T/they had decided to visit her parents for the first time since she had left to live with Him full time. In the build up to the visit she had pondered on if to tell her parents the full extent of what her and her Masters relationship was. They had reserves about her living in another country so she thought it best not to tell them, she discussed it with her Master He agreed to her wishes.
The plane lands, after collecting T/their luckage T/they head to the car rental place. He has already decided that she is to drive as she knows the roads better and of course the way to her parent’s house. He makes her pull over along a quiet country lane and He turns to face her, taking her hands in His He smiles over at her.
“Well My slut this will be the last time until W/we are alone that I shall be calling you My slut but you shall be My sweet whilst in public. Have you decided what you wish to call me in public?” He asked as He gazed over her body.
“Yes my Master i have,” she gazes into His eyes “If it pleases You my Master may Your slut call You Babe. A term of endearment and respect for You my Master.” she sits still as she awaits His answer.
“Wise choice My slut and yes it pleases Me immensely. It will be hard for both of U/us but Im sure W/we will cope for two weeks.” He lets out a chuckle. “Two weeks of only touching you, using you, in moderation and secret.” He lifts her fingers to His lips and kisses them.
Starting of again on T/their journey she points out local things till finally she pulls into her parents drive way. Looking up at the house as she undoes her seat belt she knows that the next two weeks will be very hard for T/them both. As T/they collect T/their things together she searches her pocket for the house key her parents had insisted she kept when she left. Finding it T/they head for the house, unlocking the door she waits for Him to enter before shutting the door behind T/them.
He waits for her to show Him the way, He follows her into the living room and places His case down. He had decided that to save any embarrassment at customs etc that He would not bring over many toys but the ones He did pack were small discreet ones.
The temptation to crawl to Him and knee at His feet were going to be the two things she wanted to do the most at the moment but she knew her parents would be home at anytime. Standing next to Him she looked up and smiled at Him, she would still serve Him the way she always did at home but when people were about she would not crawl but walk and she was not to knee at His feet but sit next to Him on the sofa.
He sits on the sofa as she heads for the kitchen to make Him a drink and a snack. Feeling strange to be in her parent’s house even though it was her home for over twenty years she felt like an intruder. Taking in the drinks and snacks she places herself next to Him and lets out a soft sight. He senses the reason why and lets out a chuckle.
“Soon My slut, very soon you will return to your place at My feet.” He sees the disappointment in her eyes but both know it’s for the best.
T/they spend the rest of that day with her parents, at bedtime He sits on the edge of the bed and watches as she knees at His feet. He strokes a finger over her cheek and through her hair.
“I have a challenge for you My slut, “He laughs as He sees the glint return to her eyes. ” Beings as W/we cannot play like W/we do at home My challenge to you is if you can make My cock hard you will be allowed to either suck or fuck it as you desire till W/we both cum.”
“Oh Master thank You Master.” she gasps licking her lips.
Shuffling forward she dips her head and kisses His balls, letting her tongue flick over them before sucking each one in turn into her mouth. Releasing them she starts to lick her way up His semi hard cock, nibbling and licking her way up to the tip. Licking her way all over the tip before taking it into her mouth, closing it over the tip she starts to suck on it. Feeling His cock harden in her mouth as she starts to slowly slide her tight mouth down to the base of His cock.
He growls and moans as her mouth, lips and tongue tantalize His cock, her teeth grazing over His flesh as His cock tip hit’s the back of her throat and He hears her gag slightly. Watching as her mouth moves over His thick hard cock, He slides a hand through her hair and pulls on it feeling her lips vibrate on His cock as she lets out a moan.
Moving her mouth up and down faster over His cock, taking it deep into her throat each time. His pre-cum trickles into her throat as she sucks, grazing her teeth over His cock as her lips vibrate. Looking up at Him as she sucks, watching His facial expressions and smiles to herself.
” Please Master, please may Your slut have the honour of having Your cock inside her? ” flicking her tongue over His cock tip.
” MMM yes My slut you may ride My cock.” He shuffles back onto the middle of the bed.
Crawling onto the bed she knees between His ankles, dipping her head she starts to nibble and lick her way up His left tight up over His balls and down His right tight to His knee. Shuffling up she licks her way up over His cock, up His strandles rub over His hard thick shake.
Lifting her body she straddles His waist, reaching down between T/their bodies she positions His cock tip at the entrance to her wet pussy. Looking up at her Master she dips her head and starts to flick her tongue over His right nipple. Slowly she moves her hand over His thick hard shake, letting her finger smack against her pussy lips as she starts to wank His cock.
He starts to moan with each stroke, He lifts His hips up wanting to thrust His cock in to the pussy He Owns. Feeling His hips push against her she allows His cock tip to slide inside her waiting wet push. Lifting up slightly she teas His cock tip, letting it slip in and out.
WiWhat warning He grabs hold of her hips and pulls them down as He thrusts His hips upwards. He lets out a moan as she sucks on His nipple and He knows its to muffle her own moans. Circling His hips as He pushes His cock deep inside her, He grabs hold of her hair and pulls her head up so she looking at Him.
” Ready my slut?” He growls lowly.
” Please my Master please,” she begs ” please use the pussy You Own please Master please.”
He pushes His hips back and forth, thrusting His cock slowly in and out of her. Building up the rhythm with each thrust, moving His hands firmly on her waist as she moves up and down on Him. His hips pushing up to meet her body, His cock thrusts deeper inside making her breasts bounce from side to side.
He moves His left hand up to her left breast, He starts to pull and twist her nipples as she moves faster on His cock. Tossing her head back she try’s desperately not to moan out loudly, His cock filling her and her nipples hard. Movingfaster up and down on His cock she watches His face, watches His expressions. Both T/their bodies rocking as T/their orgasms are ready to exploit, His grip on her body tightens with each thrust.
“Cum My slut, cum for your Master.” He groans as He thrusts His hips up hard, knowing He’s ready to cum Himself.
Bucking and moaning she pushes down hard, her pussy spasms as she cums on His cock.
” MMMMasssterrr ohhhhh yessssss.” she cries out as she cums.
” Ooohhhhhh slut ohhhhh fuckkkkk.” He groans as He thrusts His cock deep inside her and cums.
Circling her hips and pussy over His cock she dips her head and kisses Him.
“Th thank You my Master.” she gasps as she tries to catch her breathe.
” My pleasure My slut,” He smiles as He lifts her of His cock. ” Now you know what you must do.”
Grinning at Him she dips her head and flicks her tongue over His cock, her lips vibrating over it as she tastes both T/their cum. Sucking on His cock tip as she cleans Him making sure to clean every drop of both T/their cum of His cock.
Kissing the tip she moves up next to Him, she kisses Him and snuggles up for the night. Smiling to herself hope she was not as noisy as she usually is, hoping her parents had not heard her.
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