Deborah Hanson just finished breakfast and was moving to her bedroom to get ready for the fist visit to a new Doctor. One of her friends had recommended him, say that he was very gentle and had a great bedside manor. Dee, as she liked to be called, knew her friend enjoyed new men in town and wondered if she had been with him yet. John Vector, MD, Dee read his name from the card in her hand and wondered to herself, If he was good looking as her friend had said he was.
With that thought in mind, Dee dropped her robe and stepped into the shower. She took the soap in her hands and later them, then moved her hands to her ample breasts and more massaged than washed them. She felt her nipples grow hard as she moved her slick hands over her breasts. She slide her left hand down her stomach and over the small patch of blonde hair that covered her Mound. She moved her hand over the hair and between her legs. Ever so lightly she moved her fingers between her lips and over her clip. Ittingled as she touched it and she moan softly to herself as she gently rubbed her clip back and forth. The warm water, hitting her body, increased the feeling as she continued to play with her clip. She stopped playing with her clip and though to herself, I can not do this before seeing the new Doctor.
Dee finished washing and rinsed off, stepping out of the shower, she leaned forward to take a towel from the rack. She looked in the mirror and admired her body. At her age she still looked good and was happy with her looks. She dried and walked into the bedroom to dress. She selected a knee length skirt and white blouse to wear. Looking at her underwear drawer, she picked a bra that lifted her breasts and a pair of white lace panties. She finished the outfit off with a pair of stockings and garter. She dressed and left for her appointment.
Arriving at the Doctor’s office a half-hour before her appointment. She checked in with the receptionist and was given a few forms to fill out. She looked around the waiting room and was impressed with the furniture and took a sear in a chair that faced the receptionist desk. The forms were standard and she filled them in. She handed them back to the receptionist and as she turned to return to her seat, she saw the new Doctor enter the office. He was very tall, over 6 feet she was sure. He had a dark brown hair and very dark brown eyes. He looked at her and smiled. She smiled back and felt herself flush as she looked at him. She sat down quickly and waited for her name to be called. She watched as Doctor Vector picked up her forms and read them. He smiled and looked at her again and smiled. He walked out of the office and into the clinic. A few minutes later and lovely nurse opened the door and said, “Mrs. Hanson, this way please.”
Dee stood and followed the nurse into an examination room. There was the examination table, two large plus chairs, a few pictures and the sink and cabinet. The nurse told her to sit in one of the chairs. Dee sat and looked at the nurse. The nurse took her pen and asked “what are you seeing the Doctor for today?” Dee replied that nothing was wrong, but wanted to have a check up since it had almost a year since her last one. The nurse asked whom her previous Doctor and had been and Dee replied saying that she wanted to find a new Doctor. The nurse smiled and asked her to stand on the scale. Dee stood and removed her heels and stood on the scale. “130” the nurse said and then measured her height. “5’7″‘ she said as she wrote on her chart. Next she took her temperature and blood pressure and then told her, “the Doctor will be here shortly.” The nurse left Dee sitting in one of the plus chairs.
Not more than five minutes later the Doctor entered the examination room. Dee looked up at him as he entered and she flushed again. He was very good looking and smiled at her. “Hello, Mrs. Hanson, I am Doctor John Vector, it is nice to meet you,” he said as he extended his hand and shook hers. Dee shook his hand and said, “please call me Dee and it is very nice to meet you too.” Dr Vector sat down in the chair opposite of Dee and asked, “What am I seeing you for today?” Dee looked down and said, “I am due my annual check up and am looking for a new Doctor.” The Doctor smiled and stood. He handed Dee a gown, one that opens in the back. “Please remove your clothes and put on the gown, the opening goes to the back.” He smiled as he said that. “I will be given you a few minutes to get ready and then come back in to begin your exam.” He walked out of the room and shut the door.
Dee stood and removed her blouse and skirt. She dragged them across the chair. Next she removed her bra and panties, laying them on top of her skirt. Next, she removed her garter and stockings; they joined her clothes on the chair. She felt slight cold and her nipples involuntarily hardened to the chill. She slipped the gown over her shoulders and pulled it together as she sat back down in the chair and waited.
There was a knock on the door and she heard the nurse ask if she was ready. Dee was a little disappointed that the nurse was there but replied, “Yes.” The door opened and the nurse and Doctor entered the room. The Doctor asked her to sit on the examination table. Dee stood and moved to the table. The Doctor pulled out a little step and helped her to sit on the table. As she stepped up the gown came open in the back and she could feel the cool air on her back and ass. She said down and pulled the gown around her again.
