cursed slightly.

Pierce went next since his ball was closer to the hole than mine. He hit it shy of the green, but it skipped up to the lip and stopped, this guy was killing me with his accurate profitency and I was in the sand on top of it. I got my wedge out and chipped it lightly watching the puff of sand fly into the air distracting me from where the ball went and I heard people whooping and hollering. I raked the sand trap and quickly made my way up the wedge of the hill people still clapping. I looked around for my ball and couldn’t find it.

“It’s in the hole buddy.” I heard from Pierce while the coach intently watched on. I almost jumped in the air and said yes, but I wanted to remain steady and act like this happened all the time. A birdie, that was great and on my first hole. I was so happy I would definitely have a better chance at making the team even with such a good player overshadowing everything I did.

Brooke looked impressed and had a huge smile giving me a thumb’s up as she watched with the rest of the students trying out. Pierce went and chipped hisball next to the hole and tapped it once more into the hole with his putter. I didn’t do anything very impressive after that just playing a normal game hitting a few pars and the rest one bogies I was lucky to have that. Pierce played with the same profitency as before and birdied the next two holes and pared most of the rest with a bogey on the last. The other people went through their tryouts and it didn’t seem like I had too much competition besides Pierce and these two other players, but I had a good chance most of the other players couldn’t play very well or were just very inconsistent. One of them actually had everyone talking making a hole in one on the really short three par, but playing like shit the rest of the time.

Pierce extended his big classed hand to me as we walked back towards our vehicles and said, “Good job I look forward to playing with you on the team.” I looked at him with a twisted face how could he possibly know if Imade the team or not yet there were still at least six to seven other players that were just as good as me and two of them were really good.

“How do you know I made the team?” I chimed back. “You play pretty well and have a consistency about you, which is a lot more important to the coach than someone that hits the ball far or gets lucky a few times.” I smiled and Brooke dashed over to give me a hug. That felt so good the warmth of her body blazing against mine.

“I’ll see you later I’m sure” He said. Pierce walked off giving my girlfriend a very long visual eye banging, which I really didn’t like that much, but it made me feel slightly good knowing I had someone other people desired and couldn’t have.

“Baby you did so well!” She chimed in. I just kind of blushed I didn’t even think she really knew anything about golf, but was satisfied enough to go along with it.

“Thanks, did you want to get something to eat before I take you to dance class?” I said.

“Sure, but it’s got to be something light like a salad” she said pleasantly.

“Okay” I said, grabbing her butt and pushing her in the direction of the car.

“Baby!” She grinned devilishly swatting my hand away, “Stop it!”

“Sorry. I can’t help myself it begs to be squeezed” I laughed. She just blushed and got to the car jumping in.

“So, where are we going to go to eat then?” She asked. I just kind of mumbled without giving a response and figured I’d head to the mall with the food court. She hummed to the tune of some pop song she put on. I wasn’t exactly in the mood for such crappy main stream music, but she seemed to be happy so I ignored my baser instinct to put on something better.

We ate for about fifteen minutes before Christi made an appearance out of the corner of my eye. She was ordering some Jamba Juice and had changed again into something out of character for her a summer dress. She usually dressed really provocatively because she liked the attention, but she looked really beautiful in her lime green dress that stopped a few inches above her knees. When she turned in our direction still not aware of us, so I could see the rest of the dress it had a cute plunging neck line giving her a small amount of cleavage, which was still very modest for her. A little gold medallion shimmered in the middle and she actually looked really beautiful. I couldn’t help but stare, the sunlight coming through the skyline of the mall giving her an angelic innocent.

Brooke saw her too and got up bouncing over to her. Fuck just what I wanted to be in the same space as a girl I used to fool around with and my girlfriend this couldn’t end well. Christi saw her and brightly smidle giving her a wave before they hugged each other and started chatting. I did not want to get up and deal with this at all, I just stayed there eating and directed my attention on my Panda Express.

I was still peeping out of my peripheral vision and I saw them making their way back to me. I wanted to jump off the second floor of the mall to get away but I couldn’t even move, I was terrified that this was going to be a blood bath of truth time.

“Hey stranger” Christi said coming over to me and wrapping me up in a hug from behind that was all too intimate, kissing my cheek, letting her hair fall on my face so I could breathe in that scent I was so used to. It was like an open field of lilacs and a baby powder type smell I couldn’t really describe it any better than that, but it was intotoxicating.

Christi whispered in my ear, “I hoped you enjoyed my little video Tommy, I’ve got something else in mind now.” My mind started to linger to all the memories we had together and all the pleasure we shared with each other, but quickly turned into a venomous rage of questions about her motives.

“Hi Christi, it’s been a while hasn’t it! My girlfriend was just telling me that you two became friends earlier today.” I said trying to hold back the hostility in my voice while putting a lot of emphasis on girlfriend.

“This sexy little bitch you mean!” She said playfully spanking Brooke’s ass pretty hard as I watched it jiggle a little.

“You’re one to talk!” Brooke spouted back just as playedfully grabbed a good portion of Christi’s ass with her hand and gave it a good shake, which I thoroughly enjoyed as my smile became more prominent.

“Hands off the merch!” Christi swatted her hand away still being playedful with her voice, but I know her slightly better than Brooke and that look said she had something more behind it along the lines of hostility.

Brooke didn’t sense anything just giggling for a minute. This was getting uncomfortable already, what did she want? And what was this act she was putting on all about? I didn’t really want her to stick around and find out either this wasn’t something I wasn’t in the mood for, that’s why I had been ignoring her the best I could.

“See you tonight Brooke, I’ve got people waiting for me” Christi said making a disappearing act down the escalator, I had completely forgotten that they had plans to hang out tonight. I just hoped that Christi wasn’t going to try to sabotage my relationship.

Brooke and I left the mall and made our way to pick up her pharmacy prescription from Walgreens.

“It’s not that we are having sex and I need it for that reason…” Brooke said trailing off, “Yet. ItJust really helps with cramps.” I didn’t really need to know that last part, but I was happy to hear that Brooke wanted to have sex with me eventually. I’ve only had sex with two people one was a girl I met at a party and it was a one night thing. The other was one of my ex-girlfriend’s, we had done it more than a few times and I eventually started to get pretty decent at it before she decided to start exploring other opportunities of the dark meat variety, before long she turned into a straight up slut.

“Oh so you’re assuming I want to have sex with you already.” I said in a teasing voice as we got back into the car. She put her hand on my lap and gave me a knowing smile.

“I don’t know if I can handle it yet I am still a virgin” Brooke said shyly. This made my dick jump slightly with excitement. We drove on to dance class the car ride was very quiet after that discussion.

We got to dance class. Ashley was already there practicing along with the rest of the girls and one guy that seemed to really enjoy his part in assisting with leg lifts. If he touched Brooke inappropriately I would take it out on his face. The girls weren’t dressed like I thought they would be for a ballet class, it was more casual with most of them in legs or something free flowing that would make it easy to bend and move around. The teacher walked in and instructed everyone to their beginning route of poses. Most of the girl’s in the class had very fit bodies but none of them could compare with Brooke. They began stretching there legs into the air, the male who was about my age came over to assist lifting each girl that was having trouble, he put their leg up higher and balanced it against his body and shoulder with his hand, a little too cozy for my taste, squarely on the ass pushing them closer to his body. I had no idea how flexible Brooke was she didn’t look like sheneeded any help, and I certainly didn’t want fancy pants to put his hands anywhere near Brooke’s rear. Ashley seemed to be enjoying his all too friendly touching when he got to her and almost looked like she was grinding along with him. Poor Josh I am pretty sure that she is exactly what I thought she was… a slut.

Low and behold he made it to Brooke and eagerly helped out and it looked all too sexual to me with his hand gripping her ass firmly enough to push it in and upward slightly. My face was beginning to fuel, but she didn’t seem to find anything wrong with it as he drove his groin right up against her exposed shaft pushing her leg higher up on top of his shoulder and breasts squished against him. He was smiling all too brightly for my taste I wanted to deck him. Staring bullets into him was all I could do I didn’t want to embarrass Brooke in class.

Brooke caught me looking at the two of them and had a curious look on her face not quite sure of why I looked so pissed off, which only made it worse. I got up and went outside for a cigarette trying to hold myself back from running over there and punching him square in the jaw.

A few minutes later the door flung open, Brooke came out and B-lined straight to me with a mixed look of concern and confusion.

“What’s wrong baby why are you so upset?” Brooke asked.

“You obviously don’t see Mr. Fancy pants literally trying to fucking cop a feel and grind you and the rest of the class.” I said still fuming like a bull shooting smoke out of my nostrils.

“Eduardo you’re worried about him?” She laughed as she said it which just added to the fire, “He’s about as gay as they come you don’t need to worry”.

“Still I don’t like it.” I said a lot less upset now and more just trying to stand my ground about the wholething.

“That’s too bad you’re just going to have to deal with it, all the girls in the class get the same treatment from him, it’s not like he gets excited about it down there or anything. I mean if you were that close and had me at that angle don’t you think you would get an erection?” She retired sternly.