The Doctor took the clipboard from the nurse and looked at it for a moment. He looked up at Dee and said your weight and height are in good shape and then started to ask her some more questions. “Dee, are you having any problems with your period?” Dee flushed and answered, “No, I have no problems there at all.”
“Do you smoke?” He asked next, to which Dee replied, “No.” He entered the information on her chart and then asked ifshe used alcohol. Dee said no then changed her mind and said only occasionally. When she went out socially and with meals. The Doctor smiled at her and then asked if she had an active sex life. Dee flushed and looked at the nurse, who seemed to be totally independent to the question. Dee replied, “I do not have sex regularly, but do have a few partners.” The Doctor wrote and then asked, “when was the last time you had sex?” Dee looked down and said, “It has been over three months.” The Doctor then asked if she masturbated? Dee totally turned red with this question and then answered, “yes she did.”
The Doctor looked at the nurse and said he needed some instruments from the office. She smiled and left, closing the door behind her. Dee looked at the Doctor. The Doctor smiled and asked her how often she masturbated and did she reach climax when she did. Dee could feel how red her face was and dropped her eyes before answering. Dee said, ” A few times a week and most of the time, sheDid not climax when she did.” The Doctor stood and asked her to sit back on the table and put his stethoscope into his ears and moved behind her. He listened to her heart through her back and then move it under the gown to listen through her chest. He moved the scope between her breasts and told her to breathe in deep. As she did her chest pushed out and her hard nipple touched his hand. He smiled at her and then removed his hand from the gown. He asked her to lie down.
Doctor Vector helped her to lie down and then said he was going to exam her breasts. He pulled the gown down past her beasts and moved his hands over them. He first felt the left one for lumps then moved to the right one. Dee closed her eyes and surprised as he moved his hands over her breasts. Her nipples hardened even more. The Doctor moved his hands from her breasts to her nipples and rolled them between his fingers and thumbs. “Are you nipples sensitive?” he asked as he continued to roll her hard nipples. Deewas started at first but replied, “Yes they are very sensitive, as you can see.” He smiled and then removed his fingers from her nipples. “They seem to react normally to touch,” he said and then asked. “When you masturbate, do you use your fingers or do you have a vibrator?” Dee looked up at him from the table and replied, “It depends on how I feel.”
There was a knock on the door and the Doctor pulled the gown up over her breasts and said, “come in.” The nurse entered the office with a tray and sat it next to the examination table. She looked at Dee and then the Doctor and asked, “do you wish me to remain, Sir?” Dee saw the nurse lower her eyes as she asked. The Doctor answered that was not necessary and she could leave. The nurse said, “Yes Sir,” and turned to leave. Dee saw her look at her, with what she though was envy, and then she was gone closing the door behind her. Dee felt a tingle run down her back as she thought of the nurses answers.
The Doctor said, “I am goingg to remove the gown now, so I can continue the examination. Is that alright with you, Dee?” His voice commanded her to answer. She was not sure why, but she allowed him to remove the gown from her body, which left her totally naked, lying on the table. The Doctor lifted two stirrups from the end of the table and lifted Dee’s legs up into the stirrups. Her pussy was totally open to his gaze and he looked at her semi shaken pussy and then into her eyes.
“Show me how you play with your pussy and clip.”
Dee coughed and said, “I beg your pardon, Doctor.”
The Doctor looked at Dee and said with a commanding voice, “I want you to show me how you play with yourself, Now!”
Dee trembled as she move one hand to her breast and began to play with her hard nipple as her other hand moved down her stomach towards her very wet pussy. The Doctor looked into her eyes then to her hand as it moved between her legs and into her pussy. Dee closed her eyes and began to masturbate in front of the new Doctor.
“Show me how you finger your hard clip!” He said with the same tone.
Dee immediately began to rub her finger over her clip and she moaned again.
“Very nice Dee,” he said then asked, “do you think about sucking a hard cock as you play with yourself Dee?”
Dee was lost in herself when she heard the question and said, “Yes and having it inside me.”
“Do you swallow, Dee?” the Doctor asked as she felt a wave move from her nipples to her fingers that were rubbing her clip harder and faster.
“Not always Doctor,” Dee replied. The Doctor then told her to cum. On command Dee started to cum all over her fingers and moaned as she did.
The Doctor watched her cum and then told her to stop. Dee did as she was told and then the Doctor walked to the head of the examination table, smiling as he did. His hands moved to his zipper as he watched Dee’s eyes following his hands.
More to cum. Let me know what you think and I will finishthe story.
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