“I guess I just don’t want anyone but me having you in that type of position.” I said sounding as serious as I could. She got up against me and stretched out her leg like she had done in class and put it up against my shoulder and grinded on my crotch making my cock spring up immediately.

“Awe, your just jealous! Come back inside and watch us dance before the teacher yells at me for leaving” she said in a cheerful matter. Damn it wasn’t fair, she knew just how to stop me from staying upset.

“Okay I’ll come back inside.” I said sounding defeated.

I sat there watching the rest of the class for another hour before it ended. I only wished I could dance like that myself even if some of it did look extremely Flamboyant. I took Brooke home while she chirped away about how awesome it was that they were going to do an artistic performance in a few weeks with some guy named Salvador, some a choreographer for some big Broadway show about a decade ago. She seemed happy about the whole thing. I didn’t want to interrupt her so I just let her talk the whole way back to her house.

She kissed me on the lips hard as we got to her house and said, “we can hang out for a little while before Christi gets here if you want” I all too eagerly joined her inside.

Her mom was doing yoga to some Zen style music in the living room with candles lit. I guess flexibility runs in the family because she was on the ground doing the splits and leaning forward with her arms outstretched in front of her while her breasts were molding into the ground making them look somehow bigger even in a sports bra. Her ass looked amazing in the tight booty shorts she was in, it was like the twin peaks of the Himalayas if they were rounded out to perfection. She slowly rose to the air lifting her hands into a prayer pose and her eyes caught me looking at her. I was going to have to watch myself as closely as possible in this house if I ever wanted to make it out alive.

“Well hello you two, how was dance class Brooke?” her mom asked.

“It was fine, Tommy got upset about Edwardo’s liberation of hands on my body” Brooke said almost laughing about it.

“Oh the little fairy boy having his hands on you was too much for little old Tommy boy.” Ms. Axley said about as condescendingly as possible.

“Well that was before I knew he was gay. I still don’t like the idea of ​​it but I guess its ok” I said.

Brooke’s mom got up and turned off the music and put out the candles.

“Tommy can you help me with something? I need your manly hands” Brooke’s mom said in a coy voice.

I had no idea what she wanted help with but my mouth seemed to have a mind of its own, “Sure.”

She walked into the kitchen undoing her pony tail and letting her sexy long blonde hair fall around her shoulders.

“There is some garbage bags over there and they are too heavy to lift can you take them out to the garbage can by the garage for me and take it to the curb. Thanks sweetie” Ms. Axley said. I groaned a little bit hoping she was going to ask me to do something else, but I mean what else could she have wanted help with, she asked me right in front of Brooke. I needed to get my mind out of the gutter.

I took the trash out and heard footsteps behind me at a distance walking up the driveway. I put the garbage in the container and started pulling it with me as I turned around to see a figure walking up the drive in the dark. It was hard to see who it was until my eyes focused and noticed the all too familiar dress from earlier today. Christi was already here, “fuck”, I exclaimed to myself under my breath. I kept walking up to her with the garbage bin in tow.

“Hey. I didn’t think you were going to be here” Christi said. I bet she deliberately came early just so she could run into me.

I responded, “Yeah funny how things work out I guess”

“Well don’t go just yet, aren’t you going to give me a kiss hello?” Christi said walking up closer to me.

“I didn’t have it planned and I am holding this trash that needs to get to the end of the street.” I said.

She didn’t care she came over to me and put her arms around me squeezing me and planted a kiss right on my lips forcedly. She tasted like strawberries as always, I would never forget that about her and that smell as much as I wanted to have her just leave me alone, her cent lingered in my nose of that distinguishing fresh Christi smell that I used to love so much and couldn’t get enough of, especially when I had my head buried in her crotch.

I pulled away, “That’s enough of that.” I said pulling the garbage down the driveway at a much faster pace trying to keep her away.

“You’re no fun, but it just makes me want you all the more” Christi said in a huff and I’ll admit it’s very hard to resist her charms especially with previous knowledge of other skills.

“Tough luck you’ll live” I said nonchalantly over my shoulder, trying to mask any trace of my incredibly physical attraction I had towards her.

I walked back inside, but went around the back so I wouldn’t have to run into Christi alone and waiting for me on the porch. Brooke’s mom was in the kitchen chopping up some vegetables and cooking something that smelled really delicious.

I went into the living room where Brooke and Christi were chatting away in a language only girls speak it sounds something like the women on The View.

“I’m going to go home baby I’ve got some homework to do” I said to Brooke but both of their heads turned to me like it was meant for them.

“Awe, you’re such a square you should stay and spend some time with us” Christi said in a pout.

Brooke bounced over to me and gave me a kiss, but I pulled my arm around her and gave her butt a good squeeze and kissed her hard before embracing for a hug to see Christi’s expression. She looked livid, squiting at me with her eyesbrows together. I broke away and went for the door, “Bye Ms. Axley!” I yelled.

“Not so fast!” came loudly from the kitchen. Her mom said it in a tone like I was in trouble for something.

She walked out and came over to me giving me a big hug and pressing her tits against me hard and kissed me on both chefs before releasing.

“Now you can go” Brooke’s mom said.

“What about me don’t I get a good bye too I’m feeling really left out!” Christi said bounding up to give me a hug pulling me close to her and whispering in my ear with her tongue trailing the outside of it, “Your cock will be mine again” she said, making me shudder and then wonder how no one else saw what she just did.

I pulled back away and got out of there as quickly as I could. I made it to my house where things would be much more normal instead of having three beautiful women around me making me lose my freaking mind. My dad was sitting on the couch reading a video poker strategy book.

“How did tryouts go today son?” He said lifting off the couch peering at me with his thick glasses.

“They went pretty well one of the guys that I think was on the team last year said I was a shoe in” I said.

“That’s great! Your mother is downstairs and I think there might be some left over lasagna left in the kitchen. Help yourself!”

I engulfed the food like I hadn’t eaten in days I was so hungry from dealing with women all day it was nice to have a home cooked meal.

I went downstairs to say hi to my mom, but she was fast wait with a book on her lap and the T.V. on in the background. I never understand how she could just pass out on a whim like that. I went over to my room and my pocket vibrated.

I pulled out my phone to check who it was it was, an unknown number with a text.

Unknown: Hey this is Tommy right?

Me: Yeah who is this?

Unknown: Inna dumbass I gave you my number earlier.

Me: Oh I’m sorry I didn’t put it in my phone yet I will now though.

Inna: Whatever, could you do me a favor?

Me: Um, maybe? Whats the favor?

Inna: My car ran out of gas could you pick me up?

Me: Sure where are you?

Inna: At intersection of Lake and Beverly

Me: Alright I’ll grab the gas canister in my garage and head there.

Inna: how long are you going to be?

Me: I don’t know maybe fifteen minutes?

Inna: Okay thanks

I got my keys and headed for the door.

“Where are you going? You just got home it’s a school night” my dad said. Not that they ever really seemed to care when I stayed out late, but my parents usually gave me a hard time about leaving.

“My friend’s car broken down and they need a ride” I said.

“Okay, but come back home right after” my dad replied. Yeah right! Like I was going to start behaving like I had a curfew again, fat chance on that. I made my way to the garage to grab the gas can and headed out.

I made it to Inna in about twenty minutes hitting almost every red light. It’s like they know when you want to be somewhere. I swear someone has control of the traffic signals and manipulate them just to fuck with you.

“You finally made it, thanks its hot as balls out here” Inna said in a grouchy voice to me as I got out of the car.

“There isn’t much gas left in here, but it should help to get your car started at least.” I said.

I poured the gas into the car. There literally was nothing left in the car except maybe a few sprinkles. I didn’t think there would even be enough to start the car,but I acted like there was more tipping the container in there for a few minutes.

“Okay you can try it” I said. She went inside her car and gave it a couple tries and nothing not even a sputtering noise from the engine. Crap!

“You’re going to have to take me to the gas station to fill the container” Inna said even more irritated this time opening up the door of my car and inviting herself in.

We drove to the gas station. It was silent for a little bit before anyone decided to talk.

“Sorry if I ruined your night” Inna said, sounding pretty sincere.

“It’s OK I just got home when you texted me” I said.

“I’m glad you weren’t with little miss airhead” Inna said sarcastically. She really didn’t like Brooke for whatever reason I didn’t know, but I wasn’t going to question it just tried to change the subjectt.

“So where did you go tonight?” I said.

“I was going to smoke this joint with a friend of mine and then go see this band in this kid’s garage” Inna said removing the joint from inside of her bra.

“You were pretty cool picking me up and all… wanna chief it up with me?” Inna said.

“Why not?” I said turning on to a side street that I knew and cruised around in frequently to smoke.

She lit the end of it and blew the ashes out of the window and took a drag of it before handing it to me.

“This shit is super strong and it’s got some hash oil in it” Inna cought.

I took a long drag and cought hard, instantly it burned its way to my lungs quickly and I cought out a bunch of smoke. She patted me on the back gingerly and took the joint back and hit it a few more times before tossing it out the window.

“Not much of a smoker are you?” Inna said in a tone that challenged my manhood in a teasing manner.

“I actually already smoked today not that long ago my lungs are kind of cashed out” I said back with my voice still strained. I drove to the gas station and offered to buy her the gas, which she was all too happy to accept. I figured she smoked me up it was the least I could do. I paid for the gas and she put it in the container straddling it to open the top and then letting her hair down as she bent over down into a squat letting her pleated skirt frill all about and her butt stick out enough to get a glance.

“Something you like?” She said peering out of the corner of her eye not looking at me.

“What?” I said.

“I saw you blatantly staring at my ass get a camera it’ll last longer” She said smartly.

“It’s hard not to stare” I said laughing a little but more nervous than joking.

“I’m sure” Inna said sarcastically.

We made it back to her car a few minutes later and I filled up the tank again. She tried to start the engine and after two tries it started – that clunker still had some life in it yet.

She got out of the car and gave me a long hug and gripped my ass for a moment before kissing me on the chef, “Thank your doll” Inna said giving my arm a playful punch before walking back to get in her car flicking her hair as she strutted.

“Anytime it was my pleasure?” I said in a questioning voice still wondering what the ass grab was all about, but thought better of letting my mind linger.

“Hit me up some time… if you get bored of Barbie” Inna said before jetting off down the street. I really didn’t even want to try to figure out what she means by that either, but it was obvious enough that shedid not like Brooke for some reason.

I got home and checked my computer to see what evil was awaiting me from Christi on Facebook as I expected she left me another malevolent message.

Christi: So I guess I’m just going to have to try harder that video didn’t seem to do the trick. Brooke told me about how you ate her out today, I could get anything out of her she’s so clueless about us.

(I thought to myself what us you basically just hit me up whenever you wanted me to come over and play. I just wasn’t having it anymore and now you’re upset plus I have a girlfriend get a clue!)

I know you remember all the times you had your lips against my juicy pussy and how I would never let you put your dick in me even though I knew how much you wanted it. [Video]

She had a medium sized pink dildo out and was surrounding her tongue around the tip spitting on it a few times and slowly opening her mouthto let some of it in. She started sliding it down deeper letting it engulf her widely opened mouth and sticking out her tongue driving it’s whole length into her mouth and pulling it in and out making gagging noises spottle and saliva running down her lips and hands before she pulled the whole thing out and panted for breath letting a connected long double strand of saliva hang from her mouth to the dildo.

She backed up so I could see her whole body now she was wearing a black bra and no panties, but her legs were closed. She guided the dildo down her body still dripping saliva all over herself and pulled the tip at her bra enough, so you could see a nipple became exposed on her right title. She did have really adorable little brown nipples that had the tiniest ball like extension at the tip. She took the dildo and put it Between her legs facing up and slowly spread her legs open, so it hid from view her pussy lips. Spitting down at the tip of the dildo to let a bigglob run its way down the shake before picking it up and that was it. You could see her beautiful tight lips clenching together. I mean I’ve seen porn before, but this girl had one of the most amazing pussies I’ve ever seen. The slit was a tight line that didn’t expose any pink and there were a plump set of lips on each side, plus she didn’t have any hair to speak of down there. It was so smooth I don’t think she even waxed, and it puzzled me, but it honestly looked like she just didn’t grow hair down there at all.

Christi’s head flew back letting her Victoria Beckham hairdo fall back as she pushed her chest up and slide the tip of the dildo up and down her now glistening slit exposing some pink. As she did that about a half inch of the tip went in and her lips seemed to suck around the head of the dildo as a snake would if it was biting you. Pushing it slowly in and out deeper each time steadily breathing heavier, until abouthalf of it was in and she shuddered letting out a deep long pleasant squeal, becoming completely still before letting a small gush of juice flow from between her legs. She became relaxed and caught her breath while pulling out the dildo teasingly slow before coming completely out of her hungry hole as her wet lips seemed to beg for more. Her pussy was a little swollen now and slightly open giving you a good view of a little bit of pink. The juices still steadily streaking down her leg and then she looked at the camera and said, “That could be your cock baby!” Christi took her hand down using her fingertip to slide it between her open slide gathering some sticky juice that dangled on her finger as she raised it to her lips for a taste. After she sucked on her finger for a moment got up off of the chair and turned off the video.

My mouth was wide open and my dick was so hard it could break through a door. Just then my phone beeped letting me know I had a text, I checked to see who it was from:

Brooke: Christi is great isn’t she? [image sent]

Christi and Brooke’s faces in close up with their cheeks smoothed together and were smiling brightly.

:::Chapter 6 End:::


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